1m1992, You can also get like performance from a Silverstone FM121! http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811999344 Comes with it's own controller and is much quieter at 1400 and under RPMs than the stock Cooler Master at full chat! I've had mine for about a year now and at 1400 RPM it's moving almost 80 cfm of air! Not silent, but very quiet! Not the least annoying and mine sits 3 feet from my ear! No I'm not deaf! Hearing is still good to 21,700 cycles! Unless it's changed drastically in the last couple of weeks when I had my last physical! I always love hearing tests! They don't believe I can hear that good so they try always to trick me! LOL I told the last Audiologist to turn it on, when I knew for sure it wasn't, "Just can the BS and turn the damn thing on"! "It's a simple thing, if it's on I'll hear it, if it's off like now, I wont"! Haven't gotten me yet! LOL!! Best Regards, Russ
but with the usual caveat of needing to use a 3.5" bay and run the cable along. That and they're a bit fragile - not even at full speed the loose rpm signal cable for one of mine got sucked into the blades and that fan was history! Never had that problem with any other fan and I've got twice as much stuck in them...
sflex 1600rpms are my faves for the noise/airflow they have but i am thinknig about swapping mine out for some delta 4k fans, i can turn them down with my contoller when i want to but i just would like to see if more than doubling my airflow would lower my temps and by how much. cooler temps = more stable oc (you liek what i did there? )
marsey99, You reach a point where the air is moving too quickly to pick up more heat, so the answer is no unless the airflow characteristics of your case are lousy. Then it might improve it. I know I've tried it. The temps will begin to go up a little bit! Less if you are in a damp climate and more if you live someplace real dry. Moist, more dense air will pick up more heat than dry air can! Best Regards, Russ
Plus if the air is moving fast enough it will eventually cause enough friction to RAISE the temps. Not sure how fast it would have to be though.
abuzar1, You would have to chain the computer to the destop or floor to keep it from flying away at the air speed needed to do that! LOL!! Russ
abuzar1, They actually make a work iight with a squirrel cage blower on it, that's made to heat up a room in the wintertime for when people have to do work in unheated buildings, so trust me I know your theory is sound! But you would still have to chain it down! LOL!! Russ
The best blue LED fan that puts out a decent volume of air is probably this one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835209011 The noise specs on it are as usual complete lies, but if noise doesn't bother you too much, then these fans are relatively decent.
Sammy not a bad choice at all, I have the GREEN model... imagine that. I've had some pretty good luck with this fan.... it does well at lower speeds and is relatively quiet up until you reach max rpm... it's like just about any other fan then, loud to some degree.... link to CM-Y720DCD hth.... im1992..... good luck with your shopping.... ....gm
I have 3 of those (80mm ones) in my case and they aren't that bad. My computer is pretty quiet with the CPU fan at lowest. Thats the loudest thing in my system. My friend when I built it for him wanted to be cool and put 8 120MM fans in his case and his computer is also pretty quiet. He has a cooler master case and rosewill 120mm fams.
ok i lied a bit, my HDD can be heard clicking (for lack of better words) and its bunggied. oh and the ASFP7 is loud when im stress testing with OCCT / orthos etc, but bar that its silent aswell. note i have my desk next to me. infact the zen fans are also very quiet, but i can feel hardly any air from them, where as the noctuas are as silent, but you can feel the air flowing.
haha.... well my old pre built was a loud bugger, and i was used to the sound, then last year, when i took that pc into this ZEN, and changed the PSU to a then 430W Tagan U15, i heard nothing. now when i here anything from the PC, i cant stand it, so i put on my music. and yeah its in my bedroom, and although i always turn it off when i sleep, i have an annoying little brother, who cant sleep unless its silent. xD
i think most of want our system to be quiet to a degree but then this comes donw to personal tollerance, mine could be too loud for some and other may be the same for me. yea i want fans that i need to chain my pc down to stop it taking flight
That's fine but bear in mind extra airflow doesn't lower temps unless used intelligently. It's partly down to the heatsinks too, along with the airflow route and positive/negative pressure.