this is a dumb question but what do you run super pi at? 32M? i'm not very familiar with it. nevermind. i guess you all use 1M for comparisons. mine at 1M was 15.672 seconds.
1m is a quick way of comparing 2 system but 32m will realy show the differnce between 2 almost identicle systems. i recon mort if you tweaked your ram (more v, cas3? 1t?) you could get under 15 seconds. bigdks under 13 at 3.6ghz so 3.4ghz wont be too far behind.
yeah 3.6ghz is the ideal OC as the ram would be running at 800mhz and 1:1. mines underclocked a little at 755mhz and 1:1. still performs better here than OC'ed and 4:5.
mort81, Normally 1M. As far as I'm concerned the only dumb question is the one never asked! Especially when the answer is so easy to find out. I did the same thing so I could be on the same page with everyone else and had to ask them what to use too! Happy Computering, theone
To anyone with an Asus P5N-E motherboard Please read this before upgrading the bios on your P5N-E. This specifficly refers to bios 5.05 which is a beta. Asus forgot to mention that in the download file, but there seems to be enough problems associated with it to avoid this bios. Asus has even pulled it from thier downloads! Best Regards, theone
mort81, There are records for super pi 32m iterations also . 32m iterations in super pi is also a test of stability. You may be able to o/clock your pc and complete 1m iterations. But trying 32m iterations can cause your pc to crash if it's not stable.
Well that's what I'm running now. At the moment it's looking like it's taking about 49-49.5 seconds per loop. 32M: 20m 46.890s
i will give the 32mb a whirl tommorrow. sam if you have any troubles at that speed i think you need to cool your nb more. i have seen others get 2010 fsb with better cooling on it.
have you found any software to show what your nb volts are? everest worked fine on my nf4 mobo but it didnt work propperly on this and even the beta i have now doesnt full understand this mobo/chipset. i dont realy have a clue what mine is running at, i would guess its 1.4 but it could just as yours is be at 1.5. i have spent most of today with water cooling on my mind(and then with every other thought being lapping my cpu and 3 heatsinks, even though i know they are all flat as i checked them with a stanley blade before installing) so if i follow that path it would make buying a noctua nb hs a tad pointless edit sorry that was a typo 2020 is the fastest fsb i have seen reported, 505 x 8 with a 6600. he had 2 of those thermaltake (hr-05?) jobbies on the n/sb and a tuniq tower 120 i think (im quite tried right now and im not 100% i will check again at some point in the morning and correct this or post again if im wrong)
well, I finally decided to do it. I OC'ed my E6600 to 3.6ghz. it appears to be stable with what testing I have done so far. I will continue to test and monitor temps but as of now all appears to be hunky dory.
There is a well-known formula that generates a "perfect" number from a Mersenne prime. A perfect number is one whose factors add up to the number itself. The smallest perfect number is 6 = 1 + 2 + 3. The newly discovered perfect number is 230402456 * (230402457-1). This number is 18,304,103 digits long! Speaking of pi and prime numbers..... Have a look here,see how long it takes you to view this number!!!!!! If your on dialup you'll know what I mean!!!
Thought I would clarify exactly what super pi does. Up until 12 months ago I didn't have a clue what pi was!!! When I built the new, (old!!), pc and started getting into overclocking this thing,one of the "must have programs" was super pi.I used it several times not really knowing exactly what it was doing.So I did some googling ages ago and found out exactly what it's doing. pi is any number that can be divided by itself and 1 only. So 3 is one,(it can be divided by 1 and 3).........5 is one,(it can only be divided by 1 and 5).............7 is one,(it can only be divide by 1 and 7)..........The next number is 11 the next is 13.Did you notice I missed 9? IE:1,3,5,7,11.13.Thats because 9 can be divided by 1,3 and 9, so 9 is not a prime number.The next number is 17 and so it goes on from there.So when we reach 17 on the prime number list we have done 7 iterations!!!! Your pc can do 1 million in around 13-30 seconds!! 32 million in 20-30 mins!!!!!!!!! My best was 29.375 seconds.At that time I had the second fastest x2 3800 on one of the benchmark forums(I think I only posted there twice!!)At that time anything under 30 seconds was considered fast. How things have changed in the last 12 I think at that time, Bigdk's fx62 was running 27.something.... Maybe soon I might try and beat that again!!!! Anyway hope this has made things clearer for anyone that didn't already know what super pi does. If you did already know,you just wasted a minute of your life!!!!LOL!!!!
Pi? Don't you mean a prime? I didn't think Pi was prime because it had a decimal point. Pi's an irrational number, and more besides. LOL @ that perfect number. It's a 17.9MB text file! And since in text files, one character = 1 byte, that's nearly 18 million characters!