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The (new) Official PC building thread!

Discussion in 'Building a new PC' started by creaky, Nov 27, 2006.

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  1. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    With all due respect, my question is why??? heatpipe technology has been proven to be better, and all the heat stays right near the CPU with a cooler like that. The heat has to transfer through the solid part of the cooler and heat the whole thing up before it even starts to cool, whereas the heatpipes start transferring heat almost immediately because they run right through the solid part of the heatsink! Even with good case airflow, there's so little surface area there to catch any of the breeze flowing through the case, that there's almost no help there at all! At least with the Zalman and Arctic Freezer, the heatpipes draw the heat away from the CPU! Even after it's shut off, it continues to pull heat away from the CPU. When you shut a computer off with a cooler like that, the only thing that removes the heat is the fact that heat rises! I have no difficulty getting either the 9500/9700 and Freezer 7 Pro in my 8" wide case, even with a side case fan right in line with it. I could see if it had an advantage, but it doesn't. I can only imagine how quick it would overheat if the fan failed, while I can run my Freezer 7 Pro with the fan disconnected, just on case airflow alone. It may get a few degrees warmer but it won't overheat!

  2. Lp531

    Lp531 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2005
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    I have the Cooler Masters version...of the Arctic 7 on right now...The problem is...size...
    It blocks half...of my 120mm intake fans on the side of case...
    It's also...so tall...that...I can not install an additional 120mm Intake fan...on the top of the case...directly over the CPU...
    I know the Taller...heat pipe cooler...is a better cooler for the CPU...however...my primary concern is with...overall air flow in case...and specifically...all the surrounding M/B components...
    Heat after shutdown is not a concern...this is a 24/7 Media Server...
    Overall component cooling is my priority...since it needs to run 24/7...
    I will post a pic...that will help you see...why...I am looking at making a change...just for this particular build...also the Zalman 7700 series is out due to size...not enough clearance from side intake...
    Also...The rear mounted CPU Cooler Fan...is to close to my H/D cage...and the cables...
    It's really...the M/B layout...that is causing the problem...If the Ram and CPU were in the traditional layout...everything would be fine...
  3. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    It should only have been one week! Although I did have to suffer with that laptop, I did make numerous posts here. The week's absence was due to me being on holiday in Cornwall, in a house with no internet.
    I caught up fine with all threads except this one, which has a remarkable average score of one post every 20 minutes!

    Service Pack 3's out? Wow, am I out of touch... I might install it on my "genuine" XP, but after the patch I used to fool the WGA process, UPnp is completely barred on my PC, so I'm thinking of reformatting and just using direct HTTPs of the updates instead:

    Russ: Wow, are you the new brobear? 1149 words, that's quite a post. Funnily enough the only reason I bought rounded IDE cables was to get UV-reactive ones. I'd normally be happy to use a ribbon one and fold it up like so many people are doing. As for the negatives of round cables, I've never found them to be a problem. To me it seems like one of these wive's tale style stories like modular power supplies, yeah the potential's there for problems, but it never happens.
    I hear you on Encyclopedia Britannica, back in the 80s that must have been unheard of. Having said that though, I haven't used a CD based encyclopedia for god knows how long. Now, it's all web-based stuff. Granted, the reliability of the info isn't quite as great as a proper encyclopedia, but there are so many different sites around, you can quickly get an idea who is and who isn't talking bull.
    LP: With issues like that I basically find there's one 'best' way to do things. Experiment with which way round you have the fans run and the heatsink face, and one of the combinations should net you far better temps. Finding my ideal setup has seen me with lower temps at half the fan speed!
  4. Lp531

    Lp531 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2005
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    Can't Rotate this particular cooler...This is just the wrong cooler for this M/B...and case combo...fit wise...
    My biggest problem is really...the H/D clearance issue...a short...downward firing design...like the zalman...or the icecone-x...would eliminate the H/D clearance...allow the installation of the second top 120mm intake fan...and minimize the current air restriction of the side 120mm intake fan...
    Remember the CPU will have the 100mm fan...and the top 120mm fan...blasting down...on that big...all copper...heat sink...I don't think the CPU will be lacking...proper cooling...:)
  5. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    No, but you will of course need a proper heatsink to start with, so don't go for something less than a Zalman.
  6. Lp531

    Lp531 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2005
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    The Icecone-x has a better bottom finish then the Zalman...with more copper...a larger diameter fan pushing more CFM...at a higher RPM...providing more air pressure then the Zalman...while still remaining near silent...
  7. He_Man

    He_Man Regular member

    Jul 12, 2006
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    LOL guys, talk about getting kicked in the balls. I finally get my mum to agree to buy my sub £700 system and it turns out that half of it is out of stock...........fusk BALLS!!!!!!!!
    Anywhere else recommended to shop?

    Oh and also i think scan have removed gigabyte's x38 boards, i can't find them anywhere.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2008
  8. navskin

    navskin Regular member

    Jan 7, 2007
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    He_man i would recermend aria.co.uk for pc parts there from manchester and they deliver so not bad and it alot chaper than scan.

    www.aria.co.uk (for there web site)

    i bilt a system from there and it only cost 230 pound so thats not bad at all would cost me a lot more from scan.

    here the specs

    amd athlon 64X2 2.2GHZ
    asrock alive NF6G-VSTA
    3 gig of ddr2 800mhz £10 a peace
    160gig sata 2 hard drive
    liteon dvdrw X2
    nvida 7200gs graphics card (was a bit pisted of about that)

    and a cheape case arianet case not bad very good for cooling.
    i did another fourm about a p4 main board but everyone who had posted said that the specs was to low so i dumped the whole system and give it my dad lol. so there still are grate shop out there waiting to be found.

    thanks for listening

    sorry for bad spelling
    i try my best lol.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2008
  9. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    I appreciate your frustration, but language like that isn't going to please the site staff, just thought I'd warn you!
    If some items are out of stock, try the following retailers:

    @navskin: I'm pleased you got good value for money, but I wouldn't preach building systems like that. You've presumably used a low quality power supply which is a big nono, and Asrock motherboards aren't really that great either.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2008
  10. He_Man

    He_Man Regular member

    Jul 12, 2006
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    Oh baby,


    I just need a decent cpu cooler and arctic silver 5(none in stock on dabs)
  11. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Here are a few ideas. I hope you are from the UK. lol. Assumed a lot here. ;P


    QuietPC SCYTHE Ninja-Plus

    Zalman CNPS9500AT

    as5 4.41


    btw how the heck do you make the Pound sign for you Islanders??? :p
  12. He_Man

    He_Man Regular member

    Jul 12, 2006
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    Shift and 3 on qwerty :p
  13. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    That's only for the UK layout. It's Crtl+Alt and something for americans.
    As for the cooler, I'd say Freezer 7 Pro or Thermalright Ultra series.
  14. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I see what you mean! Leave it to DFI to come up with something weird! Can you clarify something for me? Just exactly what do you mean by "downward Firing"? Do you mean the airflow is toward the CPU? Normally you would want the air drawn through the cooler away from the CPU.

    The Cooler you chose would probably be good for 24/7 operation because it's always on! I wouldn't give it house room otherwise as most of the outside is completely covered in plastic with that shroud and out of the case airflow. The minute you shut it off, a lot of heat will be trapped inside the plastic. Dell has these beautifully crafted huge copper blocks that sit inside a wind tunnel. Turn a Dell like that off for a minute and turn it back on an the fan screams as it's so hot just sitting there with no where for the heat to go as it's all trapped inside the green tunnel. It actually melted on the 3400 at the office when the fan clogged up with enough dust to stop the fan. my boss called me up and told me that the computer was beeping at him and it smelled hot! Ya think! LOL!! Against my advice he still has it on the floor. With all the dust around these parts (San Bernardino, Ca. USA) you just can't do that as walking by stirs up the dust and it rapidly plugs up everything! When my buddy first rented this house 6 years ago, it had been empty for about 6 months. He had to force the door open as there was 6" of dust and dirt on the floor. He literally used a shovel to get most of it up! LOL!!

    Best Regards,
  15. hydro_x86

    hydro_x86 Member

    Nov 29, 2007
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    Supposedly is right...the Tuniq Tower 120 has a fan inside that giant mass of metal. Passive means no fans, moving parts, correct? Plus its HUUGE, the retail pictures are deceiving. And for all that size, I don't even know if it cools all that efficiently, it doesn't seem like it. If I push my Q6600 past 3.25ghz my core temps get well into the 70s under a 100% 4-core load. But to be honest, I dont know jack about HSFs, I've only used two after market ones.
  16. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    Any Canadians,living in Canada,on this site.If not kindly direct me to the Canadian site.Whereas I might find a good online site to buy DVDs
  17. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    ££££.....hehehehe... I got it.... thanks to GOOGLE!!!

    OT I know but hey I'm teaching as I learn... :p link to "knowledge"

    sam both places I checked were out of the AC Freezer Pro 7 but it's good so finding it would be worth while. ;)

    I just ordered a Thermalright Ultra 90 for my AMD system. They were on sale for $15.95 somewhere here in the states. It should be here today or tomorrow and I'll get it installed by the weekend I'm sure.

    @Lp I'm not disappointed in the CM TX2, I just had $20 that was burning a hole in the pocket and wanted to try the Thermalright Ultra series... ;) {just in case you were wondering.... :p}

  18. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    rick do you not like blankmedia.ca ?? I linked you to it with recommendations from a handful of Canadians. I know that some of the computer online stores carry media as well but I know nothing about them. sorry. ;) link to original reply....


    rick do you mean blank dvd's or movie dvd's?? That might clear something up. ;)
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2008
  19. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    greensman..Sorry I missed the link..I've been up for two days
    I meen Blank Media [DVD R's & RWs ]
  20. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Interesting, all the normal heatsinks I use blow the air towards the CPU, not away from it, including the Zalman one.
    Greensman: Then don't worry about the freezer 7, the Thermalright will probably be better.
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