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The Official OC (OverClocking) Thread!

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by Praetor, May 1, 2004.

  1. abuzar1

    abuzar1 Senior member

    Jan 5, 2005
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    I was using 1024x768, so I guess my card is just gay.
  2. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    What drives me crazy is with some fans the rpms go up and down and the change in pitch is annoying. With the Silverstones, the speed variation is less than 1% so you get very little change in pitch. Not enough to notice at all With a lot of sleeve bearing type fans it's + - 10%. With the Thunderblade 120mm it would vary as much as 200 rpms, and the sound difference with the constant change drove me crazy! I also have very good hearing and perfect pitch so any sound or pitch changes are noticeable. To me, it's easier to accept a noise that's constant as you get used to it and don't really notice it after a while.

    The Dell 420 Workstation drives me crazy! It has 2 92mm thermal controlled fans that go up and down like a yo-yo while encoding! Used to drive me crazy when it was sitting on my desk!

    Clock On,
    theone :>}
  3. abuzar1

    abuzar1 Senior member

    Jan 5, 2005
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    The only thing I can't stand is my friggin 7600 GT fan. I want to kill whoever designed that. After than thing turns off it feels like I have gone to heaven!
  4. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    It must be a brand thing as my XFX runs full tilt all the time because of the overclock (650/1600)! I've heard lots of complaints about the 7600gt's fan making a lot of noise. Mine is surprisingly quiet. The Sapphire X-800GTO I had before used to scream, every time it spooled up! Even with the side cover off, it's still quiet!

    Clock On,
    theone :>}
  5. abuzar1

    abuzar1 Senior member

    Jan 5, 2005
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    Man you're lucky. First of all you can overclock like hell, and then your fan is quieter too!
  6. rvinkebob

    rvinkebob Regular member

    Jan 3, 2006
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    My computer as a whole is louder than 40 computers in the same room (figuratively but very close). I have 2 PSU fans, 2 side fans, the GPU fan and of course the CPU fan of which being the most quiet. Though even if I take the side fans out it still creates a loud noise.

    BTW a little off topic but I was wondering if anyone could advise. I have two Kingston PC3200 sticks of RAM that are EXACTLY THE SAME model number. The only problem is one looks different than the other and when I checked CPU-Z, one stick of RAM was identified with a Kingston chipset but the other was with a "Nanya" chipset and one less DDR speed with only three available.

    Is this normal or not, and yes it's caused me trouble before but hasn't done anything major after about 2 weeks of using it. I've had it since spring of 2006 but I never really caught on to a direct problem.
  7. crowy

    crowy Guest

    Kingston produce Nanya memory modules which would account for the cpuz reading.Which DDR speed is missing on the Nanya stick?

    Did you buy these together or seperately?

    It's possible these dimms were manufactured at different times using different IC's/pcb yet have the same rating as each other,hence the same model number but slightly different look.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 19, 2007
  8. rvinkebob

    rvinkebob Regular member

    Jan 3, 2006
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    I'll put the frequencies: 133, 166 and 200 are on the Kingston chipset while the 133 is missing on the Nanya. The RAS to CAS... is all the same with the exception of the 133 not being there.

    I also bought them separately. I think around 1-2 years after I bought the Kingston chipset RAM I'd gotten the Nanya chipset one.
  9. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I wouldn't sneeze at 3.44 for your E6400! Hows the temps? I'm planning on moving up to an E6750! Newer tech and supposed to run lower temps!

    I'm, curious, why did you opt for the E6400 instead of the E6750? They both are about the same price and with the 1333 fsb, the E6750 is the better chip! It's supposed to be cooler running and overclocks like hell!

    Best Regards,
    Russ :>)
  10. NuckNFuts

    NuckNFuts Regular member

    Feb 11, 2007
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    Excuzzi, but what one of you had a goood break down on the temps of these C2D' as far as the CPU temp v/s the core 1 & 2?

    My E6750 OC'd 475x8 (3.80) (Pro/batch# l727A795,dated 09-11-07) on ASUS P5K reads under 100% test load as CPU:36c, C1:45c, C2:44c yet very stable and no throttling and cooler not very warm, barely mild hot at pipe base and warm to fins. At desktop idle for few mins it is now CPU16c, C125c, C2:28c, and cooler is cool down to base of pipe w/ hint of warmth at side of block. and this is the CNPS9700-LED NT. (lapped & polished)

    So ya, it looks like these E6750's are great OC'r, even on a budget P35 solution, with basic OC'ability you'd be happy.

  11. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I've found the cores to run about 8-12C higher than the CPU temp. If I switch to the F11 bios for my DS3, it narrows it to a 5-6C difference but the CPU temp goes up, making my HSF run faster when it's not really necessary! I'm happier with the F10 bios since the core temps remain the same, either way!

    Congrats on your very nice OC! 3.8GHz is very nice indeed! This confirms what I've been saying about the E6750! The E6750 is the best budget chip around right now, with the most bang for the buck! Can't wait until I can get one to put in my DS3!

    Clock On,
    theone :>}

  12. crowy

    crowy Guest

    Anyone considering a C2D build in the next week or so might consider waiting to see what AMD are up to?!!I thought Phenom was coming in December??

  13. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    According to what I read in AMD's press release yesterday, this will be a 2.0Ghz Barcelona! They also found a use for quad-core chips where one core fails! They have a 3 core chip coming out too! LOL!! That should be pretty interesting as being all on die, and with the memory controller on the chip, they should be able to have as much cache memory as the Quad chip considering that AMD's cache is fully integrated and fully accessible from any core!

    It's all pretty much server stuff anyway! It won't be able to compete with the C2D until the speed gets over 2.6GHz or higher! That's all they talked about in the interview with the head guy!

    Clock On,
    theone :>)
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2007
  14. crowy

    crowy Guest

    Russ,the Barcelona(server chip)@2GHZ was released on september 10.

    I couldn't imagine advertising like this being aimed at the server market?
    Not to mention the snake in the advertising(I read somewhere that Phenom is pronounced venom for some reason??)
    Let's keep our fingers crossed.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 20, 2007
  15. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Unless the head guy at AMD made a mistake, he said that the Barcelona started shipping on the 10th and would be released on the 25th! Everything AMD is doing right now is aimed at the server market. It's where the real money is! That's why Intel left us in the boonies for so long. The server market became their first priority. They were losing market share. It appears AMD has an answer for that! Because of the way AMD integrates multiple CPUs it's a cheaper and better solution for the server market! Intel will have to make a true quad core and much better memory management before they can match what AMD is capable of providing that market! AMD's been ready for years, it's just been a question of when the true Quad Core would be available. AMD's saving grace may well be their fully integrated, on chip memory controller!

    Besides, the C2D was the answer to a question that had never been asked! When you consider that the few people involved could have very well been fired for continuing to develop the P-III Coppermine technology, in spite being told to shut it down. That may go down in the history of CPU development as the best kept secret ever! And it was only a handfull of people involved! Amazing!!

    Clock On,
    theone :>}
  16. Shagratt

    Shagratt Regular member

    Jan 15, 2005
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    Hi Everyone, Can anyone lend a hand to a newbie, I wish to overclocking my system. I've included my specs at the bottom, I would appreciate any help or suggestions as to how I can improve the speed of my rig. Also explinations as to what all the Bios settings do like, C.I.A.2,
    CPU Express Freq, System Memory Multiplyer etc would be great. Many thanks in advance.

    Gigabyte 965P-S3 Motherboard
    Dual Core E6700
    8800GTX Graphics Card
  17. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    First thing to do is to forget about C.I.A.2. All that is, is a bios preset overclock utility! Leave it turned off!

    When you have it overclocked to where you want it, turn on C1E in the setup and you should be in good shape. Don't enable Speedstep either!

    If you could give us a bit more info on your rig, like memory brand, model and timings and the brand and specs on your power supply, it would be most helpful! Also what are you using to cool the CPU and what kind of case is it all in? Maybe you could give us links to that info!

    Best Regards,
    theone :>}
  18. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Yeah fans are one of the things that get changed most often from brand to brand, the stock Radeon X1900XT fan sounded ridiculous (think the vibration noise my silverstones made at full theone, but double the pitch, and don't decrease the volume), but yet it was fine when i unscrewed it from the cooler, guess it was the vibration mounts. The HIS ICEQ cooler on the other hand is quiet and acceptable.
  19. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    That's part of the reason I've stuck with XFX all these years! They seem to have done the best job of getting it right! I've had very little problems or complaints over the years, with their products. I've always prefered nVidia to Ati cards to begin with. I still do!

    Clock On,
    theone :>}
  20. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Brand preference is fine when they're all much the same items just built to varying degrees of quality, I've stuck with Sapphire all these years with good results, but preference to one tech brand seems a little odd. I had a Radeon 9200 when you had an FX5200, and it would have kicked your FX in unpleasant places! Now of course, nvidia have the clear lead, but I try not to be closed minded to what's best, rather than what I've 'stuck with'. It so happens my last four cards have all been ATI, but for sound reasons. My friend Nick is the same, he's had several ATis, but we would both happily buy an 8800GTX if we had the money (he also happens to have a Radeon X1900 PCIe, but the XT-X version)
    I have had a Geforce card in the past, and had no issues with it, but to be fair I didn't know enough to notice back then, I was very proud of my 'Geforce 4' at the time, before i found out that it was slower than not only any other Geforce 4, but any Geforce 3! Oh well, at least i only paid £80 for it!


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