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The Official OC (OverClocking) Thread!

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by Praetor, May 1, 2004.

  1. andrew31

    andrew31 Regular member

    Dec 4, 2003
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    thanks try that today
  2. andrew31

    andrew31 Regular member

    Dec 4, 2003
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    this is after i changed the voltage to 1.5,highest speed it would boot with 209,not a big diffrence.


    going to try with 1 memory stick.

    tryed with 1 ram stick 512mb,no diffrence,the system seemed to run the same as if it had 1gb.
    strange one,both sticks are the same make ddr400,but 1 is single side other double sided.
    if i set the board to auto on mem,the single side runs at T1,but the double side runs at T2,put both in then it runs at T2.
    how can i get this cpu a bit higher?
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2006
  3. onya

    onya Guest

    theone, email address in your pm box

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 19, 2006
  4. andrew31

    andrew31 Regular member

    Dec 4, 2003
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  5. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Russ, funny thing about the Powercolor X800GT you recommended. That particular card does use all ATi components, but the Powercolor X800GTO uses Powercolor's own cheaper cooler and it's rubbish!
    An X800GT should about match a 6800 in AGP, so similar performance but on a newer bus! The GTO is actually the faster card by the way, why are you moaning about having a GTO? (As a sub-note, I thought the GTO's memory was 2x500 = 1Ghz?)
    That TFource board sounds pretty damn impressive for how much it cost. Suppose it's about time for me to consider the OC route again having recently re-formatted. I seem to remember achieving 219mhz or so FSB, pretty irrespective of all other options (including running RAM at 2.7V rather than 2.6V) and being forced to use T2 timings regardless. Any ideas what else I could try this time around?
  6. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    The e-mails are sent. I had to split them between hotmail and Aim mail because when I tried to send the second part, hotmail told me it was passworded and couldn't virus scan it. It's not passworded! I tried the files in a desktop folder and it works just fine and created the original 11+ MB file.

    Best Regards,
  7. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    No, the GT is the faster of the 2, in PCIe and AGP. I think maybe you are confusing the AGP and PCIe specs. The PCIe only has 8 pipelines while the AGP advertises 12, but most come with 16 active pipes. Core clock is 400 and the memory clock 490 on the X800GTO AGP.


    On the PCIe, the GT has 8 with a core clock of 475 and a memory clock of 980. On the GTO, it also has 8 pipes! The core clock is 400 and a memory clock of 800!

    As far as the cooling fan goes, put an aftermarket (Zalman) on it if the fan goes. The Power color is the only GT still available unless you want to be gouged on E-Bay or something. Ati has discontinued the boards, chips etc. so it isn't too likely to find very many more available.

    By the way, the X800GT will eat the 6800 for breakfast in PCIe! Ask Sophocles. He will confirm that. He also has both an X800GT and an X850GT in AGP as well and both will eat my my GTO for breakfast, lunch and dinner!

    I don't know where you are getting on that I am moaning about my GTO??? I love it! For my needs, it's a perfect card! Maybe if I was a hard core gamer I wouldn't like it much, but there's not much chance of that happening!

    Happy Computering,
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2006
  8. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    From a forum.
  9. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    Thanks Russ i will open and run it when i have the time
  10. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    [​IMG] This image, taken from hardwaresecrets (http://www.hardwaresecrets.com/article/244/8) demonstrates the supremacy of the X800GTO over the slower GT, and compares them to numerous other cards.
  11. crowy

    crowy Guest

    Have you checked your cpu temp?
  12. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    You know what, I called ATi and even thier answer is cloudy! It depends on what model, version and memory where the individual specs stand. Some have 8 pipes, some have 12 and some have 16, it just depends on the specific model and revisions. AGP is a bit more stable as far as specs go. It also depends on which brand as to which is faster because some manufacturers overclock the card to begin with. That was always my biggest complaint with video cards. Bottom line is all X800s and X850s aren't created equal. As you know, I was always a big nVidia fan until Soph showed me the error of my ways. The picture quality overall is better with the ATi. Maybe not in some games, but overall it's superior to the nVidia. maybe the newest cards from nVidia are better but I don't know. As I'm sure you noticed a wide difference in performance on the list you provided with seemingly the same model, but from various manufacturers.

    I personally don't care one way or another as I'm set with what I have. I'll worry about video when I finally have to go PCIe. Even then I'll probably go with something from ATi as I just won't have the need to get a front line card!

    BTW, here's wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and a Happy Holiday Season.

  13. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    And to you Russ, since I'll be away for a week starting tomorrow when I come back I'll have a lot to catch up on!
    With regard to picture quality, ATi was always better so I chose them in the past, however now nVidia have caught up with the 8 series.
  14. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Hey Sam,
    I owe you an appology. It's the XT, not the GT that's the real good one.

    Too many damn meaningless Ts!! Perhaps this will explain better. I knew I read this somewhere!

    What this means in simple terms is that (as in Powercolor's case) some GT cards come ready to be clocked to the moon. Definitely a nice value add in that.

    These cores are the ones that get tossed in the throw away bin initially because they are unable of reaching XT or PE speeds. Not every core from a wafer is a capable of running at full spec, which results in extras that in this case, end up on high potential, inexpensive, mainstream boards.

    This is the reason there is no such thing as a 430 Chip! There's one in name only and thererin lies the problem. Some will overclock fantasticly while others will barley overclock. Some have more pipes or some have pipes that have been crippled with a laser. My AGP has two of the three qualities needed to be an outstanding video card. It has the full 16 active pipes and the "Good" memory. What I don't have is a good GPU. Mines one of the lesser chips that runs fine at stock speeds but overheats and crashes at anymore than 422MHz! Even at that it runs way too hot. I would love to have a "Good" GPU because this thing would OC to the moon with one. I think the comment on the Powcolor card overclockability is sometimes true, but don't count on getting one that will be so good. Again, some will and some won't. It all falls on the shoulders of the capabilities of the parts used to make one. Powcolor gets the chips in bulk and they sure as heck don't performance test every one of them to sort them out.

    Sure they say 430 (new chip hype) on them but they are really 480s that failed and have been sorted into catagories to fit from the XT at the top to the PE, to the GTO and finally the GT. ATi guaranties them to perform only to thier respective levels and nothing more. The pipes that are crippled, come that way from ATi. It all depends on your luck in buying one. On some you can turn on some or all of the inactive pipes but the laser crippled ones, are dead permanently! You can bet your bottom dollar that Powcolor and all the others only submit known good cards for testing purposes. They need the raves in order to sell video cards.

    So again, I'm sorry I screwed up the letters. I just can't keep up with every letter change. But, you do see the above problem!

    Happy Computering,
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2006
  15. andrew31

    andrew31 Regular member

    Dec 4, 2003
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  16. crowy

    crowy Guest

    What psu are you running?
  17. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    The X800GTO my friend got isn't capable of 2/3 the stock speed when playing games or it crashes, so it has to be downed to X600 specs to be stable... And yeah, letters are confusing enough! I had the pro card in AGP, which was fine at stock speed, but wouldn't OC at all, but then again, that was with the PSU that destroyed half of that PC, I never tried again with a better PSU. There's something else up with that system now, it doesn't boot, probably the crummy Elixir memory. Buy cheap and buy twice, (and a repair fee! :mad:) Anyway, happy christmas / whatever you celebrate to everyone, see you in a week!
  18. crowy

    crowy Guest

    All the best for Xmas/New year!!
    Have a good break!!
    Have a great and safe Xmas/New year.
    Regards Crowy.
  19. andrew31

    andrew31 Regular member

    Dec 4, 2003
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    system is
    amd athlon 64 3200+
    k8n neo2
    2x 512mb ddr400
    256mb geforce 6800 agp
    maxtor 80gb hd
    maxtor 160gb hd
    lg dvd rom
    lg dvd rwdl
    psu lc-b450e

    i also have the k8n sli new in box ,as i bought the wrong board (pci-e)

    all this as my system was the intel 3.0gb presscott .witch fryed
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2006
  20. andrew31

    andrew31 Regular member

    Dec 4, 2003
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    hi i done the live update and flashed the bios to 1c,loads of diffrent setting now ,so set the cpu to 220 ,now runs at 2180.
    new memory so now duel channel works

    Last edited: Dec 21, 2006

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