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The (new) Official PC building thread!

Discussion in 'Building a new PC' started by creaky, Nov 27, 2006.

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  1. Lp531

    Lp531 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2005
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    Hi to everyone...especially are esteemed visitors...

    Have you decided on a case yet...case will have an impact on which board I recommend due to how they mount...Feel free to look at other cases...and tell me what you would like in a case...such as Window...Extra Quiet...LED Lighting...etc...I just threw those out for you to look at...

    Case #3 holds 6 hard drives in lower chamber...

    Are you looking to Over Clock?..

    Wireless and Sound Card...is all you need PCI slots for...Correct...

    Not counting Video Cards...

    The case is very important considering your demands...and components...
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2007
  2. sarthak14

    sarthak14 Member

    Jan 27, 2007
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    A Normal Case that holds all the components and i think a better cooling than normal.i ve told u wat all i need in the comp.
    so I'll definetely need a big one.

    NO LED, Window Dnt ReallyCare.Xtra Quiet {how is that achieved andwat are the extra costs}

    OVer Clock Definetely Not.

    Ya Wireless and Sound Card and EXTRA USB PORTS.

    Btw As i said Before when u tell me a choice of motherboard can u give me 2 choics both a SLI board and NON SLI board. And i dnt think any components have to be changed as they all work on both the boards
  3. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    I would go ahead and get the SLi board now and be done with it. I think some of the best high end boards are definitely SLi compatible and if you go SLi now with 2 8800 GTS's there won't be a game in the next 5+ years that they won't play. JM2C here. :)

    Now for cases you just made it a lot easier to choose a good enclosure but stay within reasonable $$$. I'll let Lp531 pick something out but I'll look and add later anyway. :)


    You just got a little less wiggle room on the new case for sarthak14. LOL. I think he made it easier to pick something tho. heh??
  4. marsey99

    marsey99 Regular member

    Aug 13, 2006
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    im glad to see your back on ad, the knowledge and experiences you bring can only benefit us all.

    vr-zone has done a peice on the a1 revision and have pointed out how to do-it-yourself for those that need to (not sure why but they have anyway).
  5. sarthak14

    sarthak14 Member

    Jan 27, 2007
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    Ya i think ill do that heard NVIDIA 680i SLI Board is good.
    And ya bout going SLI now with 2 8800 GTS wont it be cheaper to buy a 8800 GTX rie nw and go SLI in a year or two by adding another one and a few more gigs of ram.

    Jus a thought!!!!
  6. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    PCI is definitely the way to go
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 18, 2007
  7. sarthak14

    sarthak14 Member

    Jan 27, 2007
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    Go SLI as in get the motherboard with 2 8800 GTS's or 1 8800 GTX
  8. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    i was thinking PCI sorry

    one 8800 GTX going to be sufficient it will run any game you want. two 8800s would definitely be overkill
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 18, 2007
  9. Lp531

    Lp531 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2005
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    Just trying to make sure you have sufficient cooling and airflow...5 HD will reduce your air intake volume tremendously...if you are using front mount intakes...and front mount drives...like in your standard case...that is why I have been looking at some of these upper end cases...with different airflow principles...

    When I look at the climate and heat patterns of India...It is definitely warmer then the states...That is why I was looking at possible water cooling...

    As for components:Most of what greensman picked out...good job greensman
    Thermaltake psu
    Lite-on DVD-RW
    eVGA mobo
    Intel C2D E6600
    WD 500 GB

    Now the other problem I am looking at...case (1 & 2) will not work with the board I was recommending...with out modifying the Chip set coolers...due to the upside down orientation of the board...and the use of heat pipe technology on the chip set...

    So that makes case (3 & 4) the best bet so far...I would not recommend a cheap case with all these high end parts...Its like taking a Ferrari chassis...and throwing it under a van...If you are going to spend the big money on the inside...spend an appropriate amount on the outside...

    On video cards I would go with the 8800GTS 640MB...No need for the 8800GTX...You only need 1 right now...SLI is for Future...

    As for Extra Quiet that is usually achieved through case design...case "1" will be quieter then case "2"...due to window...case "3" will be quieter then case "4"...due to "4" having 120mm top blow holes...Air turbulence is usually what causes excessive noise...fan grills are the #1 contributer...it is amazing how much noise can be eliminated through proper fan grills and openings...case "1" & "3" will be very comparable in noise...both will be relatively quiet...
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2007
  10. docTY

    docTY Regular member

    Mar 17, 2007
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    marsey99, thanks~ :) however, i am not an electrical engineer nor do i have ANY of the tools necessary or the experience to perform a soldering job :p good link nevertheless, for those with the capacity to do such a mod, it should be an easy thing to do

    lastly, as the article pointed out, at least for us United States customers thus far (i believe that eVGA is setting up a procedure in that customers from other countries will be able to benefit from the cross-shipping soon), the shipping has been covered both ways so i didn't have to spend a penny for my "upgraded" mobo...i simply had to pack up my original AR mobo (mobo only, i retained all accessories/parts that came w/ the retail kit) and things are well on it's way.


    i think you are in good hands w/ Lp531 and greensman in terms of finding all the proper components for your new build. you have outlined what YOU would like your rig. to do and the specs that will be going into the build. i've always felt a case is very personal, each of us has their own ideas as to what "looks good aesthetically", what might appear to be a good looking case to one person, may seem ridiculously hideous to another. :) but one topic of building w/ various cases is that there is not much room to argue when it comes to cooling capacity, naturally, some cases by design are just manufactured to just cool much better than others. the key is to find a case that YOU like (easy on the eyes to YOU) and making sure it's cooling is sufficient for the components that are going into your build.

    i will agree with the others in that a single 8800gts (regardless of the amount of on board memory) will be more than sufficient for CURRENT gaming needs, i happen to be incredibly excessive and i DO run dual 8800gtx's in SLI :) am i a gamer? NOPE...do i run highly intensive graphical 3d programs? on occasion, but not daily. much like it is a hobby of mine to build high end systems in my spare time, i also try my best to "keep up w/ advancing technology" to a certain degree. i don't always have the "latest and greatest" be it video card, powersupply, cpu, chipset, etc., but i try to stay at the forefront of it all as my budget dictates.

    i can give you more advice/suggestions once your decision has been made for exactly what components are going to be ordered; i'm more than familiar with the 680i chipset at this point and the C2Ds as well, but since you stated you will not be overclocking anytime soon, you will not need my help in that department :)

    good luck with your build, doing your research ahead of time prior to the purchase is always a good thing, but remember one thing...NO AMOUNT of spec sheet reading will replace actual EXPERIENCE with said products, that's where i come in should you need help configuring on the 680i chipset/BIOS :)
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2007
  11. Lp531

    Lp531 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2005
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    Doc I did not know you were a Over Clocker...I just thought you were the resident Media Expert...What do you think of the TY-R value line...I was thinking of picking some up...300 for $57 from supermedia...I have always went with the premium line...I know you recommend the +'s...Its just that not all my players play +'s...

    It sounds like we have a lot in common...I try to stay up on the latest and greatest components through actual use...not just reading a spec sheet...I put a lot of consideration into every item I recommend or purchase...You will be quite happy with the Vapochill cases...Very Nice...The clilly1 is a bit more extreme...the Vapochill is probably more practical...Not familiar with the titanium that you mentioned...will have to look into it...

    What do you think of the Coolit designs?..Quite mild compared to what you and Big DK are looking at...I almost picked a used one up last week...To play with phase cooling...
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2007
  12. docTY

    docTY Regular member

    Mar 17, 2007
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    yeah, i have quite a few hobbies, i understand that on AD, i'm "known" as the media guy, hence how my nickname was derived..but, i'm what you would call a fairly EXTREME overclocker on both the AMD and Intel fronts :) while i'm not as experienced as the others who have already gone into phase change, i am quite experienced in AIR cooling and even custom water cooling at this point (i've used both forms so far currently or in the past), i just haven't made the step into phase change just yet, it will be something i will be looking into within the year :p

    as to the TY valueline, for that price you stated, it's well worth it...i would much rather get 300 for about the same price as 200 w/ white paper sleeves as they've had in the deals from the past :) i have used extensive amounts of valueline as well as the premiumline, very little differences to the avg. user in terms of quality and playback in all honesty. (we all know there are a few "Bad batches" here and there, but that is true with any media manufacturer) for the price, you can't go far wrong.

    as to the Coolit hardware, i've also considered picking up the Freezone at one point, but decided against it as i read a few articles stating it didn't fit properly on the 680i boards without some modification. i'm not a heavy "modder" in any sense of the word, i perform the basic NB/SB mods on ALL my mobos, along with adding aftermarket components to improve cooling; but i'm not experienced with cutting/sawing/soldering whatever pieces just to make them fit. :) all of my cases are "stock," in respect to how the manufacturers built them and how they came when i purchased them, i haven't done a single thing to modify them at this point.

    the way i look at components, at least personally, i won't settle for "good enough"..if i'm going to go through with a purchase, i will 100% of the time pay the premium for the highest offering a particular company has at the time. ie. Coolit, i considered the Freezone, was not willing to "settle" for the new Eliminator-1000 nor the other "peltier cooler" offerings from other companies :) same is true for mobos (ie. when 680i came out, i never once considered getting a 650i or other offerings) and with video cards, based on my past purchases, i won't settle for anything other than a "gtx" for Nvidia or a "xtx" for Ati; once again, that's just ME, i have nothing against others and their own choices. i suppose i'm just not a "bang for the buck" type of guy, i could care less...i am a priceshopper and enjoy the savings like any other person would on a product when it's on sale or available at a significant savings, but i will hold out and pay a little more at the time of purchase rather than wait until prices drop when a newer model is introduced. i have never once settled for a mid-range or lower component in any of my builds, if i can't afford the highest, then i will just not have that component until i do have the $$ available to spend.

    everyone has the right to their own purchases based on their own mindset/mentality/budget. the only time i feel that i need not have the "latest and greatest" is when we start talking about the "extreme edition" Intels or the FX-series AMDs back when they were all $1000 cpus ( but i do have a 2 of the P4 Gallatin/Northwood Extreme Edition single cores, even though it's very dated technology) and on the AMD front, i have an Opty 185, upgraded from my then pricey x2 4400+, everything continually progresses as time and technology moves on...for the price i paid for my Intel EE chips and my 4400+ at the time, i could easily have the x6800 C2D and the fx-60 now at todays pricing.

    i usually "skimp" and save a few $$ when it comes to cases LOL, all of my cases are "ordinary" and nothing fancy to warrant $200+ pricetags. the money saved there usually goes to high end powersupplies and video cards and memory for me. as i mentioned, every one of us has their own "preferences" and needs in where they allocate the bulk of their spending, some prefer multiple hard drives/huge storage/raptor drives across the board, some prefer high end video cards because they are avid gamers, etc...

    much like you, i choose my components very carefully and do a lot of research before i actually commit to buying them, it's once i get them in my hands the "fun" begins (since i will push my builds to the limits at any given time within the range of my cooling capabilities, i'm "extreme" in that sense, i will squeeze every last ounce of performance i can with the hardware i am working with..i don't purchase components to run them "stock")

    nice to make ur acquaintance, it does seem like we do share quite a bit in common :)

  13. Lp531

    Lp531 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2005
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    If you ever need anything fabricated let me know...I have a complete machine shop at my disposal...Here is a picture of what me...and my brother..."Doctor Bob" worked on today...This will be a 56 Ford F-100 pick-up...All generation 5 Vette Suspension...with air ride...I will post some more pic's in My Profile...Today we made the mock-ups for front and rear sway bars...these are last parts that we need to fabricate before disassembly for powder coating and plating...

    Here is the Missouri in Dazzle paint...camera battery died on this pic...so I will have to take some detail shots next sunday when I go back out to finish Swaybar Fabricating...

    Here is pic of my brothers 71 Shaker Cuda...
  14. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    damnit i want that car LP531 lol

    440 engine?
  15. Lp531

    Lp531 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2005
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    440 Six Pack...He sold his 1968 Shelby GT500 to buy it in 1972...He paid $2,300 for it...It's Insured for $390,000...He also has a supercharged convertible Vette...and the original 60's era AA Gasser "The Hippy"...a 1940 all steel Willy Coupe...409 with two Four's...run's in mid 9's...plus another dozen cars...He's a Doctor...It pays to go to medical school...
    His Vette...
  16. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    nice nice nice man i love that Cuda
  17. docTY

    docTY Regular member

    Mar 17, 2007
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    lol LP531, thank you very much for the kind offer, i might just look you up one of these days if the need for custom fabrication/situation arises~ you are in CA? i'm residing in Los Scandelous right now btw LOL.

    i can vouch for that~ :) as difficult as med. school was, it's totally worth it in the longrun if you can survive the hell it brings upon you, i am "reaping the rewards" as they say for the suffering i have endured in times past :p
  18. crowy

    crowy Guest

    And you think AMD v Intel gets off topic!!!!
    ROFL!! Only Joking guys:)
    Damn I wish I had become a Doctor!!!
  19. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Those are some strange cases that you posted. One looks like a car frame, one looks like a Navy ship, and the other too look like cars (a Vette and a Cuda). Very nice design on that Cuda. I had a friend that had a Purple and black striped one with the 340 and sixpack as well. He got into financial trouble and had to sell. He lived in Cali near Fresno. Poor sap. LOL.

    If you want fast but NOT in a puter try out that Vette or the Cuda. You'll like the Cuda, BIG and FAST, nothing like a muscle car from the 60's or 70's. *grins*

    You better watch these fellows. hehehe. They will go "all ova the place". (Is that a direct quote docTY???) hehehe.



    Lp531 what have you found for cases on the sarthak14 project?? Just curious my friend. :)
  20. marsey99

    marsey99 Regular member

    Aug 13, 2006
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    i was talking more about your knowledge of products at the bleeding edge of tech not your electrical engineering skills:)

    i posted the link more to show people what was updated on the revision version rather than to show people how to do it themslves.
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