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The (new) Official PC building thread!

Discussion in 'Building a new PC' started by creaky, Nov 27, 2006.

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  1. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Actually there is a cure for Vista! You lay the disc on a cutting board and very carefully smash the living crap out of it with a Meat Cleaver and then scrape carefully into the Bin! LOL!! Guaranteed that Vista will never give you a problem ever again!

    Are they still selling computers that void the warranty if you remove Vista and replace it with a real operating system? LOL!!

    Happy Computering,

  2. abuzar1

    abuzar1 Senior member

    Jan 5, 2005
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    What I would do will actually bring you happiness. Sell it on eBay! Misery loves company!
  3. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    That would give new meaning to "Being Screwed on E-Bay"! ROFLMAO

    Computering On,
  4. abuzar1

    abuzar1 Senior member

    Jan 5, 2005
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    Haha yeah. Seriously though I think Vista has potential they just need to work on it more. Can't stick to XP forever...
  5. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Why??? It's taken the release of Service Pack 3 to finally make it do everything right! What's that 5 or 6 years since it came out? LOL!! Installing Service Pack 3 has finally made XP-Pro what it was supposed to be in the first place. I love it!

    Best Regards,

  6. abuzar1

    abuzar1 Senior member

    Jan 5, 2005
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    How long have you been using XP? How long before SP3? After Vista gets SP1 hopefully things will be on track. When does that come out anyway?

    Nobody was using windows 2000 when XP SP1 was out, except for the corporations.
  7. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I've had XP-Pro for about 4 years. SP3 was released Dec. 17, 2007. I installed it on the 20th! You can download it from Micro$oft's web site. Just google XP SP3. You can't install it if your XP isn't validated or at least has a valid key number!

    Best Regards,
  8. FredBun

    FredBun Active member

    Nov 27, 2003
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    Hey Theo, put in my order for that computer last night, my nieghbor came over this afternoon to see what I ordered, I was gonna show him and found out it was gone, guess I got mine in under the wire.

    Anyway just hoping everything will be working properly when it gets here my main concern actually, with refurbished its a chance you take, if I get past that hurdle first thing I'm gonna wanna do is upgrade to another gig, it is a ddr2 like you guys told me, much better than ddr, something I never knew, that will be simple enough I gather.

    And last will want to add a dvd-rom, since it's not gonna be a replacement but an addition, hope it doesnt cause a problem, I still wont know if the optical drive writer it has is a sata or ide guess wont know till it gets here as to should I order a sata or ide rom, whichever it is I will go with an asus like you recommended before.

    Theo I know a little about your work in the med field in the past, and reading your posts here your in no way a novice in this computer thing, it doesnt surprise me about all the youngens knowing thier stuff, they were born into it and thats great I envy them actually, but how did you educate yourself with this knowledge, did you take classes anywhere or self thought so to speek.

    I retired several years ago 4 actually, on the construction sites when we had breaks and lunches I would always try and strike up conversations about computers with the young guys on the job and pick thier brain, my old counterparts use to get really pissed off at me sometimes, why are you always trying to talk that computer crap all the time they would say, I would answer dont you guys want to better yourselves with this new technology, you want to be left behind in the dark, yeah it was somewhat a shame they felt that way, after work lets go to the bar we'll talk about it there lol, yeah right. It's sad that most of my crowd looked at it as useless.

    Also, these are new movies you guys are talking about, I'm kinda in the dark here, in other words whats all this about

    EEEyyyeee Matey...Me...and My Parrot...Just Finished...
    I am Legend...
    Charlie Wilsons War...
    A vs P Requiem...
    The Great Debaters...
    No Country for Old Men...
    3:10 to Yuma...
    National Treasure Book of Secrets...
    30 days of Night...
    American Gangster...
    Most are DVD Screener's...Love Oscar Time...All those Screener's for the taking...}:)

    I mean whats all that about cause I'm baffled here but it sure sounds intersting.
  9. abuzar1

    abuzar1 Senior member

    Jan 5, 2005
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    He is talking about "pirating" movies. He gets DVD quality versions because they send out DVDs to the Oscars for screening before they are officially out on DVD.
  10. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    rick I had to really search the memory banks for this. lol. link ;)

    Fred I think you made a good decision for you. I don't think you wasted your money but you could have made it go MUCH further with a NEW build. ;0

    @Lp you shuddup!! :p You might try this link too!! :D

    Been having some BSOD problems. AFAIK it's 100% software related but I haven't narrowed it down yet I don't think. ;)


  11. FredBun

    FredBun Active member

    Nov 27, 2003
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    get out no kidding, man somebody is gonna have to enlighten me on this, I quess I'll be pm'ing somebody, cause I don't know if it's allowed to talk about this, or is it, on the thread.
  12. FredBun

    FredBun Active member

    Nov 27, 2003
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    greenman, oh come summer, I'll be ready for that build you guys recommend for sure.
  13. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Lp you look at this one too? link Is this going on your AMD build or Intel build? For some reason I thought your HTPC was an AMD. ;)

  14. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Hey Fred,
    Personally, until Sata optical drives can improve their performance to be better than IDE, I'll stick with IDE for them. I always hear the argument about the wide 40 and 80 wire cables, but until last year I never bought a round IDE cable. I used to fold the flat cable in two 90 degree turns and ran it along the bottom of the case and then folded it again to go up to the drive or drives. When I finally added a round cable the temps didn't change. maybe back in the day when you had a flat cable for the floppy, a flat cable for the hard drives and a flat cable for any opticals, I can see the point of the need for round cables as 3 flat cables spread all over a motherboard can block a lot of air, but one cable folded flat isn't going to cause any problems with ventilation. I see no point in paying more money for the same performance!
    I've been around electronics since I was old enough to walk to what was then a very new thing, an Electronics store, NRM Electronics in Ridgefield Park NJ. When solid state devices came along, I was always up on the latest technology so the transition from tubes to transistors and then integrated Circuits was very easy for me.

    I bought a Colecovision Game machine for Christmas 83 for my wife and I to play video games with. It was the best Video Game Player of it's era as the graphics were much more like the stand alone coin machines of the day than anything else available at the time. A year later Coleco offered an Adam Computer module for the Colecovision and I bought one. Eventually I bought a Stand Alone Adam computer which hooked up to a TV or an analog Color monitor in 256 colors and a daisy wheel printer for about $500. It had a built in Rom, Word processor and Spreadsheet and you could buy programs that you could actually do work with. I graduated from that to an Atari ST 1024, which was sort of the "Poor Man's" Macintosh. Why, I'll never know because it was a much better computer than the Mac of the day ever was. Poor marketing and lack of foresight put Atari out of the computer business! Right around the late 80s, I went with a friend to a computer show, and I've been hooked ever since. I built my first computer, a 386 in a SIS motherboard with my very first AMD chip, because Intel only offered 33MHz while the AMD offered 40MHz. I've build somewheres around 250 Computers since then, but didn't really get into overclocking until about 4 years ago. Since then it's been a steep learning curve! LOL!!

    I now know and understand the importance of buying good quality components and the benefits you get out of doing so. I spent a lot of money, that had I learned the facts sooner, I would have saved a lot of wasted money.

    Joining AD, and then DVDHounds taught me so much that I didn't know. Then I have this tendency to go against convention, which has taught me a lot too. Then again, I've always been a "why not" person that's willing to try things that other people might think stupid or silly. All I can say is I've learned a lot with that kind of thinking that's helped me along the way, and I learn something new from every computer I've ever built. I've learned that while the CPU is the heart of any computer, the Power supply is it's blood supply. Buy a cheap overrated PS and you can quickly have circulation problems! LOL!!

    I've also learned that while you can get by with some cheap components, you can't get by with cheap motherboards or cheap memory. There is a huge difference between inexpensive and cheap! Along the way I've discovered that you don't have to spend a fortune to get a very good overclock, you just have to shop smart and sometimes even wait for a sale to come along to get what you need at the right price. I do a lot more reading and investigating these days before I buy anything. I get enjoyment out of taking good high quality components and making them perform as good as components costing twice as much. Truthfully it's all in the research you do before you make the decision on what you want to put your hard earned money into, and what you expect to get out of what you buy!
    I retired in May 2006 because of a failing heart. I know exactly what you mean about people getting on you about computers. I remember back in 84 when my then wife wanted a set of Encyclopedia Britannica. The salesman came and charmed the crap out of my wife, but I was unconvinced as I had been reading about this new tecnology called CR-Roms and how a complete works of an encyclopedia would fit on one CD, and how easy it was to update. I told the salesman that I thought hard cover Encyclopedias were on the way out, and that in the not too distant future you would be able to put a CD-Rom disc in a computer and not only be able to read and see pictures, but that you would be able to see film clips as well as being able to interact with the topic. I'll never forget this as it's burned firmly into my brain! He turned to my wife, completely ignoring me and told her that I didn't know what the hell I was talking about and that she should get me to a Doctor to find out why I was crazy! Needless to say, I showed him the door, and all but threw him out of my home! The wife didn't hardly talk to me for about a month! LOL!! The last time I looked, Encyclopedia Britannica is available on CD-Rom and has every feature I mentioned way back then, and much, much more! LOL!! I guess you could call me a visionary that was ahead of the times! The fact remains is what you don't know, can hurt you. Most of the "Old Heads" that couldn't get past the vacuum tube age were searching for new lines of work after Transistors became a way of life, while I grew right along with it and progressed my way along to where I am today. I was just never afraid of change! I knew that there would come a day where computing would become a houshold word and that it was just a matter of time and progress before it came to pass. I just made sure I was ready for it!

    Best Regards,
  15. Lp531

    Lp531 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2005
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    Do You See Fred...I told you he was a Hot Head...}:)

    Vista's problem is in its Priorities...DRM is its First and Foremost Concern...Not Efficiency...Speed...Compatibility...or Reliability...
    here's a little blurb from an interesting article...that exemplifies Vista's problem...
    Off to Plunder...}:)

    I thought about the Zalman's...I liked the 100mm of the nMEDIAPC fan over the 92mm Zalman... nMEDIAPC makes some Nice Stuff...they make products primarily...for HTCP's...I can get the nMEDIAPC ICECONE-X for $18 at another site...and yes its going on an AMD 3800-X2 Toledo 939 pin...I think I'm going to Grap it...

    Last edited: Jan 8, 2008
  16. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    You've just made a stronger case for the Meat Cleaver! P.O.S., thy name is Vista! ROFLMAO! Seems like history is about to repeat itself. ME was incompatible with itself, while Vista slowly makes itself incompatible with itself! LOL!! Wait till it gets to the point of you having to provide a fingerprint, a special dongle, DNA sample and a piss test just to play your legally downloaded movie. ROFL!!

    My neighbor has a Blew-Ray (Pun Intended, because it Blows!) player and sometimes it takes him a half hour to get the damn thing to play anything! Some movies won't play at all! They should take it and Vista and stick both in a Time Capsule as a prime example of how not to do something! What's next, the FBI showing up at your door because you rented or downloaded a title from Netflix and it won't authenticate and then sets off an alarm to notify the proper authorities? Next thing they'll have, is a way to cripple your perfectly legal store bought DVD with a Federally Mandated destructive Laser because Vista decides that it's an illegal copy! By the time Micro$oft gets all the bugs out of vista, it should cost about $800 to $1000 a copy!

    I'm very happy with XP-Pro SP3, and I ain't a'gonna change!

    Best Regards and my Deepest Sympathies to vista owners,
  17. FredBun

    FredBun Active member

    Nov 27, 2003
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    nice read theo on last two posts, finally I found somebody that hates vista as much as I do, tracking software, how dare they, and thier drm crap, yep, vista, sony, they all can kiss this here one time.
  18. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Hey Fred,
    I'd be afraid to let them kiss anything as I'm liable to get infected with something that terminates me! "DNA Profile doesn't match, Subject Terminated"! ROFLMAO!!

  19. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    Little Help Please..OOF TOPIC I Know..Does anybody know a good outlet online.To buy DVDs in Canada
  20. Lp531

    Lp531 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2005
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    Greenie posted this for you...
    Topic?..Isn't this the...pillage and plunder thread?..
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