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The Official OC (OverClocking) Thread!

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by Praetor, May 1, 2004.

  1. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I know it's less than 2 years old, and more than one, but it's even hard to figure out exactly which Aspire 5610 model it is, as there are a bunch of them. This one seems to be a higher end one as it has a 1.73GHz T2250 Dual-Core in it with 2GB of memory, a 120GB HDD, Intel GMA 950 Graphics and an ITU V.92 Modem. It has a 945GM chipset. It's a media center laptop, but it doesn't have the built in camera. The specs I've found don't indicate what the Sound or the Lan are

    That's about all I could find out about it. The 5610 was made for a while as they came with everything from a celeron, Pentium D, Core Solo and the T series Dual Cores like what's in this one. Any insight will be greatly appreciated.

    Best Regards,
  2. sytyguy

    sytyguy Regular member

    Oct 6, 2003
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    That's weird, I've done several Vista to XP installs, and never had to wipe the drive, however, as part of the install of XP it asks if you want to delete the partition, perhaps that is what you are talking about.

    Anyway, many vendors are placing the restore of Vista as part of the Post. On booting is there anything that says something like, "System Restore"? If not, perhaps there is a D: disk.....the restore could be there.

    Good luck.
  3. Pepp77

    Pepp77 Regular member

    Dec 25, 2007
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  4. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Everytime I've tried (twice), it tells me that the operating system I am trying to install is older than the current version of windows and won't let me continue! Something like that, anyway!

    Wiping the drive, erased everything on it and there was only one partition on the drive according to Acronis. There is no system restore, only F2 for the setup and F12 for the boot menu.

    Tell you what, I wouldn't have Vista if M$ paid me! My next door neighbor has it and when he put in a new hard drive he had to call M$, because M$ had to OK the new drive! It's bad enough that M$ now determines what you can and can not send and receive via e-mail. Gina sent me some software (not M$ or M$ related) the other day and Hotmail permanently blocked it as unsafe, which is BS! It was a trial version of Extreme Movie Manager! It went right through on my Netscape account! I also strongly suspect that they also scan your hard drive looking for specific files and then deletes them without your knowledge. They just disappear! I had some "suspect" (if you get my drift) software on my computer and it just vanished like a fart in the wind. I put it back in my software folder on the hard drive and it vanished again, a couple of days later. I have a firewall/Router, so It's got to be M$. Hey, if Sony can buy off Warner Bros with $400 million dollars and kill Toshiba's HD/DVD right out in the open and public, anything is possible. Warner Bros were suckers as they could have gotten a lot more out of Sony. My neighbor has one of those Blew-Ray pieces of junk (a Sony) and it takes about 30 minutes of fiddling with it to get it to work. His came with a demo DVD, and half the time it fails the authentication, which is rediculous!

    Yes I did and most of the places that say they have them don't. I've also discovered that Driverguide doesn't make everything available to their free accounts. You have to have a paid account in order to access everything. I've been a member for years, and I told them under no uncertain terms what they could do with my membership! LOL!! Thanks for thinking of me though, I appreciate it.

    Best Regards,
  5. Pepp77

    Pepp77 Regular member

    Dec 25, 2007
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    The first link is Acers own driver page for the laptop - all the drivers download directly when you choose them from the drop down list. You may have to trial and error the lan drivers for example but the correct one should be there.
  6. sytyguy

    sytyguy Regular member

    Oct 6, 2003
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    I forgot you have Acronis. I always backup Vista with Acronis' boot disc prior to installing XP, mainly because of the problems you are now encountering (I've had them also). Food for thought!
  7. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    well ive tried everything i can think of to try and control my fans some how. Pepp your thought of useinf easy tune put a idea in my crazy little brain.
    i put easy tune on here open'd it up went to smart fan and it only shows my CPU fan. nothing else. and once again i cant control iot from there.

    so i go into PC health it shows 3 fans and there speeds even has a a up and down button to change the speed. so i think cool i got it. changed them a couple hundred RPMs hit save. went to click on the big RED go button. nothing happend still no change.

    in easy tune it shows all the volts, fan speeds, and temps. 3 of the speeds it is showing is putting up a warning signal.anyone got any idea on this?
    here is screen shots of easy tune.

    speed fan

    i like the looks of that 3707 up top of easy tune...lol

    are you sandra stable on your rig? mines not. it is stable in orthos,everest. not sandra
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2008
  8. Pepp77

    Pepp77 Regular member

    Dec 25, 2007
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    Russ - thats the version of Easy tune I tried - no matter what I set those figures at the fan stayed the same. Ive currently got it set to the bottom twoas 50% and 15C and the top two at 100% at 20C - fan is turning at 360 RPM lol an the CPU temp is 23/24 (Core 1 and 2 @ 43 and 44), motherboard at 39 - these are idle temps. Ive now tried 3 versions of Easy tune and although the manual and the pics on line show better fan settings none of the versions Ive tried have had it.

    As for the warnings they are flashing because the fans are going slower than the limit set under PC Health settings. You can change these to anything so they are kinda pointless.

    Edit - have done a bit more fiddling in the BIOS - decreased the CPU Voltage from 1.3 to 1.25 and Im now getting the following temps:-

    New Temps

    My room according to my temp gauge is 2 degrees lower than last night.

    Edit 2 - Rob Ive found how to control the fans speed using Speedfan - but havent worked out how to have it temp controlled see this link:-


    Edit Again :- After using the info in the above link and playing around with the temp and speed settings - I think Ive now got the two PWM fans under temp control. I changed the Speed01 speed to min 30 and max 75 and the Speed02 speed to min 30 max 100 and clicked automaticaly variated and now when idle both fans show 30%, however if I start Orthos both fans jump to their max speed settings within 10 secs. This has the CPU at 1450RPM and the other thrre fans at between 1000-1200RPM temps were 41 for motherbaord, 39 for CPU (57 and 58 for core 1 and core 2) after 10 mins or so at load.

    Now its just a case of working out exactly what speeds and temps to set for best optimumisation.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2008
  9. abuzar1

    abuzar1 Senior member

    Jan 5, 2005
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  10. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    i read that link. the last post in there suits me. as he has the same board i do the GA-P35-DS2R. i dotn have the P35C.
    none of those tricks/tips work with this board. as i said i think the only way to control my fans are to hook them up to a fan controller of some sort.

    i think i might take my puter down stairs its a good 15-20 degrees cooler down there. we have a dehumidifier going down there so it is moist air as Russ say's. the onlything i have no internet access down there. so i might need to go wireless. get me a router and wireless card for the new build.

    if i do go that way with the wireless router do they share they bandwidth
  11. Pepp77

    Pepp77 Regular member

    Dec 25, 2007
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    Well Ive been fiddling around and Ive found out the fan speeds appear to increase decrease depending on the motherboard reading (as in Everest) Temp 1 on Speedfan.

    Ive set Speedfan to run the CPU fan at 70% which makes it turn at about 1400RPM and the side fan is running at 850RPM. This has given me the following temps after 35 mins of Orthos and whilst playing an avi file at 1366x768 resolution.

    Motherboard - 39-42 Currently 39
    CPU - 38-42 Currently 38
    Core 1 - 56-59 Currently 56
    Core 2 - 57-60 Currently 58

    One other thing I have now changed my RAM timings to their rated timings of 4-4-4-12 Ive upped the VDimm by 0.2V from stock (1.85 it seems this was) and even though they say 2.1V for these timings Ive been stable and Everest shows them at 1.87V
  12. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    ok fellas my rig just crashed. it frooze up then rebooted then shut down again in mid restart. then started up. once windows opend i got a pop up saying the CPU had a error and wanted to know if i wanted to start in default... said yes and now im back to factory settings. 3.0ghz
  13. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    ok heres what i got
    CM RC-690
    SEAGATE 250GB 16MB cache
    CM extreme power 500w psu
    CM hyper tx2 cooler
    crucial ballistic DDR2-1066 (PC2-8500)

    4 SALE
  14. tripplite

    tripplite Guest


    so windows boots up and everything is fine correct? im not sure if your still running into the problems you had in your previous post?

    does it support ATA (IDE), or is it just pure SATA?

    btw: ditch the new sig, danasoft ones aren't original any more (my opinion) , and i really liked the old one!
  15. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    yea if i try and use the ide to sata conector the 100gb hdd doesnt show up any where. but when i use the pci-e x1 connector it see's the hdd in windows but still not in my bios.

    the 250gb hdd is a true sata.
  16. NuckNFuts

    NuckNFuts Regular member

    Feb 11, 2007
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    @ cincyrob, The P35-DS3R is essentially the same as the P35C-DS3R only being DDR3 2 slot compatable or 4 slot DDR2 and thus having a slightly enhanced PWR and BIOS for improved RAM sub timing control to work on DDR3. Rev 1.x does not have any BIOS save profile options like the non C is said to have. Of corse I baught that mobo almost a yearr ago. Maybe a BIOS update will provide it. Who knows of this? Somebody on here got the C version.

    Russ; just from what I read on the Acer site, they are using Intel for wireless, and almost al 945 mobiles I worked on are fitted only with G as standard so Look for Intel Pro Wireless 3945ABG. Mine is running N so it is Intel 4965AGN and is same even for PM945 Sant Rosa model I got last yr. Of corse you will not have onboard FD so you will need USB FD since XP cannot search for any other sorce for Intel iOstar AHCI/RAID drivers. you need (from Intel deirecly) mobile 945GH for the Intel 82801GBM/GHM ICH7-M non RAID AHCI south bridge controller. but 1st and foremost, for audio (whatever audio codec you have), will need to download and have ready, Microsoft UAA Bus Driver for HD Audio. The KB hotfix for audio codec, KB888111 hotfix Go here for the Intel Chipset & Graphics---

    This will get you online to use Windos Update or Everest to determine more device details and maybe direct driver downloads. Chipset, + graphcs, = Wi-Fi will get you there. Keep in mind the UAA Bus Driver is a microft validated update and is available to valid Windows users and is hard to, but ca, be found on the net.

    Try this for one sorce of UAA Download ==

    I will ask around for more on PCMCIA and card reader but that may very well be the same for Vista x86 (trial & error).

    Hope I helped!
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2008
  17. tripplite

    tripplite Guest

    am a tad slow today, are you selling that stuff, if so where? im in desperate need of a new hdd?
    like nucknfuts said, reflashing it is almost bulletproof, when my bios throws a fit (crashes at boot,wont bring up details) i just pop in my backup disc with the latest version and BAM problem solved;)
  18. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Thank you very much. I appreciate your efforts on my behalf.

    Best Regards,
  19. NuckNFuts

    NuckNFuts Regular member

    Feb 11, 2007
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    Anybody here OC'n w/inux kubuntu v7.10 x64? How stable and how many drivers are to be found for a medium to high end PC based on P35/x38 Intel on AHCU/RAID and nVidia GPU (single, non SL) system? I found very for my old nForce4-SLI I was gonna use for testing rig, but willing to use old E6600 on P35 ASUS P5K Deluxe (P35 based) or is this gonna be to modern for open sorce driver support? I never ran any version of Linux so this is a first trial and now I need to run some DATA recovery apps from damaged Microsoft HDD corruption.

    Thanx in advance!
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2008
  20. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    whats a normal temp for a GPU? mines at 50c, is that a little warm?

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