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The New AMD Building Thread

Discussion in 'Building a new PC' started by theonejrs, Nov 18, 2008.

  1. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    They both count silly, but aren't a true representation of what the boards can achieve. So far the best realistic overclocks I've seen are on the DS4H.
  2. spamual

    spamual Guest

    on XS i have seen alot on other boards aswell, prime stable.
  3. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Prime - you mean the test you can make last less than a second?
  4. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    No offense but I belong to XS, and as a technical forum their membership is horribly inept. We have more informed people here at AD than they have! A few weeks ago they were having a big tado about Which slots the memory goes in! I somehow can't see anyone on AD not being able to figure out color-coded memory slots. I can't even imagine anyone here asking such a question! ocforums was just as bad, as I saw the same question posted there as well! If we are going to use other forums as an example, we should at least look to forums with more knowledge than ours! Just my opinion.

    I know you mentioned before that the GigaByte you linked to didn't OC very well. How do you know that? I went back and read the whole thing and they kept running into BSODs. Did you ever stop to wonder what they might have been doing wrong? There's far to many people out there that have successfully OC'd a Phenom II, in all sorts of motherboards by doing nothing more than raising the CPU multiplier. I've already seen 4.3gHz on air with one, at under 1.5v. I know they raised questions about Hardware Incompatibility, but to my eyes, that's a pretty lame excuse, as you rarely ever see things like that anymore. Usually the only incompatibilities you ever see these days are with memory. Most of the other hardware today, is fairly bullet proof! Except for Compaq/HP modems, I can't think of another hardware issue I've come across in the last 5 years, and that was only because Compaq/HP won't release drivers for them, or allow the manufacturer of the modem to do it! As far as I'm concerned, this was an incomplete test, and shouldn't even have been posted!

  5. spamual

    spamual Guest

    right so a respected on-line review site posts something slightly against GB, and they MUST be wrong, even though it had nothing to do with the phenom II, and everything to do with i7?

    if you venture out of these stickies russ you will see the amount of nubs that ask the silliest questions about computing on AD.

    when I say XS, I do mean the links which IICR bigwill posted up, of knowledgeable people who have the chips and mobo, who have done the tests, I dont mean some random nub that doesn't know what left or right is!

    one bad word against GB and, bang, the world must be wrong, eh?

    oh and sam you think i would back up my points with primes that are 1s stable? that would be a fickle argument on my behalf.
  6. bigwill68

    bigwill68 Guest

    please someone tell me what in the world doe's this mean(IICR)?
  7. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    At first I wasn't going to answer this as you've been suspended, but on the off shot that you do read this, would you mind telling me what the hell you are talking about? There weren't any bad words issued! You were the one that said that it didn't OC very well. I just pointed out, and rightly so that they never got it to OC at all. How can anyone determine anything from an incomplete and inconclusive test review that shouldn't have been posted in the first place. As far as you mentioning the Phenom II, again I have no idea what you are referring to! I'm not that daft yet that I didn't know you were posting about an Intel MB, so what's your point? I don't know any Phenom IIs that run on an X58 MB! And the only one that inferred something bad was you to begin with, saying that it was a shame it didn't OC better!

    When you said XS, following so closely to Sam's mention of ocforums, I though you were talking about XtremeSystems. Maybe if you guys didn't use the forum like it was a chat room, someone might actually understand what the hell you were talking about. You are just so damn defensive about Asus, you are totally blind and see into things something that just isn't there! You were all ready to jump all over Sam before with this post!
    That's called attitude! Go back and read over a lot of your posts, and you can't miss seeing a lot of it! Did I mince any words when you asked me the other day what the best overclocking Asus AMD board was? I gave you the correct answer without comment either way, even though it's over $100 more expensive than brand G! I don't take cheap shots!

    With my post to Will, I was explaining to him why the DS4H was the better choice for "me and my needs" than the Biostar would be, and nothing more! It had nothing to do with the brand name, it had to do with the right MB for me for my new build. Yet somehow you feel like I was trying to persuade him to make my choice his! I could even live with his choice if need be, but the DS4H better suits my needs, and Will respects that.

    As far as my "venturing out of these stickies", why would I want to? My interest is in building and overclocking PCs, helping others to do the same, and to a certain degree DVD burning. That's a grand total of 4 threads. I'm not interested in the others, so I never look at them.

    Look, I know you are a good guy, but you get so upset over nothing. You make your smart ass remarks about Asus that are nothing more than diggs. If you don't believe me, go back and look for yourself. You take this stuff far to personally for your own good! Why you get so upset over nothing is beyond me. You need to seriously consider some sort of anger management. What are you going to do in the real world when someone disagrees with you or has a different point of view or opinion, punch their lights out?

    I'm sorry you got banned, and I do hope you come back. I know the point I was trying to make was somehow lost on you. Creaky tried to make you see that in a nice funny way, so instead of understanding, you attacked him for kissing my ass, and I didn't even know or have any part in what he said to you. He understood what I was saying and told you as much. I certainly hope that when you cool off, you will understand that no one was trying to get you all riled up. You need to listen better so you understand more. Like I say, I think you are a good guy and I like you, but you need to get a punching bag or something to channel all that anger into. I just don't see anything said by me or creaky to warrant it!

    Best Regards,
  8. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    I have to say, there are several forums I've looked at joining outside aD, and often when I look at the posts on them I realise "hang on, they're all morons!"
    Likewise I've not seen much hardware incompatibility outside the nforce chipset, the last case I heard was the 8800GTX and Raptor 150GB.

    Spam (banned or not you'll probably read this): You mentioned Prime, a benchmark that only ues one of four cores and places almost no stress on memory control. I'd say that's a fickle argumnt if ever I saw one.
    The difference between aD and those other forums as people like me, krj, cee and a few others I apologise for forgetting go help. At other forums, it's the people helping that are the retards. Granted, we get one or two people here who think they know it all when they don't (yes, you know who you are) but that's why we set them straight :)
    Right now I think you're going way overboard, and as usual assume because we found a Gigabyte board we think is better than Asus' current attempts that we're wrong. I looked at this following your msn message to try and stand up for you, but heck, I can't. I don't agree with you.
    The reason you were banned because unusually, nobody but you raised their temper at all. Perhaps just as well as we didn't get a petty namecalling session.

    That's probably the best thing I've seen you write in ages Russ. That'll save me a paragraph!

    You got unlucky finding a moderator in a predicament worse than the poster who was bound to agree with him, but that doesn't make him a kiss-ass. I'll be straight up and honest here, I do sometimes think you're in a bit of a moderators' coccoon here, staying within the major threads and not being got the better of for a few broad statements, but ultimately, there's nothing you say that I would remotely consider hitting the red suspend button for.

    Bigwill: IICR = If I correctly remember. It's usually written the other way round (IIRC)

  9. FredBun

    FredBun Active member

    Nov 27, 2003
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    Lol, I just read this page, and I said to myself what the hell did I miss, as I said many times before I always read hardly ever post, really can't teach anybody anything here but the learning experience is still great even though half the stuff I still don't understand.

    As Russ said who can't tell the difference about color ram slots, I couldn’t the other day, only Russ knows what happened when I tried to install extra ram, I blew up my whole damn computer trying, you wanna talk about felling like crap, you live and learn, hey s#@t happens.

    I will tell you what does bother me, when some make a comment about so called nobs that make an ass of themselves asking stupid questions, unfortunately a fine line can be drawn on that issue, some really do, and some can ask because they just don't know, and try to get an answer that might be so minute to the techies and a major issue to someone maybe like myself, because of the those stupid noobs asking questions I hardly ever ask even though I really want to because I just avoid it because of statements like that.

    Sometimes I am guilty of having a short fuse and lash out which I mostly do regret later after cooling off, I can quickly tell somebody to kiss my ass to the holier than thou or know it alls, some do forget at times where they started out and were once just as stupid.

    I also must agree big time, I to have visited many threads where many people are just like that, it's as easy as changing a channel just don't go there anymore, fortunately AD is not one of them, of course it's not perfect but it's just fine in my book, entertaining and knowledgeable and most of the time the experts really do know what they are talking about here, and do I agree with all the rules? not always, but if you really think about it does keep things stable.

    And mainly if you really want to tell somebody where to get off at PM the person, and don't go whining to some mod cause you lost an argument or somebody hurt your feelings, Oh Mr. Mody, his or she said this or that, you people know who you are, it's sickening, as if those mods don't have enough on their hands, but also yes, once in a while you do need to blow off some steam, set things right as was done in this previous page, and was really done in a gentlemanly manner, I don't know if I could have been that cool, and it just goes to show you about most people in this thread, it's called class.

    So yes, let my favorite pc thread go on and on, and I did read the past pages carefully, I didn’t see anybody sucking up to a mod, and I can smell those a mile away, so no nobody needs to feel guilty here and the lashing out was right on the money, you guys keep on posting and let me keep on learning.
  10. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers. If someone wants to learn, who the hell are we to deny that? I still see knowledge as the #1 reason for me posting at aD, so this is why I get so defensive if I think someone is being fed bad advice.
  11. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    Making Mistakes is learning! If U don't make mistakes you'll never learn how to do it RIGHT
  12. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

  13. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Nice, but, perhaps better off in the deals thread? :p
  14. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    Your probably right, but did notice a little interest in Monitors here. Also this is about the only thread I venture in, other then Software updates
  15. bigwill68

    bigwill68 Guest

  16. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Hey Will, looks good. Guess you and I will be having a little friendly competition! LOL!! I've been looking at other brand 790G boards as well and noticed a pattern of problems using the phenom 9950. I didn't see many complaints with the Kuma 7750 or the Phenom II. Very high 'Idiot" factor with these more complex motherboards though. Some of the bad reviews given aren't even for the correct product! One guy was hollering about the video and as I read down, got slightly amused that his complaint was about an EVGA video card! The vast majority seem to have no problems getting it to work. Then there's the dolts who want to start overclocking it, 10 minutes after they get it all put together, which isn't very bright! Hell, it took about 3 hours for my P35 just to get all warmed up to normal operating temps unless I really load it down. No reflection on Rick, as he's a novice, but it seems to me if you are going to list yourself as having a high technical level, then common sense (or reading the manual) should have told them that the memory doesn't go in slots 1 & 3. The colors always went together before, so why should it be any different now. Slots are paired in colors! I guess some feel that the colors are wrong! LOL!! A minute or two looking in the manual would have told them that you go by the colors of the slots and put that 2x2 4GB in slots 1 & 2, or 3 & 4. The other thing that amuses me is all the complaints about the memory only showing up as 800MHz instead of 1066. I guess they don't visit forums like AD! LOL!!

    For me, this is going to be a total learning experience, as I'm not very familiar with modern AMD motherboards or CPUs when it comes to overclocking. The Kuma is a brand new CPU but I figure as long as I don't exceed the voltage limits, and go along easy, it should all work out very well. If I run into problems understanding something, I'll research it on the Internet. most of all I plan on taking my time and having fun! I'm not interested in getting the highest overclock, I'm interested in finding as Sophocles calls it, the sweet spot and then experiment around with some of the fine adjustments from there!

    I wish you the best of luck with your new build, Will. Just don't put undo pressure on yourself, keep your focus and go along in easy stages and it should turn out pretty darn good!

    Best Regards,
  17. bigwill68

    bigwill68 Guest

    Thanks Russ same to you:) we may have a friendly competition but we will find out what each others board can do with same cpu...my main
    worry is the memory volts adjustment..they say you gotta set it at
    2.2v to get 1066 out it or it won't run stable also alot people say it better to oc with 2x2 then 2x1 memory but i'm thinking that it depends on the board you got but like you..I'm gonna be a rookie to a amd build system..I'm goin slow just as you are and work my way up not gonna bust into fast oc that's crazy..but will have 1 of these on the side...
    Home :: Mobo Chipset/MOSFET Coolers :: Thermalright HR-09 Mosfet Cooler
    just in case it gets alittle hot under the hood..lol gotta shop around for a lower price..I'm learning a new board and gonna have some fun with it:)

    here's some quick pics easy to do

    I believe you can mound a small fan on top like the Tpower I45 board
    has Russ me and you talked about this with the gigabyte board getting:)

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2009
  18. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Lemme know how that mosfet cooler works please. I've been toying with the idea of getting some of those for the E6850/Gigabyte build and the Q6600/DFI build. I've heard good things but I don't think I ever asked anyone if they had used those coolers before. ;) tia....

  19. ChrisC586

    ChrisC586 Regular member

    Oct 10, 2005
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    Ok theonejrs, bigwill68 The two of you have me sittin on the proverbiable fence waiting to see your reports on the motherboards.I have the 7750 at the egg for the $73.00 free shipping and the memory sitting next to me [ not sure which I'll use yet]G skill 2x2gig 6400 or the OCZ 2x1 gig 8500.I do have 4 sticks of new Crucial but I haven't been seeing very good reports on the crucial.What's your takes on these?Their going on 64 Bit XP pro.
  20. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    G-Skill is by far the best brand of the three there.

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