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The Official Graphics Card and PC gaming Thread

Discussion in 'Building a new PC' started by abuzar1, Jun 25, 2008.

  1. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Rich, I wanted to buy a 7000 family card. I really did. Believe me I'm not opposed to their offerings. But if I were going with their card, I really wanted the best one. The 7970 seemed like the only impressive card to me. I know that's not true, but to me, it's the only one that had my eye. And that's a lot of money right now. And at least with the GTX 570 I just bought(330USD), it's not only a gaming beast, but it can frameserve as well. I'm not expecting anything miraculous. More than anything I love to experiment. I'd really like to have two machines again. An ATI and an Nvidia machine. Man that sounds good! I just hope my CPU won't be a bottleneck :S

    A bit low on the Ram end, but I'm sure it will suffice for my needs. And it's certainly a huge step up from the late GTX 260.
  2. harvrdguy

    harvrdguy Regular member

    Sep 4, 2007
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    Congratulations Kevin. When did you get your 570 - twenty minutes ago??? Your 260 just went down, what, yesterday? Man, you don't waste much time - that tax refund is burning a hole in your pocket for sure.

    Anyway, congrats again!

    Say, you still playing Rage? Did you catch my post about all the special ops content on MW2 - offline single player. Page 315, post 7868. I was thinking of you the whole time.


    You commute to work by train? That sounds so East Coast. (Actually sounds kind of cool to me but anything can become taken-for-granted if we let it.) I suppose a few people take the commuter Amtrak up from San Diego and points in between to Los Angeles every day - there's a station in San Juan Capistrano, where the swallows return, and a big one with lots of parking, in Irvine. I like trains.

    So how long of a ride do you have Sam, and what type of work are you doing these days?

    Last edited: Feb 10, 2012
  3. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    I purchased it this morning. Should arrive by Wednesday. The 8600Gt is far from good enough in my current system. I was considering the 560 Ti, but for a little bit more, I get more processing cores(beefier GPU in general). It will probably last me more than 2 yrs. :D
    Haven't played Rage in quite some time. When my new GPU arrives, as you can probably imagine I'll be throwing every game at it. You know it's funny. I don't game very often. Now that I lost my 260, I'm itching to play LOL! You never know what you have til it's gone ;)
  4. harvrdguy

    harvrdguy Regular member

    Sep 4, 2007
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    This morning! I wasn't that far off when I said "did ya buy it 20 minutes ago?"


    So did you catch my MW2 german shepherd post - with all the tear-your-throat-out fun?

    No, actually the real fun is unloading a grenade launcher on a truck of russkies pulling up to the bank ATM - and hearing midst the gunshots and unintelligible cursing, the cuh-ching, cuh-ching, cuh-ching, BONUS POINTS, as the thing flips on its side - a flaming wreck. Next time I'll have the heart beat monitor shotgun with me as I try to conclude all 30000 points right there inside the bank.

    MW2 solo play special ops got me so distracted, I haven't gone back to Rage myself for quite a while - but speaking about Rage makes me want to go spend some more time with lovely Ginny out in front of the Wellspring outfitter. LOL Leave it to Carmack to put form to my imagination.

    So, Kevin, what happened to the mischievous boys? I thought that unique sig was taking the Sopa thing a bit far, then I noticed that you were so pleased with it, you went for a symetrical mirror of pee!

    Leave it to omega to push the boundaries of good taste!!

    But that didn't last too long!!!!!!!!!!! DDP must have said, "Kevin go buy another graphics card and get it out of your system, this is a family channel." LOL

  5. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Sopa won't pass. There isn't enough support for it for one, and honestly, It completely disregards our given freedoms. I removed my signature, because it could be distracting to forumers. I suppose that was the idea... But the image was rather loud. Sorta like a highly animated Gif. I know there are people here that dislike things like that in the forum. I believe Sam is one of them. And at this point, I believe most of the population is aware of SOPA.

    LOL! I saw your German Shepherd. It's from the gameplay? That looks pretty good! It has a certain CGI look about it ;) It does look very impressive though!

    I don't like my system being down. If I have money, and my computer needs it, it gets it LOL! Only my car takes priority over it. Well, and food for me LOL!

    I was tempted to make the sig look more rude, but I opted out :p
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2012
  6. Red_Maw

    Red_Maw Regular member

    Nov 7, 2005
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    Right before switching to WCing I tested my last air cooler as both a top exhaust and a rear exhaust and found no noticeable difference. Granted I only tried each position once so there's a lot of factors unaccounted for, but unless there is some large difference between cases I doubt you'd see more than a couple C difference, if any.
  7. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Well, it definitely helped my last computer case. The case wasn't equipped(not even a hole)with a fan before I modded it. I'm definitely gonna get into calculating pressure, movement, and position for air cooling now. Because I won't touch water for a while now. But I guess this board just became a candidate for future mineral oil cooling. More than anything for the wow factor ;) I'm sure I'd get some interesting looks from people LOL!
  8. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    i liked that peeing sig. as long as no swearing or certain other stuff, i think it will be alright.
  9. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    I would never disrespect afterdawn. It's one of my favorite forum sites :)

    You guys ever play Audiosurf? It's actually quite entertaining! Pretty addictive!
    I'm reduced to basic games til I get the new GPU :( This one won't heat up the 8600Gt too much ;)
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2012
  10. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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  11. harvrdguy

    harvrdguy Regular member

    Sep 4, 2007
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    Excuse me? MORE rude?

    I was just about to say: "I would have liked to have seen that 10 minutes before ddp did"

    But then this caught my eye:

    Well, let's not wait for a written invitation - Kevin, you're being given the "green light" buddy! - so let your creativity run wild - no swear words!

    And furthermore:

    Well that settles it! Pretty much everybody - well maybe except for Sam - is quite disappointed that you have not brought back the twins!

    (Besides, you really need to change the present sig anyway - I mean, is life like poker, or is life like craps?

    Bad Boys! (Isn't that a Madonna song?) You're comin back. Here you come.

    ......... this is what we think of Sopa ......

    Take it away Kevin !!!!!

    lol, Rich
  12. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    LOL! You guys...

    Hey, I'm open to more suggestions for extremely basic GPU games :)
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2012
  13. harvrdguy

    harvrdguy Regular member

    Sep 4, 2007
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    basic games - ya mean like pac man?
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2012
  14. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Oh, come on now LOL! The 8600Gt can handle a great deal more than that. I simply mean nothing intensive. I guess I can find pre 2006 releases. It should handle those without AA.
  15. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    anybody remember ex-member doggy_bot?
  16. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    No. But I remember RawStyles LOL!!!
  17. Red_Maw

    Red_Maw Regular member

    Nov 7, 2005
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    I was talking about the orientation of the cpu cooler, not the existence of a top vent. Top vents really help a lot imo; if I turn off my top fans the temps rise noticeably even on water (but again my case designed with them).

    After what happened to your eco cooler (not the first time I've heard of this) I'll probably never use one of those self contained WC units. I'll stand by "traditional" WCing for rest of my life probably though.

    Oh and audioserf is deceptively addicting, though sometimes I forget to play during particularly good parts of a song and completely wreck my score.
  18. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    I got it to break 60C in audiosurf by applying 8X AA. Looks pretty trippy LOL!

    Yah, as I've said, I have nothing against water cooling. It was simply either my luck, or lack of attention. Not so much the dust, but just plain checking up on things. I love my computer a lot, but I really don't treat it like I should. That's gotta change :) Mmm, the orientation of my Freezer pro was backward the first time I put it in. Stupid mistake. I forget how much it affected the temps, but it was worthy of note. I'll likely build an excellent water system down the road. I won't skimp on that badboy. And the GPU will be protected next time. Somehow...

    I'll be darned! Left 4 dead runs beautifully. I'm a little nervous about the rapid high 60's though. I'm gonna try and mickey mouse a fan tomorrow. Then I can play. Yeah! :D

    I'd sure like a temperature monitor for IN the game though. Should be easy to find though. Mmm, GPU-Z might be able to do it on the secondary monitor, as long as I tick Continue refreshing.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2012
  19. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    It's fake, because the first Kepler card to arrive is GK104. GK110 will not follow until much later, let alone a dual card. The 700W power figure is also telling that it's fake :p

    Depends on the route i take. Normally it's 37 minutes from the nearest station to home, into the central London terminus. Then it's about a 20 minute walk from the station. Throughout my day I sometimes find myself using the underground to visit our clients, and sometimes also utilise it as a 'short-cut' to save time on the journey home if the weather is bad. Since this comes at additional expense and I'm not yet paid full time, however, I try to minimise this. (My work-related travel is paid for by the company at least)
    I'm currently working as an intern for a small IT company. We produce complete cloud-based solutions for the small/medium enterprise, providing them with a cloud-based desktop, application, file and database environment, so they can access not only their email, but also MS office, their databases and everything else, from any PC they like, even if it's at home, or also from an iphone, ipad or android smartphone. Start-menu, desktop icons, the lot. Aside from the advantages this brings, it also removes the responsibility of looking after expensive servers in their office, and also allows us to reduce the infrastructure maintenance cost of the workstations, by deploying thin-client technology.

    Omega: The GTX570 is a much better design than the GTX560Ti, as it doesn't cut down from what makes the Fermi architecture of interest, i.e. high load resilience. Turn up the detail or AA and the effect on proper Fermi cards is less pronounced than average. On the 560Ti however, even with the 2GB version, the reverse is true, because the architecture of the GPU is totally different.
    In many ways, the GTX570 and HD6970 are completely analagous at 1920x1200, both in this regard, raw performance (PR194 for the GTX570 versus PR195 for the HD6970), and roughly, power consumption as well. The Geforce only really loses out at higher resolutions where the HD6970 pushes 10% ahead, and the Radeon only really loses out in heavily nvidia-sponsored titles, such as PhysX games.

    SOPA will pass, but when it does, it won't be called SOPA. What will most likely happen is the government will receive an additional payoff from the MPAA/RIAA/IFPI and the bill will be re-worded and renamed, hidden from public and passed silently.

    The irony is, SOPA isn't even the slightest bit necessary, as all the functions for what it's designed to do are already in place - see exhibit A: Megaupload.

    It's a little bit more complicated than that. You're not really doing it for lower CPU temps, you're doing it so it has a minimal impact on the rest of the system. Your CPU may not be much cooler with top exhaust, but the system as a whole usually will be, at least if it follows a fairly standard pattern of heat output.

    I played Audiosurf quite a lot, was good fun. I still occasionally pan back to it. Steam says I have 11 hours played but I suspect it's a bit more than that, maybe 20-30 total. As it happens, all those years ago when I had issues with quad crossfire due to (unknown at the time) chipset issues, Audiosurf was my testing game, as it would induce the crashes the quickest. Not something strenuous like left 4 dead or call of duty, it was audiosurf...

    The name sounds vaguely familiar...
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2012
  20. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    Cloud computing is interesting Sam but like all new techs the public is forcing it into an uneasy position. Cloud computing for businesses and schools is amazing as any PC in the network is exactly the same, no matter if you're working in the library or actually sitting in class. I have also used my school's cloud based storage often from home. All it takes is a name and password and I have access to all my assignments and learning materials. For that use alone I think it's an awesome technology. Now where the problem comes in is personal usage by the general public. Millions of people allowing a privately owned company to handle their personal data? Sounds like too much power is being consolidated in one place to me. Remember what happened last time millions of people trusted personal data to a private company?*cough*Sony*cough* No thank you, I intend to keep my files safe at home. Some argue that cloud computing offers better data protection, but only to the uninformed user who can't figure out a secondary hard drive...

    Which reminds me I need to start making plans for a data backup system. Will probably be getting some more WD Greens for a Raid 1 array at some point. ATM HDD prices are atrocious. I picked up my WD1001FALS for $75 about a year or so ago, now it's currently on Newegg for $250. Lucky me :S
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2012

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