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The Official PC building thread -3rd Edition

Discussion in 'Building a new PC' started by ddp, Jul 16, 2008.

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  1. GTR35

    GTR35 Active member

    Jun 18, 2006
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    yeah i thought so too. So does mobo really effect your overclocking? I wonder how well can GA-EP45-DS3R OC?
  2. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Yes, massively. An Ep45-DS3R will overclock well, miles better than the board you have now.
  3. GTR35

    GTR35 Active member

    Jun 18, 2006
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    good thats what i wanted to hear, and hopefully it wont have problems with FSb thats over 400.

    since we're on OC, and i think i've asked this before but i've forget. What is the best way to OC? lower multiplier and higher FSB or vice versa?
  4. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    I never gained anything from lowering the multi and upping the FSB, but that's because I never had the FSB very high to start with. For chips that go higher into the 3s it may be more worthwhile...
  5. GTR35

    GTR35 Active member

    Jun 18, 2006
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    hmm, i see. I'll tell you what happens when i do get the mobo and Oc my e2160
  6. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    i have that board, and if i had 1066 mem i could get way over 400 fsb. im currently at 423 mhz right now 846 on my mem... i had it up to 450mhz 450x9-4050. thats what i have had stable on this board and my E8400.. thats about max for my mem i tried 4.1ghz but couldnt get my mem to handle it 456mhz i couldnt do... but im sure with a little more knowledge than i have you might be able to get between 480-500 easy....
  7. GTR35

    GTR35 Active member

    Jun 18, 2006
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    good, so it's a good board with good overclocking potentials...gald to hear some first hand experience
  8. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    yup you can do most anything you want with it. except LLC and adjust the volts for FSB. im glad i got it... i think zipzoomfly has it right now for $119..

    oh im pissed $99 after MIR.$119 before hand.


    they are giving this thing away.. if ya get one it will come with F6 bios.. get F9 and no worries...F10 is out, but not needed in my eyes.
    has a fix for vista..guess thats why im not worried about it..lol

    F10 Bios
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2008
  9. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    no need to lower the cpu multiplier anymore on newer mobos (P35/P45, X38/X48). they give you fsb strap choices. just my personal opinion but I would opt for an asus P5Q series mobo over a GB. they show actual dram frequency choices as opposed to giving you memory dividers/multipliers and the bios is more user friendly.
  10. spamual

    spamual Guest

    it cant adujust FBST?

    how about CPU VTT?
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 29, 2008
  11. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    it can do the CPU VTT cpu pll and all that good stuff...just no LLC and FSB voltage??????at least i cant find it any where..
  12. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Anybody interested in overclocking an E8400, here you go!
    Here's TweakTown's take on it as well.
    I can't find the original link but I did post it several months ago. Still TweakTown's results are pretty stunning. The original article they did 675MHz fsb, and 6.0GHz on air!

    This motherboard has more adjustments than my DS3R, but less than Mort's Rampage Formula. Still, for an E8400 it's an impressive MB!

    Best Regards,
  13. spamual

    spamual Guest

    p5q deluxe or maximus II formula?

    £10 more for the maximus II formula, but them id probably get the £20 NB water block for it aswell.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 30, 2008
  14. GTR35

    GTR35 Active member

    Jun 18, 2006
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    i'm glad i asked this question, and what is the difference between having dram freq and multipliers? I'm not an extreme overclocker so i don't think i'll be using the "LLC" settings.

    @theonejrs lol, yeah Biostar TPower I45 is the wolrds best OC mobo, but is it better than GA-EP45-DS3R?

    @spamual nah, i'm not going to spend much on a mobo, all i need is a mobo that supports the components i'm getting a good OCer thats about it.
  15. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Yeah well, it still $30 more for the P5Q Deluxe and $100 more for the Maximus II Formula here in the US, and for an E8400 there's nothing better than that BioStar at the moment! A $169 MB, that blows away the "High Priced Spread"! LOL!!

    That's what's so great about computer technology! Every once in a while from out of left field, Abit, MSI, BioStar and others come out with something really great. I guess they want to remind the "Big Boys" that they are still around. In case no one's noticed, BioStar makes some excellent high quality motherboards for AMDs as well! With on board HD3200, HD3300 or nVidia 8000 Series graphics that you can overclock! It all works in conjunction with the AMD780 and 790 chipsets which are designed to enhance and work with the Graphics! Good stuff! It keeps the Big Boys honest! LOL!!

    Best Regards,
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2008
  16. spamual

    spamual Guest

    its extremely extremely tempting, esp for the price, but i am not liking the difficulty being reported around the net for OCing nor the bios screen shots, as well as non real values for Voltages.

    ASUS has spoilt me LOL!

    plus its very limited to find, AND no trusted retailors sell them.

    also the limited straps and ratios for fsb:ram
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 30, 2008
  17. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    See, Over here all the big dealers sell them! Newegg, Tigerdirect, Zipzoomfly, Fry's, etc!

    You know, I've tried to be real nice about all this, but I see that that isn't working, so I'll try the more direct approach! This is not in any way a flame! It's constructive criticism!

    Everybody knows of the superiority of the Asus bios. It's nothing new, so why do we have to get posts telling us what we already know, over and over. We know you and Morty love them, but we are so sick of hearing about it everytime someone even thinks they want to buy a GigaByte MB! Would you all be so kind and realize that not everyone cares and that they are still going to buy what they want anyway!

    BTW, the only problems encountered with that BioStar MB was that it didn't overclock the quads as well as some other MBs. Dual Cores is a different thing entirely! It's still the only motherboard to run an E8400 at 6.0GHz on air! I also take exception to the "Trusted Retailers" not selling them statement as that is at best, totally misleading! They are a Global company with enough sales to have them fighting with DFI for forth place in MB sales. They are quite popular here in the US! They make very good quality motherboards too!

    Anyway, if we could please just go on without hearing any more about the Superior Asus bios, I'm sure everyone would be very happy and extremely grateful!

  18. spamual

    spamual Guest

    ouch russ im sorry.

    didnt say anything against GB or any mobo manufacturer. you seem to be defensive over nothing.

    and about the trusted sellers, im sure you are aware i am in the UK? i never once stated about in america about them not having trusted sellers. i am only saying about the UK.

    i dont think there was anything wrong there when i said that i prefered the asus bios to the biostar, why did you take it as in insult. its not liek everyday i talk about it, infact it has been a while since i have talked about any mobo bios.

    the Ocing is very easy and compared to the biostar, from what i see i prefer the asus. tell me what is wrong their, and if the mods find that out of order than mods, please tell me so and i will edit my post.

    btw id love to read on the 6GHzon air, any chance for a link? lazy googling only pulled 6ghz on ln2 forme :D
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 30, 2008
  19. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    This mod only requests you start capitalising your posts :)
    While i have no interest in messing about with overclocking (last time i did was a P3 600E to 800MHz if i recall correctly), I couldn't be happier with the MSI Platinum (P35) that runs my Quad Core. It has to be said that there's very little (healthy) variety ever posted in here about motherboard choices. Surely the companies of old (ie Abit etc etc) are still churning out good stuff ?, if so it would be nice to read about some as these long-running threads only seem to go around in circles, ie the same few component choices over and over. That's my take on it anyways..
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2008
  20. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    It's a moot point, as Asus aren't the only company to use proper values in their BIOSes now, Gigabyte do it as well sicne the P45/X48, thus, since those two companies employ it, I'd say other brands really should as well, though I recognise Gigabyte are very late to the party, so to speak. It does make it easier to overclock based on other peoples' experiences without the same board, but on the other hand you don't have the information as to what the values should be - with +0.xx it's immediately obvious. Ideally, the default should be printed next to the voltage selection menu.
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