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The Official OC (OverClocking) Thread!

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by Praetor, May 1, 2004.

  1. Lp531

    Lp531 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2005
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    I am Trying...and so is most of the World...LOL..:)
  2. ck5134

    ck5134 Regular member

    Jun 1, 2005
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    Is there some way we could help that along? ROFLMAO

    Reactos windows compatibility from the ground up, open source too, still early days though.

    Last edited: Sep 26, 2007
  3. NuckNFuts

    NuckNFuts Regular member

    Feb 11, 2007
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    Ya, I noticed it more on the Opteron 1214HE moe so on AM2 socket, And I figured it was a high FSB for the 939, but oddly enough it was stable like so even as 285x4 HTT i media renduring/transcoding. So I am very suprised now. I'ts an open bench model right now as I'm trying to find a spae and us for it again. I did notice it ran just as fine on 334x3x HTT as the CPU was always fine to 3GHz and FSB only went to 1003 (2006HT) Now the Opteron liked this setting better for sure. That one got shaky over 1100 FSB. I'm still learning a lot about the AMD side of OC'nso I'm all ears. I started on them PS/1's, they be talking bout' then the PS/2 of '87 w/ an AIX OS2. Lol! My family got an AMD the yr after on something like the 25mhz but I never got to get at it for tweaking. I knewDOS they were good for it but went Intel 386 for my own w/ OS/2 & PC. I had bad vision even then so I had that big voice box reader that sounded like a si-fi robot and had to listen closely.

    I was just a lad when my uncle worked at rhe Atari building in Sunnyvale so I do remember the deal there with the long boots. We used to go hit the game room for a while or watch soem LazerDisc on the big screan projctor in the lounge. Wow, the memories.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2007
  4. Lp531

    Lp531 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2005
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    LaserDisc...I still have Mine...I was an early adopter...I had to have Widescreen additions of my movies...So Laser was the way to Go...
  5. NuckNFuts

    NuckNFuts Regular member

    Feb 11, 2007
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    Oh ya, us too, we still have our RCA Select-O-Vision and lots of movies. Did you buy into that Pioneer "DiscoVision" LaserDisc collection? We did got lots of them.

    My new IBM 486 took me to the Sony descktop Hi-8 multi media editing center.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2007
  6. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I had an Hitachi CD! Capacitive Discharge, not Compact disc! They were in a sleeve that looked at first glance like a record album. You put the whole thing in the machine and pushed a button. On the RCA it had a lever type knob that you rotated forward and back. If you looked inside it when it was playing it had a stylus that somehow tracked on what looked like a phonograph record. The arm the stylus was attached to what looked like about a 3" piece of spaghetti and wiggled all over the place.

    You mention the Pioneer LaserVision! Funny story about that! It was a collective effort between Pioneer and Magnavox and was introduced live on a Victor Borgue special on national TV on NBC. They demo'd it for all the watching world to see, and it was pretty nifty! Where things went terribly wrong was where the guy doing the demo told us all how indestructible the discs were, removed it from the player and banged it flat on the edge of a table that was there just for that demonstration, to show just how strong they really were. It broke clean in two! LOL!! You could have heard a pin drop! Talk about embarrassing moments in television history. Sadly, no Kinescope or tape of the program survives!

    Best Regards,
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2007
  7. NuckNFuts

    NuckNFuts Regular member

    Feb 11, 2007
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    That sounds pretty much what the RCA selectaVision disc were. Isn't it the same stuff? You insert, wait for it to take disc, then remove hard case. They did use laser guided/tracked styli to play. They (the disc) were blus in colorwere harder to break the LaserDisc.

    The Pioneer "DiscoVision" was just a new line of releases to sport supposed better res but was rewritten over old stock disc and if you had any, one could wipe off protective surface on back of blank side (usually side 4 of 2 disc sets) to reveal a part of another Pioneer movie title. I thought it was kinda' cool. Now the're sort of a collectors piece.
  8. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Back to overclocking-related matters rather than nostalgia. I've finally ousted my Freezer 7 Pro in favour of the monster Thermalright Ultra 120 with a Scythe Kaze White 120mm fan. All I can say is wow. That's exactly what I said when I last bought a Thermalright product, and the same holds true now. My CPU temps have dropped by a full 12C load and 6C idle, and it's a lot quieter!
    The thing is huge, but silent, and cools fantastically. It was nowhere near as easy to install as the freezer, but was certainly worth the effort.
    The Scythe Kaze White fans aren't as good as the S-Flex, but I'm a sucker for lit-up stuff, so there you have it, I'm using another Kaze White as a desk fan!
    Also worthy of note, my power supply fan is far quieter now as it only goes up to 1500rpm in games, and stays at the minimum 1100rpm at idle, versus 1900 and 1500 respectively before.
    Ah, peace and quiet at last.
  9. Lp531

    Lp531 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2005
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    Yep...I got the Pioneer can't remember the Model...My first Computer was a 286 for my Video store...It ran on a DOS based Program...It supported up to 16 terminals...I know it cost me more then my House with Software...That is the Only Assembled Computer I ever bought for my self...(Besides my Frys $170 Linux Down Loader Box)...My first upgrade I did was to convert it to a 386...Thats when I realized anyone can build a computer...The problem back then was No Internet to find out what parts were compatible with one another...Computers were these Magical Devices that hardly anyone knew anything about...Thats Probably why I Help people here...
  10. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Good Lord, you're talking about 26 years ago! I can't even remember what I ate for breakfast! LOL!! I seem to remember that they were kind of a dark blue/black looking disc. I had a lot of skipping with the ones I had! They were a lot more flexible than the Laser Discs which were hard and heavier than the CDs. Only a couple of manufacturers made players for the CDs and they disappeared pretty much when VHS came along. I bought the first JVC home unit, an HR3100, which was their commercial unit made for TV studios with a tuner in it! It weighed an astonishing 31 Lbs! The CD players were very cheap though compared to a VCR! I think I paid $129 for the Hitachi!

    To get back on topic, did anyone ever find out what the AMD's "Dark Side" was? The 25th has come and gone without a word from AMD about it!

    Best Regards,
    Russ :>)
  11. crowy

    crowy Guest

    It was the release of the x2 5000 black edition cpu @2.6ghz.
    It will be interesting to see how far they o/c with the unlocked multi.

  12. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Thanks for the info Crowy. I figured that it had to be one of the "Black Editions"!

    To me, it will be far more interesting to see how it will bench out compared to the C2Ds. I'm not so interested in what it can clock to but rather in how much work it can do at a given clock speed! You and I both know that if it was a proven fact that if you stuck your finger in a light socket and touched the CPU at the same time that it would double it's speed, but could be dangerous to do, there would be a lot of people walking around with the "Albert Einstein" look! LOL!!

    Frankly I'm a bit tired of hearing all these flowery words about how thermally efficient they are and how their cost per watt is lower, etc! In other words, how much b*lls does it have and how does it stack up against the competition? Inquiring minds want to know!

    Best Regards,
  13. crowy

    crowy Guest

    Firstly,if your going to stick your finger in a light socket always wrap yourself in aluminium foil first for better heat dissipation!ROFL!

    As far as cost per watt goes.... FTW!!!
    What we want is raw performance.
    I'm interested to see how well they compare with the competition also,but remember this is still K8 architecture.

    When the K10 Phenom's come out and if they are o/clockable to around 3.2ghz+ we should see some very interesting comparisons...Let the fun begin!

  14. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Here, Here!

    Clock On,
  15. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    My performance per watt figures are rubbish compared to a 65nm AM2 chip because of my overclock but note the difference in actual performance!
  16. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    It's the same old story! No one wants to hear about the labor pains, they just want to see the baby! LOL!!

    Clock On,
    theone :>)
  17. abuzar1

    abuzar1 Senior member

    Jan 5, 2005
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    Who cares about performance per watts, as long as my PC can kick an AMD pc's ass lol.
  18. ck5134

    ck5134 Regular member

    Jun 1, 2005
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    lol another forum im in , a bloke posted this, please note he thinks a 480watt psu is plenty for this lol

    Intel Q6600 Core 2 Quad Gaming PC Base Unit
    - 01 - Case - Cooler Master RC330 Elite Black 480w
    - 01 - Motherboard Asus P5ND2 SE
    - 02 - Memory - 2048mb DDR2 667 Memory
    - 03 - Hard Drive 1 - 320gb SATA2 Hard Drive
    - 03 - Hard Drive 2 - None
    - 04 - Optical Drive 1 - 16x LG Dual Layer DVDRW Drive
    - 05 - Optical Drive 2 - None
    - 06 - Floppy - 1.44mb Floppy Drive - Standard
    - 07 - Graphics - 256mb Nvidia GeForce 8600GT
    - 08 - PCI Slot 1 - 54mbps Wireless LAN PCI Card
    - 08 - PCI Slot 2 - None
    - 09 - Keyboard & Mouse - Genius Cordless Keyboard/Mouse
    - 10 - Speakers - Genius 120w Stereo Speakers
    - 11 - Operating System - None
    - 12 - Office - None
    - 13 - Antivirus - None
    - 14 - Monitor - 19" Black Widescreen TFT Monitor

    I said i would go for at least a 600 watt psu with that rig and he said quote 'bollox will it need that much power'

    Now this guy recons he has built loads of these pc's and overclocked them to 3 ghz lol hmmmz theres another 100 watts straight away from the q6600 lol
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2007
  19. ck5134

    ck5134 Regular member

    Jun 1, 2005
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    lol now this is his reply to me saying he needed 600watts lmao

    Intel Core 2 Extreme X6800
    EVGA nForce 680i Motherboard
    Corsair TWIN2X2048-8500C4
    Western Digital Raptor 150 GB
    Sound Blaster Audigy 2 Value
    EVGA GeForce 8600 GT

    that draws 229w under load so chuck in a few extra stuff like another hard drive and some usb stuff and it wont go more than 350 max

    hmmz I think he doesnt think that overclocking uses more power lol

    Last edited: Sep 27, 2007
  20. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    To be fair, he has a point. My PC will draw around 300-320W off the PSU, see my specs page to look at what runs it. In all honesty, if he buys a decent 480W PSU to run that lot, he'll be fine.
    The Corsair HX 520W will definitely handle it.

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