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The (new) Official PC building thread!

Discussion in 'Building a new PC' started by creaky, Nov 27, 2006.

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  1. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    sorry guys i had to go to bed last night the little lady was a callin(wink).
    how do i adjust the 3.3 to get in tolerence? if its at 2.528 what should it be? 3.3 i guess??lol
    im getting ready to open the case and look at the powersupply fan to see if it has something that doesnt look pluged in maybe it dont have a sensor???

    shoot everytrhing with a couple shots of air knock some dust off... i normally shut the system down to shoot air like im gonna do now but is it ok to do it while its running?
  2. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    I would be a little concerned about your 3.3 voltage. Like Lp531 said, a little high is ok but low's not good especially that low. Double check your 3.3 voltage with some different software. You might want to consider replacing your psu to be on the safe side.
  3. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    ok dont mean to sound dumb again, but i am in this situation.

    what actually is the 3.3 voltage? where is it how do i find it?

    ive checked all these things with the asus and everest and both say about the same on the 3.3v but as for cpu temp and mobo there is a big difference in the 2 programs. the asus says my cpu temp is 41c and everst says its 29c along with my mobo same 29c with everest. mobo with asus is 30c

    and i do have only a 250w PSU with this HP system.. with me havening 2 burners(hp and Liteon) and putting another 512 stick of mem. and a 250gb HDD is the 250w not enough? id say so.. really wont be enough when i get the 18x liteon and puit it in in replace the hp drive.?
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2007
  4. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Dude, quit with the dumb stuff. Your learning just like the rest of us, including me! The 3.3v thing (LOL) is the voltage to your PCI 'network' so to say. It gives the power to the pci cards that utilize that voltage and the 5.0v is sorta the same thing. :) Like the other boys said you should do something about that psu. check your PM box. :):)

    You may need to set the Everest program to read the correct thing. From my experience a little trial and error but not that difficult. ;) If both programs are reading the same on that voltage I would definitely consider replacing that psu for now. check your PM box. :):)

    It looks like the ASUS utility may be right on the temps and Everest may have something set a little wrong but that's ok you should be able to change it but there is no real need. The ASUS utility is ALL you need. It's reading correctly from 'our' observations and it actually supports your board from what I can see. :) So for your sake and ease of computing you can delete Everest unless you want to keep it for comparison only. :)

  5. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    and just how hard/easy is it to put in a new PSU(or one a friend gives ya)(wink). yes i am learning just a little nervious bout screwing something up. the wife want call me to bed at 1 am anymore..lol

    i have my old computer my dad had built 6 years ago. it has the old FICII board in it. i think thats gonna be my experiment system... to be honest i think that system has a 350w psu on it.
  6. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    i dont wanna hog up this link on my sillines...ill just pm a few of ya with some of my questions and other oddities..lol and once agian im giving out wrong info my old board isnt a FIC II its a "AZIIEA".

    mort81, LP531 and greensman il send you all a little info in your pm. hope im not being a burden....
  7. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Doing some research found that the board is a FIC AZ11EA and posted a link to see if this is what it looks like. Still doing some searching and what not. Trying to help buddy but you know how limited I am. lol.

  8. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    yup thats it but it has a amd duron cpu on it. 800mhz. its a good little system havent had any problems out of it other than getting a virus on the 40gb hdd that was in it.
  9. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    FINALLY!!! My new mobo just arrived and I'll be messing with it for the next hour or so. :)


    edit: OK maybe about 3 hours. LOL. Went over everything 3 times and redid my cpu heatsink/fan with AS5. That stuff is like 100 year old grease. lol. Let's see what happens. *crosses fingers and says little prayer*..........:):)

    edit #2: Got everything installed, new monitoring program (pc probe II), drivers for mobo, finished the first backup on a DVD-RW and will watch tomorrow, man it's late or early depending on how you look at it. lol.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2007
  10. GTR35

    GTR35 Active member

    Jun 18, 2006
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    guys need suggestions...i cant decide wat to do...Ok i was thinking of building a new computer right?...right...but do u guys think i should biuld a cheap C2D computer now or build a good one near the end of the year...

    plan 1 cheap C2D
    ->Intel C2D E6300
    ->GA-965P-DS4 mobo
    ->1GB of Ram
    ->250GB HDD (Will This rig last me another 2-3 years?)
    ->7600GT 256MB
    ->good Chassis
    ->500w psu
    ->19" Monitor


    plan 2 good C2D Computer
    ->Intel C2D E6700/(MAYBE)quad core if not X6800
    ->GA-965P-DQ6/striker extreme mobo
    ->2GB of Ram
    ->250GB HDD (Will This Rig Last Me another 3-5 years?
    ->8600/8800 GPU
    ->good Chassis
    ->800w psu
    ->20" Monitor

    My Current Computer...
    ->AMD Athlon Xp 2400+
    ->mobo *unknown
    ->1GB of Ram
    ->80GB HDD
    ->7600gs(having problems with it)
    ->fair chassis
    ->350ww psu (too little having problems with GPU)
    ->15" Monitor

    please help by using ur experts view...
  11. Deadrum33

    Deadrum33 Active member

    Jul 23, 2005
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    Split the difference.
    CPU & mobo
    2 GB RAM
    "cheap"--(dont buy cheap parts, just the good stuff from 6 months ago that came down in price)
    7600GT & 500 watt PSU
    enclosure and monitor

    Those basics will get you through anything you toss at it.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2007
  12. GTR35

    GTR35 Active member

    Jun 18, 2006
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    hmm...thnx...but i'm worried about DX10 games...and if i upgrade it to DX10GPU...i'm scared that the cpu might bottlneck the gpu...
  13. Deadrum33

    Deadrum33 Active member

    Jul 23, 2005
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    Then...go for something bigger and better, I was just making the best choices with what you listed GTR35.
  14. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Wanted to let everyone in on what I've been doing with my newer build the last month or 2. I have had some pixelation issues from the beginning of the new build.At first I thought they were caused by compression issues but doing a movie under 4.7GB gave the same results. Then I (we) thought they were associated with bad optical drives so I purchased some new ones. Had a Samsung SH-S182D and a BENQ DW-1655 then purchased 2 new Liteys SHW-160P6S and a LH-18A1P. Not the problem, then I bought a new PSU because I (we) thought the power rating was to low and it wasn't a "name" brand. Not the problem, I then sought out other help at DVDHounds (with some coaxing from members here at AD) and they initially started out with software but quickly narrowed it down to a faulty/failing mobo. MachSpeed btw, and I won't have another one. :)

    We (they) found the problem because the temps and voltages were all wonky but the components felt fine to the touch. This is when we decided to try another board and low and behold that was it. This is the new board [ASUS A8N5X Socket 939 NVIDIA nForce4 ATX AMD Motherboard] and after one day it seems like a good one. lol. The old one was a MachSpeed MK8-939A socket 939 ATX and unfortunately didn't work properly out of the box but I didn't know it was faulty so I can't get it replaced now. Good lesson learned for sure. Buy name brand/good quality parts and be sure to search out all the help you can, someone is always smarter than you or may have already been there done that. lol. :)

    A couple of links to the pics I took re-assembling my puter. :)

    New board and old cpu

    cpu w/ AR5 smeared nice and thin

    final assembly, ain't she purty...lol

    I thought that I would share a simple version of the things that I went thru and how great the people here (AD) and at DVDHounds are. Very helpful all of them. If anyone has any questions or similar problems, hopefully I can help in some way or the real gurus can join in and get 'er done.


    edit to add:
    Just to let you know the people in no certain order that directly helped and guided me thru this were kivory666, Mort81, windtrade, Brobear, Sophocles, and if I missed your name I'm sorry just let me know and I'll add it if you like. :)
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2007
  15. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    The mobo is all that was left to replace. That's very odd however. Glad you finally figured it out. Too bad we didn't try that 1st huh. I didn't know the brand of your old mobo. Kinda like ECS, not very dependable. You should be happy with your asus. Good to see you're fixed up. Live and learn.
  16. herrick

    herrick Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    @ greensman

    Cool pictures bro... she looks GOOD!
  17. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    thanks buddy how you like it??? lol Did you read all the stuff I've been going thru. Don't wish it on anybody.

    B.O.T....How is your deal going? Temps and all ok.

    I will post a screne shot tomorrow of the utility PC Probe II and let you look at that. lol.
  18. herrick

    herrick Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    Temps are OK but not where I want them...it will be where I want it as soon as my side panel w/ 250mm fan is in stock... still have alot of tweeking to speed things up boot-time etc.

    I feel your pain... Ive went through things also- great feeling when shes up and running- Glad AD and my friend are here to help...You reminded I lost my image program to post things when I redid my OS...and dont remember the name...what do you use? any ideas on a free program?

    Going to try some things so I can down load your ver. of Probe 2, its really cool...

    MAN...the grass looks greener on your side of town LOL
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2007
  19. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    I use imageshack.us but there is photobucket.com which is used a lot here at AD. :)

    Here are some possible updates for your mobo.

    link to bios ok for some reason you have to go thru the chosing process but the link at least gets you to the bios page at ASUStek computer inc.

    Here is the links to pc probe and pc probe II, good luck. :)
    pc probe 2.23.06

    pc probe II 1.03.05

    hth in some way. :) btw i like both utilities but pc probe II came with my mobo so it's what i use. ;-)


    edit: put the wrong link in for your mobo ~;O it's fixed now. I think I remember you have 1303 but here's the link anyway. :) Never know someone else may need it. lol.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2007
  20. herrick

    herrick Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    @ greensman

    Thanks for links Ill check them out... I have the latest Bios, thats the strange thing...when I try and down load from "major Geeks" to get pc probe its states that I have an old one which is not true... I have pc probe its just an older ver. really like one you are using...Ill get it somehow, someway!
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2007
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