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The Official Graphics Card and PC gaming Thread

Discussion in 'Building a new PC' started by abuzar1, Jun 25, 2008.

  1. harvrdguy

    harvrdguy Regular member

    Sep 4, 2007
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    Sands of Time!!!!!! Estuansis!!!

    That kid Fernando could play Prince of Persia like nobody's business, but I had to show him how to get through that big fight with all the sand warriors (we didn't even realize that you got more life by running over to the end of the hall and drinking the water - duhh!) Also, as I played the game myself later, I thought the fight with the bikini clad sand women was pretty sexy. And the music was nice - especially when you were fighting! But later in the game, I couldn't figure out how to successfully flip off one bar to a bar immediately above it, by bouncing off the wall behind, and kid Fernie had no problem. That's where I ended and he took the game home with him.

    I might just be a little too clutzy for games like that, hahaha.

    Thanks for the nice review of World in Conflict. With your literary skills, and sam's push, you sold me.

    "old dog new tricks" hahaha. That's a good one Sam (you SOB) - just kidding!

    I guess I shouldn't go around saying things like "monster truck madness!" hahahaha!! (what would russ and creaky have to say about monster truck madness over on the builder forum - "monster truck WUT??")

    Alright, betwen you and jeff, I'm gonna get that RTS World in Conflict - satisfied? I've got one bid going right now. LOL

    Regarding Crysis, like anything, (even women haha) the best of things can get old after a while - that's human nature for you. But I'll leave it uninstalled until my system is powerful enough to run it on high settings - the memory of you being dazzled by the eye candy drives me forward!! :D

  2. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    i7 is indeed more expensive to build with, but the whole architecture (CPU, RAM, Mobo) with 6GB RAM vs. an AMD with 4GB costs about 26% more, I worked it out. I'm willing to bet you get more than 26% extra performance for that.
    Still, as you say, now AMD fanboys at least don't have laughable PCs any more.

    Frankly I have no need for Crysis just yet, though I do want to finish Warhead at some point. It will most definitely be dragged back when hardware advances again though, to see just how close I can come to running it maxed out on a 30". That will truly be a sight to behold.
  3. harvrdguy

    harvrdguy Regular member

    Sep 4, 2007
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    That is a very good point.

    What you just said tells me that with hardware as it is right now, sure - I'll play crysis when I can run it fairly high - but it would be better if I didn't play it so much, at this point in time, that I got tired of it. Leave some freshness in it. Makes sense.

    Then, in a year of so, when we think we REALLY have "crysis-raping" technology, drag it out again, dust it off, and CRANK IT UP TO THE MAX -- 45-50 fps 2560x1600 all the way (with occasional dips to 30.) :D

    Good Plan!!
  4. rubixcube

    rubixcube Regular member

    Oct 31, 2004
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    Evening all, been a little while since I've posted lol. Been busy with stupid uni work. Anyway, I'm depinning my 24pin connector - when I put it back together it doesn't matter if I cross cables of the same colour, does it? AFAIK all orange connections are +3.3V, all reds are +5V, and all black are COM... I just don't want to have to put 23 individual labels on...
  5. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Not especially, but I'd try and keep ones in the same group together.
  6. rubixcube

    rubixcube Regular member

    Oct 31, 2004
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    Alright will do. By the way, I bought two gtx275s, just waiting for them in the mail - seen any sli reviews yet?
  7. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Not much. Overall their 3D performance is excellent, they're just cut back by the lower memory at the highest settings.
  8. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    And even then you'd need an extreme case to limit those cards. They are both more powerful than a GTX260 and they WILL perform like it in SLI. The only games that might give you any trouble are Grid, Far Cry 2, and Crysis. Those are the only games I know that will really suck video memory. And, seriously, you still shouldn't have many problems if any at all.

    OMG I'm having one of those moments. Elika in the new Prince of Persia is so damned beautiful. I'm falling in love with a video game, WTF. Maybe I really do need to start dating again >.< For now I'm play some CoD2 to get the ole' Geekosterone flowing again :p
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2009
  9. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    I posted this in the building thread as well. Though I think it pertains MORE to this thread LOL!

    Well...now that the DSL is back up and running...Im curious if anyone can give me an explanation for this. Its something thats always had me curious. It seemed to disappear from one of my computers, with a simple RAM upgrade. However, I doubt thats the case with this one. Is it simply graphics drivers, or XP drivers, video memory, etc that cause this? Extremely Technical explanations welcome LOL! Sometimes it does it, other times it doesnt. Seems to depend on the program. Im curious, if this sorta thing exists EVEN in sli/CF systems...SAM! LOL!
  10. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    No clue LOL. It might be that the program doesn't agree with SLI. Try disabling SLI and see what it does. I've had that happen to me at times. Though I'm not sure if CF caused it. ATi has a technically superior video engine.

    In other news I've been playing through CoD and United Offensive again. They're surprisingly even more awesome than I remember them. CoD still surprises me as the graphics are way beyond any other Quake 3 engine game ever made. The archaic health system is now gaining a little appreciation though as I'm finally going through on hardened difficulty :p They actually place health in strategic spots so you can move through somewhat scripted events while retaining a lot of excitement. And it makes the battles really tense as you move from cover to cover. Knowing you can't just hunker down and wait for your health to charge ala Halo.

    United Offensive is also another impressive achievement on the Quake 3 engine. It actually looks closer to CoD2 than CoD1. They use the same smoke and explosion effects from CoD2 plus much higher res textures and higher poly models than CoD1. That and they use large-scale battles to awesome effect. United Offensive is actually glorious when you turn all the options all the way up.

    I'm really surprised because the last time I played through both was with my X800GTO XD I didn't remember them being this great :p
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2009
  11. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    No no. Ive never ran Sli or CF for that matter. Im simply curious if its a bug inherent to ALL configurations, or if there is indeed a fix for this situation. It just doesnt seem right LOL! NO, its never locked up my system, it's just in my face, Thats all. Something is obviously lagging when this happens. Surely not the vid card. Ive seen this with virtually every setup of mine. Oddly, a RAM upgrade cured the problem on an older machine. But since this machine is running 4X that...
  12. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    I've seen stuff like this on multiple machines with all sorts of configurations and all sorts of programs. Not sure what causes it though. Does restarting the app or the machine help any? Maybe reinstalling? Afraid I can't be of much more help than that. I don't use any Nero software. It almost looks like a conflict with Firefox is causing the problem. Try closing firefox when you run the program maybe?

    Also make sure your Anti virus is up to date and run a scan. Sometimes when you get lag like that it is a virus or background adware sucking up resources. Also, AVG isn't really all that good these days. Try a program called Comodo Internet Security. It's an AV and a firewall all in one package and is very good. I dropped AVG for it.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2009
  13. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    See my response in the PC Building thread.
  14. keith1993

    keith1993 Regular member

    Aug 14, 2008
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    My 8400GS came today....
    You cannot use PhysX on one card while using an ATI card for graphics.
    I've messed about for hours and hours I messed about plugging an old VGA monitor into it and installing drivers and removing driver and...
    It doesn't work at all. The second I set the screen on the HD4850 as primary the option for Geforce PhysX is turned off and greyed out.
    Not sure what OS people who (might) have succeeded are using but this is keith1993 saying it doesn't work on 7 at all. Estuansis you were right unfortunately.
  15. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    I have only seen people succeed with it in Vista, not Windows 7.
  16. keith1993

    keith1993 Regular member

    Aug 14, 2008
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    I assumed it would make little/no difference but apparently not.
  17. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Well...comodo did find 2 things that avg did not! Though it also missed something. Deductive reasoning allowed me to find and delete another malware though :)

    Windows media player does the same thing. Its not isolated to Firefox either. If Epson Print Cd is in the background, same thing. Doesnt need to be a video program either. Haven't seen the bug in Windows 7. Perhaps its a generic Xp vid driver causing the problem. *shrugs his shoulders*
  18. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    I find that Comodo finds more stuff than AVG and is less intrusive when scanning. When AVG scans I get reduced performance and bad stuttering. With Comodo It can go through a scan and I won't even notice.
  19. Red_Maw

    Red_Maw Regular member

    Nov 7, 2005
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    What was going on in the screenshot(nice background btw) you posted a little while ago is something I'm all too familiar with, it happens all the time when I play videos while utilizing a good deal of my systems resources else where. Not quit sure what causes it but from my experience it is mainly a cause of how the video is being rendered. I've also noticed that heavy gpu/cpu usage can result in similar problems and in my case forgetting to pause folding will cause problems like that[depending on the work unit].

    On a side note Nero showtime is one of the worst media players out there imo. Unless you're happy with it I'd recommend mpc home cinema which so far as been working wonderfully for me.
  20. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Its better than Powerdvd! Just My opinion though. But, Windows media player does it too. As you said, under decent load...glitches like that can occur. I must admit though, nero doesnt upscale as well as I would like it to!

    I am aware of MPC though too :)
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2009

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