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The Official OC (OverClocking) Thread!

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by Praetor, May 1, 2004.

  1. s3a

    s3a Guest

    Does thermal paste melt when it is on top of the CPU while it is working? I assume it does. I am asking this out of curiosity..
  2. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    It doesn't really melt since it's a fluid already, albeit a very viscous one. It may well become less viscous with heat, but at the end of all, it's keeping its shape and form, just getting hotter or cooler.
  3. Eskimo1

    Eskimo1 Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    I'm looking to oc my comp. I'm looking for some tools to do so; such as stress testing software after being oced a bit to determine if the current oced settings are stable, and tools to show cpu/fsb/ram speeds before and after being oced.
  4. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Well, tests we use are Prime95 (prime numbers), Superpi (calculating Pi to so many stupendous decimal places), Sisoft Sandra and 3Dmark amongst others...
  5. crowy

    crowy Guest

    Finally cracked 30 secs super pi 1M iterations:))
    CPU @ 2925 (9x325)......Voltage way up there!


    And here's the core temp idle @ stock.Coolant temp -4 degrees c.Room temp @ 23 degrees.

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 29, 2006
  6. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Just remember that to get the memory up to stock (400MHz) speed with the D805 requires the CPU to run at 4.0 while with the 3.0 LGA 775 at 3.6 your memory is already overclocked to 480MHz. You should have no problem running the 3.0 at 3.7GHz with a good MB which will give you a 960MHz FSB and a memory speed of 490MHz. I've had mine (a 478) up to 3.81 without any problems. I backed it down to 3.76 because I thought it prudent to leave a little overhead and the performance difference is minimal.

    for the life of me I don't know why a lot people who list thier specs in thier sig don't include thier MB. Knowing that you have 6 USBs doesn't mean much when you don't know what the MB is. It's a lot easier to help when you know important things like that! Just an observation!

    Happy Computering,
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2006
  7. crowy

    crowy Guest

    theone,this is in s3a's sig,
    Asus P5GDC Deluxe Mo-bo (DDR and DDR2 capable)
    or am I missing something?
  8. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    crowy & s3a,

    Sorry about that, I just flat missed it. I guess I looked through it instead of at it! I'll have to speak very sternly to my seeing-eye dog about it! Took me ten years to teach him to say Roof. He's a little slow! LOL

    Happy Computering,

  9. crowy

    crowy Guest

    It happens to us all.It's called getting old!!
  10. Niobis

    Niobis Active member

    Jan 30, 2005
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    Hello again. I'm back with a few more overclocking questions. This time it's not my processor. I gave up on trying to unlock the BIOS. Now, I'm working on OC'ing my graphics card.

    Here are the specs:
    NVIDIA GeForce 6600 Go
    Memory: 256 MB
    ForceWare: 78.10 <--- Needs to be updated I know. But, I can't find the correct version. Any help on this would also be apreciated!
    Default Core Clock: 375 MHz
    Default Memory Clock: 600 MHz

    I spent weeks reading and researching how to OC. I got Riva Turner since I heard it was best for NVIDIA cards and I got "rthdribl" for the benchmark. I installed RT and began increasing the core and memory MHZ by 5 each time. I'd run rthdribl each time. I reach 437/663 and temps were reaching 85C with full load, so I stopped. I save all the changes and set the setting to change on startup. I restart and everything went back to default. So, I repeat this again, and yet again when I closed RT everything went default. I tried everything to save these setings but, when I close RT they default.

    I was about to just give it up and say f**k it! But then I seen that I had some new settings under the Geforce window. "Clock Frequency Settings" and "PowerMizer". I click on clock frequency and see that the core is 375 and the memory is 600. So, I'm thinking I have to change these settings instead of using RT.

    Start changing the settings and I reach 446/721 with temps of 83-85C. This is great until history repeats itself! I save and apply the setting and set them to change on startup, but when I close the GeForce window and reopen it everything is back to 375/600.

    Can anyone tell me what the hell I am doing wrong? Also, can anyone help about the drivers?

    Much appreciation in advance!
  11. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    You might try looking here www.driverguide.com It's a free sign up and you don't get flooded with spam. You also might try www.cracksthebugs.com They list a lot of free software and stuff.
    Have you tried un-installing and re-installing the program? Just a thought! Also, On mine {ATi Catalast) you have to create a profile and save it before you can use it on the boot! After it's saved it gives you the option to use these settings on start-up.

    Happy Computering,

    Last edited: Aug 31, 2006
  12. lecsiy

    lecsiy Regular member

    Dec 29, 2005
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    It doesnt melt it hardens and forms a quite rust like solid on top. IF the thermal compound is melting reapply some new stuff!

  13. Niobis

    Niobis Active member

    Jan 30, 2005
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    Thanks for the links, will search them later.

    About the drivers: I heard from NVIDIA that ForceWare 91.33 was the last version that would work for the GeForce 6 series, so I download them and try to install them. I recieve a message saying no drivers match my hardware, setup will now close. I running Windows XP Media Center Edition. The drivers said they were compatiable with Win2K and WinXP, but nothing about MCE. I got them from Guru3d.com and after searching other drivers, some say compatiable with WinXP MCE. I'm not sure if that is the problem or not. But I do not know what version will work for me. I'm on dial-up and all versions are 30MB+ so, I don't want to go by trial and error. Any suggestions?

    Edit: Ok, I reinstalled RT and tried OC'ing again. And yet again everything went to default after closing RT. I even tried OC'ing through the "new" settings under the GeForce window. Same results.

    I saved a profile the first time and even created a new one after I reinstalled. No luck...
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2006
  14. DiExMach

    DiExMach Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    MB : Gigabyte GA-7N400 Pro2 Rev 2 nForce2 Ultra 400 chipset
    Proc : AMD Athlon XP-Mobile 2600+ AXMG2600FQQ4C
    http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/K7/AMD-Mobile Athlon XP-M 2600+ - AXMG2600FQQ4C.html
    Memory : 4x 512MB PC3200 SDDR ram
    Power Supply : Antec 400w PS
    Videocard : BFG OC NVidia 7800GS 256MB GDDR3 256bit Interface AGP 8X

    Hey guys, first time posting on your beautiful Forums. I am upgrading my exsisting system to use the new MB and Processor I have listed above. I want to run the memory and processor at 200mhz(400mhz)FSB, nothing really higher then the ram can handle at stable speeds, do you think that is possible with this MoBo and Gigabyte BIOS and nForce2 Ultra 400 Chipset.

    Next, I am going to be shooting for 2.2ghz or 2.4ghz using the Multiplier, I have a slightly modified heatsink fan. It is a ThermalTake 60 MM fan with a ducting mod attached to help spread out the airflow. I do plan on Upgrading the Heatsink for Aerocool x-raider, ht101jr, ht101, gt1000, or ht102. (Zalman doesn't seem to like that motherboard or at least the zalmans i looked at, if you have a zalman suggestion, let me know). Will these speeds be attainable with proper cooling for this processor?

    Next, should I up the vcore on this chip to 1.65v automatically since this chip is just a normal 2600+ barton core able to run at 1.45v and be stable?

    Next, will these FSB settings and multiplier settings slow down my graphics card, or will it still be at the 33/66mhz stock?

    And lastly, is my powersupply going to be enuff for this set up, i do have 2 HDs, 2 cd/dvd drives, a blower fan for the case, and a regular 4 pin connector for the graphics card. I believe 20amp max on the 12v side.

    ANy and all recommendations and suggestions on this will be greatly appreciated.

    Last edited: Sep 5, 2006
  15. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    That all sounds fine, as long as the RAM you've got is a quality brand.
    Niobis: It shouldn't be anything to do with MC, try an earlier driver.
  16. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I wouldn't go running out after a socket A MB or CPU, I would look for a socket 939. Socket A is two generations obsolete. I wouldn't recommend a socket 454 either. The Barton core is a very hot running processor. I just built a A64 3200 with a Biostar nVidia 6100-M9 motherboard and the cost was $145 from Tiger Direct and it was a very nice and fast machine. Really good on-board video as well! It can be used with any socket 939 Dual-Core as well and has a PCIe x18 slot for better video if wanted or needed!

    Everything else you picked would be a match for this MB and CPU. and the memory would run at 400MHz (200x2) which would make it a much faster machine for very little dollar difference. No tax unless you live in Indiana or Florida.

    Take a look at www.tigerdirect.com and see what they have in "Motherboard/CPU" combos. They have some pretty good deals. Socket 939 is being replaced by socket AM2 so the socket A motherboard is almost 3 generations behind. It doesn't support PC3200 although it will work in it but at reduced speed, so unless the socket A was free, I wouldn't bother with it if it was me.

    Hope this helps get you some better bang for your bucks!

    Happy Computering,
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2006
  17. Niobis

    Niobis Active member

    Jan 30, 2005
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    @sammorris, I tried a few more with no luck. And I still can't get this POS to overclock. Every time I up the MHz even by 5MHz and close and reopen the window everything goes back to default. Does anyone think my card could be locked for some reason? 'Cause I know my mobo is locked down tight! If it is locked wouldn't RivaTuner unlock it?
  18. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    I'd try different software, sounds like that application isn't working.
  19. crowy

    crowy Guest

    not sure how much you are paying for the 2600 or motherboard,but at the right price you should have some good overclocking fun with that processor as long as the bios on the board is tweakable.Being a mobile processor with the lower vcore and unlocked multipliers,700mb + overclocks aren't uncommon.So 2200-2400 would be a walk in the park.The added bonus too is you don't need an over the top power supply to get the results.As theone said,there are good deals around now on the 939 platform,but if your budget is limited, I'd say,"go have some fun".
    Nearly forgot,leave the vcore @1.45v and multiplier @ default, raise your fsb until it becomes unstable.Back it off 5mhz and write down the cpu/fsb multi your at.
    Then lower the multiplier and start raising the fsb again until you hit instability back it off 5mhz and write down the cpu/fsb multi again.Don't forget to keep your memory on a divider that keeps it around 400mhz,if you keep on increasing the fsb and don't use a divider,eventually you will hit instability because of the memory.
    Once you have worked out the optimal cpu/fsb ratio (My 3800x2 clocks better on a 9x multi than on a 10x multi)then up the vcore .05 volts and start from where you left off until instability happens again.Drop it 5mhz raise the vcore .05v and start again(you get the idea).Keep an eye on the temps (although the mobile bartons are renound for running quite cool as compared to their desktop brothers)even with a .2 voltage increase.Once your happy with speed/temps etc,then raise the divider on your memory and see if you can gain some extra bandwidth.If instability sets in after raising the memory divider,give the memory an extra .1volts and see how that goes.Not sure what memory you have but .3v over stock and you will be safe.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 5, 2006
  20. crowy

    crowy Guest

    Here's a few comments from people that bought a 2600 barton mp:


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