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The Official Graphics Card and PC gaming Thread

Discussion in 'Building a new PC' started by abuzar1, Jun 25, 2008.

  1. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    You'd think so, but when it was delivered the guy said 'these are popular - there's 6 more of them on the van'.

    Correct - The R9 290X is built on the same 28nm process as the HD7 series and is still based on the GCN architecture, so it's basically like a larger version of the HD7970, if you like.

    Nothing further to add here :p

    Reminds me, really need to sort out buying that other Nexus 10 before the Asus version replaces the proper one.
  2. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    harvardguy, we still beat you as we did have a female prime minister for a short period in the 1990's & her name was kim campbell.
  3. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    You're both incorrigible! :p
  4. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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  5. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Unrelenting? LOL!

    I suppose you believe, you're simply setting the record straight though. But Rich... He just won't let up about the nudity LOL!
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2013
  6. harvardguy

    harvardguy Regular member

    Jun 9, 2012
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    Did somebody mention nudity? I don't know anything about that - that's Kevin's department.

    "For a short period?" You mean, when they discovered that she'd really been elected chief dog catcher and it was all a mistake?

    And that was the entire year's worth for London - I stand corrected, it was 6, not 3
  7. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    nope. https://www.google.ca/#q=kim+campbell
  8. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    I would rather the political debate wind to a close before I say some strong words that may get me permanently banned. Shall we keep it clean, or let it get ugly gentlemen? I am a non-partisan voter and have some harsh words for both sides. Rich, I pray to a God I'm not even sure of my belief in that you're joking about Hillary Clinton in office. You know, the same lady who thought the average household income was $100,000+ and asked "what does it matter" after being caught openly lying about leaving Americans to die while they were raped, burned, tortured, and begged for their lives? The same lady who is openly supporting an unconstitutional mandatory tax on the people that will finally succeed in driving my parents from their home, with which failure to comply would be subject to an unconstitutional fine for refusing to buy a service we don't want and can't afford? By the way, it turns out to cost more than the health insurance we couldn't afford to begin with... funny, how multi-billion dollar companies with teams of dedicated lawyers could be deemed unready for the ACA and given an extra year, but the average Joe is considered ready for it now.

    She is guilty of treason and should be tried for crimes against the American people. As should our President, and every member of his staff. They have misappropriated vast sums of money, warmongered, disrespected American veterans, been caught spying on most of the western world, race-baited to the extreme, targeted people for tax increases solely based on their political affiliations, taken the shutdown far beyond what was necessary to make it more visible and blame it on the Republicans when Obama simply refused to negotiate the ACA, called an Islamic Terror Attack "workplace violence" and allowed the shooter to receive pay and benefits while imprisoned, while at the same time labeling Tea Partiers as terrorists, etc etc. I don't remember Black Panthers with rifles outside the booth when my parents went to vote for Bush...

    I could not imagine a more un-American party to support. Don't even get me started on Republicans. Fox News has nothing to do with my views.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2013
  9. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    Estuansism, we are just playfully bugging each other.
  10. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    A lot of what the current administration is doing angers and shames me greatly. I am embarrassed by our leadership and how they have handled every single situation they've either started, or had dropped in their lap.

    Now, their actions are directly affecting my family and their living arrangements which, as some of you may know, were already tight. All the while refusing to sign up for the healthcare plan themselves, exempting themselves from it(the literal dictionary definition of tyranny), and imposing a tax(really a fine) on anyone who refuses to sign up.

    Not to mention they spent $600,000,000 on a Healthcare website, paid to Canadian contractors(Why not Americans? Won't it help the American economy? Don't want Americans seeing your blatant crimes?), who had been fired by the Canadian Government for failing to meet deadlines and coming up with a piss poor site. Several experts looked at it and almost unanimously concluded that they'd be embarrassed to produce a site of that horrible quality for even $1,000,000. Also, the site is designed to handle a peak of 50,000 people a day, which would mean it takes roughly 15-20 years to sign up the entire nation, while privately owned and funded websites operate on a fraction of the cost, while handling millions of visitors a day. And after all that, not ONE SINGLE CENT has actually gone to help ANYONE except some rich politicians pay for their healthcare. There are provisions in the ACA that allow for private transfers of money to all sorts of people, having nothing to do with the actual bill in any way. Why are those in our healthcare bill? Maybe it has to do with the fact that the person who oversaw the IRS's targeting of political groups, which is a crime against our nation, is the person our POTUS put in charge of the ACA... hmmm...

    Furthermore, several people in my family and friends' families are serving or have served, and the current administration's treatment of our armed forces is sickening. Refusing to pay death benefits to the families of dead soldiers, dumping dead heroes' remains in a landfill, cutting benefits, TV/Internet access, food rations, and religious services to deployed soldiers... Preventing aging WW2 veterans from visiting a privately owned and funded open-air memorial while leaving the WW1 monument basically open because there were no living veterans to prohibit, preventing Vietnam veterans from visiting the Vietnam Wall memorial, also preventing many who had friends and family on the wall... releasing the names of two full teams of US Navy SEALS, which is already considered treason, directly leading to their deaths, all the while taking direct credit for their achievements... I could carry this list on for days.

    I do not trust our government, I do not like our administration, I do not like their blatant disregard for the Civil Rights of US citizens. I do not like how every time someone doesn't approve of our president, his defenders turn it into some sort of racial issue. I do not like their fingers in every facet of my life. I do not need them to force me to pay for their approved healthcare when they've already told me in no uncertain words that my safety and well-being are not their responsibility. The Constitution does not muddle its words. People from both sides of the political fence are starting to realize that. We need to impose term limits on our politicians and legislators, and hold criminals accountable for their crimes, not promote them to higher positions. We need to stop sending money to countries that hate us and teach their children to hate us, when we can't even take care of our own. We need to stop supporting an administration that threatens cuts in Social Security, Disability, Military Benefits and Paychecks, shuts down the Amber Alert website, and sends more people to secure a WW2 Memorial from our own veterans than it sent to save 4 American lives during an 8 hour gun battle that they wrote off as a small riot caused by a Youtube video.

    ALL of this, while politicians get raises, and bonuses, and people who make a living from welfare and foodstamps after entering our country illegally don't face a single consequence. Only people who work hard for what they have, have to give it up. How bad does it have to be before politicians start getting things taken from them? Remember Michelle Obama said that everyone's gonna have to give something up so everyone can have something? Why are the people with 10% of the money giving up to the people with 90% of the money?

    I'd bring up some of my issues with the Republican side, but that would mean involving religion, which I'd like to avoid on this forum. I have no issues with religion itself, but many issues with how people use and impose it.

    Strong feelings flare up easily over sensitive issues. I'd prefer it stay out of the PC Hardware forums guys. It's very personal for me, and I'd rather not have to see or say anything about it here. I respectfully request we either take this to PM or Skype or whatever else, but leave it out of here. The above is the tip of the iceberg for me.

    Rich, I may seem very militant, but that could not be further from the truth. War is an absolutely terrible thing. I can't imagine how humans could create a worse hell on this earth. I never want to go to war. If I were to join the armed forces, I would be accepting the responsibility to do what my nation requires of me, but that would not mean I am excited to participate in killing. My own weapons are for home and national defense, not war. Firing them at a person is something I hope I never have to do. I am a big softie at heart, but that doesn't make me a victim either.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2013
  11. harvardguy

    harvardguy Regular member

    Jun 9, 2012
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    Sorry I stirred up a lot of anger and emotion. The comments were meant to be light satire, and no disrespect for the serious job undertaken and the sacrifices made by the military, was meant. I served in the US Army and I was sent overseas to peacetime Germany, and I was proficient in use of the M16 rifle with an expert badge. If that had meant killing somebody, or of getting killed myself, I would have done my job.

    Regarding the capture/killing of Osama Bin Laden, I have no doubt that there is even a way to spin that as yet one more administration blunder.

    My brother believes 911 was an inside job. I showed him the Tau Beta Pi National Honorary Engineering Society magazine that I received discussing the two theories about how heat caused the floor couplings to weaken, but "it was an inside job with dynamite" is all he'll discuss. Then he says, "Explain to me how the other 47 story building across the street collapsed hours later when it wasn't even hit by the jets?" I show him google interviews with fire chiefs who evacuated the building as it started giving out massive noises of stressed metal, the result of tremendous burning due to fires spread by the collapsed world trade towers - and he's still "it was dynamited also, you idiot, just like the others!" I just emailed him this link: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...s-Rare-footage-shows-WTC-7-consumed-fire.html

    And my brother's a smart guy - he's the super proficient CAD guy helping build that enormous hospital with his Dell workstation - that I helped him set up - with the twin 27" hd monitors like Stevo's new monitor - but he's also the king of conspiracy theorists.

    Back on topic, unfortunately everything ddp has said about Canada is wrong, and it certainly doesn't surprise me that those Canadian ACA website builders that Jeff talked about don't know what they are doing.

    But most surprising of all is how ddp got google to bring up all those phony web sites about somebody supposedly named Kim Campbell. That shows you - you can't believe ANYTHING you read on the internet.

    (But in the unlikely event that ddp's not scamming me again, more power to Canada for allowing a woman to break through the glass ceiling, like Thatcher did in England.)

    My final comment, returning to gaming, is that Bioshock 2 continues to rock and roll in every way.

    The new DLC that I talked about earlier, contains a second part, a full story called Minerva's Den, and the main protagonist is a black man, Charles Milton Porter. He's a computer genius, who many years back was hired by the British to help them crack the Nazi code, and who at that time took his young 23 year old wife to London with him, where she was tragically killed in one of the London bombings.


    In his despair he retreated to Rapture and designed a behemoth computer called "The Thinker." A letter of condolences from Churchill over the death of his wife, hangs in his Rapture office. We see that at the very end of the story.

    This tale is surprisingly good for a DLC - you will read that same comment all over - every bit as good as anything in the rest of Bioshock 2. It even includes two Big Sister battles. The only thing missing was photographic splicer research - but you finally find the two main tonics that only successful splicer research unlock in the main game: natural camouflage, and fountain of youth.

    For some reason, even though the game builds up the Big Sister battle, I did not even break a sweat killing her this time. Either they reduced her formidable powers, or my new main plasmid turned it into child's play.

    I didn't even have to use my former ace weapon, trap spear, against the Big Sister, since I had just discovered the power of bees in the first part of the DLC.

    The Protector Trials, the first part of the DLC, taught me that bees (insect swarm is the name of the plasmid) absolutely rule, and with bees you really don't even need your security bot buddies, although I always like them tagging along with me. Every time you release a swarm - it's like 30 miniature bot buddies on the job. Forget about decoy 2 - my prior favorite - forget about electro shock, fire, cold, etc. All you need is bees. (You still need electro to open stuck doors, and heat to melt some ice.)

    Anyway Minerva's Den was a great story, and another example of the power of video games to tell a story and deliver a thought-provoking message.

    One of the interesting things that Charles Porter said in the game, was

    The YouTube audio recording is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0j3tcX1I14

    It was a video game message about race, about shared humanity, about tragic loss, delivered in a very light way. Just like Alyx's dad and Alyx herself from Half Life 2, it was nice to see a non-white main character for a change.

    In this historic time of America's first black president, we are starting to see more of that finally.

    In the main Bioshock 2, they did have a black lady jazz singer - not a splicer - she was not deformed in any way. (She returns to the Protector Trials as the singer in the run-down Pauper Town map.)

    And you have a very poignant moment with her, as you fight through an army of splicers to reach her, for an important key that she holds, and she then tells you that she is not going to give you the pleasure of a fight, and she says, "Go ahead, monster, and kill me." She fully expects you to kill her because she has been led to believe by the religious zealot, the main lady villain, that you are nothing more than a non-thinking, Big Daddy brute destroyer.

    But you don't kill her. The guy on your radio, I think it's Sinclair, tells you - "she DID send all those splicers your way, and probably you are angry at her - but she is not armed, and she's in failing health." So the game hints that you don't need to kill her - and in my opinion anybody with any decency would not have done so.

    And that event, the non-killing, turns into an epiphany for her - she starts to question - maybe all that the religious leader has told her is not necessarily true.

    Interestingly enough, except in the main splicer church as non-deformed corpses in the pew, I don't recall any other NPC blacks in the main game. I certainly don't recall having to shoot any black splicers.

    I have all these screenshots - I really need to do a proper Jeff review of Bioshock 2 one day.

    The racist issue was of course dealt with very differently in Infinite. First, in the very racist Columbia, blacks were fulfilling only subservient roles, and a few rebellious leaders had prices on their heads. Then there was the rioting, and we took part, on the side of the rioters. Then we actually had to fight black soldiers in order to help Elizabeth return on the main blimp.

    (I always wondered, however, why those black warriors wore multi-tasseled (harlequin) joker hats - for some reason that seemed disrespectful to me - why that style hat for those particular NPCs? It almost seemed like another form of subtle racism - I wonder if anybody else noticed that.)

    Last edited: Oct 30, 2013
  12. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    All I have to say is that it's the Hillary Clinton line that set me off. That witch needs to be burned at the stake. I couldn't imagine a worse president. If opposing her makes me sexist, feel free to call me sexist... :)

    I think we are both reasonable people Rich. You don't have to apologize to me.

    There are a LOT of facts about it that simply don't line up. There are eyewitness reports conflicting with official sources. The possibility that explosives were used to aid in bringing down the buildings is high. There was an explosion in the basement of the first tower a few minutes before it came down. Powerful enough to knock people off their feet.


    There were hot spots in the wreckage measuring nearly 1000*C up to a month after the attack. These cannot be accounted for by a building fire, or a normal aviation fuel fire. Aviation fuel does not burn that hot or for that long. It burns very fast, and flashes over like gasoline fumes. What does account for it though, is the possibility of explosives being used. Thermite most likely, presumably chosen for its ability to quickly burn through structural steel and weaken the building. Thermite DOES burn that hot and for that long.


    Whether it was an inside job or not I cannot say. But it's certainly possible that someone was able to enter the buildings and rig them with explosives. I have a friend who served as a demolition specialist for the US Army, and he had a lot of interesting things to say about the towers coming down. Basically, there is no way they would have come down like they did, without something weakening the base of the structure.

    In regards to Bioshock's racial references, I don't see the big issue. Racism exists. Races exist. Stereotypes exist. Better to have open dialogue and social commentary about it than to pretend these things don't exist or don't happen. A great many racial stereotypes are true. That's why it's so interesting and uncommon to see people break the mould society expects them to fit. Bioshock's story is largely a statement on modern culture. In a modern culture, people conform. Are Bioshock's depictions of black people racist? Sure! Bioshock's world and culture are inherently racist. The blacks, just like everyone else, are conforming to their mould. Charles Milton Porter chose not to conform, which is why he's a unique character in the game, and not some other random guy.

    I really liked the story behind Bioshock 1+2, which is why I found the repetitive gameplay and environments so disappointing. Bioshock Infinite is miles better, while having a comparably meaningful story. Not to mention the environments are fantastic and the art direction is superb. The game definitely creates its own atmosphere.

    Also, Eli's and Alyx's color have always been a non-issue for me. They're smart, likable characters, and I would like to continue their story, or at least learn the conclusion. Nothing to do with color.

    As far as Barack Obama is concerned, he has done more to set back and damage racial relations in this country than any president in history. Rather convenient way to draw attention away from other wrongdoings, eh? Opportunistic race baiters like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson make me sick. They are far more racist than any of the people they accuse of racism. They are more focused on generating hate for profit than they are on actually helping people or furthering the cause of racial equality.

    Just for the record, BO is not ethnically an "American" black. He is half black and half Middle Eastern, and was partly educated at Muslim religious schools outside the US. He spent a large part of his early life in Africa. Why don't we call him Middle Eastern or Mixed-Heritage? He certainly isn't like any of the black people from Chicago that I know...

    Before speculations of veiled racism come my way, I do have to mention that one of the best friends I've ever had is a black Puerto-Rican whose last name is Alvarez. I recently attended his wedding. He agrees with me on a lot of this. Was initially an Obama voter himself, but is starting to change his tune now that Obama has shown his true colors. Racism towards any race isn't cool, and there are those within our society that would promote racism under the guise of eliminating it. I remain non-partisan due to this and many facts. If we had a Republican president/politicians pulling the same things right now, I'd have a LOT more to say about the Republicans. As it stands, the power is firmly with the democrats, and the final decisions are theirs. If you would like to discuss some of the more personal aspects of my political beliefs, or maybe my thoughts on conspiracies and whathaveyou, feel free to send me a PM. I am open to new ideas, and willing to explain my theories in more detail. We should really try to keep this place politically neutral though. In particular, those from the UK and Europe have entirely different histories than us, and are bound to see key things in a different perspective. No need to create international hostilities :p

    Thank you for your military service BTW Rich. You don't have to be a combat vet to serve your country. Simply accepting the risk is enough :)
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2013
  13. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    Estuansis, bases of the towers had nothing to do with the collapse but at the floor levels were the fires were did cause the collapse.
  14. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    So the release day dust has settled, where are we now?

    Double-weighted minimum scores:

    Crysis 3

    GTX770: 76.2 [79.9%]
    R9 290: 91.2 [95.6%]
    GTX780: 95.4 [100%]
    GTX Titan: 103.8 [108.8%]
    R9 290X UM55: 107.6 [112.8%]
    GTX780Ti: 107.9 [113.1%]

    Far Cry 3

    GTX770: 93.9 Test B [84.7%]
    R9 290: 113.0 Test B [101.9%] UM47 mode [87.1 in SM40 mode]
    GTX780: 117.2 Test A - 110.9 in Test B
    GTX Titan: 123.0 [104.9%]
    R9 290X UM55: 125.3 [106.9%]
    GTX780Ti: 136.8 [116.7%]

    Tomb Raider

    GTX770: Test parameters do not match - not included
    GTX780: 87.6
    R9 290: 99.3 [113.4%]
    GTX Titan: 98.9 [112.9%]
    R9 290X UM55: 107.5 [122.7%]
    GTX780Ti: 110.0 [125.6%]

    Metro: Last Light

    HD7970GE: 109.0 [86.3%]
    GTX770: 105.6 [83.6%]
    R9 290: 128.2 [101.5%]
    GTX780: 126.3
    GTX Titan: 136.5 [108.1%]
    R9 290X UM55: 142.6 [112.9%]
    GTX780Ti: 146.6 [116.1%]

    GTX770: 130W & 80°C - fan speed not recorded
    HD7970GE: 170W & 74°C - fan speed not recorded
    GTX780: 175W & 80°C @ 1800rpm typical
    GTX Titan: 190W & 80°C @ 2100rpm typical
    GTX780Ti: 210W & 83°C @ 2200rpm typical
    R9 290: 230W & 95°C @ 2800rpm in UM47 mode
    R9 290X: 240W & 95°C @ 3300rpm in UM55 mode

    Overall scores:

    GTX770: 827
    GTX780: 1000
    R9 290: 1031
    GTX Titan: 1087
    R9 290X: 1138
    GTX780Ti: 1179

    GTX770: 'Value' price (500x(0.827^2) = $342. Actual price = $330 -> Good
    GTX780: 'Value' price (500x(1^2)) = $500. Actual price = $510 -> OK
    R9 290: 'Value' price (500x(1.031^2) = $531. Actual price = $410 -> Excellent
    GTX Titan: 'Value' price (500x(1.087^2) = $591. Actual price = $1010 -> Very poor
    R9 290X: 'Value' price (500x(1.138^2) = $648. Actual price = $600 -> Good [low availability]
    GTX780Ti: 'Value' price (500x(1.179^2) = $695. Actual price = $710 -> OK

    So there you have it. Notable points:

    R9 290 - By far the best value card on the market, good availability, default fan speed causes underclocks but latest drivers fix this
    R9 290X - Hard to find and considerably more money than the 290, but also notably faster - default fan speed in both modes causes overclocks - needs manual adjustments. Extremely loud, reference models unlikely to be reliable long-term, non-reference designs suggested

    GTX 770 - Price drop makes this a very cheap card comapred to the others, but justifiably so given its considerably lower performance. More a competitor for the previous top end (GTX680/HD7970GE)
    GTX 780 - Welcome price drop makes this finally sensibly priced, but still offers marginally less performance than the R9 290 for 25% more money. Quieter, but that and nvidia-specific features are all that extra $100 buys you.
    GTX 780Ti - New king of the hill for single-GPU performance. Very expensive at $700, and offers little above the 290X for performance, but a far better engineered solution. For best of the best in a single card, this is now the card to buy.
    GTX Titan - Because of the Double Precision features, this card retains its original $1000 price tag, even now it's thoroughly outclassed in the gaming arena by a brand relative and a competitor. If it was a silly purchase for gamers before, the GTX780Ti renders it entirely useless from here.
  15. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    GTX770 - Based directly on a GTX680 PCB. Same as my GTX760, so no surprise that it competes with the previous gen high-end. Quite good cards. Not fantastic, but solid.

    GTX780 - Actually somewhat of a disappointment, but a major win for AMD. Solid hardware, but not the best performance or value.

    R9 290 - As I've read, these cards are very much power hungry/possibly unreliable, but their performance and pricing are good. Long-term will tell. I'm sure you'll have some stats to post about it later.

    GTX780Ti - Should be priced much better. Slightly above the GTX780, and the 780 and 770 should see a slight price drop. Prevents a lot of these cards from being a good value. My GTX760 is an exceptional card for $300 at the time of purchase, but still isn't a great value.

    GTX Titan - Really interesting cards but always a bit silly.
  16. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    I also have to mention that the AA implementation on the GTX760 blows away that of the HD6850s. Much better image quality. Not that the 6850s looked bad, but the effect is just straight up better.

    Just got myself a new game. Was originally an Xbox Live Arcade game that did somewhat well, but was finally ported to PC via Steam. Valve was able to convince the developers that supporting it for PC and putting more money into patches and free addons would make it more successful. Boy did it work!

    It's called State of Decay, and it's one of the best Zombie games ever. Basically, think Grand Theft Zombie Survival with a hint of X-Com or FTL thrown in. You spend much of the game gathering survivors, leveling them up to survive and fight better, and building bases with different modules to keep them alive and fighting. Very unique game formula. Totally open-world map, similar in size to maybe Vice City, so not huge, but quite big. When your player character becomes tired or injured, you switch to another one of the survivors you've gathered. All of them have unique traits, and just a little bit of backstory to give them some personality. Deaths are permanent, but I don't think any of them are scripted.

    You can follow the story, or simply play the game freestyle and build and maintain your survivor colony. Resources are limited, and it's smart to build near a large town so you have a place to look for supplies. You can find ammo, medicine, food, and construction materials caches which you return to your base for points towards the respective resources. They keep your people alive and give you a larger pool of useful items to draw from.

    The game also has an extensive amount of guns. They are placed somewhat intelligently. Ie Small pistols, some shotguns, and .22 rifles in residential houses, shotguns and bigger rifles at the police station, military rifles and whatnot at outposts and checkpoints. Everything is finite and randomly placed, so every playthrough is unique. Ammo is scarce, so it's better to leave it in the stockpile for friendlies. Guns you don't want to use can be brought back to base for Reputation points which allow you to draw more resources and gather more survivors.

    For $20 it's a tremendous value and worth hours of fun.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2013
  17. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Not sure how it'd happen but I'd be interested to see your thoughts on the AA quality on an HD69 vs an HD68, and likewise an HD79 or R9 2xx versus your HD6800s. The HD6800 series has had known image quality deficiencies since the beginning, most of which were supposed to be solved when they cut the performance back. I haven't really used a system with HD6800 series graphics much at all so I don't really know how bad it is, but I've never really considered AA lacking on my HD6970s.
  18. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    The 6970 was marginally better in some places, though not much different. It was largely a difference in performance. More time with the card may have made a change in my perspective. I wasn't looking for it.

    The 7870 is actually better as well, in my opinion. Similar to the Nvidia card. The biggest difference can be seen on my 1920 x 1080 monitor. The large pixel make the differences very apparent. In this case, the 6850s were at the bottom of the pack. The GTX760 is at the top, the 7870 is somewhere near the 760, and the 6970 I'm not sure about.
  19. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Well, the Dell UP3214Q is now selling to US customers, and shortly to UK customers too. Through business contacts I may be arranging one to be delivered to me in the near future. Only issue is, nobody can give me a straight answer about whether the HD6900s can actually drive 3840x2160. I see no reason why not, but the lack of any official mention of it is a little disconcerting, since no reviewer would have tested it (Partly because the competitor to the HD6970 had no displayport, and primarily because back in late 2010/early 2011, contemporary 4K monitors were $50,000 ish).
    The official product page for the HD6970 says a max of 2560x1600 per display on Displayport, whereas the HD7970's says 4096x2160 per display, but both cards use Displayport 1.2, the interface itself being capable of 4096x2160 @ 60Hz.
    There is a technology demo document published shortly prior to the HD6800 series release stating they support 4096x2160 @ 50Hz, but give no mention on whether that extends to 3840x2160 @ 60Hz (It usually does).

    Since the 31.5" 3840x2160 displays are tiled (two monitors merged using Eyefinity or nvidia surround, on a single cable through internal MST), I'm not expecting there to be an issue, but I really can't say for sure without trying it.

    Ideally, I'm hoping to avoid having to upgrade graphics until the dieshrink of the R9 200 series, that much heat and noise and questionable reliability is really something I hoped to have left behind.
  20. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    I would definitely wait. The R290X is a great card, but everything about it smacks of 8800GTX or GTX480. Huge die, huge power requirements, huge heat, limited lifespan. This time around, Nvidia has the superior product from a design standpoint. Nice to see them put Nvidia in their place for performance though.

    As far as my own personal performance goes, the current Crysis game is playable maxed, so everything else is a joke to run. All my most often played games have been boosted to minimum 60 or similar. Not having any regrets going Nvidia this time around :)

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