Well, I tried nVHardPage and recieve an error saying "Fail detection speeds of memory or core 014. Try en/disable CoolBits or restart your computer". Neither helped. I read about similar errors and read OC'ing can still be achieved through Advance Display Properties. Tried there, like before, with same results-default upon closing window. I think this problem is not my card or the program/s, but rather my system. I hadn't thought about this until after trying nVHardPage. Any system chages I try to make, they always default upon closing the window. For example: my modem properties. When I disable a setting, upon closing the window and reoping, they re-enable. I always thought it was just my modem, but now I'm thinking it's the system. I can't think of any other hardware settings that do not save as of now. Any ideas? Should this be taken up with my computer manufacture(AlienWare)? Also, any other programs available for OC'ing nVIDIA cards? I'll try 'em but, with very little confidence.
DiExMach, I stick by what I said, Socket 939 would be the far better choice as it has a future for expansion to the Dual-Cores and still runs DDR400. x2 3800+s are available for cheap and crowy can tell you how well they overclock. Having a PCIe x16 slot is a plus as well as you will be able to keep your video up to date! I must be tired, I missed both the Mobile part and the AGP in your rundown. Getting old! crowy, Think you went just a tad overboard with the obsolete endorsments? Evey one except 1 is over a year old. I'm trying to drag this guy into the 21st century, not mire him in the 90s. And you know what you can do with that seal! Now, pick your jaw up off the floor because I'm just funnin you. Gotcha!!!!!ROTFL Seriously though There's just no more support for socket A so it doesn't have a future. It has slow bus speeds and it's a dead end in terms of expansion Having put together that Biostar/A64 3200+ recently was a very pleasent experience and a much bigger surprise as the on-board video is the best and fastest I've ever seen. The fact that it's expandable to PCIe and x2s would make it the smarter buy, if it's affordable. It would run rings around the socket A! Happy Computering, theone
theone, LOL!! I was quite proud of my seal!! I know the socket 939 route is the way to go,but if money is an issue socket A may be the only option.?
i wondered where you guys went after the AMD vs Intel thread was closed now i know lol. good to see you all
theone, I think we know how to iterate globally. If you synergize wirelessly, you may have to monetize super-intuitively. Without preplanned subscriber communities, technologies are forced to become 24/7/365. Think intra-virtual. Think micro-plug-and-play. The user communities factor is reality-based. If you seize iteravely, you may have to implement macro-micro-globally. The re-sizing factor can be summed up in one word: global. Without meticulously-planned channels, e-services are forced to become 60/60/24/7/365. It seems staggering, but it's entirely accurate! Think long-term. What does it really mean to synthesize "magnetically"? A company that can actualize elegantly will (at some unspecified point of time in the future) be able to synergize easily. Regards,Crowy.
We all move to erm... another er..... forum. Hmmm. Anyway, Would anyone care to explain to me why a 10% Asus AI booster overclock causes a BSOD on my system? The specs are all there, except for the fact that the chipset has no fan. It has the stock heatsink but with the fan either non-working or unplugged. It may shock you to know that this system was built for me. No baddy really, because the cables are tidied very well, and I wouldn't have bothered. However, such cable tidying means I can't see what's what...
sam, good to see you found us!!! Told you you should have gone DFI>>>>>>ROFL!!! Here's the start of my new sig:
You always were a DFI fan through and through! What's with the fire? I hope that's not going into a signiature, it's 381KB!
crowy, So that's what an old Barton or a Prescott look like inside? No wonder folks were talking about with Barbacues and Rottiseries. Wow!!!LOL Happy Computering, theone
theone, How did you know that was a macro close-up of a Prescott core under full load???....LMAO!! sam, You'll be relieved to know I'm sitting at 2750mhz @ 1.5v now so I should be safe!!
crowy, I tried PowerStrip but when I up the MHz even by 1MHz after I click apply I recieve a error sound but with no window. Then, it resets to default. Any ideas? And an update about my ForceWare. I tried to install 85.89 and I recieve the same error as when I tried to install 91.33. I'm thinking the ForceWare I have is the last update for GeForce Go. I read that nVIDIA is going to try to include support for Go series with the next update so, I'll just wait it out.
Niobis, Try this: Right click your my computer icon and select properties. Then click on the advanced tab(top right corner). Then click on performance and then settings. Now click on data execution prevention. Now click "Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select". Now click Add. Now go to your powerstrip exe.file IE: (C:\Program Files\powerstrip\powerstrip.exe) Now click the open button and the window will close and powerstrip will now be in the DEP exception list. Now click apply. You can repeat this for any other software you are using as well. Regards Crowy.
Ok, tried that with PowerStrip 3, RivaTuner and nVHardPage with NO luck at all. The only real luck I've had with any OC'ing is RivaTuner and even then I have to keep the OC'ing window open. If I close that window and go back to the main menu, then re-open the OC'ing window, everything is back to default. Even with this window open the Advance Display Properties OC'ing feature does not detect the changes. I know it is working when the window is open because when I run rthdribl with no windows open my card's temp. hit 75-78C but, with the window open they hit 80-83C. Edit: is there a way I can add the Advance Display Properties(GeForce settings window) to that list? I'll try anything.