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The Official Graphics Card and PC gaming Thread

Discussion in 'Building a new PC' started by abuzar1, Jun 25, 2008.

  1. harvardguy

    harvardguy Regular member

    Jun 9, 2012
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    I totally agree with you Sam - the graphics are the big question. You have a good track record of being able to sell your used bits, so maybe one 290 makes sense for now. How long do you foresee until AMD reduces die size on a new family that might handle your gorgeous new monitor?

    Anyway, congratulations again - once more you have taken the lead, showing your true tech spirit of adventure - which the painful experience of dual 4870x2's couldn't quite "burn" out of you, lol.

    Kevin, I'm glad you enjoyed that video - it was sooo cool - so well edited.

    On the gaming front, I have taken the plunge on another sequel to a game you recommended, Jeff, Assassins Creed III - the sequel being Assassins Creed IV - Black Flag, about a pirate.


    The city of Havana is interesting and colorful - but I am wondering when the fun sea battles begin. When they introduce your character, you actually have to catch up to one of the Assassins whose uniform you steal. Then you meet a guy with a boat.

    This Englishman merchant on the left was being held by the local soldiers until you rescued him - he was accused of piracy - the very thought!

    They showed just a bit of sailing and shooting at the start - but the weapon mechanics have changed - and the cannons don't fire as loudly. But maybe that will improve later. They also don't ask you to let out sails, etc. When you want to slow down, just hit S, and you can see the sails change position, and your steering becomes more responsive.

    You had to negotiate out of a tricky bay - lots of tight turns. Kind of fun.

    As in Assassins Creed III, blacks are represented in the game, both as inhabitants of Havana, and as fellow pirates. I am glad to see this trend continue from Ubisoft.

    Assassins Creed III, located where I went to grad school for a couple of years, showed me a side of early Boston that I did not know about, in the number of blacks that composed its citizenry.

    From Assassins Creed III, one of the homestead couples.

    Apparently, if Assassins 3 is correct, there were many freed slaves in Boston. I had known from early schooling that the Boston massacre did include the death of Crispus Attucks, a black, a freed slave.

    Crispus Attucks died in the Boston Massacre - a rallying event that stirred up colonial passions.

    Regarding race relations, this is a subject of particular importance to me. My relations with blacks have been iffy. I currently have a workout fanatic, heavily muscled, physically intimidating black roommate who has been renting from us for 6 years. Daryl is a former plumber, now a truck driver, and we mostly get along okay.

    But there is definitely a racial gap. For example, I couldn't get him to stop parking in front of the neighbor's house across the street, although my brother and I decided to give him the reserved spot in front of our house because we didn't want problems - renting out a room isn't really allowed in the zoning.

    Daryl had mentioned - "They probably have never seen a black guy before" referring to himself when he took a temporary trucking job in North Dakota last year. But I have never talked race with him. Finally I decided to bring it up earlier this year, arguing that the white homeowner across the street, whom he had dinner with, might have found it difficult to do more than just hint about preferring that nobody park there, because of the racial divide. Daryl didn't like that, "Oh, now you've pulled the race card - now I'm upset."

    There is a dense and lively street crowd in Havana. You can use the group of 4 dancing ladies to accompany you, and to distract some of the guards. The one with her back turned to us is black.

    A few weeks later he came in where I was working on a big computer project, and he wanted to discuss the parking again, saying my attitude had seemed kind of mean. The discussion was not balanced, I couldn't get a word in edge-wise. He beat around the bush, blah blah blah, monopolizing the talk, until he said he had to leave, concluding with "Well, I think I'm going to start parking there again."

    I was frustrated by the lopsided conversation, and when he said that I got mad (I have been reading The Power of Now which has helped me control my temper, but I lost it) and I pulled rank. "Fine, park where-ever you want, but we will ask you to move out if you can't follow our parking rules."

    He parked in his spot after that, but he didn't talk with me for at least 6 months. So my relationship with him is a test case for me, of improving race relations. He and I see the world quite differently - each perspective is completely valid - there is no right or wrong. My job is to stay calm, no matter what. But that might mean that he has to move some day - rules are rules - my military training taught me that.

    This intro relates to race depiction in the game, Assassins Creed IV.

    Here's a better picture of the black girl whose back was turned to us above. She's doing some kind of dance. These girls will follow you, or distract people for you. And they allow you to hide if you're being chased, if you can hire them quickly enough before the guards see you.

    I realize that - along with many white Americans - I have a racist core. You can't help it - you get it from school as a kid. That's what happened to me. In school. But no matter how much you tell yourself that racism is wrong and not intellectually supportable - just a bad bad thing - it sticks to you and takes years of work to dissipate.

    We here in the States live in arguably the most racist country in the world. We fought a war that killed 700,000 of us - more than the casualties of World War II - because of race.

    What other country can you point to that enslaved millions of people in the 1850s? Black slave labor built the White House. I just had a Russian guy at a Thanksgiving party, a US soldier whom I bonded with (he told one guy who walked by - "we are the military guys here") a Republican big supporter of John McCain, a man I greatly admire and respect - this Russian guy told me, "A black man shouldn't be in the white house."

    I said, "Well, Mikheil, you never had slavery in Russia. You don't have that in your culture. Yes, you DID have your social classes, upper and lower - I remember in my COD2 video game the corporal said 'Boris, get the explosives and blow up that Panzer. Probably with your dumb peasant luck you will not get killed as you cross the alley.'" Mikheil laughed at my COD2 Russian accent.

    I told him, "Mikheil, you never had slavery. Not like us. We have a lot of guilt over that in this country. In fact, your hero, John McCain, who lost in 2008, expressed some of that in one of the best speeches I have ever heard, his concession speech about what a historic election it was."

    Every time you reach a view point to add detail to your map, you displace the hawk that was there. This is one of the most beautiful birds of any video game.

    So that was my Thanksgiving discussion with a fellow vet, whose politics put him on the other side of the political aisle from me. But we bonded anyway - he's a guy who served several years in Afghanistan and Iraq as a platoon leader, who had one of his guys, a 17 year old marine, die in his arms from a sniper round to the head. The mother had asked Mikheil to bring her son back safely. The kid had seconds to live and said "I don't want to die."

    So Mikheil listened as I explained about the American burden of slavery, and he drowned out his combat memories with beer after beer. No slavery in Russia. Slavery until relatively recently in America. On-going racism that persists to today, but we are trying to work it out. That civil rights struggle continues today. Look at Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman. My sister texted "Did you hear about the verdict?" I said "Yes, acquitted, Good." She texted back, "What did you say - you mean BAD - right?" I told her I watched the whole thing, and the kid tragically went ballistic - lost his temper and tried to beat up a guy who had a hidden gun. Total self-defense - he was crying out for help for crissake. In MMA when the guy concedes, you stop fighting. The kid said, "You are going to die tonight" and apparently he meant it. He was violent, and immature, and he bit off more than he could chew. I didn't come down on the "liberal" side on that one.

    My take on race, is that we are an interesting country trying to work out our racist background, and slowly improving all the time. Look around, in addition to video games, there are many more blacks in advertising than ever before, which is great to see. Look at the walls in the Target stores - look at television advertising. Finally blacks and other minorities are represented - it's not just the old "everybody white as snow" of former years.

    I am proud of the strides we are making. From both parties. Even the various 3 Bush administrations - my brother hated them - they had Collin Powell, they had Condi Rice as Secretary of State - remarkable minority and women inclusion, which was very historic and paved the way for the election of Obama.

    I thought they said they made video games - it's the modern day Asbergo Industries.

    This presidency will be written about for hundreds of years, even if Obamacare falls flat, if for nothing else the proof of the advancement in racial understanding and opportunity. You can be black and yes, you can be in the White House. It is truly historic, whether you agree with the politics, or whether like John McCain, you don't agree with the politics completely, but you still are proud of the country for the dramatic steps forward - for the proof of how far we have progressed from our divisive Civil War heritage.

    We can run around being bitter and resentful, hating Obama-care for example, about which I know nothing and don't care to know anything - (I don't have a doctor and I never did - if I have to pay a fine I'll pay it) or we can look around at what is good. For me, what is good is the improvement in race relations, of which Obama is an immediate symbol.

    The language and signs are in Spanish, and you hear bits and pieces. Like after I bought ammo, a guy said "Y que la suerte le guia" which means: "May good luck guide you."

    There are people like my brother who say that all the blow-back against Obama is racist. I'm not sure about that. There certainly is a lot of hate talk. Including even milder remarks like what Mikheil said to me. That was a racist remark if I ever heard it, and not acceptable, but it resonates with a part of me that I am not proud about. And it came from a man for whom I have great respect, and whom I consider a friend from our Thanksgiving conversation, a man who has served his adopted country very well. And in return, now he's getting government help to finish law school. I'm happy for him. He is dealing with some tragic memories - and I don't hold that racist remark against him - I know that I have my own racist core to deal with. Mikheil is just repeating what he's heard on the street. He doesn't appreciate, being from Russia (actually from Georgia where Stalin was born) what a burden of racial hatred we have had to overcome here in the US.

    DDP, correct me if I am wrong, but even Canada had a huge amount of slaves helping them grow their cotton, right? On second thought, does cotton grow in the snow?

  2. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    does cotton grow in new york, maine, pennsylvania, washington & minnesota? why did your slaves come to canada?
  3. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    If my disliking Obama makes me racist, okay then, I'M A RACIST. NOW, let's discuss his policies. Voting for Obama based entirely on his race, holding him to a lower standard of behavior because of his race, and being afraid to oppose him because of his race is RACISM. Yes, this country has a problem with racism, except it's been flip-flopped around since the "old days." I don't see groups of white kids randomly assaulting and killing people on the street, including Congressional Medal of Honor recipients who fought for their freedom, as a game. I didn't see groups of white people threatening riots if Zimmerman lost his case. I don't see groups of white people using "niggah" in their every day vocabulary then screaming about the "others" keeping them down. AND NO, THE PROBLEM IS NOT BLACK PEOPLE. It is the black culture IN AMERICA. I certainly didn't see Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton speaking out when a black gang member shot a white baby in the head in front of its mother. They certainly aren't speaking out against "polar bear hunting" or the fact that the majority of the murders in the United States are black on black gang violence. Maybe it was a gang of white kids who beat up a younger child on the school bus and broke his arm after he reported that they tried to sell him drugs, right? Nope, it was blacks. I didn't see Sharpton or Jackson speaking out against that. They are nothing but racist race-baiters themselves. They only speak out when the poisoned black community is behind them and they can turn a profit. When it comes time to hold themselves responsible for their own actions, suddenly we're just a nation of racists trying to hold them down.

    Oh yeah, what about Oprah saying that all the white old people should die(you know, the people who made her rich and successful), then our Dictator in Chief awarding her a Presidential Medal of Freedom? I guess racism is okay when it's not directed towards blacks, right?

    Because, you see, WHITE is a skin color too. And WHITE people are BY FAR the most prominent victims of racism in this modern era. Even stating an opposing opinion instantly makes me "a racist redneck hillbilly who shoots children and hates blacks".


    Also, NO, the Civil War was NOT fought over slavery. At all. It was fought over individual states' rights and in the interest of unifying our nation. The abolition of slavery was a footnote. Yes, slavery was an overtone of the war, but it was not the point, cause, or motivation behind it. Period. A little historical instruction is needed on this subject. Truly free blacks and whites fought on both sides of the war, and some of the Union states were slave states as well. To say it was fought over slavery is an insult to the soldiers who died on both sides, white and black.

    What needs to happen is that the blacks need to let go of their crutch and start being held accountable for their BS. And the whites need to stop feeling guilty about something they did not do. I HAVE NEVER KEPT SLAVES NOR MET A BLACK PERSON WHO WAS ONE. THE SLAVERY ARGUMENT IS NOT AN EXCUSE FOR BEING A MONSTER. The culture is poisoned. Martin Luther King Jr. would be sickened and ashamed to see the direction his people went in. People are now judged solely by the color of their skin, not by the content of their character. But, if we were judging solely by content of character, their character seems just as rotten as any white racist.

    Also, Rich, your roommate/housemate is just a douchenozzle. It has nothing to do with his race. A parking space should not bring up a discussion on racism. He should respect your rules for living in YOUR building, not expect special treatment because of his race. Not speaking to you for six months because you told him to follow YOUR rules on YOUR property? It seems the only racist present in that situation is the man acting like a stereotypical self-entitled whine-baby American black person and making everyone uncomfortable with his actions. The color of his skin is not making people uncomfortable, it's his CONTENT OF CHARACTER.

    Barack Hussein Obama has done more to widen the racial gap and stir up racial tensions than any other president in our history. He is the most divisive and corrupt president in our nation's existence. His policies and blunders have made us the laughing stock of the world. Oh gee, better get another round of golf and another $100,000,000 vacation in while our economy continues to worsen by the day. Oh, here's an idea, let's force a mandatory tax on the already financially destitute American public, then PUNISH THEM FOR BEING UNABLE TO AFFORD IT. What's even worse? The healthcare is significantly more expensive than than the pre-existing plans that millions of Americans lost, and the deductibles are so high that it's effectively useless as insurance. Wasn't the point to insure the uninsured? Instead, they've uninsured the insured, while forcing every single person in the nation to buy into it, or face an Unconstitutional fine. If the ACA is so great, why is it being forced? There's nothing affordable about it, and I have EVERY RIGHT to not be insured. MY MONEY BELONGS TO ME. I WILL NOT SUPPORT THOSE WHO ARE TOO LAZY TO EARN THEIR OWN.

    But I'm not pointing out any facts or anything... nope... I'm just racist...
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2013
  4. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Quick rough and ready phone camera shot will have to do for now until I get the card reader set up and dig my camera out.

    Say hello to the newest member of the family :)


    Had a quick go at silly multitasking, this is the best I could come up with - that Pulp Fiction is playing at 1080p at its native res in a window (1:1 at 1920x816)
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2013
  5. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Me likey! Me likes VERY much!
  6. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Added another screeny above.

    The HD6970s work with it, and at 60Hz too. It's not ideal, as games don't immediately recognise the correct resolution and have to be windowed first, and video playback can sometimes be a little sketchy, but I played a few hours of counter-strike GO at 3840x2160 with no issues whatsoever, not bad considering it's not officially supported. Not risking a higher-end game yet! :)
  7. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    I definitely have to have one. Or two LOL! xD
  8. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    which screen is the new 1, left or right?
  9. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    The left :p
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2013
  10. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    Congrats Sam! Glad the 6970s worked with it. Certainly eliminates some of the more immediate issues. Crossfire 6970s is still a potent performance solution. I would imagine lots of games can be made playable. It sounds like AA is a no-go.
  11. harvardguy

    harvardguy Regular member

    Jun 9, 2012
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    Sam, absolutely awesome!!! Nice camera phone by the way. Congrats at getting it to work with your 6970s. What are you saying? You got it to play at that res in CS:GO even though not officially supported?????? But the game has to put out the pixels? What am I not understanding?

    Kevin, you likey, when you gonna buyey?


    Jeff, a lot of anger and frustration have come out of your recent posts, and I think I understand better where the anger is coming from, now that I have done a lot of thinking about it.

    I am from a huge urban area - Los Angeles. You are from a sparsely populated rural area far up north - by comparison there are not many people at all where you live, much less many blacks. You might want to watch the Oscar-winning movie Crash if you would like to know something about racial tension in areas like Los Angeles.

    According to my black roommate Daryl, who took a trucking job up north last year, there are relatively few black people in areas similar to where you live. You did mention that you have one dark-skinned Hispanic friend who voted for Obama. That does not necessarily mean that you are well-versed in race relations.

    The movie Crash is also relevant from another perspective, white resentment over affirmative action. Whites who feel that the pendulum has swung too far the other way, and that blacks are getting too many breaks at the expense of whites.

    Is that what you are reflecting in these posts, Jeff? I have a feeling that it is. And I don't blame you for feeling that way.

    In the movie Crash, Matt Dillon is the somewhat racist cop, who feels that his dad was discriminated against in local hiring practices. A lot of people criticized affirmative action - but the people who passed those laws felt that we needed to take active steps to right the wrongs of history. Without affirmative action, they felt that poverty and ignorance and crime would simply beget more poverty and ignorance and crime, and that blacks needed and deserved a leg up, in order to level the playing field. Otherwise we'd be dealing with this for centuries.

    But I understand that when it affects one's own family, it can be very hard to see the big picture.

    Matt Dillon in the movie had a lot of racist attitudes, but near the end of the movie he risked his life to pull a black lady from a burning vehicle, and she collapsed in hysterical relief cradled in his arms. Earlier they absolutely hated each other. He had blatantly manhandled her during a traffic stop, in front of her husband who felt totally humiliated. And she felt violated - she would have killed him if she could have. The movie rang true for me and for enough members of the Screen Actors Guild that it garnered the Oscar for best film.

    Race relations in my area are good on some days, bad on other days. We are nowhere near the day when the color of a person's skin won't matter at all - but we strive to reach that goal. Most educated people whom I know, feel that racism reflects ignorance, and that judging a person from the color of their skin comes from simple fear - that ignorance breeds fear, and fear breeds racism.

    You may not know any blacks, but if you play Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag, you will have an opportunity to have a close virtual relationship with your black comrade, your second-in-command, Adewale (AH-deh-WALL-ee) to whom you express, recognizing the racist attitudes of most sailors, something along the lines of "Adewale, it is not fair that few would take you as their Captain, so what position do I give you." Adewale asks to be Quartermaster.

    Other than what you read in the paper, you may not really have a very good feel for this subject of racism, Jeff. You know video games, you know video gaming, you know graphics, and you know modding. On all those subjects you are among the most knowledgeable people around. But do you really have any experiential link to the topic of racism?

    The topic that you may feel close to your soul, however, is Obama-care. You have said that you feel that current legislation may drive your parents from their home. That is as close to a gut issue as an issue could be. And for that you blame our black president. So like Matt Dillon in the movie, you may feel the pendulum has swung too far and that you and your folks will be hurt, to better the situation of minorities. I imagine that would cause anybody to be resentful - just as it does to the cop in the movie.

    I would suggest, Jeff, that there is no need to bring racism into your situation. Your situation has nothing to do with racism. Blaming the president doesn't mean you have to label yourself a racist. Don't make it personal. If you think this is something that is good for minorities, but not for you, that doesn't mean you have to be a racist.

    If you express yourself from the position of racism, you reduce the strength of your arguments. If you engage in personal attacks, you reduce the strength of your arguments. If you call Hillary a bi*ch, you reduce the strength of your arguments. People will just label you a "hater" and won't hear you - they will tune you out.

    Let's look at Obama-care. I don't know anything about it - and so I'm not going to try to defend or attack it.

    As I understand it, Obama-care was originally conceived of by Mitt Romney while he was Governor of Massachusetts - he investigated implementing it in that state, where it was called Romney-care. Democrats preempted the plan, which is why Republicans have had trouble attacking it - it was originally their idea.

    I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing - I don't go to doctors. My father started out as a Christian Scientist. I spend money on vitamins and I try to follow some basic healthy eating laws, and also to get my exercise - as well as to keep from being negative and hateful - the book Power of Now helps me in that respect. I think a lot of health issues come from negativity, stress, and anger.

    Also I think the drug industry and the food industry in this country, put out many unhealthy products, advertising like crazy to get people to eat junk food and then to take a pill for whatever gives them any kind of ache. But I know that I am bucking a trend - it will be a long time before the drug industry and the unhealthy food industry lose their strangle-hold on this economy, so maybe universal health care is needed until then - until people become more aware of healthy food and healthy living habits.

    Hey mates: Assassins Creed IV might require a bit of reading - just hit the Esc key and choose "database":

    So what I am saying is, if you want to hate the policies of Democrats, for adopting Romney's plans, that is one thing. That's fine. But to take it to a personal level, to blame a black president on the basis of his race, and then proclaim yourself a racist, that is another thing entirely, and in my opinion is illogical and weakens your arguments.

    Dems have been talking about universal health care for a while. Republicans like Romney have come up with plans to provide it - all of this going back for a while. A Democratic president had a temporary majority in both houses of congress and so an issue that had been talked about for a long time, modeled after Romney-care, passed congress. For you to turn yourself into a black-hating racist over that doesn't make any sense, and tends to put you out on the extreme fringe, as ineffective as Kaczynski in his remote cabin making letter bombs and trying to change society that way.

    That's my opinion. Nevertheless, you are of course entitled to your opinion.

    Let's forget for a moment about how Obama-care may negatively impact your parents' situation, about which it is normal for you to have strong views, and let's return to the subject of racism, which doesn't really have anything to do with Obama-care in my opinion. Stop attacking the president on a personal basis, on the basis of his skin color, and instead attack the policy of which you disapprove.

    So back to racism. While you downplay racism as a significant factor in the Civil War, with all due respect I must point out that most historians, on the other hand, agree that the slave question was the dominant factor behind the outbreak of hostilities, having raised tensions between the north and the south to a boiling point. So I think that you are mistaken.

    The famous book Uncle Tom's Cabin contributed greatly to this emotional passion. The question of the morality of the slave trade became an issue that even divided families, in some cases with brothers fighting on opposite sides. So if slavery WAS a big issue, which is what history has taught me, then I think we certainly can agree that the enslavement of blacks by whites can easily be characterized as racist behavior. I don't think you can separate racism from slavery. In American history, slavery and racism go hand in hand.

    In fact, other than Hitler temporarily enslaving Jews and Gypsies in his concentration camps during the war, nobody had enslaved WHITES since the time of the Romans. But whites enslaved blacks on a huge scale here in America until very recently, until 150 years ago when we fought the Civil War. American slavery and racism are inseparable. Not all racists were slave-owners, but all slave-owners were racist, since the question of one's race made all the difference in the world. If you were white, or of light enough skin color to pass as a white, you could not be enslaved. Race made all the difference.

    From "database", mates, then select "e-manual" and you will find information about every aspect of game-play. I even heard today in a you-tube video, that you can go to Asberger industries, in the game, and hack into some of the computers.

    From today's news flashes, if one were so inclined, one could always pull out the relatively few cases of black on white violence to justify extreme fringe attitudes. We don't even need to spend time talking about the much greater incidence of black on black violence - because that has nothing to do with racism. Violence within the same race is by definition not racist. Agreed?

    So the subject at hand is not the relatively few cases of black on white racist violence, or the huge number of cases of non-racist black on black violence, but the subject at hand is the entirely racist white on black violence, including even the enslavement of blacks, which makes up our modern USA history.

    I am suggesting Jeff, that we look at this from a larger historical perspective, and not from some sensationalist headlines near the check-stand at the local supermarket. To strengthen your arguments, you would do better quoting from the New York Times rather than from the Inquirer.

    White racism toward blacks dates not back to Roman times of 2000 years ago, but very modern times of 150 years ago. Whether you or I have ever owned a black slave is not the point. History goes back a little further than what happened the day before yesterday. White racism toward blacks reached a pinnacle 150 years ago here in the States with millions of blacks enslaved by whites. People routinely live 80-90 years today. So 150 years ago is somebody's deceased great-great grandfather. From a historical perspective, that is very recent, indeed. Less than two modern lifetimes.

    Finally, mates, scroll down in e-manual, to Naval Battles. Then read the WHOLE short piece - it will help tremendously.

    And after the civil war, white on black racism and violence continued for another 100 years, with Ku Klux Klan lynchings, sit at the back of the bus, no blacks admitted to this university, no blacks allowed in this hotel, the murder of Martin Luther King Jr. And even today, there are thousands of misguided skinheads and neo-nazis who don't claim to be racist, but only claim to be looking out for the best interests of white people.

    As a white person, I don't have to be sensitive or concerned about my skin color, because in the United States, I'm a member of the majority race. By contrast, my roommate doesn't want to talk about his skin color, unless he brings it up himself, like when he said "I'll probably be the first black person they ever saw." And then he tried to joke about it, "They'll probably ask me if I know Obama." It isn't too much of a stretch for me to empathize a bit, for me to understand that it is okay for him to talk about it, but not okay for me to talk about it.

    When I told her the story about Daryl getting mad when I raised the race card, my sister said "He's not comfortable in his own skin." She's right. And I can't blame him.

    What's the difference between you and I, Jeff, on the one hand, and my roommate Daryl on the other hand? Well, obviously, you and I are white, and Daryl is black. For starters, nobody in the history of this nation ever enslaved any member of our race. It was Daryl's race that was enslaved.

    And for Daryl, modern day racism in this country is still alive and well, and still anti-black. It's everywhere you turn. Racism seems to be inherent in the character of man - certainly in the character of we whites - we fear what we see as different from us - or maybe it's our guilt that makes us fear - and fear breeds hatred and racism.

    Does your hatred of Obama the black man make you unable to empathize? Do you feel that Obama-care is a black attack on you and your family?

    From what you have posted, you are anxious that current Democratic policies will drive you and your parents from your home. I agree that this anxiety would tend to make anyone resentful. Like Dillon in the movie who felt that his dad was a victim of affirmative action, you may feel that you and your parents are a victim of yet another type of affirmative action - universal healthcare.

    Whether or not it was originally a Romney idea doesn't matter - it is the Democrats who are pushing it. And for that you hate the Democrats, which brings you to hate Obama the black man, and brings you to hate Hillary, the lady who will likely be our next president. Your hatred of Hillary knows no bounds. Your hatred of Obama is no less strong. You allow your political views to erode into highly personal attacks that weaken your arguments.

    That's not you, Jeff - it isn't the Jeff I know who writes brilliant game reviews. It doesn't even make sense.

    Hate the Democrats if you must. Continue to call them an un-American party if you must. Call their actions modern tyranny as you have. But to spill all this vitriol toward Hillary, toward Obama, to get down and dirty and claim to be a racist and talk trash on blacks - that's just nonsense. And it isn't you. You're way smarter than that.

    You may be on the other side of the political fence, but drop all the personal animosity and hatred. It weakens your arguments, builds up stress in your body, and reduces your body's attempt to maintain health and joy.

    Here's an idea: How about you get out there and get another job and help your parents pay the tax that they will have to pay if they refuse to sign up - the same tax that I am going to have to pay - because I'm not signing up either. And while you're at it, drop the racism. It's not doing you any good on a personal level. As I say, your mental and physical health is at stake. Hatred will eat you up from the inside.

    Really, on the deepest level, by way of response, all I can truly say to you Jeff, is that "The Power of Now is a great book that tends to put a lot of things into perspective, which everybody, black and white, Republican and Democrat and Communist and Libertarian, Jew, Christian, Catholic, Buddhist and Islamic, should make it a point to read and to study."

    Speaking of that book, I sent out 3 more copies again today, drop-shipped from Amazon, for $11 each paperback. One of them went to my insurance agent, who said it was okay to send it to him, after he today saved me over $100 by not letting Farmers jack up my mileage (the more miles you drive the higher your rates) because I have been too lazy to fill out their mileage surveys.


    ddp - I don't know. Doesn't cotton grow in New York?
    Why DID our slaves go to Canada - to hunt polar bears I suppose. :p


    Finally, regarding gaming, Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag, is now having me out on the seas, shooting things up.

    Ah hah, sailing again. And now that I know what I am doing, I imagine that I am going to enjoy it all the more, beginning again with this evening.

    They have simplified the boat mechanics, but I was getting my butt handed to me. After several attempts, the game said "You have been defeated, maybe you need to upgrade your boat, would you like to cancel this mission?"


    But instead of cancelling, I decided to read the e-manual. As the images above show, you hit Esc, and then you will see database, and then e-manual. When you go to Naval Battles you can't see all of the text on the right, which at first frustrated me, but if you mouse over that text, it WILL allow you to scroll all the way through.

    I suggest: READ IT ALL. Here in the below box is what I gleaned from it.

    In travelling speed, you can control the motion of your boat, but you can't do any fighting other than ramming. Still it's interesting to see the boat this way - kind of cool for a change.

    At first I couldn't understand why I was moving out of first person behind the wheel to 3rd person with no ability to shoot. I thought I had messed up the key bindings.

    After I read the thing very carefully, I went out and captured the metal from the heavily armed frigate that was killing me before. I also DID NOT shoot at any other boat. What is different about it now is, if you don't shoot at them, they won't shoot at you. (Except that there was one more of those frigates near him, but I moved away, and got them separated, and concentrated on just one of them.)

    The other huge difference is, you don't want to sink these guys.

    When you see a boat like this, it's time to get close and board - although you might have to use the pivot gun and kill off a few of the stubborn militia.

    The idea is to get them on fire - you will hear a lot of ship-top explosives on their boat go up like firecrackers - then you get close and hold down the slow key, S - hold it down and you automatically hook them, and furthermore you can leave the wheel and go over and take control of the pivot cannon, and rapidly fire at the remaining enemies on the deck.

    When they raise their hands in defeat you finish boarding, and then take everything from their ship, and repair yours. Not bad. You are back up to full strength with a cargo full of valuables. Cool!!

  12. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    Rich, not anger and frustration. Writing often makes it difficult to convey a certain tone or mood. I'd like you to know that I respect EVERYONE, and am generally a very un-biased and un-prejudiced person. My best friend is part black and VERY Hispanic. His child is my godson. My first girlfriend was Hmong, and I am still close friends with her and her family. EVERY race has a right to express their viewpoint. REMEMBER, this is all purely observation and perspective. To say it didn't contain a LOT of bias would be laughable. But to say it didn't contain a LOT of truth would be likewise. I come from a culture and family where violence is unacceptable unless absolutely necessary for your own personal well-being or that of others. I was taught to give the respect I want given. I don't care what race, creed, or political affiliation you are. The US Constitution protects your rights and is my rule of thumb for treatment of others, even those who aren't American. Human rights are universal.

    I grew up in Milwaukee(as big a city as any) when I was very young, and went to an all-black Elementary school on the south side of Chicago when my dad was attending the University of Chicago. After he graduated(when I was about 7 or 8) he moved us out of Chicago and back to Wisconsin(NOT Milwaukee though) for our safety and well-being. He had some very close black friends as well, and having helped some of them out with auto repairs, gained some loyalty and a pledge of protection. I remember hearing that someone was killed in the alley outside our apartment. It seems that protection, in an all black neighborhood, was necessary. In this small town of Wisconsin Rapids, we don't need that protection, and there are PLENTY of Hmong, Blacks and Hispanics. Wisconsin is a popular destination for immigrants and families looking for a quieter life. Remember this one single point. It's not the races that are the problem. It's the local cultures.

    My views on politics do NOT come from racism. The fact that anyone who opposes Obama gets called a racist does. When HE and the others around him make it a point of race, it's awful hard to avoid that issue. Trayvon Martin ring a bell? You yourself said it was a very cut and dried case. I agree. But the black community in America doesn't see it that way. Simply because a black person was killed, they scream racism and call Zimmerman a mad killer. Simply discussing my personal views on race, whether they come from a background of hate or not, makes me racist? I'm just observing. Hating a culture and how it affects people is not the same as hating a race.

    Also remember that I am non-partisan. I do not subscribe to a single political ideology. I am all for freedom of marriage, women's rights, and against denying others opportunities based on their ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation. It's wrong, and unacceptable. The Constitution does NOT mince its words. ALL men are created equal. Being someone of a rather wobbly orientation myself, I have been a victim of discrimination as well.

    Declaring myself a racist was making a point. Basically "Okay, we've established that I'm racist. Now let's discuss the actual issues at hand. I've already admitted my bias." Democrats make race an issue at any chance. I have seen it over and over again. So who exactly is being racist? "If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon Martin". What about all the other black youths and the population of our prisons? Why isn't he pulling for them too? Why couldn't they look like his son? Why did he particularly choose to comment on a white/hispanic on black killing? Why does he only speak out when something bad happens to blacks, but when something bad happens to whites, awards the perpetrator? Even worse, where are his comments on black on black violence? Seems he only sticks his nose where it doesn't belong when he can incite racial hatred against whites, ie racism...

    NO. It is entirely possible for a culture or race to discriminate against themselves, and perpetuate prejudice all on their own. As much as whites seem to be "racist", the most prominent use of "ni**er" and "niggah" comes from Blacks. Listen to a little rap music, or talk to a group of inner city black kids. The culture is self-destroying.

    I oppose Obama's political views because they are BAD and UNSOUND. It has nothing to do with his race. The problem is that he makes his race a POINT by directly associating with the vocal minority of race-baiters. If a white man instituted these same policies, nobody would be defending him, because his race would not be a shield.

    White is a color too, and racism against whites is just as big an issue as racism against blacks. Simply being white "invalidates" my opinion. Isn't that racism as well? Aren't we all equal? Does my opinion on racial relations not have equal standing as if coming from any other race?
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2013
  13. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    The problem Rich, is that race has been injected into politics by the people Obama associates with, and how they act. Not their skin color. I am not on a soapbox speaking to everyone. I am speaking to you, my friend, and other friends present who DO know me better than that, openly and candidly.

    Yes, the pendulum is swinging the other way. To simply ignore it and not point out the flaws of other cultures, just as you have pointed out my own, is just as bad as discriminating. Racism should not be a taboo subject. It should be in open dialogue. I have no issue with Obama standing with the blacks. They are his race. But he should be standing with whites, Hispanics, and asian/european immigrants. My problem is not the race he identifies the most with, it's that he's blatantly picking favorites while suppressing the voices of others. Aren't we all Americans?

    MANY of my opinions originate from the writings and commentary of black people who have transcended race and denounced their culture as decayed and poisoned.

    So as to respect this thread. How about we keep race and politics out of it entirely from now on? We are both obviously full of things to say, and personal observations, so I don't think it's fair to bait eachother so badly :)

    PM me and we can have a good discussion on this.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2013
  14. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Shorter posts please guys, it's proving hard work just to keep two posts all on screen at once! [​IMG] - That's at 90% zoom in chrome too on both screens...
  15. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    LOL Sam... Ridiculous :)
  16. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    4K is very much another 'early adopter, pushing the boundaries' situation. Fair play that monitor auto-detected plug and play at 3840x2160, but at 30Hz. Enabling 60Hz requires turning it on in the monitor menu (not difficult, but necessary anyway), and when I enabled crossfire, I needed to unplug/replug the cable to get the monitor to come back. Not sure why that is, but I chalk it up to 4K not being supported properly on HD6970s.
    At the moment CS:GO runs on a single HD6970 around 80-120fps fluidly at 3840x2160, max detail but AA off. With crossfire enabled, the frame rate rises to 180-220, but the experience is much poorer, it's very laggy, and not really playable for serious games. I also believe I have a video memory issue there as the frame rate more than halves when I look at a player model versus just the map. Understandable as most games need 2.5GB+ to run at 3840x2160.
    I might have a play and see if I can get CF working for some more demanding games than CS:GO but I doubt the video memory will be up to it.

    I should also point out, since the display is tiled (when in 60Hz mode), the 'native' resolution is 1920x2160, and as such, games try to launch at that resolution, and promptly bug out. The way I fixed this for CSGO is by using the -windowed switch in steam, then changing the aspect back to 16:9, choosing 3840x2160 and fullscreen mode. Not every game will necessarily allow that. For 4K to become properly mainstream it needs to work without tiling.
    As it stands, Eyefinity/Surround are two infantile to achieve proper reliability in this mode - the lack of compatibility between crossfire and eyefinity is also well documented.
    In general, 4K does work, and it's a real sight to behold just how much you can manipulate in a single display space, but it's not fluid, or simple to get working - I very much understand why Apple have taken their time with 4K products, as the current standard of 4K does not meet their stringent 'it just works' criteria in the slightest.

    I'll try not to string out the racism debate as it's already gone on long enough, but in general, I don't tend to consider myself racist towards black people. I have to say though there's an abundance of evidence that they have certain personality traits (both positive and negative) that other races do not have. I would generally consider myself racist towards other groups based on evidence/experience from numerous examples, but I'll leave that out for now as it's not what we're discussing.
    Plenty of mix of race and gender in advertising here and there has been for years. Too accurate, in fact, in many cases there will need to be an 'even proportion' of white/black, male/female if there are to be numerous invididuals selected, sometimes it shines through as a bit obvious.
    Working in London, there are several parts of the city where 'White British' is very much the minority, and it does feel a little awkward to be in such areas. Not sure why, perhaps it hints at subconscious racism, being paranoid of making some error, but what would it be?

    There are plenty of things about how things run in the USA that confuse me, but obamacare is one of the biggest. Perhaps I've misunderstood how it's being offered/funded, but it just seems to me that even to a limited extent a nationalised health plan is being branded as 'communist - and anything to do with communism is bad'. The american dream therefore seems to include people with great ideas dying poor before they can see them to fruition, in that case. Surely not?
    People are very quick to slag off the NHS in the UK, and there's no denying it has plenty of shortcomings in terms of how well individual parts of it are run, and its financial efficiency may be questionable, but as an entity it's priceless. People who suddenly need medical care don't suddenly have a financial crisis to deal with on top of their health. If you want to pay extra for better treatment privately, you still can.
    Granted, there are those that exploit benefits (which in fact, is getting more than a little out of hand here now, given people have realised we're a soft touch - cue where my racism shows most), and those that cost the taxpayer through stupidity - alcoholism, imitations of Jackass or whatever. This fact does not mean, however, that care for people who can't afford it otherwise should be withdrawn. Especially with an ageing population, there are far more people who deserve care and can't pay for it than the reverse.
    There's a lot more to illness than just having the correct diet and lifestyle. It's luck of the draw, some people fare better than others. Over the past decade and a half my dad's probably had tens of thousands of pounds worth of vaccinations to help medicate Multiple Sclerosis. This would be crippling (and we would basically go without) ordinarily, but on the NHS it's free, he's entitled to it.

    If we're being pedantic, saying 'from Russia (actually Georgia)' might end up being interpreted as racist. 'Pff, Georgia, Russia, all the same really' could potentially be a bit of a hot potato :p
    What I cannot stand, is as Jeff has hinted at, 'inverse racism'. You can get away with anything because you're black. I give politics (especially of foreign countries, close/important or otherwise) a wide berth as I find it very tedious, so I'm in no position to say if this happens for Obama, but someone demanding to get their own way because to have otherwise would be "because I'm black, isn't it" gets me very angry. Then, you will see me be racist. Black is one example, applies to any ethnic minority.
  17. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    Sam, the problem with ObamaCare or the Affordable Care Act as it's officially called, is that it makes the purchase of health insurance mandatory, and fines you for not doing so, which is a violation of the US Constitution. It's a matter of Civil Rights. Also, the system is extremely poorly set up and unsecure, while being monstrously expensive, and having such a high deductible that it's useless in the majority of cases. Also, it gives benefits and rights to illegal immigrants that even 6 year old cancer patients don't get. Plus, If you are not working at all, you can get subsidies which make it absolutely or nearly free. If you are working simply to stay above the federal poverty line, then it becomes a financial crisis on its own. Obama has mandated that we buy it, violated our rights, then completely failed entirely to regulate the insurance companies from drastically inflating their prices until it was way too late. He then appointed criminals to run it, and contracted a bunch of hacks to implement it. He blundered it. He is entirely incompetent.

    Healthcare is an issue we need to take care of. But what we need to do is regulate the horrifically inflated cost of healthcare and resources, not violate the rights of citizens by simply forcing them to buy it at the cost of their standard of living.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2013
  18. harvardguy

    harvardguy Regular member

    Jun 9, 2012
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    Hi guys. Well I found those posts from everybody, Sam and Jeff, to be, for the most part, very straight-forward and civilized, and lacking in any overt hostility and anger, and that greatly pleased me. Jeff, you used some strong words in the last post "he hired criminals to run it." I would say that those sound like obvious exaggerations, but again I don't know the specifics so I can't speak about it knowledgeably.

    However, for you to say it is unconstitutional. I guess I would answer, we'll have to see about that. The courts are responsible for determining that issue. Forcing compliance is like forcing taxation. I don't see that the government has any problem with forcing everybody to pay taxes, with forcing everybody to pay into social security.

    To me this is just more of the same - as I read in one article, it's just another tax. I doubt very sincerely, as a Democrat, that Obama is incompetent, hires crooks, or any of the like. But you are entitled to your opinion.

    I DO have a couple of short things I want to say about race, and then I'm okay on dropping that subject. Surely I don't expect to get the last word, but I've almost said all I'm going to say - almost, but not quite. I don't want to go the PM route, because this is not a bad subject for the public to follow - it's important for everybody to do some proper thinking about all of this, in order to increase understanding.

    So - just a couple of things: Short as Sam has asked.

    Obama is walking a tight-rope. He has to play to his base from time to time. When he talked about Trayvon, his words were chosen carefully. Yet true, he did weigh in on the debate. Why? Because no matter what you say, blacks are more likely to be the target of law enforcement suspicion than whites. Just a fact. Obama did point out that yes, blacks have a proportionally higher crime rate - but at the same time, it's demeaning to be the target of law enforcement all the time because of racial profiling.

    I find Obama's rhetoric to be thoughtful, intelligent, and sensitive. He understands that this racism problem in the US is not over, not by a long-shot.

    The fact that you went to an all-black elementary school is a big surprise for me, Jeff. I completely underestimated your experience with blacks. I think that was a good thing that happened, to broaden your perspective. Blacks are still hurting in this country - still feel the stigma of slavery - still feel the stigma of the civil rights movement which is very modern history.

    Trayvon was an innocent kid, who was perhaps unfairly targeted by Zimmerman. But really, there had been breakins by kids wearing the same types of hoodies, of the same black race. And George was the neighborhood watch. When I saw that one woman was a realtor I thought - No way are they going to convict. We realtors like neighborhood watch. We like to keep our neighborhoods safe.

    Jeff, you repeated a couple things from past posts, that I have to respectfully disagree with. Here's one:

    Come on Jeff. I have to conclude that you are not a fan of rap. "The culture is self-destroying." How on earth did you reach that conclusion?

    So what if rap songs feature every other word as the N word? They are allowed to say it to each other simply as a symbol of solidarity in the face of centuries of past racial oppression. They aren't destroying each other by that, any more than Jews in Hitler's concentration camps were destroying each other by saying things like "Hey heebie, what kinda soap do you think they'll make you into?"

    Jewish humor is always present, no matter what the circumstances. But try calling a Jew a heebie on the streets, if you are a known non-Jew.

    In the rap culture, and I speak as a fan of rap music, the N word is considered "cool" and "hip." Dave Chappelle had a big hit comedy show - in one of the segments he played a black blind southern racist, who didn't know he was black. As he was being driven around, some white guys had rap music going in their car. Blind Chappelle yelled out the window "Hey you nigguhs, turn off that vulgar trash." The white guys turned to each other, beaming, "Hey, did you hear, he called us "'nigguhs.'" They were very pleased.

    (By the way, the Dave Chappelle show DVDs are available, and they are among the most hysterical comedy you have ever watched.)

    My computer Persian friend Mo had a black girlfriend for a while whom I met at his store - she was a childhood friend of Snoop Dogg - knows his wife very well. Mo used to go with her to Compton - he would call out, "hey nigguh," and the blacks would call him the same. Mo's a funny guy - they knew this gangly Moslem didn't mean anything hateful.

    I have heard young whites call each other "nigguh." I heard a black in one movie, saying, "that nigguh is dangerous" referring to a white guy. The word doesn't necessarily have the same sting it used to have.

    I would have to conclude, Jeff, that
    1. you don't like rap
    2. you don't understand rap
    3. neither do you understand blacks.


    Lastly, you also said, a couple times, that whites are racist. I don't agree with that. I would not call myself a racist.

    But ... I would say that I am not free of racist attitudes. I do recognize that I have a racist core - I have a set of discriminatory attitudes that have been ingrained in me since young schooling - what I picked up from other kids - and I have still not been able to get myself perfectly straight about it. I can only continue to try. I recognize that there is nothing about skin color that is significant - there is nothing in the black culture that is inherently inferior, or in the native american culture, or in the moslem culture for that matter - there is nothing that makes any human being less valuable or less precious than any other human being.

    Just as you said, Jeff, quoting the constitution. I agreed with all that you said on that subject of equality. Yes.

    Having said that - there are still imbalances in this system left over from centuries of racism and persecution - so we are all still dealing with these sensitive issues.

    Maybe you meant to say that whites tend to be racist. I would say that might be true. It comes from seeing the opposing skin color, and not knowing what to expect - will they gang up on me? Humans do tend to form gangs - first with family - then with tribe. Humans do tend to gang up on other humans. We tend to be violent and warlike. It's part of our "unconscious" behavior is what Eckhart Tolle would say (author of The Power of Now.)

    Sam was uncomfortable walking around parts of all-black London. I can understand that. We have a rental in Watts in LA, made famous as the site of the black riots. I could get myself robbed and/or killed walking around there if I were not being careful. Parts of LA can be dangerous. See the movie, Boyz in the Hood.

    Finally, Sam, your remarks on the British version of universal health care were very helpful. I have no doubt that American experts have very thoroughly studied British and European and Canadian universal health care systems.

    I am so pleased that your dad gets the MS help he needs, without crippling him financially. This is exactly the potential and promise that universal health care in our country holds out, if it ever gets successfully implemented with all the bugs fixed.

    So thanks very much for adding those personal comments.


    To change gears, I would like to say, Sam, that your screen shot photos were unbelievably funny.

    I see all my Assassins Creed IV screenshots laid out on that beautiful 4k screen, and for some reason I found it hysterical as you pointed out that the excessive length of the posts was cramping even your 4k style! That post of mine indeed was long, and it took me FOREVER to write and edit. (It was time for bed - no gameplay.) I never want to spend as much time again on any other post!! :D

    Last edited: Dec 8, 2013
  19. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    I understand rap quite well Rich. I listen to a lot of it from a lot of artists. There is a distinct difference in frequency of usage between different artists. I also like Eminem, who will refuse to even write the word. One of his best friends is Dr. Dre, a black man. They collaborated on many albums together and Eminem mentions him in several songs.

    I harbor no innate hatred towards blacks. I hate the things many, but not all of them ignore or encourage. Herman Cain 2016! He doesn't ignore the problems.

    The details are that Kathleen Sibelius was the person who directly oversaw the IRS targeting of conservatives, which was a crime against the American people. She is now in charge of overseeing the ACA.

    Hillary Clinton callously dismissed the deaths of 4 US citizens during an 8 hour battle at the US Embassy in Ben Benghazi, Libya. She was the one who lied about it to the American public by saying it was a small riot caused by an inflammatory Youtube video. It was an 8 hour long gun battle where two former US Navy Seals held off a large and determined attacking force with minimal equipment. There were several different US military outposts in the area, well within distance of being able to arrive in time. They were told directly by the Whitehouse to stand down. One Officer tried to override that order and send a helicopter of Marines anyway, but was relieved of his command and removed from the service. Again, this order came from the Whitehouse. Four people were essentially abandoned on purpose, and Hillary Clinton went on live national television and asked, "What does it matter?" when asked about the administration's lies and inaction. Obama personally went on live national television and disavowed any knowledge of the event until he heard it on the news. This was also a lie as it was later revealed he was told about it shortly after it started, and chose to ignore it and go to bed. Four people were under attack and in severe trouble, they knew as soon as it started happening, and they ignored it, leaving them to die.


    Both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are by factual technicality guilty of treason.

    Oh yeah, the embassy was requesting a larger security force due to escalating tensions for months, and was denied that as well.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2013
  20. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Well this is the issue. If Obamacare forms part of a tax rise, i.e. it's a new tax on top of all the others, pure and simple it's a tax rise, directly attributable to the healthcare bill, which I would understand objections to, especially since people will have 'got used' to the way things are done now. The NHS here in the UK is funded through general taxation. People pay tax, and as a result of that, the NHS is there.

    The N word in a nutshell, in my experience of media, culture etc:
    Used by black, to black: Harmless, respectul - very commonly used
    Used by black, to white: Harmless, contextual (N***** referring to people in general, 'Some n****s just don't listen' for example, not aimed at either group)
    Used by white, to black: Offensive, derogatory
    Used by white, to white: Potentially Harmless, but nonsense, and to be avoided in the presence of blacks to avoid confusion for the above

    No physical attribute, is more appropriate. How people choose to behave is another matter. 'Everybody is as equally valuable to society as another' being drummed into you if an immigrant is exploiting the system for benefits without doing any work brings out the racism in people (and me). This isn't to say for a minute there aren't vast numbers of hardworking immigrants, but people who are there just to scrounge and send the money back home, deserve none of that. You'll be called racist for discriminating against whatever physical attribute they have you could potentially pick on, but in reality, you're just legitimately discriminating against unacceptable behaviour. One covers for the other, all too often.

    Even this post from you didn't fit in one column, but it was close enough. Creating a second column is effort, I just scrolled this time :p

    As for what Jeff posted, I can believe it, but as I stated earlier in the thread, I don't look much into politics. A lot of what goes on here is basically 'situation X has happened. Here's the incumbent political party's view on what happened, here's the opposing political party's view', it's very boring just hearing two people opposing each other, day after day, I just tune out really.

    Back on topic (how dare I?), I've been doing a little more investigating into the 4K situation with games. Getting crossfire to work properly can come later, I'm partially suspecting that's a side-effect of the cards being too old to support 4K properly, but I'm not fully convinced yet. The biggest bugbear I have to deal with is the native resolution when using tiling.
    When you run eyefinity (which is how 4K is currently delivered at 60Hz, on either side - nvidia surround is required for their cards, which is the same principle), the 'native' resolution a game sees when it tries to automatically set the display resolution, is whatever the resolution of one of your screens is. Say you were running three 1600x1200 displays landscape, it'd say 1600x1200, then after the game opened, you'd have to change it to 4800x1200 yourself.
    Problem is, with half of a 4K screen, that native resolution is 1920x2160. Most games don't understand that resolution, so you encounter problems. Some of them are resolvable (CS:GO would only display two copies of the left hand side of the screen, so you couldn't get to the display options menu, but you could still use the -windowed switch in steam to window it and then set the resolution from within the window), but some aren't (Supreme Commander will simply fail to launch, citing 'failed to create Direct3D device' - the only way I've found of launching this title is to set 30Hz mode by putting the monitor back untiled DP1.1 mode).
    I'd like to try and find a fix for this if I can before I continue - I'm assuming it might plague portrait eyefinity users (e.g. where they put three 1920x1200 monitors portrait for 3600x1920) for the same reason, so hopefully there'll be a fix from there. If not, no new cards will solve this, which at this stage is possibly the biggest issue I have to deal with. If it's a non-issue for nvidia users, I may need to jump ship as Jeff did. It is after all undeniably the case that there is far better support available for stuff like this for nvidia users than there is from AMD, where you're basically left to fend for yourself.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2013

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