So did you get 3.3 or 3Ghz? I thought that pinmod only did 3Ghz. Oh and you need to enable macro mode on your camera. It's the flower icon.
I'm sure it would be. Not sure how far he's willing to take it though, seemingly not very far, which is wise.
it is stable at 3.3ghz with 1.45v (which i think is too high for such a small speed increase). before the pin-mod, 3ghz wasn't possible w/o changing the voltage for the CPU as well as for mostly everything else on the motherboard... with this, no voltage change was required at all! and i also believe that with this pin-mod i can take the cpu higher (3.6 - i am hoping on air cooling).... i read on that same thread that i made the reference to that the NB also has latencies and that's what affects the overclock but when the motherboard thinks that it has a 1333mhz stock CPU in it, it increases the overclock ability a bit... -im1992
It's a Nvidia setting that was common on socket 939 boards which involved the Hyper Transport Settings. Somehow it's found it's way on to Nvidia boards for Intel processors as well. It connected the North Bridge to the South Bridge. Hyper Transport was AMD's equivalent of FSB. Not owning a board with Nvidia chipsets and not intending to any time soon that's about as much as I can give you, but it would seem that it probably involves a relationship between FSB and memory, but that's just a guess.
I remember seeing this on the P5N-E. I never adjusted it and did alright, but then I don't adjust much...
well, i guess i shouldnt mess with LDT then (since we dont know what it would do...) i am at 3.33ghz now.... with CPU voltage at 1.40v and everything else at stock! this is pretty good considering i had to up the other voltages quite a bit b4 the mod... 333 x 10 now.....for the testing, will post back later -im1992
On a socket 939 board lowering it was a bit like using a memory divider. Socket 939 boards had a FSB of 200 which when multiplied by 5 gave it a FSB per core of 1000 Mhz. To overclock a 939 processor a fist step was dropping the HT to a multiple of 4 which allowed one to increase the the effective FSB (AMD's on actually have an {FSB) to 250 for the same bus width. Just an example.
is there a pin mod for 1333mhz fsb -> 1600mhz fsb? and if so, will the Striker boot at 1600mhz fsb default Front Side Bus? any help would be appreciated, -im1992
A 1600 MHz FSB is not actually supported in DDR2 motherboards, but some of the board manufacturers added it anyway. The stiker extreme should be able to hit 1700 MHz so trying to pin mod the board to do what it can already do is probably not worth the effort, but that's up to each individual to decide. I used to screw around with pencil mods in the early days because it could unlock the clock multiplier, and a few graphics cards to unlock disabled hardware to make it a higher model version, but for no other reason. I've even reflashed some graphics cards to a higher model and so far I've been lucky. With the right hardware I've found no reason to pin mod. My current FSB settings are 1708.2 MHz which is more than enough jolt for my money and without altering the board.
which motherboard and CPU do you have if you dont mind me asking? cause if you got 1700mhz fsb on a quad, you got skilliez! thanks, -im1992
i really don't wanna start a new thread(very short question) for this so here i go: on E-Bay, i sold a motherboard last week. The buyer received the board on he still hasn't given me feedback (i am expecting Positive)....i sent him a message on Wednesday: "Please leave feedback at your convenience" this normal behavior among buyers or is he playing a sick game? -im1992
I have and Asus PQ5 Deluxe and it is also been tested with over 10 hours of dual prime95 and over 10 hours with Orthos and both times it was stopped by me and both times it was stable. I don't have a quad I have an E8400 dual core, but if I did have a quad I would still get pretty high with this board. The Intel chipsets are genrally better for it than Nvidia chipsets although the new 790i has improved on that.
maybe he is waiting to install the board so won't do a feedback til it is done. what i buy off ebay, mostly plastic model warships, i give feedback once i open the package & look at the model.
I don't shop Ebay much anymore just too many scam artists, but I suppose feedback is really up to the individual although it would be nice. If they don't respond withing the allotted time you can always mention that in their feedback and assure everyone that the item was delivered promptly.