Yup, $44 total for that 9500GT was a pretty good reason for me! LOL!! I still want that MSI HD4850 eventually! Best Regards, Russ
Funny you should mention Bestec as garbage russ. My mothers Gateway runs a 200W+ Bestec. To date, its the most obnoxious PSU ive ever heard. And I wonder if its output is even remotely stable!!! Her computer is slow at times, and fine at times. Makes me wonder...Its roughly 3yrs old. Generic, and that old... The first time I saw the name on the PSU, I laughed. I knew that it was generic at first glance. And I also knew she paid too much. I tell all my family to come to me before going to the shop now. I generally have a pretty good idea whats wrong with a computer now within a few minutes, to a few hours, depending on the problem. I now like it when a computer gives me a challenge. The challenging ones, teach me something new
Heh heh, are you trying to make me nervous? IT WORKED! LOL! Im hoping it will hold out til I can piece together another build for her, for Christmas, or her birthday. She sells stuff on ebay, checks emails, thats pretty much it.
Oman7, The first thing on my list when I planned the upgrade to create Oxi, was replacing the Bestec 250w PSU with a Thermaltake W0093RU 500w. Ironically, I was testing a motherboard with it a few weeks after I removed it from the eMachine, and while it was sitting there running it started smoking. All it had connected to it was the MB/CPU, memory, PCI video card and a single HDD. The MB wasn't the cause as it worked fine with a better PSU. Still working, in fact! I think the worst Bestec I ever came across was a Model ATX100-5! It's Maximum Continuous Output Power was 100w that was in an HP Pavilion xg838 800MHz Celeron Mini Tower, It had a 30GB HDD, CD/RW optical drive, floppy, OBG, no case fan and 128MB of memory. The computer isn't worth the cost of replacing the PSU, which cost about $99 at the time. I could make more power stroking my cat! LOL!! Do me a favor please. If you ever throw one out bash it with a hammer first so some poor unsuspecting soul can't use it and burn their house down! I'm serious! The absolute worst I've ever seen was a CoolMax 500w. The heat sinks in the PSU were made out of some kind of composite, cardboard like material with a heavy metal foil coating on both sides. I know of one still running even though I told the person to get rid of it long ago. The real rip is that they've had a new W0093RU for about 9 months now, and haven't gotten around to replacing it yet. What's it take, all of 10 minutes. 4 screws, two plugs on the motherboard, and the molex and Sata plugs! "It's too hard to get it out of where it's located" was the answer I got. It's a disaster waiting to happen! Now it's making noise and it still hasn't been changed! Procrastinating is one thing, but that's just plain stupid! Russ
So do you think im silly, in that im hoping that her computer survives til I can replace it? Its ok, you can say yes LOL! I suppose I could just get the new PSU now, that way im not risking a fire. No sarcasm intended! I truly believe that is possible. After hearing the noises its made, I would be a fool to trust that PSU much longer! And who knows, maybe thats its main bottleneck! I suppose I could test the Corsair in it this weekend, and see how it runs. The corsair runs my secondary quite nicely. But then, its got it pretty easy LOL!
I think it's crazy to 'hope' you'll get by another minute with a bad PSU. I place absolute importance on PSUs now. If there's the slightest thing wrong with a unit, it gets ousted, immediately.
I hear there was a BIG Comparson between these two here that the phenom x 2 can walk all over the phenom x 4 basically there the same chip and the x 2 can be opened up to a extra core if that's true..I'm interested in getting this chip instead the other... the 945 plus would the 550 be a better overclocker? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produ...mpareItemList=N82E16819103680,N82E16819103674 @Russ you working on getting 1 a Phenom II X2 550 ?
Will, I've thought about it, but I'm leaning much more towards the triple. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103649 For one thing you always have 3 cores, no matter what, and if you are lucky enough to get a quad out of it, so much the better. Like the 550, the 720 is an overclocking dream. For the $17 difference, I would rather be guaranteed 3 working cores with the potential of having a quad by unlocking one core, rather than 2! Most of what I've read about it on the net, the triple seems to be the better choice! Best Regards, Russ Best Regards
I recently received the Phenom II X2 550, however, I just sold our house, and for the next few days we will be looking to purchse another. Hopefully, I can get it together to give some results next week.
@sytyguy: take your time get done what's important first...i can wait on those results on your setup and how it's working out for you... @Russ and Russ you forgot you was talking to me not Rob..lol..i know your tired buddy and forgot my name...lol...i met with my son's friend's uncle tonite and he's a Amd Fan he love them for the cost it takes to build 1 he said intel cost him to much and he got a kuma like you Russ and gigabyte 770 i think this board here I'm not for sure http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128376 you guys would get along great he knows his stuff he's 53 years old and been building awhile mostly media systems for people that's up your alley right there..lol i'm trying to get him hooked on to this thread and web site to become a member so ya'll can meet we will see what happens..I filled him in and hooked him up with a e-mail link to this site hopefully he will pop in 1 day but..I will stay in contact by phone alsoyour right it's not worth it buy amd quad if you can make triple into one for less money but I heard that 550 is keeping up with that x4 955 quad...in performance some how if..I can get 4.5 out that 550...I'm happy but I will take my time 4 Sure and don't rush the volts...lol
Here's a little preview of the new Asus Crosshair III 790FX motheboard that's just out showing CPU-Zs for the Phenom II x4 940BE and the Phenom II x2 550BE. http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?t=227801 That CPU cooler would have to go if it was in a case though. Pretty good results judging by the CPU-Z Here's a review of the Crosshair III from Motherboards.org http://www.motherboards.org/reviews/motherboards/1911_1.html Here's another from Trusted Reviews http://www.trustedreviews.com/motherboards/review/2009/06/25/Asus-Crosshair-III-Formula/p1 If you are interested in one, newegg has them for $199 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produ...roogle-_-Motherboards+-+AMD-_-ASUS-_-13131392 I've read the reviews, but I want to see what other people think after reading the reviews, before I make any comments. Russ Russ
Have the 7750 Kuma running as a Quad. temps are CPU 27deg, Cores are running at 39 deg, Are the temps sounding to high on the cores?CPU Pics in my profile.
Sounds about right to me. Mine is running with 2 cores OC'd to 3.2GHz with 1.4v and it idles 28-30*C and loads at 42-44*C all depending on room temp. Idles temps aren't much different from my old Brisbane 5000+ BE but the load temps at the same speed and voltage are 10*C lower than the Brisbane ever was.
Estuansis, Same with my 7750BE. It's got to be pretty warm in here for it to go over 60C running Linpack. It never hits 50C while encoding! It's much cooler under load than the E6750 ever was! Same as you, it's about 10C cooler than the C2D! Russ
Well I suspect the reason yours even passes 50*C at all is because you need 1.5v vs my 1.4v to hold 3.2GHz. Mine never goes above 45*C, even on a hot day after several hours of my friends and I playing Crysis in a LAN. I checked the temp logs and it was at 44*C steady for like 2 hours straight. EDIT: Been running Orthos for an hour straight right now and it's flipping between 42 and 43*C. I'm actually using it to post right now and it's still quite responsive. Plus I'm running several background programs and a Windows 7 skin for XP. I presume Orthos really puts your system at 99% load or something because you need to be able to control it. Actually the temps are quite good in this PC and it's using an older CM Centurion with 2 80mm front intake fans and a 120mm Exhaust fan! Current Orthos Load Temps: CPU: 43*C GPU: 61*C Chipset: 55*C HD0: 33*C HD1: 35*C Ambient: 44*C