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The Official OC (OverClocking) Thread!

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by Praetor, May 1, 2004.

  1. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    Hate to bother everybody again..I'm still shopping..How does this setup look...Just to many choices


    XION SOLARIS XON-407 (SILVER) MID TOWER W/450W POWER SUPPLY 4x5.25" 1x3.5" 5x3.5"(hidden) W/ FRONT I/O PORTS & 80mm CASE FAN x 1NO EXTRA FAN
    $59.00 SKU: BA22391 -

    $386.58 $386.58

    Sub Total $445.58

    Shipping & Handling Calculator $33.48

    Total $479.06
    is this sufficent memory or should it be 1024x2
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 3, 2006
  2. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Sufficient memory for a lot of things, but what sort of graphics are you after? If you'll only be buying a cheap like X800 standard Graphics card then sure. If you want this to be a high performance rig with like a 7900GT or something, or heaven forbid, SLi, then get 2x1GB. I don't fill 1GB in some games, but I do in others. If I exceed 1GB, then if I only had 1GB then there'd be major slowdown...

    I also must remind you never to use a Power supply that comes with a case, it's a quick route to failure and/or destruction. Get a proper Seasonic/Enermax/Hiper unit.
  3. a7xsoad

    a7xsoad Regular member

    Nov 13, 2005
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    Hey guys, I have this computer in the family room and I installed a EVGA 7600gt ko in it. Unfortunately, it's my old hp pavilion a630n. I didn't want to go all out that's why I bought that card. I know the power supply can handle it, since it's been on there for like a week now with no problems. I overclocked it with coolbits to 638 3d clock frequency/ 1596 memory clock frequency. It hasn't started artifacting yet. What I wanted to know is that when I use coolbits and it tests the configuration, it doesn't let me get past 1600 memory clock? Heating isn't an issue as the gpu temp never gets past 65. Well actually, that can be pretty warm, but I think it should let me do more.
  4. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    It may not, my old X800 Pro wouldn't overclock AT ALL. Fine at stock, but so much as a 5% OC, and you'd get crashes with OpenGL.

    FIHSNERD Guest

    correct me if i am wrong, but because cpu's come of the same line, they the manufacture changes the processor speed= to the performance of the processor itself correct. theirfor, their is no reason overclocking your cpu would make it go boom right?
  6. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    Do any of the Nvidia cards have a HDTV Tuner on them,if not what would be a good TV card
  7. bizwhizzy

    bizwhizzy Member

    Sep 19, 2005
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    I'm having trouble getting a stable overclock setting. My computer is:

    Abit KV7 Mobo
    Athlon XP 3000+
    1gig PC3200 DDR
    GeForce FX5500 256Mb
    Windows XP Pro
    Coolmax 400W Power Supply

    My heatsink is damn good, too. I'm not sure the brand or model, but it
    keeps my CPU temp at a pretty steady 51 degrees C.

    Right now all of the settings are default for the XP 3000+. The FSB
    speed is set at 166mhz, the ratio is 5:2:1, and the multiplier is at
    13x. I can change any of the settings, including the multiplier, but I
    can't get anything stable. The best I got was I got the FSB to 175mhz
    (which put the CPU clock at 2.3ghz). I had to up the voltages on the
    CPU and the DDR just to get that setting to load Windows, but the
    computer rebooted after a couple minutes of use.

    Anyone have any idea what I can do?
  8. InvGIR

    InvGIR Member

    Jul 14, 2005
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    Rick - I'm not sure what you mean by that, as far as I know the only HDTV broadcasts are on Sky and Cable TV - which would require a set-top box.
    To capture TV on a pc you'd need a seperate HDTV card and the appropriate set-top box.
    If you are talking about HDTV out from the card then yes most do, I have a 6200TD in my PC and it has HDTV out and it's a few years old (before the idea of HDTV reached the mainstreem public).

    biz - I'm not sure that the Athlon XP (if it's socket A) is very OC compatable.
  9. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    InvGIR..Well I'VE GOT A TV card ATI 9000 Pro in my computer,but its not HDTV..I pretty much know about settop bx,Antenas for local,reg & HD Broadcasts & TV'S with/without HD-Tuners.I'm just lookin for a card that records in HD quality.I've definetly seen the difference in Standard & HD Recordings.With the HD Channels that & the new format [H264]that everybody is turning to.I just figured I'd be able to take advantage of the better quality..Im not real fond of settop DVR's as they don't allow U to transfer to computer.So I just use my computer to record & edit as I see fit
  10. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    I don't have any experience w/ OC'ing AMD's so I can't offer any advice there but 51 C for your cpu is not very good. My cpu at full load never goes over 48 C and idles around 33 C.
  11. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    This is what I got..GIGABYTE K8 TRITON [GA-K8VM800M]W/AMD SEMPRON 3100+
    Would these be good settings to start at ??
    The FSB speed set at 166mhz, the ratio 5:2:1, and the multiplier at
    13x. The best I want is to put the CPU clock at or about 2.3ghz .
  12. InvGIR

    InvGIR Member

    Jul 14, 2005
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    Mort, the Athlons for Socket A run very hot compared to current tech. I have one that runs at 60C
  13. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    60C wow! And I thought my old prescott core ran hot. Shows you what I know about AMD's.
  14. InvGIR

    InvGIR Member

    Jul 14, 2005
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    Lots of the older chips ran hot, due to the fact that they weren't refined like they are at th moment. I have my current PC stable at 2.4GHz with little if any heat addition.

    I think part of the blame for my skt A being so hot was that I had a very cheap old cooler and fan, the fan didn't seem to do anything (span and moved air a bit). I could leave it passivly cooled at 60C...the max temp is like 80C on them. If cooled properly them I'm sure they would be fine (less than 50C)I just didn't have any other coolers.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2006

    FIHSNERD Guest

    Rick refer to your post at Seprons are awesome
  16. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    FIHSNERD..I do,right now I'm everywhere..Trying to get a little help on specific settings to O/L &increase frm 1.8to around 2.4.I don't want to go into the CMOS without knowing just what to do 1st [GIGABYTE mobo]
  17. s3a

    s3a Guest

    For the future, I want to overclock my intel 630 cpu (3.0 ghz, 2 mb cache) sligly...and eventually to something like 5 Ghz...but wait...I have 5 fans if you don't count the cpu and gfx card fans (if you count them, I have 7 fans) and I will buy water cooling when that moment comes...so how long will my cpu last me for video gaming and is it dangerous to overclock my cpu that much if I have a very powerful cooling/ventilation system?

    Is it possible to overclock my gfx card? If so, does it allow me to play the future's games [barely] when my card will not be able to run any?..
  18. InvGIR

    InvGIR Member

    Jul 14, 2005
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    Have you found out that it's possible to reach the 5Ghz mark? Personally I don't see a 3Ghz stock chip doing 5Ghz on air/water very lucky if you get it on VapoChill as 2Ghz is a lot for the CPU to try to manage aswell as the motherboard and RAM having the capabilities to enable the high clocking.

    As for the graphics card yes you can overclock your graphics card and no it won't give it a whole new lease of life and ability to run futuregames if it won't be able to run then at the moment.
    If you state what card you have it'll also make it easier for people to know if/what overclocking is possible.

    Personally I'd say that if you want to have a PC that can run future games then save up the money, buy a new motherboard, processor, graphics card, RAM and PSU (atleast them) as it'll give you a much better chance of being able to run games that are demanding for your graphics card/processor/motherboard/ram.

  19. charb

    charb Member

    Jul 19, 2006
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    hey guys, i'v got a p4 socket 478 overclocked to 2.2GhZ. i was on this site tigerdirect.ca and they have this celeron at 3.2Ghz for 65 bucks. i was woundering if anyone would know if this would be a good deal for price and technology, and its overclocking potential.

    p.s. i know it old shit but i'm not looking to spent to much cash.

    the link: http://www.tigerdirect.ca/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=1524980
  20. s3a

    s3a Guest

    I asked those questions before because I want to make my PC last longer...that way instead of buying consoles, I can have a PC and one of the reasons I bought it is to save money in the longrun, is this possible?

    My gfx card is the ATI RADEON X600 PRO (Saphire Powered or sumting like that, what does that mean?)

    And...charb, celerons are bassically pentium 4's with less cache memory...less cache memory means less multitasking...

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