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The Official OC (OverClocking) Thread!

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by Praetor, May 1, 2004.

  1. NuckNFuts

    NuckNFuts Regular member

    Feb 11, 2007
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    YES, all your old stuff right down to the PSU will be fine. You get big feature like Gigabit LAN, Hyper Path, (the !865PE Sprindale version of !875P Canrterwoods PAT)PRB (Prescott multiplier unlock to 14x and wide range up/down for Extreme cores),ICH5R & Promise TX2 SATA+PATA multi RAID 0/1/0+1, 4x/8x AGP (1.5v only), DDR2100 to DDR600 (DDR500 above through overclocking). FSB 100-400 w/ 300 easy w/ good CPU/RAM, onboard Firewire, USB 2.0, integrated Alco 5.1 audio codec. This is speaking of the base model, There is an X, SE, VM, and the top of the line -E Deluxe, almost as god as the P4C800-E Deluxe it was binned from only lacking true Intel CSA Gigabit LAN & ECC RAM support. It really is the best bacng for th dollar if you will not upgrade for a stretch of time. You'll spend more on a new game then you may for this used mobo.

    Does this help a little?
  2. marsey99

    marsey99 Regular member

    Aug 13, 2006
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    sry its taken me nearly 5 mins to stop laughing, yea it was abit of a flame fest but it was also a very good place to compare how well each did and their relative strgths and weakness'

    it was about this time in 06 i think and i remmeber sombody being an ardent amd fan who was never going to have another intel, it wont be long and youll have a nvidia card too eh sam :p (come to the dark side we have cookies :D)

    the main problem i saw with that thread was people got to personal about it (that being they took it as an attack on them,not the people who made the pc componants) and that was the problem.

    right back to topic, overclocking.....
  3. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Sorry what?
    you have to remember back in 06 I thought hypertransport and hyperthreading were the same thing...
    Boy have I learnt a lot in the past two years.

    To be quite honest, moving to nvidia will require money, even if I get some back from selling one or both 3870s. Right now, paling though it is compared to some, I'm in a pretty nasty financial crisis, and can't justify spending another penny on my PC for quite some time. (What happens if you max all three of your overdrafts and then discover you're not exempt from council tax after all? Yup). Given that catalyst 8.4 has made crossfire slightly less bunk, I think I may be keeping these cards for quite some time. If they still work by then of course.
  4. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    LOL!! If you made a claim without backing it up it was like all the wolves showed up at the same time! ROFL!! They were ready to tear you apart and carve you a new one, right next to the old! LOL!!

    Different forum but same thread, but do you remember the hoopla over the temps on my 965P/E4300. Proof wasn't asked for, it was demanded! When I did all that was asked and submitted the pic, I didn't think and deleted the DVDRB screen to make the pic a bit smaller, and had to do it all over again! LOL!! After I did it all again and submitted the pics, I never heard another word about my low temps after that! ROFLMAO!! Great bunch of folks though! Like you say, I do miss it! Nothing like fierce friendly competition! LOL!!

    Best Regards,
  5. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    It does get a bit silly sometimes, but I suppose if someone posts something surprising, it doesn't get accepted at the drop of a hat. Sometimes I think some people take it too far though, and they know who they are.
  6. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    What are you getting at??

    You know as well as some others that I believe everything you guys post and state it as gospel. :) j/k... I'm still learning and even tho I sorta know the difference between hyper-threading and hyper-transporting there is so much I don't have a clue about that it's just staggering. :D

    I try to help when I can and it's not much really but I read the OC thread and the PC build thread every day.. it seems to be helping but at times I wonder. :)

    NOW not to enter the cpu debate... having a single core and dual core AMD compared to my C2D and Quad.... There's NO comparison... of course we're talking complete apples and passion fruit.... hehehee. :p

    Nice read fellas and keep up the friendly demeanor.... :)

  7. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    I came home and used an Athlon XP 3000+ a few weeks back. Man, I thought that PC was quick back when it was my main rig. It was a fresh XP install too. Unfortunately some registry silliness wrecked my nice fast Raptor install, so I'll have to wait until I can get that back to enjoy a lighting fast XP bootup again, but overall, my cheap E4300 has been absolutely golden. It's going to be a while before I can upgrade it to a quad, but heck so be it. After having made more progress with Crossfire there's no game that leaves me unsatisfied with its performance level at 2560x1600 on mostly high settings, not one. Given that, methinks a quad core can wait.

    and people say you have to have a quad core CPU to be a hardcore gamer... I lol'ed.
  8. NuckNFuts

    NuckNFuts Regular member

    Feb 11, 2007
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    I can speak form user and eXtreme overclocking, the Core 2 Dual is very well good for actual performance in both gaming and media work. If anything, for those overclocking for clock, the Core 2 is the way to go. Some , or lots of games and apps prefer more clock and RAM, opposed to extra cores at much lesser clocks. It really takes a lot to get the current quads to OC as far as the Duals in both FSB and core clock. But when you do, they can realy shine in apps that thrive on true multi core work such as Adobe media apps or Open Office and such.
    Last edited: May 11, 2008
  9. im1992

    im1992 Regular member

    Dec 17, 2006
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    actually, you can get a celeron dual core for $50 (@ newegg) too based off the 65nm tech and it will obviously beat the amd of the same price....
  10. abuzar1

    abuzar1 Senior member

    Jan 5, 2005
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    I OCed my Q6600 to to 5.2Ghz on a Freezer 7 Pro!

    Here is my proof:


    Sorry, I couldn't resist.
    Last edited: May 11, 2008
  11. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I'm sorry but I don't believe it! Not with just a CPUZ shot!. You have to know that anybody who posted a claim like that would be treated the exact sam way. That would be outragious, even for a Man with NuckNFuts's skills! Hey, I hope it's true! That would be one super chip! Whatever you do don'y fool with anything! Keeep your PeaPickin fingers out of it, cause if it ain't BS, You could buy 5 rigs for what you could sell the whole computer for! Nice ones!

    SuperPi 1M and 32M

    Sandra Processor Arithmetic

    Memory bandwidth

    Multi media

    scroll down the Arithmetic so it shows the CPU speed in the pic!

    You talked the talk, now it's time to walk the walk! No offense intended my friend, none whatsoever as I will be thrilled for you if you are right. If you are I would put the cover on it and put it up for sale to the highest bidder. I'll guarantee lots of interest!


  12. abuzar1

    abuzar1 Senior member

    Jan 5, 2005
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    You know I was joking right?
  13. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    NOT a funny joke!! You got us all (well the ones that were up anyway) excited about an UNBELIEVABLE OC!! :p What was your source?? If that's a real OC, it's quite impressive even on water!! But if it's a 'real' OC I'd bet it was on a phase cooler.... I'm only guessing because I've only read about them and I think BigDK is the only person I "know" with one. :)

    Last edited: May 11, 2008
  14. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I doubt that anyone took it serious at all, but when you've see a toy Glider disappear in front of your eyes at 5 years old with two 30 year old women who saw it disappear too, and disappear for 40 years to the day, who am I to not wonder, could it be? Where the toy glider went I have no idea, but it looked brand new and had my 5 year old crude print with my name on it on the bottom of the balsa wood wing! The best thing is that the same exact people were there both when it vanished, and 40 years later when it came back! I had just returned to live in NJ after being gone for 17 years! Great fake, by the way! ROFLMAO!!

    Best Regards,
  15. NuckNFuts

    NuckNFuts Regular member

    Feb 11, 2007
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    Q6600 GO: Believe me, even I tried. The best I can get safe to load any Prime or Orthoes was 509FSB on either 8x or 7x, but we're talking 1.762v PLL, 1.51v FSBT, 0.71x GTL_Ref and of corse 1.60v vcore. It couldn't even finish loading XP at 515FSB. I know, bit much but I too like too, like to do it for fun then back to normal. So far, my only CPU do go over 533FSB is that old E6300.

    But hey, guess what? Even I, who was so hooked on high FSB is noticing the benifit of X48 and it's ability to tweak the trd in the chipset to make equal bandwidth performance out of lower FSB and high multi such as with this Q6600 on 9x now. 425x9 @ 3:4 DDR1133 w/ trd 6 is pretty close to 480x8 trd 7. Will test more during the week for real world app difference. If anything, brings my needed 1.48v down to maybe 1.42v. Who knows?
  16. 1234aaron

    1234aaron Regular member

    Jul 1, 2007
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    Ok thx, i found out that my motherboard doesnt like dual core proccessors. so, i have a 2.80 Ghz now, whats the best one i can get?
    and a cheap place to get one
    Also can i ask here, if i have 32-Bit graphics and want 64-bit (or is it 84?) what do i have to upgrade? its my graphics card right? i have a nvidia geforce 5200 FX

    Last edited: May 11, 2008
  17. abuzar1

    abuzar1 Senior member

    Jan 5, 2005
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    I didn't find it anywhere, I edited it in Microsoft Paint.
  18. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    You should take up counterfeiting for a living! ROFLMAO!! Fooled me and I looked at it real good with my 7x visor at 1680x1050! Very professional! You finally found your calling! We knew you were good for something, or was that good for nothing?ROFL Not sure, Rob!! Greensman!! Sam, someone! A little help here! LSHIFOTB!! We do love to pick on you don't we? He He!

    Best Regards,
  19. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    aaron: if your board doesn't support dual core CPUs you're pretty much at a dead end with it, you're only looking at getting a few hundred mhz extra if you upgrade your CPU. The graphics card is also old and was never produced for PCI express, meaning your board won't have that either.
    Realistically, you're looking at a new CPU, Motherboard, GPU and probably RAM as well. You should also probably consider a new PSU.
  20. marsey99

    marsey99 Regular member

    Aug 13, 2006
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    you and me both man, gaming has yet to catch up on the multi core front. next year maybe but not yet.

    sam i was only poking you in that last 1 man, hell i knew next to nothing at that time too and its only thru the guys here and a few other places that i have picked up so much.

    i have got it own to my ram that is stopping my clock, its great up to 1060 ish but i need to drop it to cas6 above that.

    new pb will test later this week when i have more time.



    i still think that the nvidias have much better mem control, i could get this ram running 5-4-4-12 at 1066 on that but this wont even do 1066 at stock timings or 5-4-4-12 at stock speeds on the same volts it was getting. swings and roundabouts.
    Last edited: May 11, 2008

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