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The (new) Official PC building thread!

Discussion in 'Building a new PC' started by creaky, Nov 27, 2006.

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  1. teflonmyk

    teflonmyk Regular member

    May 24, 2005
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    With DVD Rebuilder and CCE, the load is distributed evenly across all four cores (around 65% each core I think.) I haven't tried Hank's yet (Creaky has).

    Both of my builds have been based on Gigabyte boards (see sig). I haven't had problems either time. I ALMOST went with DFI this time, though. Hopefully, I can hold off a couple of years before doing another build. Who knows what will be out by then.
  2. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Only the CCE is multi threaded, and should be split between the 4 cores. DVDRB itself doesn't take up a lot of processor power, so being single thread is not much of a liability. Mostly in the Preparation and Re-Building phase it could use multi threading. You can watch it in the taskmanager by clicking the performance button. When it's encoding all cores should be working while during Prep and Re-Build it will drop to one core!

    Best Regards,
  3. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Yup, i use Hank's a lot, and sometimes still use CCE too. As to the load across cores, the guys have answered that so i'll just add this - http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_jump.cfm/623763/3773020
    Hank's is very impressive, especially when it has multiple cores to play with :)

    I started using the Quad for DVD-RB duties here - http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_jump.cfm/335628/3619796

    The Quad has been on Seti@home duties all afternoon as no encoding to do at the moment. It storms thru work units in about 2.5hours, obviously does 4 at a time.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2008
  4. abuzar1

    abuzar1 Senior member

    Jan 5, 2005
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    So say I want to convert Divx or XVID files to DVD, what will be the fastest program to use with a Q6600. Basically which one utilizes all four cores best?
  5. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    ^^^^^from the EGG for returns AFTER the EGG's policy ends...

    Good luck Rob, I'm sure that you'll be taken care of with little to NO hassle. On the cpu front just tell Intel that you were having issues with your components and basically you're sending the E8400 in to make sure it's ok. A little story about the psu and mobo wouldn't hurt but I say be vague. My opinion really but they will WANT something to go on. I don't think you should have any issues with your OC personally. I wouldn't say anything about it of course.

    Rob once your 'rebates' come in you should get to buying stuff. lol. Good luck again buddy..... DON'T fret over the "should have purchased a pre-built system".... You did right but sometimes things don't work out perfectly.... I've been thru it and I couldn't be happier with all my builds now.... 5 NEW (over a couple of years and one for a buddy) and about 3-4 rebuilds.... :D

    Forgot to post this earlier. lol. Typed it up and had company come over so was forced away from my puter. ;)



    edit: could ==> couldn't ....lol ooops..
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2008
  6. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    i think convertxtodvd will use all 4 cores. im not 100% sure but i think i heard someone say that
  7. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    boozer I like convertXtoDVD too. ;) You might try DVDFlick, it's pretty fast but I haven't checked on the multi-core use yet. :)

  8. abuzar1

    abuzar1 Senior member

    Jan 5, 2005
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    I have that and I don't think it uses all four cores. I'll try it in a bit and confirm.
  9. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    v2 of ConvertXtoDVD doesn't, not sure if v3 does or not; DVD Flick doesn't, and as for TheFilmMachine i don't use it often enough to comment, but TFM can certainly use HC and CCE encoders. Rotary uses the Film Machine a lot, have asked him to pop by to add his AVI guru_expertise..
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2008
  10. Pepp77

    Pepp77 Regular member

    Dec 25, 2007
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    From reading some times of Quad core users of convertx the times they are getting for encoding is about the same as I get on my E8200.

    For example I can do 6 x 42 minute TV episodes onto one DVD in about 36mins, someone with a Q6600 did 5 episodes in ust under 28 mins. They got about 7.8 times speed and I averaged just slightly less on my endoding.

    Saying that though last night I did some 30 min progs onto DVD with it (still 6 episodes) and that was averaing just under 5 x speed - and was taking over 40 mins to do.

    Edit - This is version 3 by the way.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2008
  11. abuzar1

    abuzar1 Senior member

    Jan 5, 2005
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    Yeah and the only reason the quad cores would be faster at the same speed is because they have double the cache.
  12. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Here's some interesting reading regarding temps of various 65 and 45nm CPUs just out from Tom's!


    Read and learn!

    I have a special request,
    Anyone out there that has an old Athlon XP socket A (462) 2400+ or better they are willing to sell, Please PM me. I need one very badly. It figures I would need one now as I just put the last 2400+ I had in the Retro I just sold Friday! The only other Athlon XP socket A I have is an 1100, and it's just too slow, even with a GB of memory.

    The computer belongs to a good friend's Son, who is bedridden with Cancer, and his dad was just laid off so there's just no money. It's the only computer they have at the moment, so this isn't for profit, it's for a worthy cause!

    Thanking you in advance,
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2008
  13. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    Some good reading there Russ. but i didnt see any of the E8000 series include in the testings.
    i have about 3 hours before i can call gigabyte for a RMA and 2 hours for intel... they need to get a office here on the east coast part of the country...lol kinda sucks sending this stuff back for replacements. i got a new sata burner comeing wed/thurs.....lol

    yes once i get the new stuff back its gonna stay at stock for a while untill im sure it is all stable...

    EDIT: to correct myself
    they do refer to the E8000 series...lol
    Scale 1: Duo
    E4x00: Tcase Max 73c, Stepping M0
    E2xx0: Tcase Max 73c, Stepping M0
    E8x00: Tcase Max 72c, Stepping C0
    E8x90: Tcase Max 72c, Stepping C0

    E6x50: Tcase Max 72c, Stepping G0
    E6540: Tcase Max 72c, Stepping G0

    --70--/--75--75-- Hot
    --65--/--70--70-- Warm
    --60--/--65--65-- Safe
    --25--/--30--30-- Cool

    Last edited: Mar 24, 2008
  14. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    not sure if i asked this before or not so here goes again.

    can you run a ODD and a HDD on the same IDE cable. once i get the big red machine back up of the Disabled List, i have my new sata burner thats gonna go in there. i also plan on getting a second sata burner and use 1 of the ide burners with them. totaling 3 burners i was wanting to do away with that pci e x1 card i have and run the ide HDD and ide burner on the same ribbon connected directly to the mobo. is that possible. or shouldi just keep the PCI e 1x card until i get another sata HDD???
  15. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    ok im at a crossroads here now..i just talked to intel. they seem to think the CPU is getting to hot and causeing the shutdowns im getting. he said that he is sending out some thermal paste for me to use instead of the AS5 i used.he wants me to try that first and if i still have the problems we can go along with the RMA. so he is sending out the paste today.
    Also i asked him about the cooler that came with the CPU(acted like i used it) i cleaned off the paste the cooler came with and used the AR5. he said i shouldnt have done that and used what was shipped with it....do i now put the factory cooler on it with there thermal paste and see if that works? if it does do i take off the cooler and put my Coolermaster cooler back on with there thremal paste they are sending????

    and should i still try and RMA the MOBO. guess i will try this paste on the factory cooler first?
  16. Rotary

    Rotary Senior member

    Apr 10, 2003
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    hi just jumpimg in here, not read 300 pages so.... i am not sure if CCE uses the 4 quad cores or not?

    i use tfm/cce on an avi to dvd/iso, it takes about 1 hour on a 4400 dual core, stripped/mirrored raid 0+1 raptors 10,000rpm with 2 gig of corsair extreme ram...

    hope that helps? prolly not.... ;-]
  17. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Rob I'm calling BS on that cpu overheating!! I'm pretty sure the monitoring progies that you're using are ok for that cpu as well as many others. I would expect Russ to comment here since he's had much more experience but it seems they are blowing smoke up ye arse.... lol. Never hurts to do what they say tho, just don't say anything about OC'in. *shhhh*. :D What sucks is you gotta put everything back together now. ROFL!! Good luck with that. Have you ordered that new psu yet?? Makes me curious actually. I know Russ has made his suggestions and I feel he knows his stuff but I'm all for a BETTER psu too. ;) No offense to the fella that you got it from but hey I've got a little Tim Taylor in me blood. hehehehe. :p

    That cooler is fine btw, I've used the same model in 3 systems now and it provided some good cooling I thought, especially for the dough.... I'm gonna "lap" my CM-TX2 this week if I can get to it..... maybe this weekend. Russ any hints would be appreciated.... :D I've got access to a "buffer" with all the compounds that I want. Which color compound do you recommend for the process?? I've already hit it with 400 grit paper but I'm sure I need to do some 600-800 before I "polish" it right?? /me needs direction.... :D

  18. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    well that was a short crossroad. it hit a hugh speed bump.

    i put the factory heatsink on it with the factory paste. it wont boot up at all. i hit the power button it pauses then trys to start then shuts down and does it again over and over.. calling gigabyte now. gotta wait till i get the pasted from intel then send it back.
  19. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Well what color hue was it?? hehehe. I'm sure you meant huge... ?? :p j/k buddy, I know that you're beyond frustrated by now.

    Well that really stinks don't it?? <<<incredible knack of stating the obvious... :D

    Rob PLEASE get another psu before you do all this again. I know it may strain the pocket book but it will save you some extra time I think. That takes the psu out of the equation completely and you can concentrate on the mobo and cpu then. I think the RAM is fine personally but I'm not sure about the other 2 components now. I know this doesn't help anything really but maybe it gives you some assurance that you're headed in the right direction. :D good luck buddy...


    edit to add:

    OCZ RAM PC2-8500 $51.99 after MIR w/ FREE shipping
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2008
  20. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    Just talked to a guy at giga-byte...they seem to care more than intel does....he asked a series of questions mostly about what the problem was. then ask about the mem and cpu i was useing. he said the board is more than capable of handleing both the products i have. i told him i was trying to send the CPU to intel for the RMA also. he told me that when i send it(mobo)in they will check it out. if there is something wrong and they can repair it they will, if something is wrong and cant be repaired they will give me a new one. but it will take about 3 weeks..i first have to wait for the RMA # then once they get it, it will be about 2-3 work weeks.....

    so with the wait on intel and the paste and then telling them ineed the rma it will be about a month before im back in action... so i should be able to get a better PSU by then.. i hope/think...lol(all my MIR should be back by then)

    said thing the new sata burner will be here this week and cant use it for another month...lol
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