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The Official OC (OverClocking) Thread!

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by Praetor, May 1, 2004.

  1. ck5134

    ck5134 Regular member

    Jun 1, 2005
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    well if your system is stable and capable of running prime then i guess youve got a good clock :)

    i guess the next thing is for you to move somewhere cooler to drop the temps lol

    i have seen ppl in other forums saying their cpu is running in the low 50's so i guess its ok, but do keep it in mind that if its running hot the life of the cpu will be diminished :(

    what ram are you using btw?

    did you have the teething probs with the msi bios until the latest release or were you one of the lucky ones?

  2. ck5134

    ck5134 Regular member

    Jun 1, 2005
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    damn i just checked my external temps and they are the same as yours, prehaps you are running hot there, your cpu voltage is lower than mine , i think mines at about 1.52v and its generation less heat. i must admit i love this vapochill micro, it keeps the temps low even under extreme loads, dropped my temps over the stock hs/fan by 12ºc when overclocked, it might be worth you removing your heatsink and giving it a fresh artic silver coating, and then burn it in for a week or so before re overclocking.

  3. skidme

    skidme Guest

    I don't think an Arctic Silver re-application is a good idea right now...The processor might still be burning in a previous application of Shin-Etsu thermal grease(whatever that is). As for my RAM, it is a piece of poo...I didn't feel like buying more ram, so I removed my GIG of PC3200 Dual Channel ram from my Compaq, and used it in my Motherboard...
    So anyway for now I am returning my comp to stock speeds. As I type this, I am running at 39*C, so that's not too bad. Oh and I also have one more question. When I OC do you think I should use CoreCenter, or do it straight from bios?
  4. ck5134

    ck5134 Regular member

    Jun 1, 2005
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    better to do it from the bios, mind you saying that with my processor clocked it doesnt always cold boot, and sometimes requires a tap of the reset switch to get it to post, but hey i dont mind that, im quite happy having to flick the reset switch to have my processor out performing an fx53's stock speeds.

    one thing i have noticed about corecenter is that it has less voltage options than the bios and offcourse you are limited to the dynamic overclocking which is only a max of 11%. there is the advantage of using the dynamic overclocking from the bios and corecenter and that is your processor onlt gets overclocked in times of heavy load. so i guess its down to personal preferance.

    so i guess its how fast you want to go / how long you want your processor to last. the choice is yours =o)>
  5. skidme

    skidme Guest

    HOLY WOW!!! Overclocking makes a huge difference in grapihcs performance. When I OC'ed my proc from BIOS by 7%, my 3dMARK05 score went from 4500 to 7317. Thats a pretty awesome difference. I think running the CPU like this might be worth the reduced life, but like you said, it only gets OC'ed in times of strain. As I write this, the temp is steady at 42*C, but checking right after the test it was 52*C. Not too bad I think. I may just leave it like this for the next few days as it's not supposed to get too hot. Also do you think I should get some more RAM, as IMO my system is mainly held back by it?
  6. djspida5

    djspida5 Member

    Aug 22, 2005
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    Hi, just a regular newbie here.

    Eh, I'm trying to OC my AMD Athlon XP 2800+ and yes, it's a barton. So, more than likely it's locked. But, yes, I'm trying to Overclock it, and I need some tips on doing so. My current system is;

    ASUS A7V400-MX Mobo
    512 DDR333 System memory
    AMD Athlon XP 2800+ Barton ver. running at 2083Mhz Vcore 1.5v FSB116Mhz
    80GB Western Digital HDD
    500 Watt Power supply

    Hmm, if I'm missing anything else, please tell me and I will post info. I tried overclocking it to 200mhz FSB, but nothing happens, the monitor light just blinks, no image on screen, as well ... Am I doing something wrong?
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2005
  7. ck5134

    ck5134 Regular member

    Jun 1, 2005
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    [bold]skidme[/bold] what memory are you running at the moment? i guess when you were manualy overclocking it was very restrictive on your memory with dividers and slack timings, if you got some nice fast geil PC4400 Ultra Platinum CAS3 , which is rated at 550mhz youll reduce the bottle neck and then youll see your system realy fly, not bad on the price dept either £127 inc vat for 1 gig of this stuff.
    even the geil PC4000 Ultra Platinum CAS2.5 is a good buy rated at 500mhz it would also reduce the bottle neck effect and be a little cheaper at £101 inc vat.

    The ASUS A7V400-MX is not an overclocking motherboard, and you can only change the external frequency (i.e. FSB) and not the multiplier. so going by this it doesnt realy matter that you have a locked core processor, the best way to do it, would be to lower your memory speed to say 133mhz in the bios , then slowly increase your fsb say in 5 mhz increments, until you find you cant boot, then drop back down 5mz and use that as your highest fsb speed, then its just getting your memory speed to its maximum, as your only running pc2700 ram i would recomend that you change it for a higher speed atleast pc3200, otherwise the memory will hold back any speed you might be able to push your cpu to. jumping to 200 fsb is a very big jump, you probibly couldnt mainly because of your memory being overclocked way out of its operational frequency range.

    good luck :)
  8. djspida5

    djspida5 Member

    Aug 22, 2005
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    Ahh, I see, thanks :D
  9. eddieo10

    eddieo10 Member

    Sep 2, 2005
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    can someone tell me what the best settings for my RAM fsb would be:

    System 2800+ barton core with locked multiplier
    standard fsb is 166 *2 to give 333mhz
    i have pc3200 ram i.e 400mhz
    Motherboard is gigabyte 7series pro2

    if i overclock the system to say 175fsb is it best to run the RAM at 100% of the fsb i.e. 350mhz so there is a 1:1 ratio between the cpu and the RAM or should i set the bios RAM speed multiplier to say 120% to get 420mhz? In other words is it best to run the ram as fast as possible or should i be trying to match the speed to that of the cpu.


  10. dan1677

    dan1677 Guest

    Not sure I need to think about OC'ing my cpu yet but I want to tinker around with it. I tried using A.I.NOS at 3% and in some games it caused the PC to turn itself off. The last thing I want to do is damage the CPU as it's just cost me £700! My current 3Dmark 03 score is 28'000 but I'm sure my system can do better. Maybe I need different ram? I currently have 4 sticks of 512mb PC3200 Crucial Non parity CL3. What ram is better that will not break the bank. Also after about 1 or 2 hours of gaming my CPU is running at about 55 degrees. Thanks all.
  11. stryker23

    stryker23 Member

    Jun 17, 2005
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    I have overclocked my Athlon XP 2600 to 2.1 I think thats at somewhere around 180x11.5 I can't exactly remember right now. I'm running it on an Abit nf7 motherboard with Mushkin 3200 ram. Is that a good overclock? Can i get it higher than that? When i tried to the computer just wouldn't start and I had to reset the cmos. I know that can't be good but what does it mean? Thanks!
  12. ck5134

    ck5134 Regular member

    Jun 1, 2005
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    have you tried putting your memory speed down to 166 and then slowly raising your fsb up in 5 mhz increments, you should hit 200mhz fsb using the memory at that speed :)
    when you reach the point that your system wont boot back the fsb off 5mhz and try running prime 95 over night to check stability
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2005
  13. stryker23

    stryker23 Member

    Jun 17, 2005
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    How do I set the memory to 166 exactly? I can set its timings to optimal which is as low as they will go, and set the ratio between the memory and the cpu to auto and I can get higher. I actually got to 210 before the computer wouldn't boot instead I got the blue screen/memory dump thing when it tried to bring the o/s up and from their I had to back it down to 198 to make it run stable with prime 95. So does this mean this is as high as I can o/c with this memory, or will it go higher if I can set the memory lower? Or will it not be worth it to have slower memory and a faster cpu? I'm pretty new to this an really just going on the very little I know, so any suggestion would be appreciated.
  14. sagara

    sagara Member

    Oct 26, 2004
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    i have a question about cpu temp's. i overclocked my amd athlon xp 2800+ (barton core) from 2.08 to 2.15 upping the fsb from 166 to 172. then i ran a stress test. i ran it for half an hour, and the hottest teh cpu diode got was 93c. the cpu sensor on the mobo never got above 65c. i was wondering if those are safe levels or not. the mobo has cpu overheating protection (it's an asus a7n8x deluxe v.2) and it has triggered before, but i don't know what the temp was. at idle it seems like it's around 50c for the mobo cpu sensor, and 67-68c for the cpu diode temp. since the mobo has the cpu overheat protection, would it be safe to try and overclock it slowly till the cpu overheats and restarts?
    oh, btw the stress test i used is called burn* or something like that. it puts 100% cpu usage untill i close it.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2005
  15. dan1677

    dan1677 Guest

    Woah! That's hot and a very quick way of killing your cpu!

    I don't know what temp my cpu gets upto when I'm rendering using 3D Studio but it gets nowhere near 93. More like 50 - 60. 93 degrees can't be good for it.
  16. skidme

    skidme Guest

    93*C??? Are you sure thats not Fahrenheit? At 93*C your comp should be way too hot for you to put ur hand in it. Try that. Also the temp sensors may have gotten messed up...
  17. ck5134

    ck5134 Regular member

    Jun 1, 2005
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    try putting the memory to 5/4 ratio with the cpu this should give you a little more overhead with the overclock. so if you have your fsb set to 200mhz the ram should be running at 160mhz therefore giving you a little more overhead if you clock is limited by your memory.

    the max i like my old barton to get to is about 65ºc as amd recomend 80ºc as the max for these chips i believe.
    get an aftermarket cpu cooler and get some case fans to get some air flow in there. it sounds like your pc's case is air tight lol
  18. sagara

    sagara Member

    Oct 26, 2004
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    the 93c is from the cpu diode, that's built into the chip. the other is what everyone else uses for the temperature, which is the sensor under the cpu. so yeah, the absolute hottest it has ever gotten is 65c i belive the safty kicks in at about 70-75c
    so i belive that it is safe for it to be running like that. since the max it ever gets under full load is 65c. actually, after cleaning it out a bit, it's running 49c from the sensor under the cpu. which is pretty cool considering that's what it does stock
    actually, the sensor under the cpu is reading 48 now under normal usage, and the cpu diode is reading 65 under normal usage. which is the same as it does stock. oh, and as for fans, i have 3 case fans, 2 psu fans, and the cpu fan
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2005
  19. ck5134

    ck5134 Regular member

    Jun 1, 2005
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    i get my temp from the cpu diode my foxconn board doesnt have a diode under the socket, using it now running prime too and idle was 32ºc under full load its topping at 43ºc (30ºc ambient)with the carnival cooler, with stock it only reached 65ºc once thats when i got the carnival.

    whats your room ambient temperature? still sounding hot

    hmmm 95ºf sounds like the proper reading thats 35ºc, 95ºc your chip will be drasticaly hurting itself, and will only run for about 6 months before popping.

    ask on the amd forums about temps, they will tell ya that
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2005
  20. sagara

    sagara Member

    Oct 26, 2004
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    well, room temp is room temp. around 75-80f right now i'm running prime 95 with the stock settings. the cpu socket is reading 53c and the cpu diode is reading 76c. i'm using stock cooling for the heatsink and such, and i have 3 case fans.

    i just opened my case and to my horror, my heatsink was choked by dust. i cleaned it out, and now under idle/normal loads, it runs at 45c and that's overclocked to 2.15. i'm testing it at 2.2ghz with 1.8v oh. i for my 2.15 setup, i had to up the voltage to 1.7 to keep it stable in prime95, any lower and it would get a rounding error. if things go well and it can pass at least the first 2 or 3 tests without getting too high, i may let it burn for 12 hours tommorow. if it ever hits 65c, i have it set to automatically shut down the computer.
    so far it's running prime95 with no problems. it's maximum cpu temp is 60c and it's stable there. i can get it cooler tommorow when i get back from school by cleaning out the heatsink a bit more
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2005

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