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The Official Graphics Card and PC gaming Thread

Discussion in 'Building a new PC' started by abuzar1, Jun 25, 2008.

  1. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Trust me, It might be better than COD3, but it's still very poor compared to COD4.
  2. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    3.85 for the PS3, 6.78 for the X360, that makes more than 10 million ignoring console sales...
    Update: The game sold 0.38 million PC copies.

    11.01 million copies:
    Xbox 360: 62%
    PS3: 35%
    PC: 3%
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2008
  3. spamual

    spamual Guest

    for SP so far im prefering the COD5 :)
  4. harvrdguy

    harvrdguy Regular member

    Sep 4, 2007
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    Well I finally figured out how to use that chart - you can search by the game, and then by the platform. They didn't have any results at all for PC for Call of Duty 4. But PS3 sales were 3.85, and xbox 360 sales were over 6 million, or about 10 million for console sales alone. That's just what you said, Sam!!!

    Did anybody with a PC actually buy COD4?

    I think the chart tends to be more up to date on console sales and less accurate on pc sales. Well the 10 million number was from back in June, and the console numbers I just quoted I guess are current. So if I can find total COD 4 sales to date, subtract 10 million for consoles, and we'll know if anybody besides those few of us, bought it for the PC.
  5. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    COD5 has bugged about 6 times already in the first three chapters for my housemate. COD4 didn't bug once.
  6. Cetus90

    Cetus90 Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    NUUUUUUU u gota b kidding.. are u sure u cant ?
  7. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Certain, that's just the way it is.
    Rich: You couldn't find COD4 PC because it didn't sell a million, it sold 383,000.

    - not really, basically, they pirated it.
  8. harvrdguy

    harvrdguy Regular member

    Sep 4, 2007
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    That figure kills me, if true.

    However I just found a post from somebody who is really pissed off about people saying that COD4 didn't sell well on PC.

    They base a lot of their claims on the fact that crysis sold 1 million so far, and COD4 has been outselling crysis. But they don't mention piracy. Here's the article. And here are some blurbs from the article:
    Well, we know his final conclusion is wrong regarding xbox, because the other chart, VGChartz showed xbox sales of COD4 over 6 million so far, and almost 4 million for ps3.

    Here's an article from February Interview with Infinity Ward feb 28, 2008 in which the following quotes appeared:

    So I don't know what he really meant - the PC game did tremendous sales. Sam says 385,000, somebody else said 500,000, the guy at the top of this post says "at least a couple million." The one thing they say is that they are not sure that everybody who played a cracked copy would have paid for the real copy. But maybe the word of mouth of the crack copy players actually boosts sales - especially if people then decide to do the multiplayer - and buy it for that reason, like you, Sam.

    We sure don't want to see the day that all PC games are just ports of the far-wider selling console versions! Spare me that!! LOL

    Sam, just before posting this I read back again, and you seem to have some hard sales data at 11 million - backing up your 385,000 PC sales, or only 3% of total COD4 sales. May I ask where you got your data from?

  9. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    The majority of servers on COD4 are cracked. That's not speculation, that's fact. I wish that story was the case, but sadly I don't think it is.

    The figure may be slightly higher now, but not by much I don't expect.

  10. harvrdguy

    harvrdguy Regular member

    Sep 4, 2007
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    Ok, thanks for the article. So the 383,000 is 2007 sales, and the game came out in what - beginning of September? We have another full year behind us, so I would hope that we have picked up a lot more PC sales.

    The following article from April 6th of this year talks about the 10 million sales number "only seven months after release." So the game was released around September 1st of 2007?

    So if by end of 2007 they had 383,000 PC sales, in just 4 months, and they reached 10 million by beginning of April of this year, seven months after launch, how many more sales would they have by now, a total of 16 months after launch. Not twice as many, but maybe at least 30% more, maybe 13 million. Does that sound reasonable that in the last 9 months, they would sell at leat 30% of what they sold in the first 7 months. That might be quite conservative, as I think word of mouth has really pushed the game.

    But using my 30%, then let's go back to the console figures which I believe show data as of today, or maybe as of last month, I'm not sure. We see over 10 million for consoles.

    So my point would be that if seven months after launch resulted in 10 million sales by April, assuming sales slowdown to just 30% more sales in the last 9 months since then, giving us a total of 13 million sales since launch, of which over 10 million are console sales, maybe we have a total of 2 to 3 million PC sales like that one guy speculated. I would hope so.
  11. spamual

    spamual Guest

    i bought cod4 collectors edition in jan during the sales, it was half off, £44 to £22 :)

    i hope it sold alot :)

    yeah sam i got driver problems, but i still like it :)

    and RA2 was the best of them (though the ending of RA1 was AMAZING, with kane) RA3 is okay, but the worst of the westwood ones was RA2:YR
  12. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    The single player for World at War is turning out to be quite nice. Kinda like CoD2 with updated graphics. Very nice. Better than CoD3 by a longshot. It really is not that bad. Slightly buggy but not bad. The game itself is comparable in overall quality to CoD2 or the like.
  13. harvrdguy

    harvrdguy Regular member

    Sep 4, 2007
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    Well COD 2 was a great title - I think I gave it 9.5, so estuansis, that says a lot! I don't know if you guys ever played Medal of Honor Pacific Assault which was - in the Pacific - great game that I gave I think a 9.3 or something.

    So was the collector's edition worth it shaff? What is RA2?
  14. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    I Like CoD2 better though... WaW doesn't flow quite as smoothly as the Infinity Ward titles, and seems just a bit rushed. But overall a fine game.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2008
  15. spamual

    spamual Guest

    very much so rich :)

    the S.A.S video was entertaining and the making of COD4 was good aswell. also the COD4 pdf guide that cam with it was brillaint. :)

    RA is Red Alert
  16. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Rich: Another site I found says COD4's total unit sales on the PC at present are around 500,000. Still very poor by normal standards.

  17. TheftAuto

    TheftAuto Regular member

    May 7, 2008
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    The thing about COD5, is that is was released, while COD4 was still major league. As such, lots of people don't give it much time.

    I actually enjoy the guns more in COD5, as they aren't so common.

    The best part of COD5 is the 'Nazi Zombies' gameplay. You unlock it after you complete the story mode. Your basically trapped in a building and you have to keep zombies out, while boarding up windows and unlocking new parts of the building, and new guns. It is hands down the best part of the game.
  18. harvrdguy

    harvrdguy Regular member

    Sep 4, 2007
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    Yeah, theft, I heard about that zombie thing. You get killed ultimately, but the challenge is to stay alive longer - is it just single player, or also multiplayer?

    I guess with Left 4 Dead zombies are big again. I sure hope they sell millions of THAT title - Valve spent 10 MILLION DOLLARS just on the prior-to-launch advertising - big animated billboard in Times Square - the whole 9 yards. Miles just got me a new lifetime key for all Valve titles - he had given me one years ago, and I just found it again in my serial number file, but I never realized it was for ALL Valve stuff, so I bought EP1 and EP2 - probably even Half Life 2. Duhhh!

    Anyway, even with the key, I still haven't yet picked up Left 4 Dead - (not to mention that according to Sam's chart it will probably run like crap on my P4 - although Valve is good about scaling down for slower rigs - EP2 ran okay, even before my newer 3850 that doubles my 3dmarks) - how are the sales of Left 4 Dead going if anybody knows?

    You're right Sam, 500,000 is still puny for PC sales of COD4 if that's the true final number. Pathetic.

    Seriously, think about it, the guy at Infinity Ward actually said in the interview, a few posts up "And you wonder why nobody makes games for PC anymore." I guess he was directly referring to Treyarch not making a PC version of COD3 - which surprised the shit out of me and really pissed me off at the time - no great loss as it turns out - a very sucky trend if that is how things are headed. :(

    I was just over at the Wells Fargo bank inside the market, and Sarven was standing there behind three tellers, and he says to me, "what's goin on for Xmas tomorrow" and I said, "Oh, I'll probably be wiping out a lot of guys on COD4 online with my P90." (all the family members are out of town) And Sarven says "Oh, you think there'll be anybody on it on then?" And I said, "Oh, there's always idiots on it like me - you know... us video junkies." And he said, "Don't say that - it's a fun game that you like to play." Everybody glanced up and one of the tellers says flat out "Best game ever made." Hahahaha.

    (They're probably all hooked on it too, every last one of them! LOL.)

    And then I said, "yeah, and we were talking all yesterday on the forum about the piracy of the PC sales of the game." And Sarven says "Oh, yeah, for sure. No kidding. Over there in Europe you could actually buy the CDs, like for one or two bucks."

    DAMN! Now that's blatant - selling the CDs - maybe best game ever made - for a buck!

    Shaff, I'm gonna pick up the COD4 special edition then. Will I get some good killing techniques from the pdf? lol.

    I already own COD4, but a couple days ago I dropped out of bidding for Crysis regular, and now I'm bidding for the Crysis Special Edition, because when I accidentally read about what it has - now I HAVE TO HAVE it - all the development information and the Crytek interviews.

    But I didn't even think about that for COD4. So I think I'll bid for the COD4 Special Edition - or ..... well, maybe I'll see if I can get it 'that other way' Hahaha. DON'T POINT FINGERS - I ALREADY PAID ONCE!! LOL
  19. spamual

    spamual Guest

    I would gladly but the game again for the pc, no doubt, intact I may do that in the January sales for my brother :) rich, have you joined a clan yet?
  20. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    As far as I see it, it's only worth joining a clan if you consider yourself 'good' at a game. I don't consider myself good at COD4, so I don't plan to join a clan, we'll see how Rich feels... :p
    I bought Left 4 Dead the day it came out, and am proud of that fact :) COD:WAW Nazi Zombies is multiplayer by the way.
    For reference, I get 80-130fps in Episode Two, I only get 35-50 in Left 4 Dead. The game is far more demanding than any of Valve's previous titles (though puny compared to games like STALKER Clear Sky and the Crysis titles), but on the other hand, I hear with a little tweaking you can double the performance (much like Crysis I suppose)
    Rich, the trend is here. The games are made out for consoles as that's where the money is, then the PC ports are hired out to subcontractors who do a very poor job of it, but charge very little. Since they know nobody will buy the PC version, they see no reason to spend money of it. Epic Games has confirmed they will not be making a PC version of Gears of War 2 due to piracy, and to be honest, the future looks bleak for them producing any more PC games at all. Mind you, I think UT3 was very poor compared to UT2004, so I already wrote off Epic as a top producer. EA still seem to be keeping with it for the most part, but I'm no great fan of anything they've produced recently either, they just seem to be recyling the same old stuff, with a steadily increasing number of bugs.
    I've not heard of pirate CDs of the game being sold for cheap, it wouldn't surprise me in small numbers, but on the whole, piracy like that is rare outside Audio CDs, and Standard def DVDs. High-res video and PC games are the domain of the tech-literates, and I quote Epic games "if you play PC games, you know how to pirate them"


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