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The Official OC (OverClocking) Thread!

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by Praetor, May 1, 2004.

  1. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I have G.Skill cas4 PC6400, 2x1GB. It seems to run best at 5-4-4-12 with a very fat memory bandwidth. Even though it's running the same speed as it did in the 965P, it's faster at everything!
    Happily all the Exx50s have G0 stepping so it shouldn't be a problem. Considering I ran out of gas at the same exact speed on both motherboards with the 6750, I think the chip itself is the limiting factor.

    I have to say that I am pleased with the results. I hope Sam has as good a luck as I've had with his P35C-DS3R. I just ran SuperPi 1.5 32M. Looks good!


    I know what you mean by smooth. When I was running at 3.6GHz, it was snappy but somewhat disjointed. At 3.55 it's as smooth as smooth can be.

    Clockin On, at the Speed of Light,
    theone :>)

  2. crowy

    crowy Guest

    Just thought I would jump in before this becomes the "theonejrsnucknfuts" thread!!!ROFL!!!
    Only joking guys!!!

    Russ congrats on the results with your new gear.

    Your super PI time for 32 Iterations is nice:)
    Just curious if you or Nucknfuts can do a little experiment for me?

    Can you try running super PI 1m iterations at stock speed then run it again at 400mhz o/clock,then run it again at 800mhz o/clock and then again at you current speeds and let me know the results???

    If you can,I will do a comparison with some early Phenom CPU benches Iv'e seen and the way they scale with an increase in mhz.

    Thanks guys!!!


    P.S....Russ,Congrats on becoming an official Gigabyte fanboy!!LOL!!

    P.S.... Nucknfuts,
    Looking forward to see some benches for that black cpu of yours..

    Cheers Guys.

    Nearly forgot!!!
    Had to laugh at this from another thread elsewhere on the net from 2003!!!

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 4, 2007
  3. NuckNFuts

    NuckNFuts Regular member

    Feb 11, 2007
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    I have a few profiles for testing, let me know if this is what you are asking.

    My lowest, prelim install is a 400x8 @ 1.28v as DDR800. My next and daily for everyday work load is a nice 500x7 @ 1.38v in 1:1 as DDR1000 @ 4-4-4-12 (the 12 apears to be or feel more snapier then the 9).

    I haven't ran this at stock cince new months back on an abit IP-35 Pro. These E6750's are so snappy, they perform like a new 1600FSB CPU. My 2nd model works in full ACPI auto mode with S4/S4 at a daily 500x7, my GA-P35C-DS3R faied S3 rssume after 425FSB or so. I'll give it a try for test results for you and others to see when I get a free moment. Stay tuned!

    theonejrs, I'm really suprised on the limit of your CPU or mobo since I have the same test set. Although, I was told by some that newer rev of this CPU have more voltage holes or just not as goo an OC'r as 1st bins. What is your batch# of your E6750 and rev. of P35C-DS3R for refference?

    clockin' It Forward!
  4. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I don't see anything like a batch number. I'm not concerned at all. This morning I took my 6750 over to a friends house and he has a Commando MB. I didn't tell him anything but just asked him to see what he gets out of the chip? 3552MHz! That's 3 motherboards that show the exact same limits. All will let it run at 3.6 but no matter what you turn on or set, it will still only be about 98% stable. I think that it's just my particular CPU's limit! I wouldn't have run it at 3.6 for everyday use anyway, so 3.552 works fine for me. Noticeably faster than the E4300 at 3.2GHz and noticeably faster than the same chip was in my 965P-DS3 at the same speed. You can torture it with anything you want and it's like a Timex! Takes a lickin and keeps on tickin! LOL!! Mid 40Cs while encoding with RB/CCE 2 pass. I noticed that the MB temp goes up and down quicker, much like the CPU temp used to do. The MB temp hit 55C running Orthos for 12 hours. When I stopped it, the MB temp dropped to 30C like a brick! Mid to high 20s for the cores at idle. Mid 40s running Orthos. The AS5 is starting to set on the Northbridge Heatsink and I was very careful not to disturb it when I removed the 6750 this morning.

    I know you will understand this because of what you said about "smooth"! It feels like an "Old Friend" already! Very comfortable to use. I think I am going to enjoy this build very much! I'm looking forward to the 45nm Penryn in the future!

    Anyway, what I wound up with was a "new" Rev 1.0 MB! The new means that mine is a modified Rev. 1.0 re-built to Rev. 2.0 specs. You even get the IHC9R Southbridge which the original Rev. 1.0 lacked so you have the 45nm chips covered.

    When I got it I e-mailed GigaByte right away. In less than 5 minutes I got an e-mail asking me to at least try it first and went on to explain that the only difference is the amount of USB ports on the back and that mine has a printer port and a com port instead of headers on the MB. She told me to go look on their site and I would see that the specs are now identical for both revisions! Since I need a printer port for my "Antique" Mustek 600III EP Plus scanner that I use maybe 6 times a year, I decided to install the new MB. Glad that I did!

    Clockin On at the Speed of Light,
    theone :>)

  5. NuckNFuts

    NuckNFuts Regular member

    Feb 11, 2007
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    I haven't heard anything of this before now. Is this what Gigabyte rep stated? I never had a P35 based mobo w/o a ICH9/ICH9R south bridge SATA controlller. Also this will have little to do with the 45nm support. That support lies directly in the P35 NB chipset itself.

    mine is: (lapped)
    CPU: Intel E6750, Revision: SLA9V (G0) Step: B,
    FPO/BATCH#: L727A795,
    Version: D97265, PKGD.
    09-11-07, MM#: 891189-001

    I moved mine so many times in the past few months it is truely a mobile CPU now, Lol! the early model I have from bk in July is doing the same. It is topping out at 4GHz (1.55v) (500x8 needs fine tuning), 3.50GHz (1.38v) @ 500x7 (butter zone). No matter what good mobo I put it on so far 4GHz is it at 8x and 515x7/6 seams to be the ceailing for my core, 1st one can do 516x6 or 7x.

    As you know, I used Origionally on ASUS P5K Deluxe, moved to Abit IP-35 Pro, Gigabyte GA-P35C-DS3R & ASUS MAXIMUS FORMULA SE. my 2nd one was parked in Abit AW9D MAX while waiting or X38 and did not do too god on that mobo.

    So for me too, each mob returned the simular OC in terms of clock and volts used but only difference being performance of overall system. It does best so far on the 2 ASUS and beautifully in the "butter zone" on X38 as the mobo itself needs very little overvoltage to get it smooth and acxtually runs so much cooler then previous !975X and my P35 mobos on stock ASUS cooling w/o water yet. MB: 30c, CPU: 21C Cores 1&2: 31c/31c @ 3.50GHz @ 1.38v as 500x8.

    Clock On!
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2007
  6. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I swear, I don't know where my brains are. I meant Raid! That's what the "R" stands for in ICH9R. If it don't have the "R", there's no Raid! LOL!! What's really strange is that on the P35-DS3L, it still has the ICH9R, but no Raid! Strange!

    I really like how this computer works. It's about 5-6% faster than the 6750 was with the 965P at the same given speed. I'm sure some of this has to do with the much wider fsb with the P35 since the processor speeds are identical. I'm happy with it and I'm gonna leave it alone. Should do me for a while until the Penryn prices go down!

    Clockin On, at the Speed of Light,
    theone :>)
  7. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    OK, well it's been an interesting few days. Our internet service has been cut off at our house (again) for a while so I'll have to be making posts rather sporadically again.
    The new motherboard is installed, and what a difference!
    As soon as I figured out that I had to set the memory multiplier (lol imagine RAM at 1.3Ghz, fat chance!) I could get straight to 3.15Ghz, and at 1.39V as well. This has upped my 3dmark to 6867, I haven't run any other benchmarks. Interestingly enough, despite the higher speed my CPU obviously draws less power now, as my Power supply is far quieter, and my CPU temps have dropped a good 5C using the same cooler. At minimum fan speeds the full load temp is a mere 41.
    The chipset must also be at least 20C cooler than the hothouse on the P5N-E too, such that I'm no longer worried about it.
    Interestingly enough, my board puports to be revision 1.1.
    It does have the 4 USB ports with headers for an additional 8, and has the 8 SATA ports on it, but yet isn't revision 2 like I thought. What could the difference be between 1.1 and 2.0?

    Unfortunately at the moment, even with increased voltages, optimised or manual settings, I can't really break above 3.2Ghz and it be stable (crashes during 3dmark), but nonetheless I'm happy. I've got a full 75% CPU overclock, lower temps, lower noise, and my USB works again! hooray!
    It's also hilarious to see just how much faster my PC is with a clean install of XP...
  8. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Functionally there is no difference as I discovered with the Rev. 1.0 they sent me. They've all been reworked to Rev. 2.0 specs, and the new specs are posted on their website. The only weird one is the DS3L! It has the ICH9R, but no Raid! I'm inclined to believe that 3.2GHz is about the E4300's limit. I've seen very few go higher, and all of those were the original with the B stepping. Same way with my E6750. I've run it on the 965P-DS3, the P35-DS3R and my Friend's Commando. They all run out of gas at 3.552GHz. I have to believe, given the fact that all 3 MBs hit the exact same speed that I've hit the chips limit. All would run the E6750 at 3.6GHz but none would pass Orthos for 12 hours at that speed. At 3.552, it's perfect!

    I find it a bit strange that there is no CPU temp, but just the two cores. I did notice that the Northbridge heats and cools a lot faster, more like the way the CPU temp used to do! I had run Orthos for 12 hours and noticed that the minute I stopped it the MB temp dropped from 52-55C to 30C in about 10 seconds. The AS5 has almost cured and the MB temp has dropped to 27C at idle.

    Clockin On, at the Speed of Light,
    Russ :>)

  9. NuckNFuts

    NuckNFuts Regular member

    Feb 11, 2007
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    Other then on box or mobo, where or what app can report the revision? I did find it as shown way bk (turns out it is also on box label). I have rev. 1.1 and it does have the 2x com ports and 4x USB on I/O.

    I have not used for a few eeeks to see if the newer BIOS can stablize it out at my DDR2-1200 on 5:6 devider from 500xx7 or 8. My ASUS has a new BIOS fix for the same thing on x38 DDR2 compatibility with DDR2-1200 use but not sure what devider is best. Right now I can do DDR2-1100 as 459x8 and it is stable so cant wait to see how DDR2-1200 is.

    theonejrs, Remember I mentioned my Everest Corporate and Pro v4.00.975 did not read info correctly. The Corporate gave no notice but the Pro clearly stated from the web update that the P35 or x38 have no official support yet and took a hardware refference from me to use. I am using the v4.10.1152 beta and it shows that what I thout was my MB is actually my CPU and the cores are the same but now reports a MB temp + vdim. I did confirm this on ASUS Probe and it matches except for the +12v wich appears to show as under -3v and the fan sensors dont match so just do the finger test to see wich slow if touched to use as a refference.

  10. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I guess I'll have to get the new 4.20 version of Everest as it's made for the P3x chipsets. Mine reads everything fine except the Silenx fan shows 4500 rpm and it's supposed to be 3000, and my 12v reads anywhere from 1.05v to 5.06v, and the CPU/MB temp with no shown CPU temp! Weird!

    Best Regards,
  11. chop2113

    chop2113 Regular member

    Oct 18, 2006
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    hey whats up guys hope you remember me. If not oh well. Anyways i'm
    finally going to build a pc and do my first overclock. Now when we first discussed this on the AMD VS INTEL forum i was going to go with
    the c2d 6600 at $250 but it seems a bunch of others processors are out at decent prices. This is my question which chip should i go with now in the $200-280 price range. Thanks in advance for your input
  12. abuzar1

    abuzar1 Senior member

    Jan 5, 2005
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  13. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    At the lower part of your price range, go with the E6750. On the higher end go with the E6850. There really isn't anything in between, at least not in terms of performance for the dollar! Just be sure you put it in a P35 or higher MB.

    I can tell you first hand that the difference in performance between an E6750 in my GA-965P-DS3 motherboard and my new GA-P35-DS3R board is about 5-6% at the same CPU speed. if you look back a few posts you will see my benchmarks and SuperPi score. That pretty much will say it all. the E6850 would perform even better. I highly recommend the GigaByte GA-P35-DS3R or if you feel the need to go to DDR3 the GA-P35C-DS3R.

    Clockin On, at the Speed of Light,
    theone (GigaByte Fanboy LOL!)
  14. NuckNFuts

    NuckNFuts Regular member

    Feb 11, 2007
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    i have to say those 2 picks from NewEgg are good choices. And whould depend on how you want to overclock and for what you will do with it after.

    I used only the Q6600 but a E6750 next to it and they are all great. For the high clock MHz guys and gamers alike, it's the E6850 for shure. for high bandwidth w/ CPU/mobo FSB and good price, go for the E6750 and enjoy, gain OC experience till a god 45nm $$$ cime dowan like the rest of us are waiting. But if media encoding/transcoding and great number cruncher and a fair balance of med high FSB and good clock spd, go for a E6600. They can hit 500FSB and reach 4GHz if you get a good one, but put out more heat then any 6x50 to keep it there.

    2 of us here use a E6750 and I baught in 1ts week when $$ was god and batch #s were great cause I got 2 of mine to 4GHz Prime95 v25.5 stable as 500x8 @ 1.55v @ 57c+67c/66c (CPU+cores) Prime max CPU stress.

    I was gonna get the E6850 when only $249 few months ago and got a deal on E6750 for $189. loved it and kept it and got one morea month later.

    As mentioned, the mobo and chipset will make or break the higher overclocks so it's up to how much you wana spend. One may be hapy with a E6750 on a $260+ ASUS or DQ6 of X38 series

    Good luck.
  15. abuzar1

    abuzar1 Senior member

    Jan 5, 2005
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    NuckNFuts, maybe I have asked you this before, but what do you do with all those PCs? Sell them?
  16. Shagratt

    Shagratt Regular member

    Jan 15, 2005
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    HELP!!! somethings gone wrong!. Everything was fine with my over clock for a couple of days, I overclocked my E6700 to 355GHz and the Memory was running at around 880, 4-4-4-9. I woke up this morning and found that the clock speed was running at stock speed so I went into the Bios and everything was fine, no settings were changed. I admit the temps were a bit high at that clock speed but I cant overclock my PC at all now. I reset the computer to normal stock speeds, even tried lowering the clock speed below stock speeds but its stuck at 2.66Ghz stock speed.
    I've left the PC off for half an hour to see if its something to do with the temps but thats done nothing, I still cant overclock the darn thing :eek:( . I hope to god I havent done something bad,
    Heres was my BIOS befor I all this happend:


    Robust Graphics Booster [Auto]
    CPU Clock Ratio [10x]
    CPU Host Clock Control [Enabled]
    CPU Host Frequency (Mhz) [355]
    PCI Express Frequency (Mhz) [100]
    System Memory Multiplyer (SPD) [2.50]
    Memory Frequency........................................880
    High Speed DRAM DLL Settings [Option 1]
    DRAM Timing Selectable (SPD) [Manual]
    x CAS Latency.................................................4
    x DRAM RAS# to CAS# Delay....................4
    x DRAM RAS# Precharge ............................4
    xPrecharge Delay (tRAS) ..............................90
    xACT To ACT Delay (tRRD)........................3
    xRANK Write to Delay..................................3
    xWrite To Precharge Delay...........................6
    xRefresh To ACT Delay...............................48
    xRead To Precharge Delay............................3

    Memory Performance Enhance [Normal]

    xDDR2 Overvoltage Control [+0.3v]
    xPCI-E Overvoltage Control [+0.2v]
    xFSB Overvoltage Control [+0.2v]
    x(G)MCH Overvoltage Control [+0.2v]
    xCPU Voltage Control [1.55000v]
    xNormal CPU Vcore 1.32500v

    Also, even Easytune5 wont let me overclock!. I have the lastest bios
    but I cant remember if it was in BETA form, maybe its that??
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2007
  17. NuckNFuts

    NuckNFuts Regular member

    Feb 11, 2007
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    sheeny33, if on the P965 in your sig, try to manual set most of it to make sure. Put RAM bk to 5-5-5-15 @ +.1v in 1:2 or 1:1 each to test. as well as the other mobo overvolting if trying to do 333FSB for test. Try 333x9 for an easy 3GHzat 1.4v jsut for now (dime in as before later). up the MCH and FSB to +.2 if still not cuttin' it. I know these versions dont give reported mobo volts but it should do 400 @ 1.6v on NB as did the DQ6.

    Is the +3v correct on your mobo? Mine isnt, so +3v returns 1.34 (should be 2.1v) The RAM if it gets too hot will loos performance at a tight timings so try less vdim like 4-4-4-12 @ 2.24v (reported).

    If still no go, reset cmos and dial it in again back to the basics like you did earlier. Try to stay w/ even whole # raiots (1:1, 1:2 etc.).

    Let us know if it works out.

    Good Luck!
  18. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    The very first thing you need to do is lose that high 1.55000v CPU voltage. That's the main problem. If you lower the voltage to say 1.375 or a little more, it should boot right up. I'm surprised you didn't burn out the CPU as your CPU won't tolerate that kind of voltage for very long. Maximum safe voltage is about 1.40v. Only the newer 1333MHz chips can handle 1.50v.

    Turn your DDR2 overvoltage control down to +1, your PCI-E overvoltage control to +1, your fsb overvoltage control to +1 and the MCH overvoltage control to +2 and it should work again. The fact that it still boots is a good sign. Leave everything else alone and see if it comes back up. You may need to increase your CPU voltage but do it in small steps, and keep it under a maximum of 1.40.

    One of the things I learned with my P35/E6750 build is that the bios doesn't always re-set, only it's function does. It may run slower but the next time it boots, if the CPU voltage is too high it will drop it to stock settings without changing anything in the bios. These are intelligent bios these days and they do their best to out-think you. Try what I say! It can't hurt, and it should work!

    Oh, and set your memory timings to 5-5-5-15 as well!

    Clockin On, at the Speed of Light,
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2007
  19. tinytom

    tinytom Guest

    Its been along time coming but Im still waiting for my water rig.....
    Its going in a fully modded 343b case now....
    But Im here to ask, my rig atm Im using to get my head round clocking in prep for my G0 quad is:
    P5W DH Deluxe
    PC6400 balistix
    AC7 pro (air)

    I got 400fsb at 1.475v
    Needs 1.5+ to get 410fsb giving me 3.7 should I leave it at 3.6 as 1.5v is getting a tad high now isnt it....?
  20. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    You won't have it very long at that voltage. You don't want to exceed 1.40v with an E6600! heat may not be an issue but "migration" will be. Once the cpu starts leaking between paths, it will be a real problem under load as the chip will break down.

    Clockin On at the Speed of Light,

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