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The Official OC (OverClocking) Thread!

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by Praetor, May 1, 2004.

  1. NuckNFuts

    NuckNFuts Regular member

    Feb 11, 2007
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    Lol, I know, I read a lot of those forums as well but It's a rick of wanting to play with the latest 1st. When I do need tried and true, I will turn my my bay area local and trusty, "DFI" or if for the AMD side, it's DFI LAN Party all the way for me. Always had the most reliable BIOS & feature sets for AMD and nVidia. I have a working sample of just about every top end ASUS I baught since the 1st P3B on. My fave best built had to be the P4C800E, a overclockers workhorse on 875P, and recently the RAMPAGE EXTREME (X48 DDR3) This has to be in my personal opinion, the best of ASUS overclockers on X48 and Core 2. Taking a Quad Core to 500FSB @ DDR3-2000 was cool after. I still use it today after 3 years. My other die hard had to be the recently retired P5WDG2 WS Pro (975X), it took me from my D-940/D-950 & right into Core 2 E6600 & Q6700 as well as newer E6750 with decent OC.

    Same here, but now with more family needs, you gotta' curb the spendin and really make it count or last.

    A logical assumption, but not true at all. Plenty of numbskulls out there that buy the most expensive hardware, whether they need it or not.[/quote]
    I have to agree. Most of the time I see, it's the older or retired guys/gals that now have the money and just buy what their younger computer friends said they like or whish they could buy if they had the money. (the best, as they put it). I'm asked that many times and to even go to the store w/. I should be a hired shopper. lol. like going to Fry's anywayz. :) If the younger ones buy, they saved and are planning to make this work or last and have often studied it eforehand.

    A bad board can come (and does) from all makers because of how fast we pop things out thesedays ro from where. I see RMA paterns on the Egg as wel and it leads me to think they simply got a bad batch shippment. They replace from stock, not the maker. I think i posted it here a few years bk, but I had to RMA my 1st X38 MAXIMUS FORMULA SE, but it went direct to ASUS so I got a factory referb. Still works. Awsome mobo, it paved the way for what RAMPAGE became today or the ROG series as a whole. My 1st ROG was my CROSSHAIR (s-940) w/ 6400+ BE. I have to admit, that mobo had it's challanges to keep stable on an OC.

    Kris (Крис)
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2011
  2. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    You do realise DFI went bust right?
  3. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I have to agree. Most of the time I see, it's the older or retired guys/gals that now have the money and just buy what their younger computer friends said they like or whish they could buy if they had the money. (the best, as they put it). I'm asked that many times and to even go to the store w/. I should be a hired shopper. lol. like going to Fry's anywayz. :) If the younger ones buy, they saved and are planning to make this work or last and have often studied it eforehand.

    A bad board can come (and does) from all makers because of how fast we pop things out thesedays ro from where. I see RMA paterns on the Egg as wel and it leads me to think they simply got a bad batch shippment. They replace from stock, not the maker. I think i posted it here a few years bk, but I had to RMA my 1st X38 MAXIMUS FORMULA SE, but it went direct to ASUS so I got a factory referb. Still works. Awsome mobo, it paved the way for what RAMPAGE became today or the ROG series as a whole. My 1st ROG was my CROSSHAIR (s-940) w/ 6400+ BE. I have to admit, that mobo had it's challanges to keep stable on an OC.

    Kris (Крис)


    Even considering the above, I would still stick with the rampage II you have now that works properly. There's just too high a multiple RMA rate on the III right now. There's also too many problems showing up on the Asus forum about that board at the moment, where I would even consider doing it! I would opt for Asus getting it right first!

  4. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    Damn shame too. Regardless of it's quirks, my LanParty 790FX-M2RS was a good ol boy. Faithful to the end. *sniff*
  5. shaffaaf

    shaffaaf Regular member

    Jan 5, 2008
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    i did like my uatx p45 board from dfi alot. Superb looks and they were practically the only company doing one at the time. Was a really nice board. But very picky about my ram, and what speeds it couuld run haha.

    though the bios i didn't like too much. I would happily take my p35 asus's bios over that any day.
  6. NuckNFuts

    NuckNFuts Regular member

    Feb 11, 2007
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    Wow, I guess I missed that (DFI going under) I heard talk about it fall of '09 but as far as I knew beginning of '10, It is only the LanParty line but they still had industrial server boards going. It was sad to hear though. I remember when we could walk into Fry's Market for the bottom shelf white box sales in the back room (DFI plain white box w/ no fancy graphics) (Where fry's electronics would later take off). I haven't had one since the AMD 939 days but we lost a great enthusiast motherboard line for the AMD/nVidia folks. I did get to play with an early X48 on DDR2 and it was cool with the new inovative features other would quickly follow in quad core OC'n
  7. NuckNFuts

    NuckNFuts Regular member

    Feb 11, 2007
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    Hallo M8ts! I gotta ?? for you. I through together some old parts for a family member to use for some basic Adobe editing (not the greatest, but better then what they were using).
    The issus is the nVidia GPU and drivers not fully functioning. Here's basic old set up. Gigibyte P35C-DS3R (P35/DDR3) w/ C2D 6750 and nVidia GeForce 6800 ultra under windows 7 Enterprise x64. Problem is I never used this old GPU under Win7 to compare.

    Anybody used card of the vintage under newer Windows 7 (any version) to comment? Here's what's happening. I installed drivers, nVidia see's it, so does Win7, but I will not prpoerly install to utilize any nVidia setting and of course cannot use S3/S4 modes (usually GPU driver supported). Device Mngr reports stop code 43.

    I haven't used this mobo for over 3yrs. Is there a know good BIOS to be on for Win7 or does it matter? Whats the latest and does Gigabyte offer a easy flasher like ASUS to flash from USB?

  8. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    As far as I know, DFI as we knew it is gone, the only company left is DFI-ACP, the industrial company.
    Can't comment on the drivers I'm afraid, as cards that old are long unsupported AMD-side, and you have to just stick with the windows default driver.
  9. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    I briefly had windows 7 installed on an old system. It actually ran ok. Surprising, the Graphics card was the highest score of the index. Not that I buy too much into the windows index scores ;)
  10. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Here's the link for the right drivers!


    These are the latest Win7 drivers.

    Best Regards,
  11. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    The GeForce 6800 Ultra is a pretty old card. Maybe it needs legacy drivers for compatibility reasons?
  12. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    I ran a 6200 as indicated in the linky. It ran just fine. Though I only ran it for a few days like that. I reinstalled XP to the computer, then my bro used it for streaming netflix for a while. Now of course he uses an HTPC. Much more powerful. I believe that computer may be done. I don't know what good it would do me now. A single core CPU from the early 2000's really isn't capable of much except word processing ;)
  13. NuckNFuts

    NuckNFuts Regular member

    Feb 11, 2007
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    Wow, thanx for the quick replies! Anywayz, I was on the nVidia current nV driver 266.58 (said it was same as my GTX-260 and said to cover 6,7,8,9 series as well. and I through an old 9800-GTS+ and it works even the Physics and 3D. I guess it is the old card.

    EDITOK, OK, it worked, nVidia Driver v191.07 @ 10-05-09 for nVidia 6800 ultra. Thankx for the input guys and hope this helps other as I know there will always be somebody tinkering with old parts for fun or something. :)

    I did uninstall and it worked with WDOM drivers but no advanced control and sluggish in fast scrollling so I can only imaging photoshop or Premiere Pro. lol. I teste the link posted and it did the same thing, stop code 43. So I looked in nVidia archive and found 1st known supportive Win7 x64 driver v191.07 @ 10-05-09. I'll report back.

    I must add, this is the 1st in 13yrs of using nVidia since since old MX400 and before with old cards on new OS's. Ihad MX440's working into Win XP SP2 when released during the 98 days so not bad. It was then the ATI drivers that left you hangin' with old non supportive stuff, like the short lived ATI TV Wonder I got fdor my then new Rage Pro and even my 9800 TV Wonder of early '03. My ATI 9800 8X Pro was an awsome card when it was new though, last of the good "Built By" ATI days.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2011
  14. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    The link I sent Nuck is the latest Drivers of 64 bit Win7, For the GeForce 6800 Ultra! They aren't even a month old yet!

  15. NuckNFuts

    NuckNFuts Regular member

    Feb 11, 2007
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    Hmm, that's odd cause 1st off, I installed it after a removal of 266.58 and it did the same thing. As I said earlier, the current driver 266.58 of 2 weeks ago said to be compatable for my GTX260, as well as my old 9800-GTX (have them each installed, & working now since then) and list same for 6 series. but it sure didnt work on the 6800 Ultra for whatever reason. Why do you think they'd include 6 series if it isnt really for all of them. This is a matched part of an old SLI rig but I am only installing "1". I for now went as far back as I could for Win7 x64 and 6 series and i got 191.17. It is working but I have not tested with how forward newer I can go before it stops working yet. I know for sure it didn't work with 260.99 and the link above so far.

    2nd ?! I forgot where you manually configure RAM timings on these Gigabyte mobos. I can get manual 1333 but timings are locked (grey'd out) fixed 9-9-9-24 and RAM is able to do 6-7-6-20 @ 1333MHz
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2011
  16. NuckNFuts

    NuckNFuts Regular member

    Feb 11, 2007
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    I went to look for a new BIOS and it turns out I have Rev 1.1 and all I see is BIOS for Rev 2.1. I remember hearing some of you with a simular version of this mobo on DDR2 had traded it in when sort of new for an update Revision. What are my options now since I'm stuck with this after this long? I can't believe it's going on 4 yrs. Wow, time fly's when you havin' fun!

    EDIT: I meant to add, it's on BIOS f2 dated 05-21-07 on mobo Rev 1.1 GA-P35C-DS3R. This is the DDR3/DDR2 convertable model

    EDIE 2:I found it. I had the wrong page. I found it, Rev 1.x and all the way up to F12. So my new ??? is what was the most stable BIOS and especially in slight OC with working ACPI S3/S4 functions. (this was always an issue in my Gigabyte and ASUS mobos when highly OC'd but this is a mild just for fun daily user OC.

    Thanx in advance!!!
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2011
  17. NuckNFuts

    NuckNFuts Regular member

    Feb 11, 2007
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    Anybody still using any version of a Gigabyte GA-P35 to know what BIOS was best for a mild OC for daily use?

    As well, the family member I set it up for wants a quad core. What is one of the lower priced but fun overclockers for the end of the Core2 Quads on LGA775? I was thinking the one I used to have, a Q9550 but I remember there were certain revisions better then some for OC to 500 FSB. I had a Q6600 to test on this when new and it wasnt any better then 975X at the time. X38 helped a tad but it was X48 that took it to 500FSB finally.

    Who's overclocking a i7 920 or 930? These are great overclockers for the price. I got 4.3+GHz on the 930 & 4.2+GHz on my 920 both on air. Although the 930 is on water for regular quiet use.
  18. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    Had a P35-DS3L pushing an E6750 at 3.4Ghz on stock BIOS for over a year.

    As far as a cheap good OCer for LGA775, the Q6600 is dirt cheap and everywhere. Mine is still cranking away at 3.7GHz like the day it was new and believe me its been a few years. On a Gigabyte GA-X38-DS4. No plans in the near or distant future to dump that machine either. Makes a great workhorse to keep my gaming machine open.

    Not a fan of the 920. Basically everyone I know with one has major heat issues, even with really beefy cooling.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2011
  19. NuckNFuts

    NuckNFuts Regular member

    Feb 11, 2007
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    Video card (GPU) for overclocking? I ned a new video card for my CS5 video editing but of course some gaming on the side when I have time. I am stuck on an old ASUS GTX-260 and it was a great card when new few years back but I want something newer to OC and help out in rendoring in Premiere Pro CS5.

    I had my eye on 1st the ASUS ENGTX460 DirectCU/2DI/1GD5 but I wonder if for only $50~60 more is it worth it to srping for a 560 instead. I like the specs on the ASUS ENGTX560 TI DCII/2DI/1GD5. Who's using a GTX-560 an dwhat kind of OC are you getting on these? I'm open to other brands, I just buy ASUS cause I been using their suff for so long, but I do like the reviews I read on Gigabytes as well. What kind of tweaking do they allow for OC'n?

    Thankx in advance
  20. shaffaaf

    shaffaaf Regular member

    Jan 5, 2008
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    the gtx560 gigabyte soc is at 1ghz, and the msi twin frozr clocks more than that

    they are immense cards for the price. OC past GTX570 speeds.

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