Not sure what you mean about the RAM or how to check it? Are you talking about the Video Card 256MB DDR? Please provide any details b/c I am new to this. Thx
Do you suspect your RAM (that's system ram btw), is overheated? I am currently OCing my system/RAM and after a certain point (i.e., when playing games for a long time), the system just sputters out. Everything is adequately cooled except for the RAM and when i corrected that (by temporarily pointing a pair of Volcano9+'s at the ram), that issue was alleviated. Just a thought
I'm not sure if the RAM is overheating or not. This is just something that I would have never thought about. I do not have anything overclocked, but I guess I can switch out my RAM to see if that is the problem. I have 1024MB Centon PC2700 DDR in the PC that the video card was working in. I'll give that a shot and let you know. Also, should I eventually invest in an aftermarket cooler for the video card? I was looking at getting the Thermaltake Giant III Highest Performance Cooler for VGA & Chipset With HeatPipe, A1919, Model EXTREME GIANT III. Also, does anyone know how well the Thermaltake A1165 Active Memory Cooling Kits work or if I should just get some copper heatsinks for the RAM?
Well, make sure you update to the latest catalyst drivers. I have an AIW9700 pro, and it gave me an absolute beast of a time to get to work. I have to override my refresh rate settings in the directX pannel, increase the voltage to the cad in y bios, and it was still crashing constinently (would freeze up, sound started glitching in a loop, black screen, or just reboot. Anyway, I think thats its a combination between my audigy, cheapo generaric RAM, and the old, crappy catalyst driver. After grabbing the new catalyst, though, avent crashed yet. When I first got the PC, tried everything, opening up case to puting a massive fan right in it (another one of the desert dogs in AZ), putting the card in differetn machines (and seeing it worked, which thre me off -_-') and other, but the tips above are really the ones that made a difference.
I just tried to swap out the RAM & the video card is still freezing up. I have the newest catalyst driver from ATI. How do I know what to change the refresh rate to? Also what voltage did you change it to and is this safe to do?
start/run dxdiag more help, override. If you rfresh rate on your monitor is set to a number higher than 65, imput it there. Also, I dunno about the 9600's, but my AIW9700 pro is at 1.9 volts.
Refresh rate was at 60, so should I change it to 65? Also, can increasing the voltage damage the video card?
Try setting it to whatever it is set to in the video card pannel. Also, make sure the game is running in the same resolution that windows is. It shouldnt affect it, but it could.
In the BIOS, the max I can set the voltage is 1.8 volts and the refresh rate in the display settings is set at 75. I tried UT2003 and it work for a few minutes and then unfortunately the same results occurred and everything froze up.
yeah, pretty much sounds like the same, exact problem I was having. I dunno what else to say,good luck? I ended up rebuilding my PC clean, making the changes, and then it seemed to work. Try a different monitor, my card really didnt like me NEC FE1111SB.
I am interested in upgrading my BIOS, I haven't done this before either, so I need some advice on how to do this and what BIOS is recommended.
Can anyone recommend a cooler for me please, noise isnt an issue, I can live with it. The system I am building consists of: AMD fx53 cpu Gigabyte GA-K8NNXP-940 mobo Thermaltake purepower dual fan power supply (480 watt) Thermaltake xaser III case ( includes 7x 80mm fans) 4x 250gb harddrives 1gb dual ddr OCZ memory and either a Nvidia 6800 or ATI X800xt (when they get released) I am finding it really difficult to find decent reviews on coolers for the fx53, for what this is costing me i really dont want to take any risks with cooling. The main uses of the system are DVD encoding and fps gaming (ut2004 etc). thnx
Ah... music to my ears Thermaltake Venus12 Seemingly a nice fan although Ive never had a chance to play with it. Has 7 more fins than the Volcano12 otherwise seemingly just a K8 version. Thermaltake Combo DIY Tower 112 This is prolly the most effective cooler available -- just make sure ur mobo is securly attatched to the case! I'd reccomend putting two fans taken from the Volcano12/Venus12 to this baby I've also make some more K8 reccomends above. Read up! _X_X_X_X_X_[small]ASUS A7N8X-X, XP2500+ OC'd to XP3200+ Samsung 1024MB, PC2700 480GB [3x160GB, 7200, 8MB] EVGA, GeForce4 Ti4600 128MB Rules and Policies:[/small]
Thnx a lot the Thermaltake Combo DIY Tower 112 looks like it should do the job nicely, just got to try and find a not so useless U.K. supplier that actually stocks the thing, and maybe a pair of those street fighter fans, they look a similar design to the fan on the Thermaltake Venus12. I feel a case mod coming on to support all that weight though
Depending on the fan configuration of the DIY you may want to go with a partially Aluminum HS -- Copper only good if you can evacuate the heat fast enough to keep it efficient.
Praetor: My Venus 12 is working great, thanks for the recomendation. The thing is friggin' loud!, but all in good taste. I generally have lots of school work also, and crack it up to stay awake! Anyway, I need another recomendarion. I would like a case ideal for cooling, so I could throw some tornadoes in there to really get the air flowing. My range is from 100-150, prefrebly with a PSU included, but it doesn't really matter. Thanks mate!
For 100-150 you might find either a Chenming or a Chenming-imitation (heck, they are all the same). Typically they ship with 350W PSUs. Chenming, Antec, etc all have cases that kinda look like this: Nice cases (overused in beginner mod circles but nice cases nonetheless). It's an alumum case and comes with slots for five 80mm fans. Another case I would reccommend is the Amamex Prism. It comes with default room for 2 standard 80mm fans (3 if you can find a low-profile 80mm fan for the right side of the case. It makes of for weight and lack of default fan slots by being made of steel = you can cut whatever holes you need without destroying the structural integrity of the case. (I use this case in the system im typing on right now -- one word of advice -- dont cut out the two support stuts in the front of the case )