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The Official OC (OverClocking) Thread!

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by Praetor, May 1, 2004.

  1. synteck

    synteck Guest

    BigDK (Senior Member) 8. March 2007 @ 04:02
    Just download the coolbits registry editor.
    Run that, and it will unlock the overclocking features on your board.
    There is an auto OC tab that runs a test and sets the OC for you.


    Would such program allow me to overclock properly an Nvidia Geforce7?
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 8, 2007
  2. marsey99

    marsey99 Regular member

    Aug 13, 2006
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    yes it would.

    although it appears not to work with vista, or maybe just the vista drivers.

    i use it on my 7600.
  3. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    You should be able to overclock it, but the budget cards tend not to overclock that well (the opposite of CPUs really!). You'll also need a good Power supply to do it too.
  4. mudywater

    mudywater Guest

    hmmmm well i tried coolbits 2.0 on this 7300le and it wont apply the changes to the card. Im running it out of an xps 410 which has a pretty intense cooling system but i dont know anything about the power supply. I figured all i would have to do was install the registry and open the nvidia control panel and go to overclock settings. I ran into an issue when i told coolbit to find the optimal setting, It did and it was 730/430 which isnt a bad jump from 600/400 but the issue is that nvidia wont allow me to apply the changes to the graphics card. The second I hit reply it goes back to the standard nvidia default settings so i cannot save my overclock. Man i just hope my x1950 hurries up and gets shipped.
  5. mudywater

    mudywater Guest

    well apparently my boss told me i just made a mistake in getting the x1950 because he said that would only be acceptable if I ordered 2 of them and even the he said it may not be good for running open GL apps such as Revit 8.0 and autodesk inventor so now I am getting a 1gb ATI fireGL which is the most expensive damned graphics card i have ever seen. I suppose overclocking it would be unneccesary but the damn thing is more than my computer at 1500 bucks! there goes a weeks pay. does anyone know were i could find a good deal?
  6. mudywater

    mudywater Guest

    ok i found out its called a ATI v7350 firegl my bad
  7. ademgs

    ademgs Member

    Oct 30, 2006
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    does any one know if the vantec tornado would be worth putting in a standard 350w power supply. the psu on my pc causes the most heat and i dont see the point in spending money on an extra psu if i put the vantec tornado in it and it fixes my problem.

    also on the scythe infiniy, are there any powerfull fans i can replace the stock fan with or is that not possible noise isnt a problem for me i just want something witch is super cool.

    and finally i am putting together a pentium4 pc but i dont know what psu power i should get im only going to put a
    "Pentium 4 541 3.2GHz"
    and "2x samsung 512 mb ddr pc2700" ram
    im only building it for someone who wants to use it for web browsing sop i am not putting on any gpu or sound cards using whats on the mobo

    any help would be appreciated thanks
  8. TheMadMan

    TheMadMan Member

    Feb 8, 2007
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    I know I might get flamed for this, but could anyone link me a good OC guide? I am building a new comp, which I have a lot of experiance with but I have never really done much overclocking except with ATI tool, heh. If my system parts are relevant to the guide, here they are:

    CPU: Intel Core2Duo E4300
    Mobo: ASUS P5N-E SLI LGA 775 NVIDIA nForce 650i
    Ram: G.SKILL 2GB (2 x 1GB) 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 800 (F2-6400CL4D-2GBHK)

    TO clarify I want to overclock my processor (and ram if that is needed to keep up with the processor). Thanks all!
  9. mudywater

    mudywater Guest

    ummm so i figured out the ocing scene on my nvidia geforce 7300le but it stops at 800/580mhz so i was wondering how i could raise the fan temp of my pc. I have an xps 400 which has a pretty gigantic fan and i also have like 4 old computers in my house with salvageable fans so if anyone could tell me how to install more fans..... that would be dope thanks. My goal is to be able to run the supersmashbrothas 64 rom without any choppiness at the title introduction of the game.
  10. mudywater

    mudywater Guest

    whoops i meant lower the temp with my fans
  11. mudywater

    mudywater Guest

    ok i think ive found a bombass idea... I had an old mini fridge that happens to be just big enough to fit my xps inside of. The fridge has a latch on the side so it stays air tight even with the computer cables coming out of the door seals and my computers gpu temp has gone from 74degress to 60degrees down to 40 degrees! of course while running 3dmark 06. i dont think the fridge will get any cooler than this cuz its a fridge but im worried about circulation issues. does the computer need fresh air or can it stay in the fridge? Maybe i should market this idea....
  12. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    They make refrigerated cases. Are you trying to cool down the cpu, gpu, or the entire pc?
  13. TheMadMan

    TheMadMan Member

    Feb 8, 2007
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    Computers do not need "fresh air". The reason circulation is important normally is to get hot air out of there. Just a thought tho, since you have the cables comming out of the fridge, it will be leaking air. That means it will be on a lot. Fridges are loud, on top of that, it is by no means a efficent source of cooling. If you can pay that level of electricity bill every month, you could afford better components and they won't need overclocking. (seriously, it will cost you a pretty penny to keep that thing running)
  14. marsey99

    marsey99 Regular member

    Aug 13, 2006
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    if you look back over back over the last few pages you will see some pointers for overclocking that setup (its mine, and sams) which will get you upto around 3ghz (if your lucky) and upto 3.6ghz if you can walk on water. :)
  15. BigDK

    BigDK Regular member

    Dec 1, 2005
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    I remember being asked how anyone can justify the premium paid on some boards. (namely my P5WDH at the time)

    Now I'm 'walking on water' with my E4300 running quite happliy at 3.6Ghz, it may be a time to point out that's how to justify the premium :)
  16. marsey99

    marsey99 Regular member

    Aug 13, 2006
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    what makes you think i was talking about you :)

    i think the cpu has some to do with it too, sam and i both have it running in the same board and we have had varieing results.

    after some more playing about with mine at dif volts and clocks i have found it will boot and run fine with anything more than 0.95v(it will boot with 0.9v but instantly fails in orthos) at stock speeds which i find almost amazing, 2.7ghz needs 1.25v but to get to 3.0 it needs 1.45v, same at 3.2ghz but 3.3 needs 1.45v. i think my cooling lets it down as im sure it would do more if i could draw more heat out. im thinking about a push pull on the 7 pro just to see if it will lowwer the temps any more, thus letting me get above the 3.3 limit i have now.

    i do wonder if its my nb that needs the cooling but as yet i havent seen it go higher than 40c and its ran a few hours of orthos now, cpu has maaxed out at 41c with both my cores hitting 53c whist it was running at 3.2ghz showing 1.44v under full load.


    it just goes to show you do get what you pay for.
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2007
  17. synteck

    synteck Guest

    Talkin about fridges!
    I've got a small fridge that can go down till -4C would it be a good idea using it as a pc cooler or would their be any condensation or electrical issues?
  18. synteck

    synteck Guest

    How can i check if its unlocked and if its locked how can i unlock it?
  19. BigDK

    BigDK Regular member

    Dec 1, 2005
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    If the bios allows, you can set the multiplier to what you want, if its unlocked.
    If it's locked you'll only see the options that are stated in the spec for that cpu.

    As for the condensation, you need to know the dew point of your room.
    The point ar which condensation forms, due to humidity and temperature.

    What ever that is, -4 will definatley need insulation.
    Even though the water that forms is distilled and non conductive, it still craps out the components after a while.
  20. synteck

    synteck Guest


    So basically do i have to check the room's temperature ?
    Assume its 31C and i insulate properly my case will condensation still occur thus damaging the hardware?

    ''If it's locked you'll only see the options that are stated in the spec for that cpu.''

    Is there a way how to unlock it though?
    AFAIK I don't have any manual or specs regarding my CPU it was enclosed in a box with a hologram on top with the s/n
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 9, 2007

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