From what I've read, the results from 3dmark are about right for the real world, the 9600 sits between the 3850 and 3870, except of course when you enable AA, which puts it "ahead". Right now two of my housemates could potentially be buying 9600GTs (and the irony is that one of them has left, and his brother's PC at home has one in it!) so if they do I can offer some real world testing. One of them is waiting for the Galaxy 9600GT Blade to put it in a low profile case (an original Xbox Crystal case, to be specific) and the other is just contemplating various options as an upgrade from his X1900XT-X.
Haha, fair enough. But yes, I'll be keen to see how the 4800s do after being denied crossfire - I'll almost certainly wait for the 4870 unless it never appears.
damn! could you give me the breakdown of the score (the three numbers below the bold score)? thanks, -im1992
The CPU Score is as obvious. The other two test how powerful your GPU is at rendering shader model 2 and shader model 3 graphics.
no, no i meant could you give me the numbers that you got for those areas separately... thanks, im1992
Yeah, and I got SO close... lol As it stands right now, my highest 3dmark is 13801, which was when I had crossfire enabled - my CPU really held me back there though.
and there you have it lol. The highest 3dmark at my LAN stands in the mid 16ks with a 3.3Ghz Q9450 and an 8800GTS 512MB. The highest unofficial score is in the 17ks with a 9800GTX and another Q9450, but at 3.7Ghz - it's unofficial because he used a Vcore of 1.5V to make that speed - on a 45nm Quad?
that means sh!t all. 3d mark is all about getting the highest possible, no matter what. thats why the top scores normalyl use 5-6GHZ c2Qs under LN2 (fair or what?) thats what 3d mark is about.
No, 3dmark is about obtaining a relative score for your system - the purpose of it for the chart at my LAN is to bench how your PC compares to the others, as you would use it.
well thats the purpose at your lan then. for the rest of the world, its about being the best, in your hardware catagory does he run it at 1.5 all the time? if so then, according by your lan rules, its fine
No, not as far as I'm aware. As for the global purpose of 3dmark though, I agree, it's basically turned into a pissing contest, given the dubious scientific accuracy of the system. plz see post #7!!!!!!!! 45nm's are not to be treated like 65nm's!!!!!!!!!!! you will kill your 45nm if you overclock it like your 65nm!!!! -im1992