is it bad to OC the memory? like 2700 to 3200 ? even if its not OC memory but u can OC anyway ? i see some people here taht have OC the 2700 to 3200 but does it have to be a specific type of memory?
If the memory can handle it then its ok. Most PC3200 is nothing but high quality PC2700 to begin with.
you dont HAVE top get expensive emmory to overclock it. its just alot easier and more likely you will get a higher overclock with better quality memory chips. you can get PC2700 to PC3200 most of the time. Also they are priced almost the same right now at so i would suggest getting PC3200 and taking it to PC3700. brands like kingston, corsair, crucial, OCZ, are all very good. OCZ seems to be best bang for the buck for me...and it overclocks like no mobo is actually holding this stuff back.
well the reason why am getting 2700 512 is bacuse am getting it for $50 so its a good deal... i ahve a kt400 dragon ultra black it saids it supports ddr400 but am pretty sure the max fsb on it is 333 am gonna go check it out..
Low price on memory doesn't always translate to a good deal. Cheaper memory often has very little headroom to overclock and it runs slower, buying it is often a gamble. The difference in price between budget and premium memory isn't worth the possibility of a loss of quality.
ya i understand what your saying but am not buying from a store am getting from someone they jsut got it couple weeks ago and they decided toget 3200 so he jsut selling it cheap.. wht i was gonna sk is if i decide to OC to 3200 is there a posibility to burn the memory just like that or would i notice lag and diferent things before that happens?
If it's cheap memory then your system will probably crash and fail to boot. It doesn't mean that the memory is burned it just means it can't work at those settings. If that happens you may have to remove your system battery so that you can get back into your CMOS to correct the settings.
oh and i found out my proc its a xp2000+ Thoroughbred ... i found a pciture where it shows u the diferenceb/t the two but the program pcwizard also said it...i found out my board 333fsb is the max but it supports ddr400 i guess it runs it at 333? its a kt400 soyo dragon ultra black.
The TBred runs at 266 Your memory is currently running at 333 (to my knowledge) Ideally (from a paranoia/safety perspective), you should run your board at 333. Of course if you've got decent cooling go ahead and ramp it to 400 and see if it boots up
Hey, when you overclock your memory does it generate a lot of heat. I'm runnin pc 2100 with an AMD 2000+ 1.7 processor with 133 fsb
Well it wont generate THAT much heat unless your doing ultra memory intensive work for say 15hours straight. I'd get a heatspreader to be safe and maybe the Thermaltake Active Coolers if you're paranoid
check this out guys... i OC the 2000xp to a 2600xp it saids its running at 2.08ghz but i see the 2800 runs at 2.08 but sandra and windows saids 2600xp 2.08ghz someone said it reads it as a high end 2600 or something... and i OC my 2100 to 2700 untill i get the 2700. everything still running ok at 40c - 41c ...
The XP2600 doesnt run at 2.08Ghz. Closer to 1.9Ghz. You're gonna OC the XP2100 to a XP2700 until you get 2.7Ghz? Not gonna happen