Why do you need AMD certification? All Intel-compatible memory works with AMDs, just not the other way round!
Nice post sam LOL! Seriously though russ, my Ripjaws ram isn't amd certified, at least it wasn't at the time, and I didn't hesitate to buy it. Runs quite nicely indeed.
There has to be some reason that there aren't any AMD motherboards on the compatibility list! Here's just one example of many! http://www.gskill.com/products.php?index=243 Russ
Because they don't need to test them. The reason compatibility is an issue at all is a question of voltage. AMD boards can take DDR3 at up to its full voltage of 1.8V. LGA1156 CPUs can only take DDR3 up to 1.65V. LGA1155 can only take DDR3 up to 1.5V.
Nonono Russ specifically meaning CAS 9 RAM. The CAS 7 stuff is way more expensive. Was personally looking around for RAM for AM3 and noticed that the 1600MHz CAS9 RipJaws were only a few bucks more than the 1333MHz ones. Higher speed at the same latency, is a no brainer in my book.
As. I see omegaman7 has the F3-12800CL7D-4GBRM G.Skill. I wonder what his opinion would be on issue sense he has AM3 MB between 1333 and 1600 sticks.If your doin alittle gaming among other things. I would prefer 1600mhz cas 7 over any 1333mhz sticks when you got alittle Oc going on plus they give alittle more head room...and for $10 more you can't lose http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231303 Like Russ Said As many have already said, if you use this RAM on an AMD system, you will need to set the timings manually and set voltage adjustments to run smooth. I believe you would be happier with 1600mhz starting out with a AM3 board instead of 1333mhz believe me. I started out with 1333mhz and wished. I brought 1600mhz instead when. I saw other peoples results...But it's your choice Russ
I really don't know that much about Ram(my subconscious does). I just went for the best Price/value I could find. I imagine the CPU notices the difference in quicker Ram speeds, but Myself? Not really. When you're talking a few dollars difference between SLower and quicker Ram, It's a simple decision to make. Definitely go with the quicker Ram, provided compatibility is there I did have to set my timings manually, to get it where I'm at now. Damn, at that price it's tempting to double my Ram :S If I do that though, the chances of being able to afford the 1090t plummets... We'll see
Estuansis, Am I missing something here? You said they are Cas9 1600MHz. The Cas7 1333MHz memory I want and posted is $54 for 2x2GB. I wouldn't buy Cas9 1333MHz memory! http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231276 Russ
N_2_Days, Now that I understand why there are no AMD motherboards on the compatibility, the extra $10 will be fine for the Cas7 1600MHz memory. I just didn't want the Cas9 1600MHz that Estuansis suggested over the cas7 1333! You have to remember that DDR3 is completely new to me! Russ
N_3_Days, Here is what he said! He was talking about Cas9 all the way, saying that the Cas7 was way more expensive, which it isn't! Russ
Sam, I didn't say that Cas9 was bad! It's just not as fast in execution as Cas7. That's why I would spend the extra $10 for Cas7 1600, now that you've explained why no AMD motherboards are on the compatibility list! Russ
Sam, I never said the Cas9 memory runs bad, but at the same speed, and for only a couple of dollars more Cas7 beats the hell out of Cas9. I don't know a single person that was really happy with Cas9, that wouldn't be a lot happier with Cas7, all things being equal speed and timings wise. BTW! After discussing the voltage limits for the CPU with some friends of mine, I've upped my 1098T to 4.0GHz, ran Prime95, 100% all 6 cores for several hours, only to have it BSOD on me Encoding. I set the CPU voltage to 1.424v, and it's now solid as a rock. I suspect to run at 4.1GHz all the time I would have to raise the voltage to 1.448v, because of the same problem. 4.0GHz is fine for me! That's a useful 29% gain for a CPU that starts out at 3.2GHz! Still runs smooth, sweet and fast! Best Regards, Russ
Everything I've read in the past suggested memory latency only really matters for AMDs. I'm fine with CAS9, as there's nothing I do where I'd benefit from more memory response.
Yes but the increased throughput doesn't make a difference to the applications I use. I primarily know this because I'm never waiting on the CPU to finish a job. Either its hard disk activity, there is no wait time, or it's a game where the frame rate is graphics-derived.
There really is no reason not to jump up to higher speed RAM anyway, if they're all in the same general ballpark and you can benefit from it.
Estuansis, Thanks! I didn't realize that the difference in price was so small. When I'm ready, I'll go with the Cas7 1600! Thanks again, Russ