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The (new) Official PC building thread!

Discussion in 'Building a new PC' started by creaky, Nov 27, 2006.

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  1. Leinad123

    Leinad123 Member

    Nov 23, 2004
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    just finished building my new pc..
    wanting to know if its comparable gaming wise w/ out me needing to oc in the future.

    ASUS M2N Sli Duluxe

    AMD X2 4200+ AM2 socket

    GEIL 2g Ultra series 800mhz PC2-6400

    Dual ASUS 7600GT's

    and a pretty case to top it off ^^
  2. hoddey

    hoddey Regular member

    Jul 21, 2006
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    editd as you already posted this all over the place.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2007
  3. Leinad123

    Leinad123 Member

    Nov 23, 2004
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    send it back mate, and be quick about it, phone to make sure its all cool with them to. Im pretty sure Geil has a DDR1 version of that ram to
  4. caucano

    caucano Regular member

    Jul 28, 2004
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    I am in the process of building up my new system. So far I've picked out the E4300, Gigabyte's DS3 Mobo, and Corsair ddr2 pc6400 2x1GB ram. Now since my mobo does not come with on board video, I require a video card. I am not a big gamer, will play once in a while when I have time. But primarily just need a descent video card to hold up when I upgrade to vista. I was reading up on cards on Tom's website, here,
    and was interested in getting the Geforce 7600 GT. Now, I know Nvidia only makes the chip, and there are many different vendors which sell this card. I am wondering if there is any big difference in manufacturer, i.e. eVGA vs. ASUS vs. BioTech, etc, in terms of video cards with Nvidia chips in them. Should I stay away from any manufacturer?

  5. Lp531

    Lp531 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2005
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    Sorry it took so long to get back to you...been busy getting ready for a deposition that I have to give on Friday...Business First...

    The card is fine...I would have rather seen you go with the 8800 and maybe go with the 6300 CPU to save the cash...you can over clock the 6300 to near 6600 speeds...

    The 8800 cards are future proof...they are the only video cards that you can say that about right now...

    Don't sweat it you will be fine with the 7900GS...
  6. shuboy00

    shuboy00 Member

    Jul 18, 2004
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    Cool. I just needed something to get it going. The E6600 is the bomb. A hell of a lot faster than the P4 I had in my old rig. For my mobo i went with the EVGA NForce 680i SLI. Read some pretty good reviews on it, plus i got it for the low. I wasnt able to afford the 150GB Raptor, so I went with the 300GB Seagate Barracuda. What DVD-RW drive would you reccommend?
  7. taz1974

    taz1974 Member

    Nov 14, 2006
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  8. Lp531

    Lp531 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2005
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    I usually go with the best deal on a Lite-on...I don't worry if it is a Ram drive or not...would probably never use it for that...the last drive I bought was a Sony DRU-120C a rebadged Lite-on for $9.99...on black Friday...Just make sure it burns Dual Layers...

    let me look over these and I'll get back to you tomorrow...


    This one has the 256 bit memory...most the other were 128 bit
    20 pipelines...7900 vs 7600...$159.99 after rebate...not bad

    Look at this one...can not find detailed specs on memory...would like to know...before suggesting over other card...

    $149.99 after rebate...nice cooler...

    The Best Gaming Video Cards for the Money: February 2007
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2007
  9. herrick

    herrick Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    I went from this case:
    (which came w/ four fans and I added two more in the rear)


    AND my temps went up? from- 31 to- 39-40????

    I have less fans but bigger ones now! [three in case, one HD fan]

    CPU fan per. sig

    I am waiting to arrive a Sunbean 4ea. controller and a differant temp montor then what I have...

    Does anyone have any suggestions I had very thing per sig in a mid case...man you could not put a dime in there anywhere it was that packed, I go to a good and roomy case and my heat goes up, the only thing I can think of is that these fans are not moving as fast as the smaller ones in the other case- the other case was alot more loader also which makes me beleave they were moving faster- hopfully this cantroller will help! it bothers me that I spent a $100.00 more on this case and get less results.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2007
  10. Lp531

    Lp531 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2005
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    How are you monitoring temps?..fan controller will not lower temps just noise...could it be due to sensor movement?..the new case should provide lower temps...
  11. herrick

    herrick Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    As for CPU temps I use software that came w/ my mobo- does not the fan controller adjust the fan speed? if so it will effect the temps as for monitoring I will be using


    the controller will be


    The senors I use now are only on my drives

    At boot it is at 34 but gos to 39 in know time...the med case was 31 of so... makes no sense- my friend flashed the bios the same day the case was changed- if that means anything.
    my bios is 1303 when we went from the stock bios to 1205 I had nothing but problems.

    anyways hope some of this helps... I use good silver past on the cpu also-
  12. Lp531

    Lp531 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2005
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    They only allow you to slow a fan down...they will not allow you to spin a fan faster then with-out a controller...with-out controller fan's spin at max speed all the time...
    It is probably the bios change that is causing it...
  13. herrick

    herrick Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    You lost me bro- will the controller in the link allow me to slow down and speed up my fans - [my fans have the three wires that allow it to be controlled]?

    Anyone with a Asus A8n32-SLI Deluxe... can you please tell me your suggestions on a good bios setting and flash

    I believe aabbccdd has a A8n32 THATS A HINT LOL and theres afew more I think...THATS ALSO A HINT LOL!
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2007
  14. Lp531

    Lp531 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2005
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    Fan Contollers allow you to turn the fan speed down from full speed...they allow you to turn the fan speed back up to full speed...they do not allow a fan to spin faster then the full speed...that the fan spins at normally with-out a controller...

    Controller that goes from...full speed to off:

    Fan spins at 2500 rpm's...full speed...
    turn knob all the way to off position...
    Fan spins at 0 rpm's...off

    Controller that reduces speed only...can-not turn off(most allow you to reduce speed 50%)

    Fan spins at 2500 rpm's...full speed
    turn knob all the way...
    Fan spins at 1250 rpm's... a 50% reduction

    You can reduce the speed of any fans...2 wire...or 3 wire

    2 wire fans do not have the...yellow wire...yellow wire is a rpm sensor wire...2 wire fan's will not allow the rpm's of the fan to be sensed...

    3 wire fans have yellow wire that allows a controller or a sensor to sense speed of fan...you can only sense the speed of a 3 wire fan...

    That is the diffrence in 2 & 3 wire fans...
  15. herrick

    herrick Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    Thank you very much, very informtive...BUT that brings me back to wondering how can I lower my temps... I have good parts-

    So the fans I have now which are:
    a) Front (intake): 120x120x25 mm, Blue LED Fan, 1300rpm, 17dBA
    b) Rear (exhaust): 120 x 120 x25 mm blue LED fan, 1300rpm, 17dBA, 90x 90 x 25mm, 1800rpm, 19dBA
    c) Top (exhaust): 90 x 90 x 25mm, 1800rpm, 19dBA

    Are these runnig at stock at full speed? If so I have just wasted money.

    I did not know I could of gotten the same case w/ a fan on the side also like my old case... I wonder if I should put a fan on the side? but the way things are going- not sure how much gain I would get?


    Sorry there...I went over your post again, by what I read my fans are at the highest... back at the drawing board again AAARRRR!!!!!
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2007
  16. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Man I just want to add something here even tho I'm not a builder like Lp531. :)

    Are the fans rotating the proper direction for your configuration? You know, the front actually pulling in air, the the other 2 pushing it out of the case. I know this sounds simple but it's worth a look.

    Also, did anything happen to your CPU and cooling device when you switched cases?

    Just some simple questions but I agree with you there shouldn't be any problems with overheating and this case.

    Another thing that Lp531 mentioned (i think) is the BIOS could be the culprit here. If it was running smoothly with the old BIOS you might flash back to it and see what happens. :p

    Another tidbit of info I found out recently is the utility Speedfan. It monitors your system and can provide control of your system fans if your mobo has the ability to do so. I'm not very familiar with the utility but Lp531 or someone else might be of more help. Sorry buddy but still learning like you are. :) Also I've found out the utility Everest is a good monitoring tool as well. It's what I use right now.



    link for speedfan

    link for everest home
  17. herrick

    herrick Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    @ greensman

    Thanks bro, and ya I checked the air flow- I was under the understanding that I could speed up my fans during game playing manualy...with progams you cannot change fan speed during a game, thats how I started the case change and everything, [should of done my home work better].

    I will look into those programs though to ensure if my mobo software is working right...so thanks for some choices-

    I was wondering about the bios also- going to run this one for a bit, then move up, had problems w/ the one below what I am using now- maybe next week do the change. forgot the setting when the temps were lower...another lesson learned

    Might just remove CPU fan and clean and redue the silver past... just for GP

    Take care and thank you everyone for your help....sense I dont know what Im doing half the time... LOL
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2007
  18. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    herrick , ok a few things to consider

    we have the same mobo. with that mobo you want a case that you can mount the mobo on the right hand side of the case (right hand side is facing the case, the case in front of you). if its mounted on the left hand side of the case the copper cooling pipe is upside down and WILL cause cooling problems. thats why i got this new Antec Nine Hunderd case. the mobo mounts on the right .the Lian Li case i had wasn't the correct mobo mount being it was mounted on the left hand side (facing the case) causing it NOT to cool correctly it was running 42c (to hot).

    ok next Lp531 gave you perfect advice on the fans and how to control them and YES do a side fan.

    another problem is the video-cards you have the NIVDIA cards run hot(especially two of them) you need to get an aftermarket cooler on them. that also will lower your temps

    I have the latest bios update from Asus and my temps are running System 29c Mobo 29c CPU 34c
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2007
  19. Lp531

    Lp531 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2005
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    I really think your problem is the bios...the new bios is probably conflicting with the after market fan speed controlling software you installed...

    You don't have all those fans plugged straight into the motherboard do you?..

    Also are you sure CPU cooler is still setting flush with CPU...if Cooler is attached with clip...sometimes they can get rock sideways...no longer flush with CPU...

    Just looked at your cooler...small base...I bet that thing is rocked on base and not making good contact with CPU...also looks like that cooler has a thermal pad...scape it off and get some arctic silver paste...

    Is there any thing else that changed between builds...besides case and bios?..did you remount cooler between builds?..

    Also Add the side fan...aabbccdd is giving you good advice...

    And No...you did not waste money on controller...there will be times when you want to turn fans down for noise...especially on a case with so many fans of that size...
    I run all my fans at 3/4 speed most of the time...I only turn them to full speed when gaming or running graphic intensive programs...

    Whats up aabbccdd
    What did you think of the Home Theatre pictures?..
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2007
  20. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    im sure glad you guys are here. at the end of the month im gonna try and start my build. as i've stated before its not gonna be the power machines you guys have(and they are to sweet). i dont do much gameing , mostly burning movies/cd's. get online and chat with you guys here. i know what CPU im getting(E6300 or E6400) and have narrowed it donw to either a Intel or Asus MOBO. ive seen you talking about the graphics cards alot lately. do i need the big Geforce 8800? for just burning and crusing the internet? since your on the jubject right now of fans. 2 should be all i need wouldnt?
    i have a old case im gonna use it supports ATX and BTX style mobo. with the type of CPU and mobo would a 400w PSU be enough, or should i get a new one?

    sorry i know i have asked these same types of questions over and over but the closer i get to builind i change my mind on what i want/need....lol
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2007
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