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The Official OC (OverClocking) Thread!

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by Praetor, May 1, 2004.

  1. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    The bios reported the same temp. I find it rather odd myself guys. BELIEVE ME. its now running at 26C (77-79F). Since my room here is not quite 70, I do see that as physically possible, however unlikely. So, having said that, Im open to suggestions. Believe me. Im not even gonna look at my bios, Much less overclock, til I know EXACTLY what temp its running at!
  2. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    It's 75F in here right now, which is about 23C, and startup temperature was 27C. After an hour, it's all of 28C. In fact it's been flipping back and forth from 27C to 28C. I've never had low-mid 40s Idle temp on any computer of mine. Even the two heaters, the Prescott and the Dual Core Presler I had, both idled in the very low 30s using a freezer 7 Pro. people getting idle temps in the low-mid 40s need to do something about their case airflow to improve it. I know with my 7750BE, it takes a lot more heat than 24C just to get the CPU fan turning 1600 RPM under PWM control. I rarely ever see it get to 1600 RPM at all while encoding, and that's only low-mid 40s tops. Even fully loaded with Occt, Orthos or Linpack, it barely gets to 52C, and the fan is doing about 2000 RPM. The 20C he showed is Meat Packing Plant temperatures, as the CPU, cores and motherboard can't be cooler than room temp! It's impossible to do that without some sort of internal cooling, like the refrigerated case That Sophocles has, or a refrigerant CPU cooler! Even then, I would seriously doubt 20C!

    Best Regards,
  3. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Im in the process of taking my rooms temp LOL. But I ran yet another test. As you can see, it idles very cool, but hits the expected temps of a bench mark? Heres a little logic.
    1. Its a nearly fresh install of XP (not many background processes)
    2. I have never seen a processor hold 0% usage like this one!
    3. Cutting edge processor! Isnt it indeed possible, that it employs more advanced material?
    And most importantly if its not processing anything, and has GOOD cooling, why wouldnt it hover just above room temp? Its not like it maintains the LOW temp under heavy load! Perhaps the processor itself has some kinda power saving scheme on the dye? Allowing it to idle at a lower temperature than is expected? Forgive me, im trying to throw some ideas out there LOL. Here are the screeny's

    EDIT - Ok, im not gonna post my room temp, because its a variable I cant trust at the moment. Lets just say its in the 75-80 range(23-27)! Once again, im open to suggestions. But if you say my temps are incorrect, then you say my bios is lying! Which I guess is possible!

    And while it was under load!
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2009
  4. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Nope, it's physically impossible given that the cpu will be minimum, 6-8C warmer than room temp at idle. 68F is 20C, so the CPU will be about 26-28C at that temp, minimum! Hey, it can't work without making some heat, right? LOL!! Otherwise you wouldn't need a CPU cooler at all! Sounds like the CPU temperature sensor is getting stuck at a real low temperature and then jumping up to more real temps as it gets warmer. You will have to try something like speed fan and see if it reads the temps better, although I doubt it. Everest has been less than great supporting AMD motherboards for the past couple of years. It's only been the last 6 months or so that AMD has finally started coming back! Just the fact that it was showing 20C in the bios tells me the sensor has a problem, not the software! I sure wouldn't be rushing out to RMA the CPU, since it seems to OC pretty good. You could well wind up with accurate temps, but more limited in your overclock! Especially when your temps loaded, are normal for your CPU. 3.8GHz is the practical limit on air anyway. You would have to raise the CPU Voltage to about 1.44v to do it, which means a bit more heat to deal with. Anything more than 3.8GHz would take water cooling for everyday use.

  5. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Speedfan reports virtually identical temps. So I could have a defective sensor huh. Thats not good. If a sensor is to be defective, it should atleast go the other direction LOL. If a person were to trust the temps im seeing, and wanted to overclock, then they would fry their %$#%^& before they could say holy cow! "Motherboard monitor" also shows the same temps. Is it possible, that all these softwares and the bios, are not up to date enough to interpret the sensor?

    Perhaps the processor itself has some kinda power saving scheme on the dye? Because if the temps are even close to accurate at load...
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2009
  6. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    I said load, not idle. Low-mid 40s idle is pretty poor, but I stated why that's the case for me earlier.

  7. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Given that there's two 4870's in there, you might look into case fans that have a higher CFM for more airflow. The CPU is normally a fairly cool running chip, so I know a lot of the excess heat is from the video cards. I'm not particularly fond of the cooling with your case. The 230mm fans are a mixed bag, as too much airflow interferes with the CPU cooling and not enough, doesn't do much for cooling the video. It's also mounted far too high on the side cover to be an effective cooler for the video cards. While the 230mm looks cool and all of that, a 120mm fan mounted lower would have been much better for cooling the video cards. You can see by your temps that the heat isn't being effectively removed from the case. If your case has two 120mm fans in the rear, they should both be blowing out of the case. The upper one for the CPU, MB and memory, while the lower one will help carry off excess heat from the Video cards. If the fan was mounted lower, the video cards would block most of the direct airflow and concentrate the air over the video cards and out the back lower exhaust, and not interfere with the airflow of the CPU cooler. That's the main problem with forced air crossflow ventilation. It looks good in theory, but rarely works as intended! LOL!!

    I'm installing a 9500 GT video card in mine on Tuesday, and I'm not expecting any changes in my temps at all. In the absence of a second rear 120mm fan, I have a high airflow 80mm (about 30 cfm at the moment) as an exhaust in place of the CPU duct that it came with. Since the lower side fan will blow air directly below the new video card, and have no place to go because the video card will block the airflow, the side 80mm exhaust fan in place of the cpu duct, should suck most of that heat right out of the case! There's also vent holes in the case that allow cool air in! Like I said, I don't think My temps will go up. The video card is one of the "good" 9500 GTs with the 1600MHz memory clock, so it will make a little heat, but I see no changes. All I have to do is adjust the fan speed till the video card cools best! Since the fan comes with it's own controller and is adjustable up to 75 CFM, I see no problems, and it should work well in the 1300-1500 RPM level. I do not want to spin it at 3600, it's max speed. Far too loud! LOL!! Did I mention I take my case cooling seriously? ROFLMSOAO!!

    Best Regards,
  8. EWOcelot

    EWOcelot Member

    Oct 17, 2007
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    Ctrl+F1 does nothing in my bios. And I have spent months playing with different multipliers to no avail. I cannot get my ram to anything over 667 or my CPU to anything over 2ghz. Note that these are the defualt settings.
  9. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    In the future, you need to say, Hey stupid! Think about what I just said!!! LOL. Maybe not that harsh LOL. When you said:
    I must have not acknowledged that statement enough to really comprehend it. Because now I believe I understand what you mean exactly. Provided of course you believe that my Higher temps under load are at least VERY close to what it should be!
  10. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    LOL!! You got it! If it was the software, it would be different whne you checked the setup!

  11. EWOcelot

    EWOcelot Member

    Oct 17, 2007
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    Actually room/environment temps affect your cpu temps greatly. I once had my windows open when it was 50-60F and my cpu temps dropped 10C
  12. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Thanks once again for your patience :) So I guess i'll never be able to hold to much stock in the idle temps. Probably shouldnt trust the load temps either. You know...I dont know why im disappointed! 3.5 GHZ is pretty awesome. My encodes are super fast, windows experience is pretty smooth. Until I can trust a water cooling method, i'll be content with my current config. That is til its 100+ degrees outside LOL. I live in a semi-arid area (nearly desert like terrain) so I might consider dropping the clock and Vcore down, when that happens. Depending on the Air conditioning unit!
  13. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    I gotta ask this one more time. If a processor is in distress, how is it that error testing would yield useful information. What I mean is, what if its producing errors, but not telling you of those errors, BECAUSE its in distress! I hope this explains my concerns LOL.

    Here is my concern, I have a LARGE beyond LARGE job coming up, and I wanna be certain, that errors are not produced. I have Well over 200GB of .VOB files that I want to compress to Divx. Probably about 82% space savings. A much needed conversion im sure you'll agree LOL. Oh and what the heck, if you can think of a better conversion means, E.G. Xvid, im all ears. But ive heard that Divx and Xvid are just about, if not equal. Infact, if im not mistaken, you pay for divx, you dont for xvid. If im mistaken, please correct me.
  14. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    What's so concerning about the 200GB of Vob's ?. I rip a dozen or so DVD's to hard drive every week or so in order to use AutoGK (in Xvid mode) to convert them to 1400MB AVI's. (The end result is certainly not to eventually convert ALL my films, i just like to have as many AVI's on a hard disk somewhere so i don't have to go searching for DVD's when i just want to coach out and watch a movie over one of the xboxes).
    I just skim thru each converted AVI a little to check for potential sync errors then purge the ripped DVD files. If there's a problem with an AVI it can just be converted again later..
  15. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    I dont have an AWESOME amount of disk space though! Believe me, I wouldnt mind a Petabyte(1,000TB)! Thats just not practical at this time LOL. Heck, 20TB isnt even practical at this time. Dvd's are the cheapest medium. I usually pick up my verbs for .15cents average at officemax! Im simply concerned about an overclock introducing even minor hiccups where it wouldnt at its normal clock speed.
  16. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    I see. Hadn't originally noticed that i was replying in the OC thread, doh! :p


    1) Buy more disk space (it's rude not to!)
    2) Am sure the OC guys will be able to check out your settings.

  17. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Believe me, I FULLY intend to :D
    Infact, im somewhat of a HDD packrat! I am due for a new drive LOL

    Probably make it a Raptor!!!
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2009
  18. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I've finally gotten around to giving the AMD Overdrive a good test. My plan was to set it to stock speed and then overclock it with overdrive, which I did. The only thing I set in the bios is the memory voltage, to 2.1v. Using the Overdrive, I set it to 3.2GHz and Overdrive determined that it needed 1.44v, so I set the CPU voltage to 1.45v for a little extra cushion, and set the ACC to Auto. It now runs the same speed (3.2GHz) on less volts, and runs cooler. I had already changed the lower side fan to exhaust to remove most of the heat from the 9500-GT, since it's heat is discharged inside the case. That seems to work nicely!

    Here's the results, and I've marked the correct positions for the CPU Temp, NB Temp, System Temp and the memory voltage. 1.44v sounds better to me than 1.47v, and the NB runs much cooler!


    I'm happy with it!

    Best Regards,
  19. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Heh, 1448rpm on the PSU. Coolermaster through and through... <Yuck>
    Even my Earthwatts tops out at 1350 and that's only an 80mm fan.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2009
  20. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    LOL!! I have the 80MM Silverstone plugged into that header on the MB. I adjusted it last night to 1450 RPM when I turned the lower side fan around. So far the PSU is dead silent and extremely stable with it's voltages! Even with two more fans than I had in my old case, for a total of 5, the computer is still quiet by my standards. Two of the case fans are 120mm, 33CFM, 1200 RPM fans, with the rear Silverstone being 56 CFM, 1200 RPM. The Kama Bay Fan is 800 RPM, 30 CFM and I can set the silverstone to whatever I want. 1450 seems to work the best! Seems to work pretty well in the cooling department too!

    Last edited: Mar 19, 2009

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