most of the problems with the P5K that I have found so far are either hardware related or incorrect settings in the bios (ppl not knowing what they were doing). the other problem I saw was trying to initially boot up with 4gb or more ram. this is not uncommon and can be easily worked around by initially booting up using only 1 stick of ram. then after the bios has been configured and OS is loaded, install the additional sticks. no biggie. most builders would already be aware of this common but easy to solve problem. This is one example, there are plenty others around, but they're spaced between piles of people that have made other mistakes or had other faulty components - RAM, PSUs etc. MOST of the problems with the P5K boards seem to have been solved with BIOS updates, but by no means all of them.
well it wouldnt stay stable with the mem at so i dropped it down to 890 still the 333mhz strapping. 2.0c. it is in auto still and them mem has tightend up a some from the previous settings... i havent tried intelburntest yet. last time it shut me down and rebooted. but it did keep the OC. i just had to change the strapping. im
That's what I had cincyrob, it's a BSOD by any other name, but it didn't pause to show you it - a sign of a 'half-stable' computer, one that runs, but does not pass a burn test.
btw, if you google for problems with any specific mobo (asus and gigabyte included) you're gonna find problems with them all. I'm not going to pick out any particular GB mobo and google for problems with it just to add fuel to the fire. they're there but I've got better things to do. they've all had problems of one sort or another. you'd be suprised to find how many of them were of no fault of the mobo tho.
I thought that myself, so I googled some other boards. Very little for stuff like the P35-DS3R or A8N-E...
Yeah pretty much every motherboard out there has problems. The gigabytes had problems with vcore. Sure it's fixed by a BIOS update, but not everyone would think of that. EDIT: I love the 'No Fanboy Comments needed' up top.
ok that last move didnt work either..fired up but reboots when trying the burntest. here is a shot of bios the mem voltage here is what i did this time. i think this is where i tighten the mem up. i got it now at 5-5-5-18. 1:1 ratio. plus increased the mem volts to 2.24v up from 2.22v. gonna try burntest again...
Ughhh, another one of my Gigabyte boards is acting up again. I swear, I'm just going to switch to a different company for my customer builds. This is the third one that messed up!
think i got it now. OCCT been running for 38 mins no problem. temps are up a bit but its no where near what i had before. will post when done
rob, what is your actual vcore voltage? I know it is set on auto but what is auto giving it voltage wise? what do you have the fsb at? your probs may be all related to the cpu OC. get it 100% stable before messing with the memory.
Two of the boards had to be RMA'd because they would not boot up after about 2 months of use. This last one is the one which I couldn't set vcore on. The customer had it for a week, and now it can overclock anymore. It lost all the settings and now whenever he tried to overclock it wont. Not even with 1.5v and 3.2ghz. I told him to flash the new F6a bios, and if that doesn't work then another RMA.
well it fail 51 mins in orthos. code 1 error. which i think is cpu problem. with the vdrop i have i had the vcore set to 1.400v and actual was 1.36v as for the fsb i have to look again.
Rob, don't rely on what you set the voltages in MIT to be the actual voltages. you need to look in hardware monitor or use some software that will monitor the actual vltages eg. everest. do you have LLC? if so, it will help with vdroop. you also might consider increasing the MCH voltage a little more too. maybe to 1.3v especially if you are going to OC the memory but keep an eye on your NB temp.
Man! I take a break for a day to do some work on my computer and two pages have been added! LOL!! smmorris, It's not that way to us, but it's what new people coming here for the first time see! We are too close to it, as they are just casual observers. The perspective is different to them. We all are so close to it all the time that we just don't see it! cincyrob, A long time ago when the MB war was going full blast, you sent me a PM and said you didn't think I was being quite fair! You were right, I wasn't! Your PM is what sent me back to re-read all the posts. Funny thing is that what someone writes at the time doesn't read the same later, at all. You're removed from the situation enough to be able to see things more as other people do. It's like you look in the mirror every day and you don't see any difference, but get out some old photos and the difference is readily apparent. It's there staring you in the face, but you just don't see it. Like I said, I should have snapped to it when Morty go so angry. Had I gone back then and re-read the threads, it would have been easy to see why he was so hot! spamual, Are you good at math? LOL!! That's 4.0GHz, not 4.2! LOL!! 4.2 would be 4200MHz and would have given you 420MHz for the bus speed and a fsb of 1680 with that multiplier! ROFLMAO!! Because that makes it hear-say, not fact! Many of the forums around don't even provide links for outrageous claims. We shouldn't be giving people information based on unreliable sources, and we should make that clear in our posts! What's wrong with saying something like "I don't have any personal experience with this product, but I've heard good things about it", and leave it at that! It used to be a mandatory thing here to provide benchmarks and support links, and I wish it still was! See what I'm getting at? The facts just aren't there, so all you're really posting is rumor and speculation, when there's no links to back up the claims! Mort81, When I Google a product I usually just type: "GA-P35-DS3R, reviews" unless I'm trying to deal with a specific problem. Then I would Google the MB model and the specific problem! If you just Google for problems, you will surely find them. You have to be specific with what you google, or the facts tend to get mixed up with the BS! abuzar1, That's precisely the sort of comments that aren't needed around here! It gives people the impression that GB doesn't make good motherboards, which would be a rediculous statement! How much of the problem did you create for yourself by some of your sometimes questionable methods? It's like my CPU! I hurt it! I accept that because I did the same thing you did and kicked it right to 4.0GHz. Did you ever consider that whatever the problem is with your MB that you may have done something to create it, and now are bad-mouthing the manufacturer when it may have been your lack of patience in not wanting to take your time, be patient, and do things right! You certainly don't have the best of work ethics when it comes to overclocking! LOL!! Best Regards, Russ