he has it now on his current build a phenom 9850/9750 not sure which it is. and is going to use it with the AM3 955 i was just asking if it would fit ok. the only thing new that he is buying is the mobo,cpu,and mem. he is useing his other parts,hdd,case,hsf ect...
The AM3 socket is the same as Am2 for mounting as far as I can see. It should fit fine, but do at least consider my comment regarding the 945. I doubt he'll be disappointed
Some more reviews of the new 3 and 4 core AMDs Ananctech Reviews of the Athlon IIx4 620 and 630 http://www.anandtech.com/cpuchipsets/showdoc.aspx?i=3638&p=2 InsideHW Reviews of the Athlon IIx3 and x4 http://www.insidehw.com/Reviews/CPU/AMD-Athlon-II-X3-435-and-AMD-X4-Athlon-II-630.html Anandtech again Review of Athlon IIx3 435 http://www.anandtech.com/cpuchipsets/showdoc.aspx?i=3663 More from HardwareSecrets http://www.hardwaresecrets.com/article/843 Phenom IIx3 435 from NeoSeeker http://www.neoseeker.com/Articles/Hardware/Reviews/aii_435/ Enjoy, Russ
I think the X4 630 is priced about right really. It's a little behind the Q8200, and costs a little less, with the bigger difference being the price. The X3 435 is also priced well as the only chips it has serious competition from are the higher-end Core 2 Duos, which don't start until a price point £10 above it.
Sam, After all the reading and some discussion with my friends, I'm going to stick with the x4 630 as my choice. As you pointed out, it should pretty much double the performance of the Athlon x2 7750, and should be a lot more efficient! Best Regards, Russ
I should say. You get the same TDP but for about 90% faster per core, twice as many cores, and twice as much overclocking potential!
Looks like I'm going to be a busy guy over the next week or two. Lots of changes coming. Oxi is being sold, minus the PSU, Freezer 64 and the HDD for $150. I'm installing the buyers PSU, HDD & CPU cooler in it and it's done. I've got another identical eMachines case and I bought a Foxconn MB to install in it, along with my Athlon x2 7750. Russell's PSU, Freezer 64 and HDD are going into it and then I'll put an Athlon II x4 630 in mine. Selling Oxi financed all the upgrades, so cost was my time! Not too bad! I'm going to repair the original ECS motherboard by replacing the 5 blown caps in the power circuit and install it in the case I got as part of the original deal, plop a 3800+ Athlon in it and sell it as well. Should be a fun and profitable 2 weeks! LOL!! Russ
Well...im jealous One day, One day and I'll be building others machines and making a slight profit, and saving people money at the same time
Oman7, I figure that if I can keep what I have upgraded and still make money doing it, while keeping my customers happy, I'm still way ahead of the game! LOL!! Russ
Heh, not sure I'd have the heart to sell something with an ECS board in it, even if I did replace the caps - what would go wrong next?
Having worked in an electronics repair shop, I'll tell you now that selling cheap crap is not unheard of. Already had to resolve some bullcrap the day after I started because my boss replaced a blown Apevia PSU with a 620 watt KinWin or WolfPower or some random generic brand. The guys brings it back and we basically had to lie and tell him he got the wrong unit. Promptly set him up with an Antec Earthwatts 380W and he was a happy camper. Also mind that I quit working there after a month due to that exact reason. Boss basically told me to use the cheapest parts possible and then make up fake bench hours to milk the customer for money. I couldn't do it.
Do you remember the documentary on TV where they sent a PC round to a dozen or so repair shops, where they'd deliberately unplugged the IDE cable from the HDD from an otherwise working PC? One of the stores wanted $400 or so for replacing the motherboard and the hard drive...
I remember the watchdog episode where they disconnected the graphics card and a call-out business put epically crap second hand components in the old case, Overcharged the people for a brand new set of components of the same spec as the old one and then sold the 'broken' components on Ebay as new but out of box...
Wow never saw it. Is there a copy on P2P or another way to watch it? It sounds very interesting. Do you remember the name of the program? Did any shops actually do the job right? This is one of the main reasons I got into PC building to begin with. I wanted a gaming PC and I didn't want to pay someone's entire paycheck to get one EDIT: Wow now Keith is in on it. Is this a UK program? Anyone with a TV tuner feel like sending me a clip via Rapidshare? Better yet is there a youtube clip on it? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DsAwt8vf6Q Is this along the same lines? Seems to be the like one Keith mentioned if not the same one...
Actually I do remember seeing that. Although I must have got it mixed up with something else at the same time.... - the youtube clip that is.
Wow. I couldn't do that either. I mean I understand the business standpoint, but that's just wrong! I made an oath to myself after the last time taking my computer to the shop. They charged too much for a simple job. It WON'T happen again LOL! Auto parts stores in my area have the right idea. Good-better-best. I generally go for better, for all my automotive needs. My computer is another story
I know someone who basically takes the PCs, servers, etc. companies don't want and 'recycles' them. Lets just say he has a pretty impressive home network and isn't helping the polar bears much.