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The Official OC (OverClocking) Thread!

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by Praetor, May 1, 2004.

  1. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    my tjunction is 100 according to coretemp - notably 15 higher than the 85 tjunction cpus. Given that speedfan is exactly 15C lower than Coretemp, who's right?
  2. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Hell, all the major MB manufacturers websites are slow! Asus takes an eternity and BioStar is just as slow as Gigabye's! The only really quick one seems to be DFI's!

    Hey, Dig this! People are willing to pay me $150 to $200 to convert their desktops from Vista to XP! The shops are outrageous! $85 per hour with a 2 hour minimum! I have people calling me to do laptops and I just say, "No Thanks"! The desktops are hard enough, but a lot easier than the laptops. I just heard that Vista, as we know it will be dead soon! To salvage something out of all the millions of dollars M$ has invested in it M$ has decided to do a Vista type XP called naturally, XP Vista. It's supposed to do away with all the excess BS that Vista gives you, like all the icons in the control panel that are confusing as hell and go back to what works. The hardware security will be gone too! No more having to call M$ everytime you want to add nenory or a hard drive. I just don't see the need for 20 or so more additional icons that do the same thing as the 37 or so I have now. They were even stupid enough to name a lot of them unfamiliar names so you have to sit there and scratch your head. It's just plain confusing I think getting trounced very badly by XP-Pro SP3 in a performance shoot out recently had a lot to do with it. One of the Railroad Engineers has invested in M$ for many years and is now a major stockholder, so that's where that came from! The public is just fed up with all the problems and the security crap. To have to call M$ every time you want to put new hardware in it is ridiculous! People are even threatening to sue M$ over the problems that M$ created in the first place. Bury it right next to Blew-Ray! LOL!! SP3 cures a lot of minor glitches in XP and it's the best XP yet. I've never see my old Dell P-III laptop run so speedy! M$ has done a good job since the computer didn't get any faster sitting there on the shelf! LOL!! The improvement in throughput on something old like that is is nothing short of amazing! Here's hoping!

    Best Regards,
  3. marsey99

    marsey99 Regular member

    Aug 13, 2006
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    russ you should be making hay whilst the sun shines m8 :D

    sam, errm i dont know?? i had the same thoughts with mine.


    core temp is ment to be the most accurate for 65s and realtemp for 45s....
    Last edited: May 2, 2008
  4. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    It's absolutely got to be wrong! There's just no way any air cooler could keep up with those kind of temps! That's 160 degrees F! I heat handpiece turbines in an oven that's precisely controled to 140F to cure the loctite that keeps the bearings secure, and I pick the turbines out of there with a paper towel as it hurts to pick them up with your bare hand! and that's 20F cooler than the temps that are being reported for Sam's cores! The tips of the heat pipes would have to be uncomfortably warm, and I would be real cautious poking my fingers around where the heat pipes come out of the base of the cooler. The air coming out of the exhaust fans would be pretty hot too! Hey, if the heats in there, it's got to go come out! LOL!! Even the NB would be running much hotter, as there's a bunch or metal connections between the NB and the CPU socket! I know that with mine if this Enzotach CNB-R1 does the job Nuck tells me it will on mine, my idle temps should drop pretty close to room temp!

    With the Vista to XP thing, the funny part is that these cheap machines like what WalMart sells, people are willing to spend the money because they can't get a new computer cheaper than paying me to convert it to XP-Pro. Most are past the refund stage with WalMart, but still under warranty and none of the manufacturers will do anything for them. They just say it' not a problem with the computer, it's a problem with vista! and they won't do a thing! Never mind that they allowed M$ to blackmail them into Vista for all these cheap computers in the first place. With the laptop, Acer was very candid. If Acer didn't supply a certain percentage of vista machines to the public, No OEM Software! Hard as hell to sell a computer with no OS installed! They've blackmailed the OEM Motheboard manufacturers the same way! They won't even allow them to supply any support for XP, no drivers, no nothing. When Foxcon, the largest motherboard manufacturer in the world has to bend to M$'s will, that says something. I went to Foxcon for drivers for the eMachine and easily located the MB! All I could get was the bios! All they will say on the phone is that supplying them would violate their agreement with M$! I already know M$ is invading my privacy! I did a little experiment a few weeks ago and made a folder named Crack Files on my hard drive with a bunch of random cracks I downloaded from the internet in it, and in less than a week, the folder was empty. Since Kaspersky didn't squeal, and with M$ being the only one who can get past my hardware firewall/router and Kaspersky, I have to believe it could only be M$ doing it! They are the only ones with the backdoor key and can get in your computer without you knowing it anytime they want! Plus, why would anyone else want to! They're the only ones with that kind of access! Bastards! I have filed a complaint with the State Attorney Generals Office for invasion of privacy!

    Edit Now I know for sure those temps for the cores are wrong! You can't hold you hand under the faucet for long and it's hot enough to be more than uncomfortable. It won't burn your skin, but you couldn't keep the back of your hand there long. I have a Weksler scientific mercury thermometer that's guaranteed to be accurate to within a degree. The water temperature coming out of the faucet is exactly 124F! I rest my case! LOL!! 160F is impossible with a 42C CPU!

    Best regards,
    Last edited: May 2, 2008
  5. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    It doesn't seem to have sunk in yet. These are the CORE temps. The temperature of the die is only 42 degrees.
  6. marsey99

    marsey99 Regular member

    Aug 13, 2006
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    im not sure if any software read the cores on my 43 right you know. i never had a cpu temp above 45c but cores could hit 70+. i have already had the cpu read about the same with the cores 20c lower on this 8200.

    under load this is about cores-10c=cpu the 4300 could have a 30c differnce, it doesnt make sense to me.

    having said that i do think my 4300 is a freak, its upstairs now in my lads system running stock on 0.912v.
    Last edited: May 2, 2008
  7. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I'm talking about the difference between the cores and the die! If the cores were that hot it wouldn't be 42C, it would be at least 60C and you would be throwing a noticeable amount of heat out the exhaust. Laying your wrist on the heat pipes on top of the CPU cooler would burn you and leave red marks on your arm! The higher the temps get the closer the cores and CPU get in temperature. I know your cooler is one of the best, but it just isn't capable of staying "Pleasantly Warm" with that kind of heat! No air cooler is! If it was that hot for real, where is the heat going? You would have to find it somewhere! I know you run you fans real slow, so the air coming out should be extremely warm, and I'll bet the farm that it isn't! When I had heat issues with the MB temp it was 49C and gave me problems when the CPU got too warm. After I added the NB fan, that dropped the MN temp 12C to 37C. I've only seen 62C on the cores once since then and the house was 30C at the time, on a hot day in the 90s! The MB was at 43C! The air coming out of the rear of the computer was pretty hot too! I have to believe that the temps you are seeing are wrong! Your NB temp would be much higher in spite of the cooler on it due to heat migration from the CPU! Usually it's the other way round, the NB heat raises the CPU temp, at least with the P-35 chipset it does. It's been my findings that the later versions of Everest are pretty accurate. Version 4.50 added support for the P35/G35 chipsets and I have version 4.50.1330 I believe the everest readings because of the lack of external heat. At those temps it should be quite warm.

    Best Regards,
  8. marsey99

    marsey99 Regular member

    Aug 13, 2006
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    russ these thermalright blowers seem to be able to do magical things mate, my "cpu is below ambient??? in a 22c room and a 24/25c case less than 5 min after a 45min cod4 session this is what i get;
    now its still 10c high on the cores but the cpu/mobo match the bios/any other temp app i have used.

    as for sam, well i think his 4300 is as abnormal as mine is the more i read about it.

    3.2ghz/ddr1000 for silent running over night, torr*cough*ents*cough*
    Last edited: May 2, 2008
  9. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Ultra 120s are better than a lot of people give them credit for! :)

    RealTemp, out of interest tells me my TJMax is 85, not 100, and that my cores are currently 27, as does Speedfan. Coretemp? 42...
  10. marsey99

    marsey99 Regular member

    Aug 13, 2006
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    is it the latset speedfan/coretemp/realtemp?

    tbh i would belive the 2 over the 1 but...if they are right it would mean your 78c was 63c which seems more normal.


    i think it was coretemp 95.4 that i was using when it said mine hit 70+?
    Last edited: May 2, 2008
  11. shaffaaf

    shaffaaf Regular member

    Jan 5, 2008
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    never rely on one software to give you the temps, it could be wrong.

    i use 4.

    the asus suite, everest, hardwaremonitor and coretemp all are within 2-3 degres of each other underload and ide within 1 of eathother
  12. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    All program versions are latest, I checked.
  13. marsey99

    marsey99 Regular member

    Aug 13, 2006
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    your right sam its 1 of the top 5 air coolers in my book. after giving a bit of thought, in your case and with the relativly low volts i know you like to use, i think 27c is more realistic than 42c for an idle core temp.
  14. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    thanks for info on real temp but know who/what do I believe. real temp shows my cores to be 10c cooler. real temp shows the TjMax to be 95c while core temp shows it to be 105c. so what is the correct TjMax for my E3110? an older version of core temp showed the TjMax at 100c and it reported my core temps 5c lower than everest. it would be nice to know which one was right.

    if anybody finds the correct TjMax for an E3110 please let me know.
    Last edited: May 2, 2008
  15. core2kid

    core2kid Regular member

    Jun 9, 2007
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    How is this video card and its overclocking capabilities?
    I hear they get really hot and sometimes overheat. Is $34 on Buy.com a good price? How is it compared to a x1650 512MB and a 6800GT 256MB. I wanna be able to run Bioshock on High if possible.
  16. abuzar1

    abuzar1 Senior member

    Jan 5, 2005
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    A 2600XT is a pretty good card, for 34 dollars it's pretty damn good. Better than a 6800GT or a X1650.

    Of course an 8800GTS is only 85 dollars and much better.
  17. core2kid

    core2kid Regular member

    Jun 9, 2007
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    That's where I'm confuesd. Should I just wait for the dropping 8800 and 9600 prices or should I jump on this. I really don't play games that much but when I do I am really into seeing the details well otherwise I don't enjoy the game. Also drivers, I really hate ATI drivers.
  18. marsey99

    marsey99 Regular member

    Aug 13, 2006
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    from what i have read all 45nm chips have a Tj of 95c and so far only real temp knows that, i would imagine its the same on the zeons.

    the info might be in one of the data sheets @

    the guy over at xs made realtemp due to them having the different tj and all the missreads that were happening when they first came out. i do trust what is said over on those forums as incorect info soon gets removed/edited.
  19. PeaInAPod

    PeaInAPod Active member

    Nov 28, 2005
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    Yeah I know that many have been able to hit 3.4Ghz easily but as I have found out my board(Asus P5N32-E SLI) is a rebadged Striker Extreme = Good. But Asus never fixed the GTL-Voltage issue that was discoverd = Bad. So all other boards like eVGA's 680i A1 boards and others that follow nVidia's refernce design have the issues fixed and can attain stability easier with Quads than with boards from Asus which don't have this issue fixed.


    Thansk for the compliment :) Yeah picked the case up for like US $100 dollars off Newegg on Black Friday morning this past year(2007).


    I think it would be good for office build because it is really elegant you know? Brushed steel and aluminum with a glossy black front. The case is VERY quiet, now I have 2 7900 GS's running along with a harddrive cooling fan and I have my CPU HsF on the higher end of the fans spin rate. So it seems to slightly overpower the soundproofing material that CoolerMaster lined the case with, but with say a less "gameresque" platform, something more business like the case would be near dead silent. And the eSata cable is just a pass-through cable which you must hook up to a internal SATA port. SO any eSata case would probably require the case to have a power brick.


    I have left the PC running torrents, and various other apps for 24 hours without a freeze-up or glitch. So I am going to stress test with Prime95 for 14-24 hours report back with the temps and whether or not it crashed. Wish me luck :)
  20. NuckNFuts

    NuckNFuts Regular member

    Feb 11, 2007
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    Core Temp 0.98.1 is out now as of 04-24-08. I took a look myself and it reads cores a tad lower the each Everest v4.50.1330 and ASUS PC ProbeII v1.04.29. Everest also appears to read a tad behind and almost 1c higher then PC ProbeII. It does catch up though. The CoreTemp core (all 4 averaged) readings are closer to BIOS core averaged reading though. Everest tends to overread these by at least 2c.

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