not all the stuff you just mentioned Soph but this is clutterd before i redid now it looks like this.minus 1 of the ide drives how do i OC my GPU? can it be oc'd? here is what i have
i just use w/e paste i can find....never had a problem.....ever! right now, i am using the Thermal Paste that comes with the CNPS 9700s (ZALMAN ZM-STG1 SUPER THERMAL GREASE) -im1992
shaf, it probably doesn't make that much difference but you're following the application guide for arctic silver 5 for a single core cpu. here is the guide for a dual core cpu and here is the guide for a quad core cpu
shaff can you resize your pics or link them please? tia... RedRob I didn't realize how "small" that TX650 is... hehehe. The CM 850 Pro is about 3/4" longer and doesn't allow the freedom to stick the cables thru the "hole" in the mobo tray that I would like too. So you have your vcore on AUTO until you go over 3.6GHz?? hmmmmmmmmmmm... I have mine (E6850) at 1.425v or so and keep it there 24/7. btw I installed the 8800GTS on the P35-DS3P/E6850 rig cause the frikkin Striker Extreme/Q6600 is PISSING me off!!!! I haven't had the real time to determine the issue but I'm sure it's something silly/stupid.... lol. not the best pic of the bunch but it shows how "untidy" my rig was at that point. My temps were still pretty good tho. I think they were running at about 30C cpu and 35C cpu core. Since that pic I've removed the bottom fan and made an effort to do some cable management. everest screeny from 5 minutes ago... ambient temp in house about 76F. The only temp that really bothers me is the MOBO temp.. I can bring that down with little to no effort applying a "better" NB heatsink and some good TP. Looking at the Enzotech's still, nope haven't bought one yet Russ.
GM, you can most likely lower your mobo temp by doing little more than what I call a mobo mod. remove the NB and SB heatsinks and remove all the $hity oem thermal paste from the hs's and chips and then reinstall them with AS5. I do this to all my mobo's prior to installing them in the case. here's a screenshot of my temps at 76f ambient: in case anybody is wondering, my core temps aren't bad being the TJ-Max is suposedly 105c. still 59c to TJ-Max.
Thanks Morty. As soon as I feel like removing my mobo from the computer I'll do it. Really I won't do anything until I order an after market chipset cooler. I will say this... the temps went up a bit after I installed the 8800GTS. :-( I knew they would but it seems a little off compared to this screeny. link to older temps when X1650XT installed OH I think the ambient temps were about 69F-71F...
you overclocked yet?...sorry if i missed it, havent really been following this thread today... -im1992
ambient temps make a bigger difference than most realize. btw, what are you going to do about the thermal tube going between your NB HS and the HS for the mosfets if you change out the NB HS?
GM i have made them clickable tumbnails for you and cinyrob, PLEASE DONT PUT THAT IDE DRIVE AGAIN!!! LOL GM mind if i fly over and tidy your case? haha mort i did apply both with the ASV DUAL CORE (pentium) guide. and they say do it like it did. one line down and twist.
Sometimes the easiest solution to chipset cooling is just to add a fan to the passive chipset radiator.
shaf, I was going by what you said in your other post where you said about the size of a grain of rice. that is how AS5 recommends for single core cpu. with dual core they say to apply a thin line up n down as pictured in the guide. thinner and longer.
sammorris, I couldn't agree more! I find that Ceramique works very well with chipsets, but is a bit difficult to apply to CPUs & Coolers. MX-2 is my preferred thermal paste for CPUs and Coolers at the moment, and it works better than anything I've ever used yet! I use an Acrylic paint brush and put a light coating on both the CPU and the Cooler and it works great. It's 24C in here right now and I'm idling at 28C, loads are 54-56C Max! Russ
ok im not to hip to what that means, could you break it down so i could understand???lol GM, weve talked about the nb and sb with me getting coolers for them. like i siad then looking at mine they look like they have been rivited to the board i dont think i want to tackle something like that
I did that on my P5W DH Deluxe. the chipset fans did the trick but they are by far the noisest fans in the pc even slowed down as slow as they will run.
Mort81, Take a look into one of these if it's 40mm! It's what I used for the enzotech and it's extremely quiet and moves 6.5 cfm! It's been several months now and so far no complaints. Only turns 2200 rpm and it's so quiet that I didn't see the need to slow it down. Russ
cincyrob, I would be more worried about why the high core temps. 19C between the cores and the CPU temp is a bit much for idle! What speed are you running the CPU Fan? Russ
RedRob something like this is pretty nice. linky to "low" profile chipset cooler Rob here's some more fans to look at too. You just "screw" them to your NB heatsink or radiator. You may have to find some screws that will work. I'm sure Home Depot has something in a small metal screw.
mort, you clearly have not seen pakistani rice its long and thin HAHA. (ofcourse pakistani men have a long and THICK one ;P ) (boozer and imran, back me up lol) right, i have cranked my FBS to 400, and am running my RAM 3:4 so its goign at 533 (1066) effective, and its rated at 444 12 (2.1v) at 800 effective. i have it now at 555 15 (2.2) and 1066MHz effective. talk about some GOOOD clocks hopefully i can push both CPU and RAM more. atm CPu is at 400x8 (3.2 GHz) at 1.4V idleing about 35, loading (OCCT) about 61C and this is at my E2140 having a 100% OC now.