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The Official Cooling Thread!

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by mastaprk, Apr 17, 2004.

  1. aXidburn

    aXidburn Guest

  2. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    NO! NEVER! Muahahaha

    Yep.... but it works well because it's got a monster fan on it. Regarding my comments about the efficiency of copper, heatpipes work because of the sheer quantity of copper in them :) ... personally considering the DIY Tower 112 with two Volcano12 fans on it :)
  3. MannyF38

    MannyF38 Member

    Jun 15, 2004
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    i have my side fan as intake...i heard its such a good idea?? .... i have 2 fans in the back one on the top as exhaust and the side and 2 in the front as intake
  4. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Side-intake is a good idea if the air isyou are bringing in is relatively cool and the internal temperatures are relatively cool. Now if the internal temps are hot you're probably better off evacuating the heat out of the box :)
  5. MannyF38

    MannyF38 Member

    Jun 15, 2004
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    i was goin to attached a 80mm fan to my volcano 11+ ...do u think its a good idea? would it make a diference?
  6. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Prolly wont make a difference. Sonething you might be interested in is to mount something like a Silentboost fan and then attach a Volcano fan to it as well... the silentboost allows for side-intake while the volcano force-feeds the top :)
  7. Hamboner

    Hamboner Guest

    Ok a silly question. I just received my P4 3.0Ghz processor in the retail pack with a Intel Heatsink and fan. On the bottom of the heatsink and fan where the copper area touches the processor there is a gray clay square thingy on it. Am I suppose to take that off or leave it on. Also where can I please get advice on applying thermal paste between the cpu and the heatsink/fan. I dont know how much or where. Thanx
  8. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Not sure as Im an AMD guy but isnt that the thermalpad/paste? If so, leave it on... you can scrape it off and put your thermal paste on but make sure its absolutely clean
  9. Dkarn

    Dkarn Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Ok, i dont think this has been answered yet, but i am about to get a Athlon 64 3200+ and i dont have a case or anything as of yet as i want to have something reletivly low maintanence and semi-quiet. As too cooling, what would be a good set up for a system with an ATI 9800pro, CPU as above and a couple of 7200-rpm HDDs. It wont be over clocked and nothing fancy will be done to it yet, but it needs to be medium to low budget, $200usd would be good! This is just for the fans and heatsink and stuff. Case not included in budget, but a good suggestion for an ergonomic and well designed case wouldnt go amiss. (oh, the only requirement on the case is a front panal that locks) Im thinking Cheiftech, the entry for us nubies. Thanks to anyone with an idea!
  10. jvwheel

    jvwheel Member

    May 20, 2004
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    Also where can I please get advice on applying thermal paste between the cpu and the heatsink/fan. [/bold]

    Hamboner, www.arcticsilver.com has excellent detailed instructions on removing the thermal pad and preparing the surfaces for a thermal compound. Check it out , jv


    This address is the page with the images and instructions. It may save you some reading and searching. Good Luck
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2004
  11. Hamboner

    Hamboner Guest

    Thanx Preator and jvwheel. My pc is up and running but I think the cpu is running hotter than it should be. The ASUS motherboard software says its running at 55C and the BIOS setting says its running at 65C. I only have the Intel provided heatsink and fan. So I might have to get another. I have a P4 3GHz Prescott. ASUS P4C800-E Deluxe mobo.
  12. jvwheel

    jvwheel Member

    May 20, 2004
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    I have the same MoBo with the 2.8 Mhz Prescott and idle at 38C but it goes to 48C-49C when running benchmarks and other stressful programs. I used the arctic silver 5 with a Zalman CNPS7000A-CU HSF but it is heavy and is only practical for folks that keep their computer stationary - the benefit is this fan is whisper quite. I know of people that get cooler temps but the fans are loud - it just depends on ones preference. I don't have any experience with the oem HSFs.
  13. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Yeah i think the stock HSFs are designed to give a decent amount of cooling (and to give as much of a hassle) as possible as to discourage people from mass OCing (and thus have to get a new fan)
  14. svt54

    svt54 Guest

    Ok, I have been looking into O/Cing but figured out that I have a cooling issue to deal with first. Here are my PC specs.

    AMD AthlonXP 1800+ Palomino ( not O/C'd)
    Gigabyte GA-7VAX mobo
    MSI GeForce4 4200 128mb 8xAGP

    I installed MBM 5 and I was seeing case temps in the 50C range and processor temps up to 68C ( not overclocked mind you). I had the oem fan on the processor and one exhaust in the rear of case. I added another fan in the back and an inlet fan in the front, and installed a Volcano 11+ HSF, with Arctic silver 5 compound. I figured I had the heat beat. Not really. Now I wonder if my readings are right. I dropped the CPU significantly. Now even on benchmarks, it seems to cap at 49C. During benchmarks I get case readings around 44C. Idle it doesnt drop much though. Running on the web browser to look through these forums, I am showing CPU at 42-44 and case at 41-42. If I take the side panel off the processor drops to 39-40, and get this has shown 3 deg lower than the case at times. Is this possible? I just feel these temps are very high at idle, or close to it. Any advice appreciated.
  15. Br4inDe4d

    Br4inDe4d Guest

    My Case has 3 Fan slots i believe havent looked at it that througholy got it free from a sisters friend will i be able to use 3 of these http://www.3dcool.com/?module=product&sku=ALUMINUMFAN

    and a decent Not cheap PSU Cooling itself and helping with airflow.

    Forgot about the Heat sink lol. http://www.swiftnets.com/products/mcx64-V.asp mabye this but probably something cheaper if i dont need the overkill.

    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]AMD 64 3200+ Mobo: Undecided HD: Undecided 80 gb +
    Ram: 1 GB PC3200 Video card: ATI 9800 Pro 256mb
    To be Made, and finished, 1 week before Thanksgiving
    Around $1000 US -> $1200 max[/small]
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 12, 2004
  16. naa

    naa Member

    Jun 7, 2004
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    I just built a pc with a Powmax case w/ 400watt psu and extra 80x80 case fan,Biostar M7vig pro motherboard, AMD XP 2200+ cpu with the heatsink fan that came w/ the cpu running about 4900rpm. When my pc is idle my cpu temp is about 57C-60C w/ the side panal of the case off, and with it on its 66C idle. I want to cool it down w/o spending a fortune like under $50. Would I be able to just buy some good thermal paste since I didn't use any,or do I need a new heatsink, and if I do what should I look for in specs and features and material of one? I was looking at this one is it any good? http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc.asp?description=35-106-601&depa=0
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2004
  17. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    cpu temperatures aren't always reliable depending on the manufacturer of the motherboard. i have a friend who i changed his motherboard to another manufacturer with the same cpu & there was over 10 degrees difference. same thing when i changed my msi board to a pcpartner board with the same duron 1gig, there was over 20 degrees difference, the pcpartner being cooler. right now i have 9 fans in my desktop case
  18. Ad-hoc

    Ad-hoc Member

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Hey all - been reading the boards for a while but never really posted anything. Quick question regading cooling and noise levels. Right now i've got 5 fans in my case, 2 intake front, 2 exhaust back, one exhaust side. My question is on the "noise dampening" kits they have to place next to your fans. Do these actually work, or is it a waste of money? My noise level isn't *horrible* right now, and my cooling is decent (39C idling Athlon XP 2000+). Thanks guys!
  19. wild77

    wild77 Guest

  20. wild77

    wild77 Guest

    If you are into overclocking or having heat problems with an Intel presscott check this link out http://cache-www.intel.com/cd/00/00/06/20/62086_62086.pdf
    It is an Adobe file so it takes a while to load.I plan on modding my case with this design with these parts
    Case http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc.asp?description=11-170-012&depa=0
    Heat Sink http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc.asp?description=35-112-010&depa=0
    PCI Slot Fan http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc.asp?description=35-888-112&depa=0
    Case Fans~Heatsink Fan
    Have not decided on the fan controller but I am sure I will need one!!!

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