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The Official OC (OverClocking) Thread!

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by Praetor, May 1, 2004.

  1. ademgs

    ademgs Member

    Oct 30, 2006
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    thanks im now tryna find a 4pin molex to 3pin because the controller slot is 3pin
  2. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    I don't have experience with the E6300 so I'll let somebody else answer that one but you should get 3.0ghz or 3.2ghz pretty easily I would think. I'm not 100% sure on temp but I think either 60C or 65C is max. Thanks for the fan suggestion but I think I'd rather turn on the AC than put up with the noise.
  3. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Actually it's 79.7 cfm and at it's middle speed of 600 RPM it's dead silent. At just a hair under 160cfm it should have no problem keeping the case cool.

    Someone, I think it was either marsey or mort that pointed out that he would rather turn on the AC than put up with the noise of louder fans. My findings there are that the ambient temperature is everything to how well anything cools. Somewhere around 29-30C the temperature of the air being drawn into the case starts to get too high for everything to handle. The difference a couple of degrees makes is astounding. I've seen where it will run fine encoding with a room temp of 29C, yet at just 2 more degrees it starts to overheat and sometimes even shut down. My rule of thumb is if the room hits about 28C, I flip on the air!

    As you know I live in one of the dustiest regions of the US and right now I'm idling at 34C. The fan and cooler need being blown out with compressed air. Once I do it, it will again idle at about 28-29C. We don't get dust bunnies here, we get dust bunnie herds! If I left my room locked up for a month, there would be about an inch of dust everywhere! In 6 months you would need a shovel. I don't even want to think what it looked like in here when my Roomie first rented the place after it was vacant for about 4 years. Bulldozer anyone?

    Happy Computering,
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2007
  4. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    Well I figured out the main reason why my cpu temp was so much higher than normal. I thought it was all due to ambient air temp but realized that 3 degrees C increase in ambient air temp shouldn't raise my cpu idle temp by 7 degrees C. Come to find out when I opened the task manager my cpu usage was around 50% idling. Something was running in the background and I'm not sure what it was. Applications didn't show anything special that would use that much cpu resorces.

    I rebooted and everything is back to normal. CPU is at 33C and mobo is at 32C even though the ambient temp is still 24 which is 3 degrees hotter than it has been. I'm sure when the ambiant temp gets down to 21C again my cpu will drop another degree or 2. Weird.
  5. ademgs

    ademgs Member

    Oct 30, 2006
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    im havin a problem with overclocking my e6300 on a asus p5w dh deluxe.

    i had it clocked at 2.8 and had the Vcore set to auto and it was working fine

    i decided to up the cpu a bit more put the oc would come back failed each restart. i then put the Vcore to 1.375 and had it clocked at 2.933 and it was working but the comp was unstable and crashed when i was running prime95 torture rest.

    i then lowered the Vcore to 1.35 but this time i couldnt get past the windows loading screen after start up it kept shutting down

    any ideas what to do, i dont have to much knowledge when it comes to overclcoking so any help would be appreciated
  6. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    What memory do you have? Brand, model, and amount.
  7. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    theone, I meant the whole case, not just the 200mm fan. At 600rpm it is quiet, but nowhere near silent, at 400rpm it's near silent, and still pushes decent air, i think its an excellent fan. The great thing about the case is that you have the option for near-silence, or for outrageous airflow, the range is that good. This is primarily because the fan speed switches on the 120mm fans go from 5-12V, and therefore 800 to 2000rpm. 36dB at full speed, so pretty loud, but 20dB at minimum, which is fantastic, considering my expensive Nexus fans put out only 20% more air, and are 22dB. The Noctuas still sit on top though.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2007
  8. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    You're probably going to need to set the vcore voltage up to or near 1.4 but I need to know what memory you're using to make sure it is configured correctly in your bios. Memory settings can cause failure to boot and stability problems.
  9. BigDK

    BigDK Regular member

    Dec 1, 2005
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    For a start setting the v core to auto is a no no, you shouldn't be scared to add a bit of voltage to it, if you keep it that low it will cut out.
    Take the cpu voltage up to about 1.45, just make sure the temps don't go too high.
    If you're going to OC the cpu then you need to address certain things in the BIOS.
    Firstly by default the bios will be set to manage the cpu speed and temp, so turn everything off in the cpu settings except ratio adjustment and microcode update.
    What BIOS do you have on the board, as certain versions require different settings?
    Have you also adjusted the fsb and vmch voltages, if you start cranking up the fsb then you'll also need more voltage on there as well.

    Saying all that, you may well just be at the limit of the board.
    It depends on what version you have, if it's ver1 then you'll be limited to 1.65v on the vmch, if it a ver 2 then I think it goes up to 1.75 or 1.85v, which should give extra room to go up over 420.
    The best I've seen on the E6300/P5WDH combo is 3Ghz so you're not going to get much more.

    You've already taken the FSB up to 419, so you've got past the main hurdle, you'll need to drop the multiplier on the cpu and see what fsb you can get out of the board, rather than just seeing what CPU speed you can get.
    At the moment, you are already running the fsb at 600 over the rated speed, with no additional voltage listed here.
    The memory will likely be running at 838, unless you're using a multiplier, have you increased that voltage as well, and what timings have you set on it?
  10. ademgs

    ademgs Member

    Oct 30, 2006
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    mort the ram i have is not very good it is hyundai pc2-4300 1gb
    it is only on a single stick i bought 2 corsair ram a while ago but it arrived broken so i had to send it back

    what settings should i have it on in the bios
  11. NuckNFuts

    NuckNFuts Regular member

    Feb 11, 2007
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    RE: ademgs,

    The E6300 is by far one of the better OCr due to its smaller L2 overhead. And If you get the newer revision wich is supposed to be on a dedicated 2mb L2 (oppesed to the earlier 4mb w/ 2mb locked out) then should be able to really get a 100% OC on some of these. You will need top end air cooling or good water to get it stable at 3.1GHz. So Auto vcore wont cut here, will need well over 1.45+

    The P5W-DH is one of the better ASUS mobos for this kind of OC. The P5B should be able to do it too.

    For over x532FSB on the P5W you really should be using an EAXT +12v (8 pin Xeon type) and 550W+ PSU and dual to quad 12v rails to keep stabe under load. Good luck!
  12. ademgs

    ademgs Member

    Oct 30, 2006
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    i have an eatx 400w psu
    i think my cooling is ok for air i have it clocked at 2.8 and the temps idle are arround 24cpu and 27mb. under load the mobo temp goes up by about 2-3c and the cpu about 5c is that ok

    i have a scythe infinity running at 1500rpm and 3 vantec tornados as well as 2 extra blue led fans

    i raised the vcore but it just became unstable and either crashed or would not open what do you recomend i should do?
  13. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I was talking about the 250mm fans in the Xclio Case. Even at 800RPM (Max) it's very quiet. According to the reviews I've read, it's a great case to put a Prescott/Presler in! I think I would opt for one of the more silent power supplies given how much airflow there is at 600RPM. It's still gonna shove a lot of air through the computer and even the PS! I will eventually buy the Xclio case! Like I say it's looks and function grow on you!

    Happy Computering,
  14. ademgs

    ademgs Member

    Oct 30, 2006
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    appart from the fan settings i havnt changed any other voltages i have left everything as it was just raised the clock speed to 410x7 at the moment

    i did have the voltage up but it was unstable thats the problem im having and i relly dont no much about overclocking. how do i go about dropping the multiplier on the cpu and raising the boards fsb
  15. ademgs

    ademgs Member

    Oct 30, 2006
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    i been lookin at the VMCH

    set at 1.50v i could reach 407x7 then the mobo would fail
    at 1.55v i got a max of 424x7
    at 1.60v i reaced 435x7 but it seemed a bit unstable to me, i dont know if thats coz the mobo culdnt take it or if its coz my ram is very crap its only a single hyundai pc2-4300

    i didnt attemp 1.65 on the vmch but do you think the problem was with the ram or the mobo coz if it is the ram i will get something a lot better if not then i might not bother

    btw even though the mobo would pass at around 429 windows would be unstable and crash, what are your thoughts on it.

  16. BigDK

    BigDK Regular member

    Dec 1, 2005
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    Well you've already seen the difference in voltage made to the vmch.
    You just need to keep an eye on the mobo temp, you could try a fan on the nb heatsink.
    The memory isn't going to help, you must already be using a divider on it, or OCing it to DDR860 from 533, if thats the case then its very good OC memory.
    If you are using a divider then that will add to instability.
    The highest stability OCs I've seen on the P5WDH is 485 fsb.
    You need to list the bios version, and list all the settings you have in the bios.(cpu, chipset etc...)
    What exactly do you want to get out of the CPU, you've already got a good OC what figure do you think you should be getting?
  17. ademgs

    ademgs Member

    Oct 30, 2006
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    i was hoping to get a stable oc past 3.0 do you think that is unlikely?
  18. BigDK

    BigDK Regular member

    Dec 1, 2005
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    Unlikely yes, but you're not that far off, so you may well be able to push it.
    If you find your getting stuck at 410-420 then you're better off using 400x7 and taking the rest up with clock-gen or asus tool via desktop. otherwise you'll be using the 1333 strap on the fsb without enough gain in clock speed to negate it.

    If you want to test your fsb max speed, you need to remove the cpu from the equation, you do that by changing the default multiplier from 7 to 5 or even lower, I don't know what the min multiplier is on the E6300.
    I don't like using memory divders, but its best to use one that keep the memory well within its safe limits, not OC'd

    This guide is what I followed to get my P5WDH ready to OC, it may seem a pain to do, but is worth it, it gets much lower temps, and that enables far better stability. Mort81 just did his recently and saw a big difference, all I can say is if you really want to get everything out of the board its the way to go.
    I've done this to my DQ6 as well, pic showing just how sh*t the factory paste job was were posted earlier on (in this thread I think).
    I've also done this to about 10 other boards either on request or as part of the standard build as well, I now do it as standard, as its satisfying to do, and does help.
    I've also changed the P5WDH standard cooler on which I had stuck a 4cm fan, to this thermalright cooler with an additional 6 cm fan.
    You need to get those voltages up to push it, and you need to get rid of the heat, as it's current supply you're after.


    I also did the v mod as well so I can push my voltage up over 1.65, its more important on this board than some others, as the P5WDH has bad v-droop compared to other boards.
  19. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    I don't know what version bios you have but in order to be able to lower the multiplier, you may need to update the bios. I don't know if the multiplier adjustment feature came with 1704 update or 1901 update since I went straight from 1305 (which doesn't offer this feature) to 1901.

    Just to comment on what BigDK said about modding the chipsets, after reseating my chipset heatsinks with artic silver 5 and installing 40mm fans on both of them my mobo temp went from 46-47C to 31-32C. Major improvement. I was thoroughly impressed. Thanks again BigDK.

    If anybody can get you to 3.0+ghz, BigDK is the man. I haven't had to up my chipset voltage to obtain 3.4ghz but when and if I strive for 3.6ghz, I will probably have to.
  20. BigDK

    BigDK Regular member

    Dec 1, 2005
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    Cheers Mort
    You're lucky with the voltage, both my cpu and board are voltage hungry.
    I'm back running my P5WDH as the main board again now, as my DQ6 has gone back RMA'd.
    It will be either sold when returned or confined to the kids PC.

    I just wish the P5WDH didn't have the crappy ez raid feature, and used the 4th port on the intel chipset for a single drive instead of 2.
    If I get a new board on the DQ6 return, then I may go for the Commando and use a couple of IDE to SATA converters so I can still use my Plextor and my Kreon firmware DVD Rom

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