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The (new) Official PC building thread!

Discussion in 'Building a new PC' started by creaky, Nov 27, 2006.

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  1. crowy

    crowy Guest

    The e6750 is probably your best value cpu at the moment as it is clocked higher at 2.66ghz and has 1333mhz fsb speed as opposed to the e6420's speed of 1066mhz and it's only $5 dearer.The motherboard you are looking at only supports 1066mhz fsb so maybe the Gigabyte GA-P35C-DS3R may be a better option at only $20 dearer it has 1333mhz fsb support and the newer highly acclaimed p35 chipset.
    The power supply you are looking at will not be suitable with the graphics cards you are considering as maximum load on the 2/12 volt rails(this is called dual 12volt rails) is 16/17amps respectively.The 8600gt(which is the better option)draws 22amps.Not sure on your budget for the power supply but don't skimp here.A high amperage single rail power supply may be the better option(do some googling and read some reviews).

    The thermaltake case is ok(I have a friend that has one)but personally I don't like the flippy front door thing.That's just personal preference here:)
    Your'e right about the sceptre monitor they are'nt available here in Ozz so you will have to compare some others.Look for response time with lcd displays(the lower the better)and maximum resolution(the higher the better).

    As far as memory goes I would choose these from ocz:
    Slightly more than the G.Skill but has better timings that = faster pc plus this memory has a lifetime warranty as opposed to 12 months for the G.Skill.

  2. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Not throwing rocks, but that is incorrect! Both the v1.33 and 3.3 have a native 1333 fsb and Quad core support! If you go to the manufacturers website, it will confirm that!

    At this time I would recommend the 965 chipset over the newer one because of past experience. The 965-P & G chipsets have been around a while and their problems are behind them. I wouldn't want someone to go through what I went through with the Asus P5N-E, which was highly rated too, until something went wrong in the production!

    Where on earth did you find the E6750 only $5 higher? I have to admit I was going by US prices where the 6420 is the best budget choice right now. Fantastic overclocker! Reportedly hits 1700+ on the fsb!

    I'm not sure where you are getting your memory specs but I own the G.Skill F2-6400CL4D-2GBPK memory and it's timings are 4-4-4-12, which are better than the OCZ at 4-5-4-15! They are both cas4 but the sub timings are better with the G.Skill! The memory warranty is also lifetime!

    I recommended the 7600GT for it's low power consumption and excellent video editing capabilities. He's not a gamer so why go for the expense of the 8600? I have an XFX version in mine and it does everything including my turbine testing simulations with AutoCad 2004, and it works perfectly! Great card if you are not a heavy-duty gamer!

    Best Regards,
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2007
  3. popol24

    popol24 Member

    Apr 15, 2006
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    Well, I will play games with this computer such as Counter Strike and Battlefield. But it will also be used for programs such as AutoCAD and other structural engineering softwares. And of course, video editing softwares along with music editing softwares.

    Assuming that I do the need the next one up the 7600GT, would I need to change the power supply, while keeping everything else the same?
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2007
  4. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    With a 22 amp draw, yes. Your 12v rails would not have enough power available for a card like that. If you choose to go that route I recommend: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150229
    It's directX 10. I can't find anything on the amp draw, but I would tend to doubt it being that high as there is no external power required and 22 amps through the PCIe bus slot would be a bit much! I could be wrong though!

    Read my last post to Crowy. I included manufacturer's links for both the motherboard and the memory!

    Best Regards,
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2007
  5. Lp531

    Lp531 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2005
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    You beat me to the punch...I had it all typed up...Then I saw your new post..LOL...I was just going to make most those suggestions..:)

    The E6750 is a No brainier at $5 more...

    Like your choice of memory...especially with the difference in price...I have never used G-Skill...I have used lots of OCZ...never had a problem...

    How much to go up to OCZ PC-8500?..Might be worth it for the price...

    I like the GA-P35 based boards...again...especially for the price difference...

    As for P/S...I like "PC Power and Cooling" (Silencer 750 Quad)...if you can get it in Australia for a decent price...I know it is Over Kill...for now...but you will not have to update P/S...with any future foreseeable changes to the system...more H/D...Quad Core...8800 series cards...make yourself future proof in this regard...

    As for the case...I would look at some Antec...Cooler Masters...Lian Li...or Silverstone...Buying a High Quality Case is something you will never regret...

    I would recommend the 8600 over the 7600 video card...especially if you are looking at Vista...your going to want the direct X10 for all the Eye Candy...The 8600 will handle AutoCad without any problems...
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2007
  6. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I bought the G.Skill on DocTY's recomendation, and memory overclocking is one of his "Dark Arts". If you look at my post to Crowy you will see the specs are better for the G.Skill. My first go round with G.Skill and I'm very happy with it's performance! I've since used the same memory on a couple of customer builds with great results.

    As far as the chipset goes, I had a horrible go round with the 650i in an Asus P5N-E motherboard. I've only seen one that decently overclocked on this and my other forum. The 965-P & G are pretty bullet proof now and I don't see it becoming a problem in the near future!

    Best Regards,
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2007
  7. popol24

    popol24 Member

    Apr 15, 2006
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    Ok, I think I might go the next one up with the video card. Here's what I found:

    eVGA e-GeForce 8500GT PCI-E

    And from what you guys were saying, I need to upgrade the power supply so here's what I found:

    Thermaltake Tough Power 600W PSU(14CM Fan)

    Do I need to change the CPU and the motherboard? *crosses fingers, hoping I won't need to LOL*
  8. crowy

    crowy Guest

    Not sure how I got a $5 difference on the cpu price,I was getting a headache trying to follow the links that went nowhere..LOL!!
    This site has the E6750 at $239 And the E6420 at $259 so it's actually $20 cheaper!!

    I'm curious as to which site has the E6420 at $213.61 though?

    As far as the board goes I stand corrected on the 1333fsb although this site here shows version 3.3 yet the specs are taken from version 2?? which has 1066mhz as the max fsb??


    As far as the memory goes,the link I originally followed took me to 2x512 meg sticks not the 2x1gb sticks(I have a headache)must be time for a pipe I think..LOL!!!

  9. popol24

    popol24 Member

    Apr 15, 2006
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    I use shopbot.com.au to find these stuff LOL and that E6420 for $213.61 is on this website:


    I reread the product description and it doesn't include GST, so maybe that's why it was cheaper
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2007
  10. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I'm curious, where did you come up with 22 amps for the 6800GT? I find that a pretty high load with the card not having a plug for an external power source!

    BTW, just pass that pipe right along here! LOL!!

    Best Regards,
  11. Lp531

    Lp531 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2005
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    Not slamming G Skill..:)
    Like I said I have never used it...I just really like the price difference...I am sure they are both comparable...and your right Doc TY is a DarkLord..:)

    I would have swore the specs were identical between the G Skill and the OCZ...I am pretty sure OCZ makes sticks with the same timings as the G Skill's...

    Anyway...I was shocked at the prices in Australia...definitely much higher then in the states...

    Hey...Pass that Bong...Ummm...I mean pipe...filled with organic material...my way...
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2007
  12. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I just went by the specs that Crowy posted. The timings listed were 4-5-4-15, and the G.Skill's were 4-4-4-12. I also prefer the lower memory voltage required with the G.Skill (1.9-2.0v) and it runs very cool! I have my memory overclocked to 890MHz and run my timings at 5-4-4-12. It will run at 4-4-4-12 but it's just a bit too close to the edge and will crash in certain functions at those settings. I was able to maintain the same sub timings though! I've had nothing but good luck with my last 4 builds using the same memory. Highly recommended!

    Best Regards,
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2007
  13. crowy

    crowy Guest

    Just had a pipe and everything is better,(I think:))

    ROFL, a 6800GT that draws 22amps??I never said that..LOL!!

    But the 8600 does:
    Minimum recommended specs at the bottom of the page here:

  14. crowy

    crowy Guest

    I'll email you some:)

    Just Run the smoke.exe file which is attatched to the email.

    Then stand up and lean over your monitor.
    You should see some smoke coming out the back.
    Sniff that as hard as you can......ROFL!!!!
  15. Lp531

    Lp531 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2005
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    Something tells me were going to hear from BillyBoob...real soon...with all this pipe talk..:p

    As for monitors...I will never go with anything less then 24"...for myself...my eyes...and head...feel so much better after making the switch 6 months ago...Got the Gateway...love everything but the touch frame controls...
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2007
  16. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I got my 6s and 8s mixed up! LOL! Pass the pipe! LOL!!
    They have to be talking SLI. I'll bet my life that a single 8600GT doesn't come close to drawing that much amperage! I just went and looked and discovered the higher end 8600GTS do have a PCIe power connector on them! The GTs don't Mystery Solved! Pass the Pipe! LOL!!

    The one popol24's looking at dosen't! They don't sell that model in the US. It's a good deal slower than the slowest one we get here!
    You realize of course that you are breaking the cardinal rule of computing? "Don't let the Smoke out"! LOL!!

    Best Regards (and pass the pipe),
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2007
  17. Lp531

    Lp531 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2005
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    I think we are all in agreement that the E6750...is by far the best buy on a CPU...

    What ever board you go with...a P965...a P35...or even a 680i...Know one thing...anyone of them will be better...then the P945...that you were looking at..:)

    Whats the price difference on the 680i?..or the 680i LT?..based boards...Down Under...

    I believe I say a "EVGA 8600GTS OC"...for the same price as the "8600GT" you listed...Much better card...I'll look for it and post a link once I find it...

    ROFL...Now thats Funny...I guess its time to take a...computing...Break..:p...and Go to Sleep...
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2007
  18. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I just checked the pricing, and you are absolutely right! Less than $20 (USD) more than the 6420, and a 1333MHz bus to boot. I stand corrected!

    Looks like as of now, there will be an E6750 in my future! I've already got the MB for it!

    Here's the cheapest US price I could find on the E6750. $204 (USD) with free shipping! Amazing!


    Best Regards,
  19. popol24

    popol24 Member

    Apr 15, 2006
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    Ok, so here's the final lineup (hopefully!)

    Motherboard: $162
    Gigabyte GA-965P-DS3 (V3.3) P965 ATX DDRII533 FSB1066 PCIEx16 SATAII RAID GbELAN VDuBIOS Model: GA-965P-DS3(V3.3)

    CPU: $240
    Intel CORE 2 DUO E6750 2.66GHz

    PSU: $162
    Thermaltake Tough Power 600W PSU(14CM Fan)

    Memory: $193.50
    G.SKILL -F2-6400CL4D-2GBPK - 2 GB (1GB x 2) PC2-6400 (DDR2-667)

    Video Card: $166.85
    eVGA e-GeForce 8600GT PCI-E 256MB 128-bit DDR3, 540/1400MHz, Dual Dual Link DVI, HDTV/HDCP, Fan

    Case: $129
    Thermaltake VB1000BWS Soprano Black Case No PSU

    Hard Drive: $100
    I'll buy a 160GB here in Darwin

    DVD Burner: $60.50
    Sony AWG170SB2B - 18x DVD+/-R/RW Dual Layer DVD Burner, SATA - OEM Black

    DVD Rom: N/A
    Do I need this?

    Monitor: $260
    Still unknown LOL

    Total Price: $1473.85 + shipping and all that jazz

    So, is it good enough already??? :)

    Oh yeah, just a reminder that all these are Australian Dollars, it'll probably be around $1200 US for the total.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2007
  20. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Sounds like a winner to me!

    BTW the memory is DDR2-800, not DDR2-667. The header is wrong, but the product description below it is correct! You are going to have one "Bad-A$$" computer! Good luck with it and Happy Computering!

    P.S. Stick that "free" Nero 7 in a drawer somewhere's and forget about it! I bought it and it's horrible! Version 6 is still the best!

    Best Regards,
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2007
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