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The (new) Official PC building thread!

Discussion in 'Building a new PC' started by creaky, Nov 27, 2006.

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  1. He_Man

    He_Man Regular member

    Jul 12, 2006
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    It's just WOW is a graphically demanding game, the card uses 5nm chips so its cooler than Brian Griffin at the disco looking to get laid.

    Now back to reality,


    Think ill invest in this...........i know the deals. ;)
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2008
  2. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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  3. FredBun

    FredBun Active member

    Nov 27, 2003
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    Greetings, most of you don't know me on this thread, some do, I have been following and reading it from the start, my knowledge and experiance level is no where near close to yours on this subject, but reading about it daily has proved somewhat rewarding.

    Sometimes its hard to follow you guys especially the computer talk and all your acronyms, but whatever I don't get I'll usaully google and most of the time I'll get an answer.

    I'm throwing in a post now because I need some help, need some questions answered and opinions. I'm retired now, but have this little dream to build my own computer someday, I have a son who is in his first year at RIT, he has put together a couple of computers in school, but under a teachers supervision, a big difference I would gather than trying to do it yourself, but when he comes home this summer if he has learned some more I want to give it a shot, I have let him read this thread, even he admits its still kinda over his head and way over mine, but little by little I gain something everyday, I would have easy 20 questions for you guys on every page but do not want to be a pain in the ass, not yet anyway, maybe come summer if this thread is still available you guys might be sick of me cause I'll have many.

    But for now the help I need is in buying another computer, I have a two year old HP and a 7 year old Compaq which served me well and is still doing so, but I think the compaq might be on its way out, besides the computers that I am looking at which are refurbished, from a site that some AD members don't like to much and a gateway computer, globalcomputer.com also know as tigerdirect.com I know some of you guys might be cringing right now, but as you will see the prices are good, and yes I know getting a refurbished anything is taking a chance, my nieghbor got one of these last summer from these people and its still working fine, so yes I'm gonna take a shot.

    I have four gateways picked out, I do like the fact that they all show its a dual core, at least thats what it says, I have learned from some experiance for example like an hd ready tv doesnt necessarily mean fully hd ready, all depends how things are worded etc. I do surf a lot, multi task or try to anyway at times, and mainly I like to download movies or music and especially like to back-up anything I buy, I'm not a gamer or ever will be, but I do like some of the bells and whistles you guys talk about, when I try and build my own I will get to that, in the meantime this gateway is what I need for now, and yes faster surfing, load ups and speed is important to me, not lighning fast cause now were into big bucks, and reading this thread sometimes really big bucks. And my burning preference is to always have both a dvd-rom and a dvd writer optical drives, always did.

    But as you guys will see, there are four models I'm gonna throw at you guys, three amd's and one intel, one has both dvd-rom and writer, its an amd, and the other three only have one optical drive, but some are faster like 4200 2.2ghz comapred to 3800 2.0ghz, now if its worth the extra to go with the faster than maybe it might be better for me to install my own dvd-rom from like newegg for example, I've seen prices for around 20 bucks, but I also have a question with that, I'll get to that later, and you will also see one for $299 with a 3800 2.0ghz, but without the dvd-rom of course, so we are in between 3 and 4 hundred bucks here, so is doing add ons worth it, and if it is which one, the price between 3 and 4 doesnt really matter more to me than having the best computer to my liking, if adding is the way to go than I'll do it.

    If I need to add a dvd-rom I will, also will want to add another gb of ram, from what I have seen they all have 4 slots, filled with two 512's, now, when adding, which is the proper way to go, going with a one gb, which would fill three slots, or fill all four with 512's, and of course I would ask you guys which would be a good ram to buy, not one of them blazing fast crazy pricey ones, just a good one, and I also saw that there is a differnece in ram according to which model I get, now ram installation is easy I have done that before, I have also replaced a optical dvd-rom in my compaq, that was easy, but my worry is replacing a rom because it already had the hookups is probably why it was easy, now if I get a computer and need to add a dvd-rom not replace, there might not be any hookup, would that mean getting new cables etc. cause now I would be lost, plus do you get a sata or ide optical drive, these are things that are still confusing to me, and also read about might have to do a re-set about this slave and master thing etc. I know easy for you guys but kinda scary to me.

    I did try to get these questions answered from gateway support, I think I would have better luck trying to get in the ring with Vlad Klitchko, what a joke that was with thier support, besides I would put my trust fully with the people in this thread than dealing with them overseas twits anyway.

    So here goes, here are the four pc's I am looking at, and I value you guys opinion highly to help me make my decision, so yes any help will be apperciated, please and thank you. Fred.




  4. He_Man

    He_Man Regular member

    Jul 12, 2006
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    Hello there Fred, do not worry about asking questions. We all had to start somewhere(heck i still ask agood 10/20 questions on forums about pc systems)

    I will do my best to summarise each system,

    1. Pros -
    Has a decent processor, TV tuner card, 6100 graphics will do fine for watching films etc via the DVD-ROM. Easy front accessible ports.

    Cons -
    Is let down by 1gb DDR ram. DDR2 is really the standard now.

    2. Pros -
    Has 2GB DDR ram(but still far below your ddr2 ram)
    A decent 320gb drive(70gb more than last system)

    Cons -
    Looks ok to me.

    3. Pros -
    Has your DDR2 ram.(even at 1gb you will still see better system performance) over the DDR ram.

    Cons -
    Can't really see any for what you need the system to do.(but a downgrade in 70gb)

    4. Pros -
    Again it has your DDR2 ram. Also has a Dual Layer burner, flash cards etc and an overall good spec.

    Cons -
    Not sure how well the Intel GMA 950 is. I did however come into contact with Intel GMA 900 graphics and it was able to play GTA: San Andreas on Normal Quality with a Pentium M 1.7ghz processor(laptop processor).

    I would side with rather system 3 or system 4. Some of the other members here will give you a far more in-depth analysis i presume..........but hey im only 16 :p
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2008
  5. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Good to see you!

    Forget all those ready made computers and build your own. It's so easy these days and it improves your desired results. You also get much more computer for your hard earned dollar! It's not difficult and you wind up with a much better computer for less! The components today are so simple, you just put it together and it works. I'm guessing that you don't plan to overclock, so why not. Like I say, it's so easy to do, and we're here to help explain anything you may not understand.

    Building your own means you get to make all the choices as to Case, Power Supply, Motherboard, CPU, Memory and Video Card. You get what you want, not what you are willing to settle for!

    It's your money, so why not get as much as you can for the dollars you spend. I'm like you, but I'm retired for health reasons. I'm 63 and I wish it was this easy 15 years ago! LOL!! No jumpers to mess with as everything is controlled by the bios with the setup. It's so simple, a child could do it!

    Best Regards,
  6. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    I could not agree with theonejrs more. let us know what your priorities are and what you intend to use your pc for and we all will be willing to help with hardware suggestions and recommendations.

    building a pc is a synch now and you'll get more bang for your buck not to mention you'll have exactly what you want/need and not have to settle for something similiar to what you want/need.
  7. FredBun

    FredBun Active member

    Nov 27, 2003
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    Thanks all for comebacks.

    He-Man, very interesting, now you see I would have never thought there would have been a difference between the ddr and ddr2, the way you put it sounds like it makes a significant difference, that alone kinda helps me lean towards the intel model so far unless somebody has greater detail.

    Of course I still hate the fact that I will need to install a dvd-rom, and dont get me wrong, if its a not to complicated install I will welcome it, I love to learn these things, but not if it might make it into a project for me if this model does not accept it cause it might not have the cables or ribbons or whatever inside to do it, I would'nt mind messing with a crappy machine but not with one that I just purchased cause things were to complicated and I can wind up screwing something up, I want to avoid that. Is there any way of finding out if this model has the right stuff inside to accept another optical drive without a major hassle, cause forget getting gateway support, rather stick needles in my eyes.

    theonejrs, I do hear you, you are absolutly right, but, having reading this thread in almost a years time, I have been visualizing on paper and my mind what I would go for, and beleive me it in no way would be close to $400, the things I have been putting together as a so called wish list is easy $1200, and thats not even with half of the bells and whistles I would like to have, some of the stuff these guys talk about putting together is astronomicle, some of these guys are talking two and three grand easy.

    But don't get me wrong, come summer time when my son comes home, and my finacial situation will be a little lighter, living on SS now is not like I was getting paid doing construction work nor are the bennies, but I am gonna do just that, I will get one built if it kills me, and yes like you say it will be my way, with the best stuff I can afford and of course a big reason I also want to build my own I don't have to be stuck with vista, I would'nt install that piece of crap if they gave it to me free, or even paid me, no it's xp for me.

    But right now I do need a quality backup computer because like I said I do think my compaq is going plus it is slow, and sure I have seen some good $500 new computer deals, but again not with vista being shoved down my throat.

    Oh almost forgot, I did learn something about the ddr and ddr2, and how much of a difference is there between a 3800 2.0ghz compared to the 4200 2.8ghz really.
  8. He_Man

    He_Man Regular member

    Jul 12, 2006
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    "and how much of a difference is there between a 3800 2.0ghz compared to the 4200 2.8ghz really."

    Sorry but isnt the 4200 2.2ghz?

    Ill just pop up a quick comparison, (bottom 2 cpu's on graphs)

    I use google cached all the time ^ :p

    As you can see having an extra 0.2ghz means you will get things done quicker. I am not sure if it helps negate bottlenecks between the cpu and components but the main thing is that applictaions will run smoother with the 4200. But as people have mentioned before me you can build a pc to suit your needs and really narrow down what cpu you need.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2008
  9. FredBun

    FredBun Active member

    Nov 27, 2003
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    Mort81, I just noticed your reply, yes I know its the way to go, but I know I wont be able to do it under 500 bucks, and when I do build one I don't want to be a miser, and of course not go crazy either, I do want to spend at least a grand give or take a hundred.

    I have several reasons why I need two well running computers in the house, besides mu own personel reasons as play time, learning time, hobby time etc. I have 3 deaf children. two are away in school, one at home, the son is away at RIT, the daughter is at a special deaf school in jersey, I live near a Philly suburb, she comes home on weekends and the son is to far away to do that, computers are our main communication resourse, thier deaf so they cant use the phone, I communicate more with my kids when they are away from home cause I don't sign well, and we always so called bullshit over the net, and not counting the importance to be able to communicate if something goes wrong which has in the past and thank goodness we had the computers to communicate with like they use the t-mobile sidekicks which are a godsent, we could always keep track of our kids, even though they are in thier early 20's now its still important, we did have once when our computer broke down and we could'nt get it fixed for over a month it was a bad time for all of us, thats why I will always have two in the house in working order, and this gateway will fit the bill just right till summer time, the compaq is starting to do goffy things and wont get cought with my pants down again.

    And beleive me, come summer time I will be relying on you guys big time, for advise, do's and dont's, know how, opinions, smart buys, poor buys, money well spent or to stop me from spending it foolishly, you name I will be asking.
  10. FredBun

    FredBun Active member

    Nov 27, 2003
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    He_Man, I double checked, its a 2.8, on the intel model anyway.

    As mort has asked, mainly for this computer I will be doing with it what I do with my HP, burn movies and music and surf while I do it, listen to music or occasionaly watch a movie, not to keen on watching movies on a computer, but do once in a while, and it would be nice to do these things with another computer like I do with the HP cause the compaq is way to slow anyway.
  11. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    You may not thank anyone when I'm done. hehehe. ;)

    I completely understand that and we'll do our best to get you what you need and what you are comfortable with for the price. :)

    It's a 4200 2.2ghz NOT 2.8ghz just so you know. The 4200 is more powerful but the 3800 can be OC'd to and above the STOCK 4200. :D

    I would look at this deal for $30 more. It's worth it if your gonna go this route. ;) LINK to DEAL

    I agree with theone and Mort81 BUT I also understand your trepidation when it comes to building a computer. It's truly easy to put one together and there are all these kind folks here if you have any problems. ;)

    You could build something for about $500 that wouldn't be completely up to date but it would have an Intel C2D processor and DDR2 800 RAM along with some other goodies. ;)

    The biggest deal (problem) that I see with these are "refurbished" and the HDD's are all 8MB cache models if I remember right. ;) I think they all have there pluses and minuses but the one that I just linked you too might better suit your needs and has some upgrading/updating potential. It's a C2D as well. :D Give it some thought Fred and DON'T be afraid to tackle your own build soon. Good luck to you buddy and if you need any help choosing another DVDRW lemme know. :D

  12. He_Man

    He_Man Regular member

    Jul 12, 2006
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    Ah right, i was looking at the AMD models. Even so the same applies to both CPU manufactures and technology evolves so much these days its hard to keep up. Let me list my £1000 system from 5/6 years ago.

    2.4ghz intel pentium 4
    40gb ultra dma hard drive
    256mb ddr sdram
    ati radeon 9000 64mb dedicated video memory

    Compare that to £1000 systems today..............

    Edit - turns out the 4200 was 2.2ghz :p (cheers green)
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2008
  13. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Considering your basic needs, you might look into a barebones kit like this.

    Nothing fancy but with a processor you can use in a later build. Add something like an inexpensive vid card, keyboard and mouse and it still will be better than an equal priced AMD. In all fairness, it's not much but it will keep you communicating with your kids and when the time comes to build something for yourself, it would be a decent enough backup if the need arises. most of the components are inexpensive enough as to be considered disposable, but fot $259 who cares. The E2180 is the best part in it and very reusable in a better motherboard in the future, and it's still a dual core. Hell I'll give you a stock Intel cooler since it doesn't have a CPU Cooler. I've got a drawer full of them! I'm sure you have no plans to overclock it so it should do the job and keep your communications up, which would be the most important thing!

    Best Regards,
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2008
  14. FredBun

    FredBun Active member

    Nov 27, 2003
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    Hey there greenman, whats up big guy, I did check out your link, I am looking at all options, I'll tell you whats wierd, the link you gave me, its a 1.86ghz, plus it costs more than the intel model that has a 2.8, everything else between the two seems the same, also mentioned it can be overclocked, gm I bust out laughing, I'm lucky if I can succefully click in a ram, I know, just pulling legs, I know putting together the hardware might not to all that difficult, but when it comes to that configuration stuff, its bye bye for me.

    he-man, I'll give you one, that compaq I bought, it was seven years ago, circuitcity, I ordered it cause nobody was making computers with a dvd-rom and writer upper and lower, the salesman though I was goofy, and it had plenty of bells and whistles for its time, it cost me $2300, but I'll tell you this, this thing went threw 3 crazy abusive kids, crazy me, and practically non stop running for years, there was fights in the house over the damn thing, and its still going, I did finally replace the hard drive that crashed about 9 months ago, and also the dvd-rom cause it was getting kinda buggy, its now starting to make beep sounds at startup which I hear might become serious problems.

    theone, I also checked out your link, it seemed really cool till I read some of the ratings, besides I would not chance a build without my son present, even though he is not as experienced as you guys, he's still far better than me. Also, I'm also looking forward to it bieng kind of a father son thing, you know, like lets have a catch sonny boy. One day he'll be able to say or sign, sorry, yep me and pops build my first computer. The older guys here probably know where I'm coming from, not that you younger ones don't, hell you guys are far smarter than we were in our day I think, but never under estimate experiance lol.
  15. He_Man

    He_Man Regular member

    Jul 12, 2006
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    Oh drat, ill have to do these things when i become a father.....*sigh*

    The RIT(i had to google)looks sweet. Your son just builds/learns about PC's? If so that is my dream job.

    I want to be someone who knows everything about every area of computers. Be it graphics designing, programming(getting there), building systems, network analyst etc.

    Anyway, good luck with what ever you choose. Summer better come soon(end of exams for me)

  16. FredBun

    FredBun Active member

    Nov 27, 2003
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    He_Man, lol, good one, I like that. yeah my son is gonna try the security part of computers, corporate security to be exact, securing all the networks etc, things like that, its a difficult learn, I did some checking on it, but beleive it or not, of course communication is number one in everything we do, but being deaf doing this security stuff really doesnt require as much verbal speech as one might think, building and reparing them does, cause you need to deal with the public heavily when it comes to that.

    But regardless whichever, I just try and tell him to do better than his hearing counterparts, if a boss needed to chose between the two, its a no brainer who he would pick, unless your extremely good at what you do.

    But yes, building is not gonna be his top gig, but at RIT they want you to learn it all no matter what part of the computer field you finally pick, but I'm with you, if I was young again, I would love to learn about the builds, what makes them run and to solve thier problems, its a challange to me, especially cause I'm stupid at it and I keep rufusing to let it beat me, don't forget I didnt grow up in this tech world, just an old retired and tired construction worker, I've said it before, I can build you a house with my eye's closed, and as I use in baseball terms, when it comes to a little old computer, I haven't even reached first base yet. But I wont give in.
  17. He_Man

    He_Man Regular member

    Jul 12, 2006
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    Think like....... building a PC is like a house. You need windows, doors, bricks, concrete all working together to keep the house stable and reliable. Currently at my school im on a computing course(aswell as contending with geography, business management, maths and english)

    They go into some detail but really not what i want. A good example of this was last topic before Christmas. Basically what the network area consisted of was knowing what a router, hub and switch is. I actually basically teached that part of the course to class..........damn teacher did not even know what the crossover cable was for.

    I do get the occasional person walking upto me in school asking me to help fix a technical problem.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2008
  18. FredBun

    FredBun Active member

    Nov 27, 2003
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    he-man are you in high school or colledge.
  19. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    I understand Fred, I haven't done much OC'ing either. lol. I found this comparison and I'm sure there are better ones with more details but at least it's something. ;) link

    The E6300 will run cooler and again should OC better than the D 820, plus it will use less power because the E6300 runs at 65nm while the D 820 runs at 90nm. ;) I'm a little vague with this stuff so please forgive the "crude" explanations.

    There's many options as you can see. ;) A starter kit so to say, refurbished, choose your own components and so on. ;) Just don't be afraid to do your build when you decide to. Your son will know how I guarantee it when the time comes. :D

  20. He_Man

    He_Man Regular member

    Jul 12, 2006
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    This calls for a profile!

    Name - Greg Innes
    Age - 16
    Location - Scotland, Edinburgh
    Interest - Alot
    Occupation - Lazy arse = Studying at High School

    Will be going to Uni/College in 2-3 years. I need to stay on for an extra year to get Maths and English at a "Higher" level. On that year though im doing an "Advanced Higher" Computing course which is basically 1st yeat at Uni but at school.

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