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The New AMD Building Thread

Discussion in 'Building a new PC' started by theonejrs, Nov 18, 2008.

  1. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Last edited: Nov 25, 2008
  2. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Thanks for the respect but I don't think any was shown and if you can't look at new products from a company that may have pissed you off in the past then your "insight" is completely null and void if you ask me.

    To use a car analogy (i know that sammy loves these) my wife and I had a 89 Cavalier (chevy) and it was problematic to the tune of 2 sets of brakes, 3 computer models and some other stuff. OH and we had a 94 Ford Mustang that was ridiculously problematic. So with your logic it stems the idea that we should NEVER own another Ford or Chevy!!!!!!! So that leaves Chrysler and foreign cars. Man that sucks for me doesn't it. I should go on a rampage about it and tell everyone that I know that Ford and Chevy suck and NOT to buy them.

    That would be stupid wouldn't it??? Well it's the way that I feel you go on about ASUS!! Completely asinine and silly if you ask me. OH and your math at the time seems off to me. The ASUS mobo is $65.99 delivered and the GB mobo is $79.99 + S&H which makes about a $23 difference. :D

    NOW onto your post about my build. lol.

    I like some of the changes but I'd still stay with the ASUS. The Optiarc you chose is a Lite-On rebadge and I wouldn't get it yet as there is no f/w updates as of yet and the AD-7200A/S is a proven model at this point and a true NEC chipped Optiarc. ;)

    The CPU change is good if the Quad is that bad and reduces the price by $55 which is good. :)

    I think that RAM is a matter of choice and if you're not gonna OC that system that much then going with the PC2 6400 RAM I chose would do you good. :)

    Leaving 2 ODD's in and changing the HDD and CPU makes a new grand total of $272.95 after MIR. :D What a frikkin deal for a dual core AMD machine that is nice and quick as well as VERY CHEAP!!! Man I'm about to pull the trigger... hehehee. :p

  3. spamual

    spamual Guest

    looks like a good system to me :D

    (esp with an ASUS board :D HAHA!!!!)

  4. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Thanks shaaf. :)

    I'm really thinking about this as I have the ODD's and HDD in my arsenal right now. lol. Shoot I even have some spare RAM.... So that build would cost me about $190 or so with a shiny new case and some newer AMD tech. I like AMD and always have but I haven't really messed with an AMD machine since 939 tech. :) I built the little machine for work but nothing special and it wasn't any cheaper than the build I'm looking at now with 10x the features and a more powerful cpu. I couldn't beat the price on the cpu tho... someone special sent it to me cause they liked me at the time... they may not now... ROFL. :p

  5. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    For any dual core PC, sub $300 is criminal...
  6. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I think I was being very respectful. I didn't condemn the company, I didn't say that I wouldn't buy an Asus motherboard, only that I wouldn't buy their lower priced motherboards. If I had the need, I would have no problem buying a P5Q-Deluxe, in fact I've recommended that motherboard a number of times, it's one of the best. I just don't have the needs to require that kind of expenditure!

    You car analogy is way off too. I think I showed a lot of restraint and qualified my feelings to the lower priced motherboards. I'm not a Chevy man. Never have been, but that didn't stop me from buying a Lumina Euro, the first year it came out. It was a very good car, minus a couple of early teething problems. I had an 89 Cavalier (Company Car) before that and it was a piece of junk. It was a 4 cylinder and was dangerously underpowered. In fact I almost got killed in it because it lacked reasonable power to get out of the way of a Semi! That didn't stop me from buying the 3.4 V6 Lumina Euro!

    I've had a number of problems with low cost Asus motherboards, and confined my comments to those. I didn't "rant" about anything, nor did I go into details other than to speak about the problems I had with them, and even then very briefly. I know I was being honest in what I said, so I think you are reading something into what I did say, that just isn't there. I also think I have valid reasons why I wouldn't want to buy any inexpensive Asus motherboard!
    To me, if you disagree with someone, that doesn't mean you don't like them for disagreeing with you! The Sempron didn't cost me anything and you had a problem I could help solve. I would make you the same offer tomorrow if the need arose and I was in a position to do something to help! It wasn't doing anything but collecting dust, and I would never have used it for a build, anyway! Besides, the only one I don't like is that Wise A$$ Shaff! ROFLMSOAO!! :) Just kidding Shaff, I though your comment "(esp with an ASUS board :D HAHA!!!!)"
    was funny! LOL!!

    BTW! Optiarc claims that the 7220A is an NEC OEM, not a lite-On! If you look at them very carefully, you will see that they are physically different! R

    Warmest Regards to the two of you,
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2008
  7. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I've taken a little time to think that one over, and maybe I'm wrong but I would think that since the video uses some of the computer's main memory, unless you get one the models with the Portside 128MB DDR3 1066-1333 dedicated memory, that the memory speed would improve the video speed a bit by using 1066 memory. If anybody knows anything about this please feel free to join in. I really don't want to try and overclock 800MHz memory, and I know the Dominators will run forever at 1066. What do you think?

    Best Regards,
  8. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    That's very possible, and something I hadn't considered, but is the memory itself necessarily the limiting factor for bandwidth? I'm genuinely not sure on that.
  9. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    That's why I took so long thinking about it. I know you can increase memory bandwidth by raising the CPU speed, so maybe it works the same way with a GPU and memory I guess in theory if the memory was faster, then the video memory would also. be faster. Since the testing has shown that you can increase the GPU Clock easily to 800MHz, I guess it would make sense. I guess another theory would be that if you could cool the NB enough you could theoretically run the GPU at it's maximum setting of 1100MHz. I don't know that I would recommend that though. The NB is designed to get pretty hot. With such a tiny chip, I don't know if you could cool it enough. I guess I'll find out how well one of those Enzotec NB coolers will do on the 780G. I did notice that by modding the NB heatsink with MX-2 on the bioStar, it did cut down the heat quite a bit. Before the Mod, the heatsink got hot enough to burn your fingers if you weren't careful. After the Mod, I could grab the tiny heatsink and not get burned after hours of running it. I burned it in with Sandra for 24 hours, and it still never got as hot as it did in the begining, before the Mod!

    If you look at the pictures from Newegg, the heatsink shown is much heavier than the one that I had, and about twice as wide. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813138105 The one on the GigaByte looks pretty massive in the pictures. The Asus looks Positively huge as well!
    The heatsink on the BioStar I built was made out of very thin alloys with a lot of surface for air to remove the heat. Maybe the heavier heatsink trapped too much heat. The chip itself is only about a 1/2" wide square. I imagine that a heat spreader would do more harm than good for the same reason. No one, including the people at the TechReport who tested the GigaByte commented on the heat or was concerned about it, so I guess it's all right. Time will tell I guess!

    BTW! Did you get that little present from sendthisfile I sent you?

    Best Regards,
  10. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    With the prices of the AMD quad core black editions going for as low as a $105 at newegg I would think that an AMD system would quite competitive with an Intel system when measured by price. With a less than $100 quality board and 2 gigs of quality RAM going for under $60.00 I would think that a very decent Quad core system could be built for around $700. 64026402 (Donald just picked up one of these
    and those of you who know him, know that he is the king of cheap. I should have some idea as to its performance relatively soon.

    Donald's a serious overclocker and since the Black Editions come with unlocked multipliers he will soon find its limits. If anyone is looking for a low price high performance build that is probably a good place to start.

  11. spamual

    spamual Guest

    wasnt the none 9x50s the ones with the TLB bug?
  12. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    I thought the original 9850 was the one with the bug... Oh well.
  13. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    I think the new 9600s' are bug free. They also have AMD's new enlarged L3 Cache. I was just remarking that it could hit the same speeds and hence price point performance as the 9850 since it requires no Hyper Transport or memory adjustment, although I always overclocked my memory a bit when doing an AMD build. Memory performance is the one true advantage that AMD has held onto at least until the i7 release, and I suspect that when the new AMD's come out they will once again have a higher memory bandwidth than i7.

    I've heard they are quite overclockable but since I have no direct experience with it I will wait to see what Donald pulls out of his. I will also wait to see if the bug is going to hit Donald. In all probability is a non issue for most users, and at $105 a hell of deal for an unlocked multiplier and has got to be a good start for a budget build.

  14. tw56

    tw56 Member

    Aug 20, 2004
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  15. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    The 9x00s were the ones affected by the THB bug! The 9x50s were the solution! None of the 9x50s has the TLB bug!
    EDIT:part of the change that occured while Amd was fixing the TLB bug was the addition of B3 stepping. The ones Newegg are selling are B2 stepping according to AMD's product page. They have the TLB bug!

    Last edited: Nov 26, 2008
  16. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    Don't worry. I'm not back. I just wanted to post on this thread one time so I would get email notification when there is a new post. I'm only lurking from a far and won't be contributing, only reading. :) happpy thanksgiving to all.
  17. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Why would we worry? LOL!! Welcome the The New AMD Building Thread.
    Glad to hear from you, and Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

    Best Regards,
  18. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    I'd been wondering what happened to you. You quickly dropped off the radar without a sign. I had considered the possibility of alien abductions, or that you tried one of Russ' overclock settings, achieved nuclear fusion, and was vaporized. I don't hang here much either anymore, and the reason is because of the disappearance of people like you. I can only hope that there wasn't a government conspiracy involved!!
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2008
  19. spamual

    spamual Guest

    hehe, that was why i asked if it was the none 9x50 ones :D
  20. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Oh! You meant "non"! Sorry for misunderstanding!


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