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The Official OC (OverClocking) Thread!

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by Praetor, May 1, 2004.

  1. core2kid

    core2kid Regular member

    Jun 9, 2007
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    How old are you! Lol.
  2. abuzar1

    abuzar1 Senior member

    Jan 5, 2005
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    He is reaching his Third century by now.

    He was pretty excited when they came out with Trains.
  3. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I'm in my 7th decade! I'll be 64 in June! Very progressive! I only quit Hang Gliding about 2 years ago, and Sky Diving about 3 years ago. I'm sitting here listening to a mix of Kansas and Alan Parsons Project, and yes I am a Rocker! Rap is a "Hanging" offense in my house! LOL!! Says so on the sign on the door, just below the noose!

    As far as trains go, I only got pretty excited when I discovered girls when I was 10, so trains were Ho-Hum! My first real girlfriend and I are still friends today, and have been close friends for almost 54 years!LOL!!

    Contrary to popular belief, I didn't invent dirt or fire! LOL!! The first computer I ever saw was at Sperry-Rand in the 50's! They had a whole room full of vacuum tubes and enough air conditioning to cool a large apartment building! LOL!!

    Best Regards,
  4. marsey99

    marsey99 Regular member

    Aug 13, 2006
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    like sam said the 650 was quite warm, but this is just as warm for me and im sure its on less voltage but gigabyte have a daft way of setting them in the bios +.3 k but wtf an i adding .3v to? anyway even tho this is now on "normal" voltage to the chipset it still runs at about the same temps as the650 did and that was 1.56v min or 1.7v for bench runs.

    i didnt have to even touch the chipset till i was over 500fsb and even then its only normal???? +.1v and that took me to 525. as i was so happy with what it did to that point i didnt really try too hard when it started to fight back.

    2 things do stand out as negatives for me with it tho, firstly the vdoop, but this could be my now aging 600w psu. then theres the memory controller, it is really limited compared to the 650 with the multipliers i can use, the 650 had dozens of div/multis but this only has about 8. not a real big issue but it just means i have to run 1:1.

    heating was on for the load and the room and case temps were both up 1c.

    mem reads just under 10k writes just over 11k and copies just over 9k

    im happy for 24/7 clocks
  5. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    grab a voltage monitoring program like everest and see what your 12V rail is at, that way you can determine whether it's the PSU or the Vregs on the motherboard.
  6. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    My Vdroop amounts to 3/100 of a volt, so I consider that negligible. My only experience with the 650 was bad so I really can't comment much on it. I remember you had to set things a bit higher to get the exact speeds you wanted. I had to set the memory speed a couple of clicks above 800MHz to get it to show an actual 800MHz both in the post and CPUz That was on a P5N-e. While the adjustments for setting the memory speed were many, it also had a ton of Black holes with the E4300. Strangely, the chipset ran quite cool at 3.0GHz Still does in fact! Gina says the chipset runs at 32-33C, while Sam's ran very hot in the mid 70C range, yet the MB reported the temp as 28C. 28C will not burn your hand, 75C will! My Chipset temp is around 43C, but I'm looking to lower that in a couple of days after I install the Enzotech CNB-R1 and the present 40MM Antek fan. I'll soon find out! LOL!!

    Your build looks very good. I wish you good luck with it.

    Best Regards,
  7. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    The board claimed to be 43C just like my P35 and X38 boards do. Thing is, the Gigabyte boards are about right whereas the Asus definitely wasn't. To make a big overclock I remember having to overvolt the northbridge loads. You would think that would be why it got so hot and ultimately met its demise, but even setting all the voltages (CPU included) back to stock, it still ran just as hot...
  8. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    That's why I'm still puzzled. Gina's not only ran much cooler at 32-33C, it wasn't hot to the touch. I didn't own a thermal probe then, but I could touch it with the back of my hand without any discomfort. I just wonder why Hers runs so cool, when so many other peoples run so hot. She has to be the Queen of Procrastinators! She still hasn't sent that defective Seagate 160. I made the mistake of telling her that the warranty was 5 years so now it will probably sit for another 4 years or so! LOL!!

    With mine running at 2.66GHz and only 1 stick of 512MB/667 ram my temps are also the same. I disabled the CPU clock control, set the memory control to auto and the voltages to auto, and the temps are exactly the same. I just pray that the new Dominators pass Memtest86! I'm not going to be a very happy camper if they don't. The G.Skills I had wouldn't even pass at 880MHz I had hundreds of errors. All of them in Test 5. Newegg picked up the tab for the shipping, so I'm not losing anything this time. I have them all packed up and the UPS stuff attached so I'll take them to the office tomorrow and send them back. Takes about 3-4 days to get the credit on the credit card. I just hope I get the Rebate on the Dominators, as that's $40 to the good, making them just $54 for the pair. I don't think that my E6750 will run much above 3.6GHz. I guess I just got one of the lesser CPUs. Somebody has to, but why me! LOL!! It took far too much voltage for it to hit 4.0GHz to begin with at 1.57v. never again! I'm thinking of trying 514x7 for the fsb which would get the memory to 1000MHz and the CPU to 3598MHz. Still, it manages 33,000+ MIPS at 3.6GHz so I'm not complaining. I know the CPU runs fine at 3.6 as I ran the Gromacs test on the CPU for a couple of hours with no errors. It only crashed when I added the memory to the test! I may even go back to the F10 bios as I went from F9 to F11. GigaByte calls for the F10 bios for mu CPU. We'll see! I'm going to clear the CMOS and start from scratch, with the voltages at default. I would like to be able to drop the voltage a bit as I'm not real thrilled with 1.47v, and see how far it OC's. Stay tuned!

    Best Regards,
  9. marsey99

    marsey99 Regular member

    Aug 13, 2006
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    f11 or f10 i think is what they recommend for my cpu too but it shipped with f7 and its working fine so it can stay as is.

    to get 4.2ghz i had to set it to 1.44v, this came down to 1.4v idle and 1.36v under load. i told myself i wasnt going above 1.4v and in a roundabout way i stuck to it.


    sam ty for that, the weird thing is everest says the 12 5 and 3.3v lines are all running a little bit higher than they did when it was plugged into the p5n? in that it reported them just bellow and now they read just above???
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2008
  10. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Different accuracy of the sensors maybe...

    As for the king of procrastinators, I've got two HDDs still yet to be RMAed...
  11. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    All of those programs are like that to a degree, depending on the MB, and some times even the installation. I can't get any temperature readings at all with Sandra, Speed fan doesn't work right either. The regular 420 version of Everest doesn't report my voltages right. Both the 420 Corporate edition and now 450 Ultimate edition do. I've updated some drivers, so maybe that's the reason as the 450 Ultimate Edition didn't read right back when I first installed it on this MB. maybe it's upgrades I get from time to time with the Ultimate Edition. Whatever it is it works fine now and agrees with my Thermal Probe pretty much within a degree or so. I'm anxious to see how the Enzotech cooler will do on the NB! My memory just got here. So did my Boss, who's late! LOL!! What else is new! GTG!

    Best Regards,
  12. NuckNFuts

    NuckNFuts Regular member

    Feb 11, 2007
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    Also run OCCT for at least 10min in center blend to see graph for vdroop of all 3 main rails under loading too. Lot of PSU's ping higher when idle to make up for this, But some older ASUS, I used, tend to vboost to also make up for it too so it's good to know ahead of time.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2008
  13. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    What revision is your Motherboard? Judging by the bios revision you mentioned It should be a Rev. 1.0 or a 2.0. I'm super careful about that because I ran into that situation one time when BioStar accidentally got their revisions mixed up between the GeForce 6100-M9 and the TForce 6100. When I flashed the bios, the MB wouldn't boot. They did overnight me a MB though, so it wasn't really a problem for me. You just have to be carefull and make sure you have the right bios for your MB revision.

    Best Regards,
  14. core2kid

    core2kid Regular member

    Jun 9, 2007
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    Ok, so the overclocking the RAM went as such.
    The OCZ RAM is actually not supported by my board correctly. It only works if I use the Adata RAM and set the speed at 800MHz and turn it off and install the OCZ.
    Both RAMs overclock at the most of 855MHz at 2.00v. (Original is 1.8 and 2.1)

    Now what I want to do is sell either the Adata or OCZ and get 1 set of 4GB alone. Either the Crucial Ballistix or Patriot or some good brand that my board supports.

    Why does my motherboard, Asus P5K-E Wifi/AP have RAM compatibility issues? My BIOS is updated to the Latest. Any 3rd Party BIOS's that I could use on this board?
  15. marsey99

    marsey99 Regular member

    Aug 13, 2006
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    is that a g/p33? the mem controller is the reason if it is, they can only handle low desity ic chips and im pretty sure they dont like it with 4 dual sided sticks too.

    russ its a 2.0 with only the usb on the io. from what i have read these seem to be the best version as these nb are doing 600fsb, they put the same version in the ds2r for a bit and i have seen a couple of them doing 600fsb too. mine only needed stock volts till i hit 500fsb, over the moon :D

    as for the 650/mem thing. mine would do as it was told with the fsb/mem speeds if i had worked out the divider first if my math was of slighlty then it would work around my settings to give me the closest speeds with the dividers it could use. if i had it set too 400fsb and ddr800 it was laughing on a 1:1 or 400fsb to ddr1000 it was 4:5 but 420fsb with ddr1000 would give me a daft 13:16 or somthing and drop the ram to ddr991ish (last 1 is a guess so it most likly is wrong). what i dont like about this is the way ist 2.0 2.4 3.0 4.0 and it really limits how i can run the ram.i cant just raise it slowly to see how far i can go and it makes the whole ballencing act of finding the sweetspot for my oc even harder. dont even ask about the pcie either coz that really blows wont even post past 110 but the 650 was laughing all the way upto 130.

    i guess thats the trade off tho, lost some mem and pcie bandwidth but gained lots of raw cpu power due to the extra i can oc.
  16. NuckNFuts

    NuckNFuts Regular member

    Feb 11, 2007
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    Are you trying to overclock the rest of the system with 4 slots occupied? This is a big issue on many chipsets, even the top end mobos. It is a major chipset stress load for any system to have to address at stock, so imaging overclocked. You should decide if you need a server with 4+ GB RAM or a overclocking gaming rig w/ 2gb stable.

    You can balance it out somewhere inbetween, but not gonna' get both. You might have some luck on an ASUS w/ 2x 2g sticks more over 4x 1g for a mild OC but w/ loose timings, and especially the trfc to 50~55 if available in your BIOS. If not, OCZ 2x 2g kits (recent releases, come spd programed to trfc 50 for 4 gb config. It just stresses the overall system so mobo volts need to be increased and timings relaxed to keep it stable. OCZ makes some fo the better kits for 2x 2g and able to mild OC. I did get OCZ Platinum PC2-6400 to DDR1000 (trfc 42) @ 2.2v so it just depends on the rest of the OC. 1:2 @ 250FSB or 1:1 as 500 is best.

    If for real gaming and overclocking, stick to 2x 1gb kits of PC2-8500 for best room to play. Use them as DDR800 or go for 1200 if you system can take it.
  17. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    I heard about there being issues with heavy overclocks with all slots filled. Is this only if you're overclocking the memory? Because I've pulled a 75% overclock on my CPU which methinks is as far as the CPU can go before I go too far beyond 1.4V and have no problemd with all four memory slots filled, and that's been on two separate motherboards now.
  18. marsey99

    marsey99 Regular member

    Aug 13, 2006
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    yes sam, 4 dimms can reduce the highest frequncy you will hit on your ram but it can also drop your highest fsb too. it depends on the fsb your pulling, 75% on the 4300 isnt massive compared to what some people are pulling today.
  19. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    That makes sense. So if I was to get a Q6600 my overclock could be stunted by the fact that I'd have 4 sticks of RAM? Bear in mind I'd only be looking for somewhere along the lines of 3.4Ghz tops.
  20. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    a person needs to be able to run orthos or OCCT before they can actually say their OC is stable. mine would boot and perform everday tasks just fine at considerable lower vcore and NB voltages but to run orthos or OCCT, I had to raise both voltages.

    I had my E6600 OC'ed to 3.6ghz at 1.425 vcore and although it would perform everyday tasks and dvd-rb/cce just fine, it was not orthos or OCCT stable at that vcore.

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