aabbccdd, More than likely a good move since you have a socket 939 now! I just bought a bunch of stuff today, so I'll have to wait a while. I sold the Prescott & Asus MB as my customer wanted Intel, so I made her a deal. Now I'm gonna use A Biostar Tfource 6100 MB with the Athlon 64 4000+ to replace it as my roomie wants a fast single core as he doesn't need a dualie for surfing the net. I've used the Gfource motherboards a couple of times and I like them so for $8.00 more, I'll go with the TFource which is a much better MB with a lot better adjustments for overclocking! I also ordered a nice CM case, Silver DVD-Rom and DVD-RW drives (to match the case) and PS for the customer build and a nice Seagate 160 sata 3.0 for me to replace my 120 ata, which I sold as well! In all I spent about $525. Not bad for what we'll get out of it! Happy Computering, theone
so it looks like i will have a [bold]Opteron 175 Denmark [/bold]for sale if anyone interrested .i had it about 4 or 5 months now. PM me if so
aabbccdd, I don't get to disagree often and be right but there are single core opterons! All the Venus cores are single core from the 144 at 1.8GHz to the 154 at 2.8GHz. There are others as well but they are for different sockets! Happy Computering, theone
aabbccdd, The 144,146,148 and the 154 are all socket 939s! Check here! http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produ...0706979+1051707439&Submit=ENE&SubCategory=343 theone
I think there were Single core 939 opterons, 142, 144 etc, but the high numbered ones, 165,170,175,180,185 I recall being dual core, and better than their clock speed equivalent X2s. A 185 is like an FX-62 for Socket 939 and could probably kick some core 2 duo ass when overclocked.
ok...Opteron is cheaper than FX CPU's but more expensive than X2...some... @theonejrs can u pls resend that music again...to deathgodawaits@hotmail.com ...and not pcc900@hotmail.com thnx again...
thnx russ... one question...i oc my friends P4 2.60GHz to 2.73Ghz...and wen he plays NFS carbon he said that i slowed down hes pc and ask me how to downclock it(default setting)so he downclock it...and wen he plays carbon again...its back to normal...so what i'm saying is that why OC slows down hes computer...oh i only change the cpu clock from 200mhz to 210mhz...thats it...
Some games are very paticular with overclocked PC's, not all games react to it in a positive manner. Other than ghanging the FSB what else dod you adjust on the PC when you OC's it?
NFS Carbon is poor at recognising CPUs. I still need to use the AMD Dual core patch and sometimes also set the affinity to get it to play right. I'd avise not to run NFS:C overclocked.
@BigDK that was my first time OC Intel CPU...and that pc is my friends if i brake it i'll hav to buy him a new one...so the only thing i changed is FSB...the rest r default @sammorris oh ok...i c so wat i did is fine its the games problem...thnx...