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The Official OC (OverClocking) Thread!

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by Praetor, May 1, 2004.

  1. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    hey doc,

    I'm expecting nothing short of 3.6ghz on that Q6600. looks like it's time for phase change hehe :)
  2. docTY

    docTY Regular member

    Mar 17, 2007
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    hey buddy,

    i wish i could go phase, however, i don't personally feel confident in my assembly/install skills to try something that involves refrigeration at this point. i can build "normal" computers with the best of them, but anything more advanced than water-cooling intimidates me! lol

    i don't have any tools nor experience to really "ultra-mod" any of the hardware i own or could purchase (basic mobo mods are a given and i perform them on every mobo i come into contact with, but anything more than that, that involves cutting, sawing, sautering, etc. i have no idea where to begin or end) :)

    i think the idea of sub zero temps while great for my cpu, makes me feel uneasy working so close to it (should there be a leak of some sort). i guess even i have my limits as to how far i will go with building and OC'in PCs :) i wish i were as adventurous and confident as BigDK in going the phase route, i gotta "grow a pair" before i reconsider going phase in the near future LOL

  3. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Anytime you really want to give up, I would sure like to try one of them in my new MB!!! Hell, the board is made for it, native 1333 FSB and all and the bios supports it! I'de like to take a whack at it with my "mentality" and see what the 965P Express chipset can do with it! ROFLMAO!!!! Just keep me in mind if you ever get tired enough of it!

    Now if you will excuse me while I go and punish myself for those thoughts................
    Argh!!!!!!!!!!! There, all better now! LOL Had to up the voltage a bit! LOL!!

    Happy Computering,
  4. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Cue the evil laughter?
    It would be interesting to see how they overclock, I hadn't ever considered getting one in the future because I presumed they wouldn't overclock as well as Duos, but if that's not the case, who knows?
  5. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    obviously the intel quad cores aren't very OC friendly. if doc can't get more than 3.4ghz outa his Q6600 on water with an EVGA 680i mobo and all other top notch components, then I seriously doubt many others can.
  6. NuckNFuts

    NuckNFuts Regular member

    Feb 11, 2007
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    Haven't you guys notice by now since the birth of Conroe that higher FSB wins over high clock with good OC? my E6600 as 3.4GHz @ 475x but 1900FSB is better then 3.78 as only 420FSB. 3.4GHz might be fine, but at what FSB? Let me know if anybody can hit 500FSB at any multi with one and I'll be interested. From what I'm seeing so far, not likely to happen on the nVidia chipset. Or at least nobody is reporting as such. Let's drop a E6300 and see if the nF680i can do 100% FSB like P5B & P5W-DH.

    Anybody playing with the CROSSHAIR here, just wanted to compare notes.
  7. tinytom

    tinytom Guest

    Ok peeps, sorry to keeps pestering, payday has arived so its time to buy the last thing on my list and get my new ram!
    Should I get 800mhz or 1066 because my board only supports 6400 ram but 'underclocking it has been spoken of?

    After what speed is decided to I get corsair dominator or ocz reaper? Im only going to get 2x 1mb sticks as Ive been told NOT to use all four ram slots?

    Also, my cpu (E6600) has been delivered with L629F code but it says the packing date was January this year??? Is that good or bad?
  8. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Doc's getting about a 41% OC, and his starting point stock is 2.4GHz, so he's upped it one whole GHz! I can't see much cause for complaint there. For a high end chip like that I would think you anyone consider that very OC friendly. To get to that speed on my 4300 would make it an 89% OC for mine. I think we're getting spoiled and a bit fooled by the percentages. It still boils down to how much work the processor can do in a given amount of time. The rest is window dressing!

    Happy Computering,
  9. NuckNFuts

    NuckNFuts Regular member

    Feb 11, 2007
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    quick edit: as I mentioned already, both chipsets you chose are good for 2000FSB so dont worry bout "BOX" rated, these are JEDEC standards
    (used by mobo and memory industry to refference)

    Last edited: May 24, 2007
  10. NuckNFuts

    NuckNFuts Regular member

    Feb 11, 2007
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    These are the mobo/RAM industry follows to make sure you the consomer gets the rated performance out of your product. In other words, the RAM & mobo and chipset have been tested at this "rated" spd to be compatible. If not for JEDEC, we'd have every mobo co. claiming highest possible to win sales but lots of unhappy customers who cant understand the need to OC with high FSB RAMs.

    Remember DDR400? That has always been the JEDEC standard and even though we see DDR1 600, it is and must still conform to DDR400 JEDEC specs to work at rated spd, and then be OC'd to marketed spd. Thats how we got DDR600 1:1 out of the !875P Canterwood and nF2 mobos. Thats also why we have to have the RAM module SPD Programed setting. Cause lesser mobos don't know what to do w/ low lat timings and some IC's on the RAM are clocked too high to start that low of DDR400 SPD. In DDR2 we saw this when the 1st CL3 came to. Lots of mobos could not boot as CL3.

    Just soem info for you to read.

    Good luck!
  11. marsey99

    marsey99 Regular member

    Aug 13, 2006
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    i see what your saying, and i know the feeling, each chip has its own limits and there is no point wasting time constantly trying to get over that wall. thats not the point i was making, just because yours wont hit...say 3.8ghz it doesnt mean that all those that are saying theirs does are talking bulls**t does it. i have seen some reports by others saying they have hit those speeds with my cpu but mine stops at 3.3ghz i still belive that theirs hit those speeds and that they were luckier or wiser with their componants.
  12. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    yes the earlier C2D's did spoil us. you have to remember and consider that doc is using water cooling to achieve 3.4ghz on his Q6600. on air that same cpu would probably be capable of around 3.0ghz or a little faster which is still impressive but no where near what the early C2D's were capable of.

    I shouldn't have said they're not OC friendly but rather they're not as OC friendly as we have gotten used to with the pre malasia made C2D's.
  13. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Maybe what I said, "BS" was a little strong. Perhaps I should have said "I doubt it"! You won't get "3.7GHz" or "Doubled stock speed" with an E4300. Temperature is not the issue, the limiting factor is the 4300 won't run on a doubled 800MHz (1600MHz) FSB which is what you would have to run in order to hit 3.6GHz, at least with an L2. That's why I may consider an E6420, as it will run at those speeds.

    Best Regards,
  14. NuckNFuts

    NuckNFuts Regular member

    Feb 11, 2007
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    TO: tinytom

    Hey guy, maybe I missed it but what mobo did you go w/ afterall? And keep us posted on your build and I'd be happy to share my past experience with either chipset.

    Now go get your CLOCK ON!
  15. NuckNFuts

    NuckNFuts Regular member

    Feb 11, 2007
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    Calling all E6300 owners. Who here was using an older E6300 or maybe the E6400? I no longer have mine to test on newer nF950i or 680 for FSB ceiling hight test. I wann aknow if the nVidia chipsets can handle 500+ FSB and to date, only me early E6300was able to hit a 100$ FSB OC but what about on an nVidia? CAn anybody speak for it or have links to reviews to read? Are the newer batch E6300 today gonna be the same situation as the rvisd 6600 or what about th E6700? I rmembr a buddy of min claiming 4GHon a 6700 back when I was playing w/ the 6600 to barly 3.7G.
  16. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Well I finally got off my dead butt and modded the NB heat sink. I deliberately let it get good and warm in here (82-83F/27-28C) and ran Prime95 for 1/2 hour. A couple of degrees higher on the CPU to 53C and a max of 38C for the MB. Once the AS5 cures, both should drop a couple of degrees C! Lot of damn work just to get a heat sink off! LOL!! It's bothered me from the begining though so I finally got tired of seeing 40C when things warm up so now it's done. I suspect after a couple of weeks I'll be looking at 29 for the CPU at idle and 34-35C for the MB. I also took the opportunity to clean all the dust off the fan blades, so it's even quieter yet!

    Clock On,
  17. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Hehe, damn you and your low temps. However, it's above 85F in here all the time!
  18. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Don't pass out now and take a deep breath, but here's the temps now at my normal 77-78F, or about 25C.
    I guess the effort was worth it! And just think, once the AS5 cures they will be even a bit lower!

    NOTE TO NuckNFuts: I stole your Clock On, but if you want it back, I'll surrender it! ROFL!! I just liked it!

    Clock On,
  19. NuckNFuts

    NuckNFuts Regular member

    Feb 11, 2007
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    Hey guys, I got a question if you can spare a few moments to reply. Now i hear a lot of the new rev E6600's being god for at least 3.4GHz but is this at the lower multi of 6 or 7? I got used of 3.4 at nearly 495FSB so if so, then this is fine for me. I now for mine E6600 old rev. it can hit 3.8 on 9x but not so high clock as the FSB is raised and multi lowered. 495x6 barely was stable to use for basic apps but not to go in and out of ACPI power management modes S3/S4. What have you guys notice between the upper highest clock at 9x v/s the max SB at 6 or 7X?
  20. tinytom

    tinytom Guest


    I got the asus comando.
    The reason why I said under clock 8500 ram is because the board only supports pc6400 max and I didnt know how it would react with 8500 in there. Its just the ram to go before clocking for the first time, Ive treid to get good quality parts to help things along, Id Like 3.4ghz+ Ill also invest in water if it means more reliability.
    I am admitantly a complete newbie at this game and thats why I am here!
    complete spec is...

    e6600 (L629F)
    asus Comando
    AC 7pro
    Thermaltake Bach (Tower not MC)
    Thermaltake 500w psu
    nVidia 8800gts
    78g Raptor 10krpm main system drive
    2x500g baracuda's and 1x750g baracuda (3x500g in raid set up 250g for usual use)
    20x litscribe DVDRW
    Sony DVDrom
    Thermaltake Hardcano fan controller
    -And ram yet to be decided on.

    And its all sat wwaiting to be built up! Using AC silver on every heat surface too....
    I hope its worth the wait and hassle with my other half and eats my standard 2.8ghz P4D HP Pavilion for breakfast!


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