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The Official OC (OverClocking) Thread!

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by Praetor, May 1, 2004.

  1. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    my only guess is the designer is either left handed or right handed depending on which way the door swings. and yeah i alway take the door off too.

    if you would shoot me a link to the comments you have been reading about that case. because if i get it i am giving up an over 200.00 case for about 125.00 case just for a temp difference mainly

    and great benchmarks on that CPU
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 9, 2006
  2. onya

    onya Guest

    Team memory is actally ok... good news sam. I did a bit of window shopping for replacement and came up with Kingston hyper x (2x 1 gig pack)for not much change out of $AUD500.00, and others made these look cheap. So i'll stick with team for now, and concentrate on getting the m/b and cpu that theone just posted, or if i can't get the same, i'll ask you guys for an opinion on whats available to me at the time. As far as ATITOOL goes, i downloaded vers 0.26 and pressed "find max core" all seemed to go well, but the monitor shut down after a minute or so. I turned off the comp and restarted, and my desktop was altered in horizontal width (smaller) but vert height was ok. I mucked around for a short while to get it all looking "ok" but it's not the same. Can i undo whatever it is that i've done ?
    And to add insult to injury, i didn't know that catylist did the same thing, and i already had it :p

  3. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Here you go!


    BTW, I finally discovered why my Zalman on the Prescott wasn't working too well. I cleaned it tonight because I sold the MB, CPU and the 9500. Directly behind the fan, right where the fin spacing is the smallest, it clogs up with dust very bad. I live in the High Desert so it's extremely dusty here. The fan crams the dust into the fins until it's completely clogged. That's another good thing about the Arctic. I can remove it, wash it in the sink and put it back in less time than it takes to remove the Zalman, which is almost impossible to clean while it's in the case! Just to take it out requires removing the PS. Actually, that's not quite true! You can remove it all right but you can't re-install it without removing the PS!

    My temps with the Arctic on the 4000+ never hit 40C doing a 10 pass burn-in in a 23C room, and I had it oc'd 10%!

    Happy Computering,
  4. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    yeah iam due to clean inside my rig and the 9500

    so now i don't know what to do Russ either keep this case (Lian Li) or go for the new Antec or wait till they come out with a newer model.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 10, 2006
  5. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    The problem living here, is that it's a weekly chore with all the dust we get.

    As far as the case goes, I'm seriously considering the Xclio. It's well thought out and the reviews were very positive. It has a lot of room and it looks neat with the blue lights of the fans. 2 250mm fans should move a good bit of air without having to spin thier brains out so it should be fairly quiet. I did notice most of the complaints appear to be shipping damage. Kinda hard to blame the manufacturer for busted pieces. Then again, Xclio may need to package them better. They are on sale for $105 at Newegg. You can get one in black or silver! Here's the link.
    I almost bought one of thier power supplys a while back, but a sale on an Ultras at Tigerdirect settled that!

    Happy Computering,
  6. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    I'm confident the Xclio 250mm fan case would be quiet, but I find a fan that size just too imposing to have LEDs on. I'd want to replace it with an ultraviolet version. It's only just starting to become possible to do that with 120mm fans, let alone 250s...
    To be fair, I loathe tight-spots with screws. In order to establish a little issue I had with my PC I had to take the sound card out. The metal bar at the side goes sufficiently far out to need a silly angle to try and undo the screw with unless you have a tiny screwdriver, which I didn't. That made removing one screw a 10 minute job. Any case that causes that too often would make me a bit cross!
    Don't know the reason, but my case door opens from left to right, good or bad? One other thing, why is the window for a case always on the left? A lot of workstation desks like mine at home have a PC stand on the left hand side. If I put a PC there, I can't see the window and the side case fan is blocked...
    "It's now safe to turn off your computer"? I haven't seen that one in years! Is there a one-touch power setting in the BIOS?
    As I said, Team Memory is pretty good as I understood, keep that, bin the board. Few people seem to notice having overdrive, it's quite funny. I spotted it after downloading ATiTool. I'm not entirely sure what happened to your desktop but can you change the resolution down then back up again?
    There must be other cases with decent cooling layouts? I mean even mine keeps pretty damn cool. I have a dusty Zalman CPU cooler, no chipset cooling bar the stock heatsink with the fan off, a 1000rpm 120mm fan for side and rear, and a 600rpm 120mm fan at the front, and a 600rpm 80mm at the top. That suffices unless I'm in a game when I turn a couple of the fans up and even then, the CPU barely touches 50C. Only difference is I can't defragment my Raptor for more than half an hour at once without it getting hot.

    Shipping damage? It's those damned couriers again! The box for my Dell monitor was pretty beaten up when it arrived considering I saw the condition of the box in the photo...
  7. GTR35

    GTR35 Active member

    Jun 18, 2006
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    damn this...Xclio case...looks like it has a rocket in front...lol...but it only has two fans...the Nine Hundred has more fans than this case...but this case looks bigger...
  8. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    The Xclio is 2.1" deeper and 2.1" higher. The width is the same at 8.1"! Considering that some of the complaints about the 900 concerned lack of space where needed, I would say that the extra couple of inches would be a bonus. Especially considering the state of Video cards these days. It seems to be a very roomy case compared to the 900! The bottom mounted PS on the 900 seems to be part of the space problem as well. With 2 250mm 800RPM 80 CFM fans sucking air into the case, cooling should be excellent. Besides with 2 quiet fans (29db max) drawing that much air, it's got to make less noise than 5 120mm fans! leaves more room for important things like your components to fit without being cramped because of the space taken up by fans!

    The look is rapidly growing on me! With the power on and all the blue lights, it looks awsome in black!

    Of course you could always get one of these, but that would start a completely different argument! ROFL!!!

    Just joking! LOL!!!
    Happy Computering,
  9. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    29dB max? That's quite a lot. All three of my 120mm fans max out below 23dB. The 80mm can run at low speed so about 20dB, and unless I'm gaming for more than half an hour the Zalman can be low speed at under 20dB too...
  10. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    29db is not a lot. I deal with 64 to 82db in my work, now that's loud. Besides the more fans you have the more noise it will make. 5 fans as in the 900 case would be a good deal louder than the 2 29db fans in the Xclio. That's one of the reasons that Sone is a better measurement than db! db is very frequency dependent, the higher the frequency, the higher the db level to a degree! Sone gives you a more accurate picture of the noise level by dealing with sound pressure and only goes up when the sound pressure goes up. Both methods are still dependent on one's ability to hear. Do a Google search on it for a better explaination! I don't mess with the fan speeds on my computer. My Dell 3000 used to drive me crazy with the case fan running up and down. To me it's just annoying! Mine run full speed all the time and it's still pretty quiet. Since I'm folding at 95% CPU usage, it's a good thing as my temps stay below 50C. Besides it's a known fact that if you get used to a certain noise, it really doesn't bother you after a while! The 4000+ is set up with the cool and quiet and is just a little bit quieter. Remember it has the same case fans, PS and CPU cooler fan as mine.

    Happy Computering,
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2006
  11. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    I'm well aware 29dB is not bad in the PC market, but when using it as a "significantly quieter than" the figure isn't as low as I'd like... The fans in my PC change speed, but for the vast majority of them, I control that change, so it doesn't bother me. I leave the GPU and PSU to their own devices since they don't change that often. Haven't used CnQ on my CPU yet, I can run the system fine at minimum speed on almost all fans and the CPU not get warm at idle. The GPU fan can be turned off altogether, but only for short periods! I leave it at 22% for low-noise work environments. When left on its own, it stays at a louder 27% minimum. This using ATiTool, which I can't seem to disable after opening, so to game I need to restart first... :-( Still, just reformatted thanks to Creative's awful audio drivers, so boot up time is still low!
  12. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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  13. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    $79... OMG is all I'm going to say to that!
  14. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I found a copy of Sandra 2005 so here's the benches for the 4000+



    It comes very close to the FX-57 and beats the 3.8 P-4 as well! Considering I've only got it OC'd 10%, you should have no problem doing much better with the same set-up!

    Happy Computering,
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2006
  15. onya

    onya Guest

    Hi to theone and sam, got myself a copy of SANDRA XI and ran the cpu arithmetic, memory bandwidth and latency, and i'd like to show them to you guys but i don't know just how to put the image in here with the text. I tried my usual way, ALT + PRINT SCRN etc but the images won't appear... pls help :p To end on a good note i found out the timings for TEAM memory 2.5-3-3-8
  16. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    onya, click the fourth box over "Add Image" and paste it between this when replying
  17. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    First thing you need to do is download Screen Grabber Pro (free) and install it. If you want a pic of an image, just left click on the window and press F9. Name and save the pic to a folder. Do a Google search for ImageShack and join (free). When you get that running click on browse and find the folder with the pick in it. Double click on the file and click upload. When it's done you will see a small pic in the left side of your screen. Next to it you will see several different options. The top line should be "Forums"! Left click on it and it will turn the whole line blue. Right click on the blue and click "Copy". When you go to send it in a post just click Ctrl+V.

    You have to edit it by changing the begining and end IMG to small letters, img. It will post with no problem, just make sure you don't remove the brackets. Also, don't send anything full screen or it will mess up the whole display for everyone. Stick with stuff the size of the Sandra window and smaller! Have fun! Trust me, it's easier than it sounds.

    Happy Computering,
  18. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    What's so great about screengrabber? I just use the prtscrn key and mspaint!
  19. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    It doesn't really matter what you use. It was recomended to me way back when I was a newbie when I wanted to learn how to post my benches. You can use anything you want. Same goes for ImageShack I've just used it ever since. it works well and I don't like paint! It's always be an inferiour program to me!

    Happy Computering,
  20. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Hmm well, as much as you knock the tried and tested software, you end up coming back. One of my mates has lost his essay due to a corruption bug in Openoffice. It's moments like that when you miss the auto-recovery feature of word!

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