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The Official OC (OverClocking) Thread!

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by Praetor, May 1, 2004.

  1. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I guess I'm about to find out, maybe later this week. The new MB has been shipped. I was noticing that the NB heatsink is about twice the size of the one on my DS3. I'm thinking maybe a second Silenx, one on each side should cool well, as the heatsink is huge. It also runs front to rear so getting rid of the heat should be a snap! We shall see!

    Clockin on at the Speed of Light,
    theone :>)
  2. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    We shall indeed see, as mine's been sent out on a van this morning, and will no doubt arrive when I'm not here...
  3. esoteric1

    esoteric1 Guest

    hey guys, so I built my rig back in June with the help of you fellas and the PC building thread, but I'm back once more for guidance.
    Here are my stats so far:

    E4300 @ 2.87Ghz (319x9) on air [28C idle 50C orthos] vcore 1.36v vfsb 1.5v
    EVGA Nforce 680I 122-CK-NF63-TR

    So I pretty much hit the fsb wall at a depressing 319mhz, definately not what I was hoping for, I tried droping the multi to 6 and raising the fsb to see if it was just a fsb hole but I had no such luck. I feel pretty stupid for buying the TR version. But if anyone knows of some oc'ing secret behind this piece im all ears, I disabled everything correctly in the bios and so on so I'm not waiting on that one. But anywho, ive come to you in search of a mobo that is made for overclocking and then some more overclocking. Im going to be going quadcore in the near future but until then im just going to abuse my E4300 some more.

    My budget is $200

  4. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    319mhz? That is depressing, not even enough to run a Quad core CPU at stock... What are your voltages at?
    On a different note, guess what arrived today!
    it does indeed have 8 SATA ports, and the external bracket to run a pair of them outside.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2007
  5. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    That does seem a bit low! I was able to hit just under 3.4GHz (376x9) with mine and ran it everyday at 3.2GHz on my DS3 v1.33. With my E4300, it would only run on the 9x and the 6x. I also built one on a P5N-e at 3.0GHz for a friend in Chicago.

    What are you using for memory? What power supply are you using?

    Are you excited yet??? Mine should be here in a couple of days as it was shipped yesterday from GigaByte. Time for a complete wipe of the "C" drive and a fresh install! LOL!!

    Clockin On, at the Speed of Light,
  6. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    I was excited when it arrived, but knowing how much work is involved installing it, that excitement has gone. I know once it's done I should have not only a fully operational PC again, but also a higher overclock. However, installing windows and getting all my drivers is at least an hour's job, usually more, and the hardware install will probably be equally long.
  7. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    The mechanical part isn't too bad, but you are right about the software. I have so many programs that I use that need to be set up. I have some 43 programs on my desktop alone. The worst thing is that some have to be installed before others or everything won't work right and you have to un-install them and start all over again!

    If it wasn't for the work involved I would set the new one up with the E4300, just to compare to yours, but getting the CPU cooler on with the MB mounted in the case gets more difficult every time you do it. I'll mod the heatsinks with AS-5 and mount the cooler before I install the MB in the case. I was able to get to a 444MHz (1776MHz fsb) with the E6750 in my 965P-DS3. With full chipset support for the CPU, it should do even better in the P35-DS3R MB. One things for sure! I will find out! LOL!!

    Clockin On, at the Speed of Light,
    theone ;>)
  8. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Ugh, I know, I can't wait... :S
    On the positive side, I may be able to overclock and actually get realistic numbers, oh and be able to set the timings on my RAM too...
  9. abuzar1

    abuzar1 Senior member

    Jan 5, 2005
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    319 Mhz? Damn that's low. My motherboard goes up to 435 Mhz, and I just pushed it further. You know if you are increasing the FSB make sure you are supply the CPU with more voltage, and maybe the chipset(I have personally never done that). Also your Ram might be holding you back so make sure you don't have the Ram overclocked like hell, turn it down a bit, or loosen up the timings.
  10. NuckNFuts

    NuckNFuts Regular member

    Feb 11, 2007
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    esoteric1, Look into the Abit IP-35 Pro just under $200.00 for one of the better overclocks in the under 200 price range. I know the regulars will have different to say but just thought I'd try to share. It's not quite as top notch as the ASUS P5K Deluxe and Premium, but well above the DS3 series for FSB and performance overclocks. And yes, I can say that now since I have all of the above mentioned side by side to show.

    However, if you come up on a P4K, jump on it and go at it for the better of the best for P35. As I said earlier, this mobo really shines even close up against my new ASUS MAXIMUM (DDR2 version of P5E3). But that's gonna change shortly as I tweak it more in the next weekend.

    sammorris, If you just wanna' get up and running for now, the ICH9/R is fully compatible w/ the ICH8/R and only need is to update INF for P35 and additional drivers for NIC, audio etc. It isn't the best but will get you going good enough for now till you get time to reinstall. And what do you meen, you can't adjust your RAM nw even if using Gigabyte's ctl+F1?

    My Two Cents! For what it's worth.
    1 year new to this forum, 20 years new to this subject.

  11. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Unfortunately no, my current board is an nforce6, I doubt it'll work...
  12. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    After so many years of only using Asus MBs and then buying the 965P-DS3, it was the easiest build of my life. There weren't any surprises and everything worked like it was supposed to. I'm expecting more of the same with this one! This will be my 9th GigaByte MB I've used this year. 7 have been customer builds, and everything has worked without problems. I haven't had to call tech service for anything. My track record this year with GigaByte is much better than the previous year with Asus! I've still not forgotten (or forgiven) that they tried to nick me $40 for a damaged CPU socket, that wasn't damaged. If I hadn't thought to take pictures as it was being packed up I would have been out $40! All I ever heard after I supplied the pictures was that the charge had been "Waived"! I didn't like it then and I still don't like it now!

    The one time I did ask for something from GigaByte was in regard to the Specs mixup on my MB in their overview of the product, just recently. They were more than fair about it and I consider the $50 a bargain for the exchange GA-P35-DS3R! They were also pretty quick about handling it too! I like their thinking! I like the way they do business! It shows a commitment to the end users and forever overclockers' like us, that they're there to solve problems so that we all wind up with better products! They'll even answer questions about overclocking, and the settings for it! Given the fact that I've had 8 successful Intel builds without so much as a hicup and zero problems with anything, care to guess who gets my vote?

    Clockin On, at the Speed of Light,
    theone :>)
  13. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    if this build goes to plan, I'll be a gigabyte convert too, I'm thoroughly impressed with your track record...
  14. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Good luck with the new build Sam! You deserve it!

    Clockin On, at the Speed of Light,
    Russ :>}
  15. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Thanks Russ, I'll let you know how I get on...
  16. NuckNFuts

    NuckNFuts Regular member

    Feb 11, 2007
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    ASUS still meets my personal needs. they can be pickt to get set up at times, but after some fine tuning they really come through (speaking of the flag-ship models).

    As for friends & family, it's likely gonna' be Gigabyte now too, since most won't notice the big difference on the upper level & I too, may get less service calls. I myself would've got in earlier if they made a !975X based DQ6 to try.

    I had a rough time with ASUS too back in the early days of LGA775 w/ the P5AD2 and later "E" and "E Plremium".

    For system builds for sale, it was easier then to use the last true ASUS built Intel brand known favorabily as the bad-ax on !925XE. Since it was ASUS built, it had the performance w/ Intels' reliabilty, and yet Intel allowed a little OC for the 1st time, giving in to the chipset and multi lockout. Plenty of thanks to ASUS. So, for stock builds or mild 15% OC's. The Intel Enthusiast/Performance boards came through in terms of stability and fast RMA service and parts. Loved the Credit approved cross shippment. Abit now does this too, as I'm sure many others are following.

    So, now it's looking like Gigabyte can meet those needs for me and my end users.

    Clockin' It Real!
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2007
  17. NuckNFuts

    NuckNFuts Regular member

    Feb 11, 2007
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    I did end up getting a X2 6400 Black Edition and just waiting for time to put it together as I'm also working on my X38 build at the same time. While I still have time to return it, isn't their a 2mb L2 version of the X2 5000 Black Edition that runs cooler? Although this looks to be able to hit 3.5GHz comfortably on air but bit warm again and lots of pwr draw on overall system and only @ 1.5v During bench pre test).

    This is just to hold me over to nVidia 7x0 series on DDR3 and new 4x4. I imagine you're getin' one of them too?
  18. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    There is another version of the 64x2 5000+. See here:
    Newegg shows both the Black Edition Brisbane and and the 64x2 Windsor having 1MB of L2 cache. The Windsor is 89W compared to the Black Edition's 65W.

    Clockin On, at the Speed of Light,
    theone :>)
  19. esoteric1

    esoteric1 Guest

    Im using OCZ Platinum XTC REV.2 PC2-6400 2x1Gb
    Unlinked, 800mhz

    OCZ GameXStream 600W PS


    vcore 1.36
    vfsb 1.5 (max)
    nforce SPP 1.55
    nforce MCP 1.5


    yeah when I went on my fsb adventure I left my vcore at 1.36 where it is stable for my 2.87 OC and then dropped the multi from 9 down to 6 so I had more then enough voltage. My memory is unlinked so I was under the impression that it doesnt effect fsb, but i could be wrong. I tried losening timings, overclocking and underclocking the memory but nothing seemed to work.


    I looked into the P35 lineup and the Abit IP-35 Pro looks like the best and only $200 thanks for pointing me in the right direction, I'll be ordering that soon :)

    C Lan
  20. abuzar1

    abuzar1 Senior member

    Jan 5, 2005
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    Well most motherboards don't have unlinked memory and FSB. It does have a difference if you have a motherboard that doesn't have unlinked FSB and RAM.

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