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The Official OC (OverClocking) Thread!

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by Praetor, May 1, 2004.

  1. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I've noticed from time to time that most people don't like the on-board sound. It's all I've used for years and it's been O.K. With my computer being down and using an old P-200, I plunked an old Sound Blaster Live card in it just so I could play some music. I quickly discovered why people hate the on-board sound. With my 425 Watt Dolby 5.1 it is absolutely killer sound. This thing rocks!!!

    All this time I've blamed my Sony Media Center for the poor bass and distortion. With the SB Live card there is no distortion. I'm hearing things I never heard before, for the first time on a computer.

    Happy Computering,
  2. BigDK

    BigDK Regular member

    Dec 1, 2005
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    Welcome to the world of proper PC sound.
    There's no going back now!
  3. crowy

    crowy Guest

    Will your ram run @1T at those settings?
  4. marsey99

    marsey99 Regular member

    Aug 13, 2006
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    no i have to drop it to 3 3 3 8 2t at 215

    im running it at 252 now with the the ram at 410 2.5-3-3-8-1t. i just cant get my head around it. its on 1.4v and its gone higher???
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2006
  5. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    That sound card is going right onto my D-940 as soon as I get the MB back! The sound is awsome. You can hear everything! MP-3s totally blow my mind. If they are recorded properly the sound rivals a CD in sound quality. I tried a little Classical, The Nutcracker, and you can hear everything from a barely audible Trialgle to the Brass section, where you can pick out each and every instrument being played.

    You may not know it but I have very broad musical tastes, from Classical to Heavy Metal, with a little Country thrown in for good measure. The only thing I can't stand is Rap! Nothing against it, but it just isn't music!

    I've always considered John Lodge of the Moody Blues, one of the best Bass players in the world, and listening to him play "In Your Wildest Dreams" or "The Other Side of Life" just totally blew me away. He is a "GREAT" Bass player! I'm going to have to re-download some of my MP-3s as if they aren't recorded properly they sound thin, with no body to the music at all or all distorted from overloading the recording. If it's a good recording like the one I have of Leanne Rymes "Blue" or "Crazy", it's awsome!! My buddy dropped by before and I played "Crazy" for him. I would have loved to have a picture of the look on his face when I hit play! He about Freeked out!!! I thought his jaw was going to drop off!

    Needless to say, I've "cranked" it a few times and with 425 Watts pushing it I can't get any distortion on the Bass no matter what. I'm going to have to hook up the digital sound to my Sony!

    I have to give it to Sony. It's got 5 speakers with 3 1/2" cones and 1 10" sub-woofer in a tuned case. How they get that kind of sound out of a combination like that, I don't know! I'm used to a good Stereo system as I've always had one. My music room back east used to have 4 Klipsh Horns, one in each corner, so I'm well aware of what good sound is! This is flat out the best I've ever heard! I'm sure I'll eventually upgrade the speakers and we'll see if it gets even better!!

    Happy Computering,
  6. crowy

    crowy Guest

    You lost me!!
    You shouldn't have to drop it to 2T@215 if it can run @252/1T?? Especially with tighter timings.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 20, 2006
  7. marsey99

    marsey99 Regular member

    Aug 13, 2006
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    its just crashed on me and iv had to drop it back down again.

    @252 i was running the ram @166mhz which equates to ddr410. ran fine with tight timings.


    but i just had a brain wave(which crashed the system so it wasnt that good) i had forgoten that i can give the ram more power(its all on different pages in the bios).

    im runnig now a 225x10 1.40v. rams (ddr450) 225@3.0-3-3-8-1t very high power. im going to see how far i can push the ram now that iv upped its juice to the max.

    with these settings it is realy responsive.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2006
  8. crowy

    crowy Guest

    keep us posted!!
  9. marsey99

    marsey99 Regular member

    Aug 13, 2006
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    that was a watse of 10 min. with tightish timings it will go as high as, are you ready for it..... 226(ddr452)3.0-3-3-8 1t

    it is running nice tho.

    im going to knock the ram back to 166(2.5-3-3-8 1t) and see what it will do now


    who are nanya? cpuz says they make my ram but the stickers say value select have i been had? and for £25 a 512mb module should i be surprised/bothered?
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2006
  10. crowy

    crowy Guest

    Have a look at your ram chips.Do they say nanya or corsair?
  11. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Even with Corsair XMS Cas 2, I have to set the Latency at 2.5 in order to run at 3.81GHz with my D-940. If I set the memory to 2 instead of 2.5, the overclock fails at the post! I have my memory locked at 400MHz and it now runs at 476MHz with no problems and a one click boost in voltage on the memory. I have it set at 2.5-3-3-5 and it runs like a dream!

    Happy Computering,
  12. marsey99

    marsey99 Regular member

    Aug 13, 2006
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    its being arsey now and wont post above 242x10. i think im missing somthing but i am realy tired. its 3:15am now and 6:30am seems like it was yesterday :)

    but maybe it was just a fluke that it ran @252 yesterday. i will try again later this afternoon when i have some time

    the stickers on the ram say corsair value select but cpuz says its made by nanya technology. i got them from a computer fair for £25 each. i now think i was had, at the end of the day if somthing looks too good to be true it normaly is. im not that pissed off, i got 1gb of ram for £50 and thats still a good price today.
  13. BigDK

    BigDK Regular member

    Dec 1, 2005
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    You've not been had at all.
    Corsair don't produce and dram chips at all, they buy them and then build the modules they sell on.
    They usually use Samsung on the top modules, obviously they used nanya on these modules, and whereas the spid will report back Corsair on the more expensive memory, they obvioulsy don't bother writing it in on the value memory, or at least didn't on your set.
    Nanya are still a major producer, and have shown some very good overclocking ability.
    To really poush your ram, you need to start at the beginning, and wind back your multiplier for the cpu, and start using memtest.
    You can then start to properly test the ram without any chance of the results being influenced by the other parts of the system.
  14. dougal79

    dougal79 Regular member

    Aug 11, 2006
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    im new to overclocking & want to take my system a bit higher before i build a new computer. i would really appreciate some help. my specs are:- amd athlon 64 300+ 2.0ghz socket 754, asrock k8upgrade vm800 socket 754 mobo, asrock ez upgrade cpu board ( to easily upgrade you motherboard to am2 with 1 cpu & 4 dimm slots ), 2gb corsair twinx xms ddr400 pc3200 ( unsure of latency timings, but will check if needed ), geforce 6600 256mb agp ( overclocked to:- 2d & 3d core clock from 300mhz to 424mhz, memory clock from 400mhz to 523mhz ), 250gb samsung sp2504c sata hdd, hard drive cooler with 2 fans, antec case exhaust, & various other fans.. please see my other post for parts im considering for when i build a new pc. im unsure of what to choose, liquid cooling or heatpipes/heatsink with fans.. again, i would really appreciate any help, advice or suggestions.. THANKS
  15. BigCharb

    BigCharb Guest

    SUP, i finaly upgraded my cpu from 2Ghz cpu to a 3Ghz one. i went to over clock it and the highest i got was 3.4Ghz, any one know y i'm stuck? my bus is running at 900Mhz rom 800.
  16. BigCharb

    BigCharb Guest

    sorry, i ment my fromt side bus is running at 900Mhz from 800Mhz. thanx :)
  17. crowy

    crowy Guest

    99.9 percent of ram module manufacturers buy their chips from memory ic manufacturers.OCZ/Mushkin/Corsair/Teem Group etc.All use samsung/infineon/winbond and others to build their high performance modules.The Corsair value select modules use lower performing chips(not necessarily bad though) to suit the average user.After doing a bit of research,Nanya although not well known are producing some very respectable chips.Not sure why Corsair didn't program your chips to read as Corsair though.
  18. crowy

    crowy Guest

    Here's an excellent little stress testing piece of software:


    Tests cpu/cache,memory,power supply.

    I particularly like the current/lowest/highest temp readout.
  19. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Tell me what motherboard your using and I'll get back to you. Also are you using the BIOS settings or an overclocking utility? Nothing beats manual settings. How far you can overclock a 3.0 is mainly determined by the MB and how much adjusting it's BIOS will let you do! I had my 3.0 all the way to 3.94 on air! I ran it full time at 3.84 and it ran great. This was on an Asus P4P800-SE MB with 2 megs of XMS Cas 2 DDR400 and a Zalman 9500-LED to cool the Beast!

    Happy Computering,
  20. crowy

    crowy Guest

    Russ,this is your speciality,
    I'll leave you to this one!!!!

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