We all know that the Bus speed fluctuates around a bit and even when you take the bus speed and times it by the multi it never is EXACTLY the same. Also it took me 3 mins to do so I didn't want to spend too much time making it all match up.
Its a joke! Its like the tech support at Microsoft always says "Im sorry but my machine is running slow today" Not something you want to hear from them, I bet they switched over to Linux or Mac OSX because I don't hear that anymore. LOL!
lol, forgot this cause i went from a 750 mhz duron to a 3.2ghz prescott So yea, M$ probably finally upgraded their P4 1.2ghzs' to Core 2s' and were like, WTF? Windows XP can boot up in less than a century?!?!?! I bet Bill Gate$ uses Windows XP and not Vista...
Believe it or not the Core 2 CPUs are based of Pentium 3. The Pentium 3 had a much more efficient architecture than Netburst (P4, Pentium D, etc).